Moonlight's Peril (Moonlight Series Book 1)

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Moonlight's Peril (Moonlight Series Book 1) Page 11

by Ashlynn Monroe

  “Kane is behind us.”

  “And we’re in front of him. Kane’s no fool. He’s not going to stick his neck out, or lose pack members if he can use us to do the dying.”

  Nik paled.


  Bianca leaned against the kitchen counter paging through a tabloid, eating grapes, and drinking a diet coke. She was too full of nervous energy to sit down. Kloe still hadn’t called or texted. She needed her BFF, but she was anxious about involving her friend in this insanity. If Kloe did call, Bianca wasn’t sure how much she even wanted to say. Bianca knew the help message had gone through, or at least, her phone showed it had. After her encounter with Kane, she’d forced herself to make a quick stop at the store. She’d spent the day cleaning to stay busy.

  “Where the hell is Law?” She grumbled.

  “You need to do something about the lock on that back door.”

  Bianca shrieked and spun around. Law stood behind her. Heat rushed into her cheeks.

  “Thank God you’re okay. Any word about Chessa?” Bianca asked.

  He frowned. “Sit down.”

  A shiver ran from Bianca’s neck to her toes. She stumbled over to a kitchen chair and sat. Oh God no, please don’t tell me she’s gone. Not my baby. She closed her eyes, but not quick enough to stop her tears. Kneeling down, he took her hands in his. Her eyes stayed closed as he wiped the tears off her face.

  “Shh, don’t cry, honey. She’s not dead, but the news isn’t good.”

  “She’s alive? You saw her?” At this point, Bianca didn’t care how bad it was. Nothing was as bad as dead. She still couldn’t look at him, and almost didn’t process his use of the endearment. He could call her Fred right now for all she cared; she just wanted to know about Ches.

  “Bianca, who is Chessa’s father, her real father,” Law asked. He sounded accusatory.

  Bianca’s eyes and mouth popped open. “What?” She scowled at Law. “Lucas. You know that. What happened to my daughter?” Angry, she pushed him back. He managed not to fall over. She stood up, wrapping her arms around her middle, pacing.

  “I don’t care who the father is. I just have to know.” Now Law stood too.

  “Tell me where Ches is, or get the fuck out of my house. What kind of head game is this?”

  “I don’t play games. Chessa is alive, but she was bitten.”

  Bianca’s heart hurt from panic. “I don’t understand? Is she okay?”

  Law frowned. “A bitten human dies. If there’s wolf blood in their genes, they change.”

  “Dies? How do we save her? Why are we wasting time talking we have to get her to a hospital?” Bianca was running towards the door. Law grabbed her arm.

  “She lived.” Law’s intense gaze made her heart pound. “But she’s different now.”

  “Where is she? You’re scaring me.”

  “There is no treatment for a bite. Not in all of history. I had an ancestress who thought she’d found one, but she didn’t. You need to think. If Lucas is her father and the bite didn’t change him, then how is she alive? If he’d showed any sign of the bite changing him Tobias’ pack wouldn’t have killed him.”

  Bianca’s legs gave out. She plopped down in the middle of the floor. Her breathing shallow, she fought hyperventilation. Law sat down beside her.

  “What is it? Bianca, who gave Chessa her wolf?”

  “The bastard that bit her. And maybe—me, my genes or something,” she the last word came out as a breathy whisper. She gazed into Laws beautiful eyes. “My father changed a lot after my mom died. The night she let go and gave into the cancer was the same night my dad just stopped being my dad. He came out of her room and gave me the meanest look I’d ever seen. I thought it was the grief, but…” She rubbed her temples and looked away from Law. “He killed himself six months later. Oh God, what if he wasn’t my dad?” Tears welled in her eyes.

  Law wrapped her in his arms, and she sobbed into his shoulder. Then she gasped and pulled back. “Ches, where is she.”

  “Tobias has her. I couldn’t get to her, but she’s okay.”

  A strange joy/sorrow mingled inside of her as a confusing bubbled of demands. The sensation made her feel like she was losing her mind as the butterflies twirled in her stomach. “How do I save her?”

  “Very carefully. She’s alive, but she’s not the same girl who left with Lucas. You have to understand she’s a bitten now.”

  “I don’t care. She’s my daughter. She could turn into a monster, and I’d still love her.”

  “This isn’t about her turning into something. She’s different on the inside even when she looks the same on the outside; I’ve seen more than one bitten who couldn’t handle the change. I wouldn’t wish it on someone who didn’t want it.”

  “Is she hurting? I’m going to kill whatever bastard bit my baby!”

  “Calm down, woman.” Law put his hands on her shoulders. “Just get yourself together. Storming off into the woods to avenge your girl isn’t going to help her. You want to keep her alive, right?”

  “Of course, I do,” Bianca snapped. “I’m not going to get her hurt. I’m just mad.”

  “Believe me, I understand. Tobias’ pack isn’t like mine or Kane’s. He celebrates brutality. We have to get her out, but we have to be smart about it.”

  “The mayor took a DNA swab from me. Do you think he knows who my dad is?”

  “He did what? Did he hurt you?”

  “No, not really, just scared me a little when his cronies grabbed me.”

  “I’m going to kill that bastard.”

  Bianca grabbed Law’s arm to keep him from leaving. “He obviously suspected something. I believe he knew Chessa was alive. The DNA test proves that. I might not know much about this whole werewolf hierarchy business, but he’s the top isn’t he?”


  “Then going crazy over his bad behavior isn’t the smartest thing to do, is it?”

  Law sighed. He shook his head and shrugged. “I’m sorry he threatened you.”

  “Me too,” she agreed. “He also told me something that freaked me out.”

  Law grunted and narrowed his eyes. “Like what?”

  “Like you put a hex on me, and now I’m your mate.”

  “He called it a hex?”

  “Well no, but I do. What the hell, Law?”

  Law rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. “What do you want me to say?”

  “I don’t want you to say anything. I want to know what’s going on.”

  “It’s nothing that we can’t fix later. Just roll with it if you want me to be able to help you save Chessa. My protection extends to her too, and it’s the only thing I can think of to get her out of there with minimal bloodshed. I also don’t want you staying here alone, or Chessa when we get her back. Get what you need. You’re coming home with me.”

  Home with me. “What about the community center?”

  “This doesn’t have to be forever, but for now, I want you close.”

  Close. Why are his words making me giddy? I’m too damn old to feel giddy over a man. Especially this man.

  “How long? What should I pack?”

  “Anything you can’t live without. Bring what the girl will want for comfort when we rescue her.”

  “I don’t know about this. I have bills to pay and responsibilities.”

  “You’ve put a lot on hold. Life can wait a little longer. Don’t worry about your bills. I’ve taken care of what I can.”

  “What? You, paid—my bills?” she asked in a stilted, distrustful tone. “When?” Her eyes narrowed.

  “I did,” Law said. “This afternoon I was dealing with something. I sent my mother into town and asked her to take care of things for you. Let’s get going. We can fight about it later.”

  She didn’t know what to say. The feeling of someone looking out for her was strange. Should I kiss him or punch him?

  “Thank you, but I have a bit of money from my church. I’ll pay you back.”
br />   “Don’t. Let’s not talk about this now. I want to get back to the compound, and you’re coming with me. I’m not leaving you here for Kane to play with.”

  She didn’t like the idea of being the mayor’s plaything. Bianca rushed up the stairs and into Chessa’s room. She looked at Chessa’s stuff trying to wrap her mind around the fact her child was different, but she’d see her again. What did a teenage werewolf want?


  Law helped Bianca put her fifth suitcase in the bed of his truck. I won’t tell her how damn happy I am she’s bringing everything but the kitchen sink. Kane must have really scared her. When this is over, I’ll have words with the mayor. I won’t fail her again.

  “So, how are your people—pack—going to handle me staying?”

  “They’ll handle it.”

  “So this mate stuff, what’s up with that?” Bianca asked. She didn’t sound angry, just curious.

  Law gritted his teeth realizing he wasn’t getting out of this conversation. “You got any more? Anything you can’t leave behind?”

  “Oh gosh, the fish. I’ll be right back.”

  Saved by a fish. Maybe she’ll forget. Bianca came out of the house holding a big glass bowl. The fish bobbed around in the water the bottom of the wet habitat was covered in neon colored rocks, and a Sponge Bob pineapple stood planted in the center. The bug-eyed goldfish weaved between plastic plants. “Mr. Buggles. He’s Chessa’s. She bought him with babysitting money.”

  Law opened her the door and took the fishbowl out of her hands as she climbed into his truck. She looked dainty in his big diesel pickup. He handed her the pet and shut the door. A quick check told him her belongings were secured. He’d managed to rig a makeshift deadbolt on the back door with things he’d found in the garage. While she’d packed, he’d even done a quick check to ensure the windows were locked. He gave the place a final glance. Her territory stood as safe as he could make it for her.

  When he got behind the wheel, she sat silent, melancholy in her expression. He didn’t know if her quietness was a good sign or bad omen. Wolf women tended to be quick to anger and not afraid to show it. Human women were a mysterious territory.

  He pulled away from the dark house as twilight fell and he took his woman home. Home. Mine. Without the radio on, the tires rolling down the road and traffic passing them were the only sounds in the truck’s cab.

  “I’ve been thinking,” Bianca said. “This protection thing, why did you do it?”

  Bad, very bad.

  “I—hell, I don’t know. I didn’t want to see you hurt.”


  Why does she sound disappointed? Shit.

  “So we aren’t like a couple, right?”

  “We are what we are.”

  “Gee, did you come up with that yourself or did you read it in a fortune cookie?”

  Law chuckled, but the amusement turned into a belly laugh. “Damn it, woman, I’m trying to drive.”

  She looked out the window, pouting. And he’d never wanted a woman more than he did right now. His cock hardened, and he prayed she didn’t notice. The thought of Bianca becoming frightened of him and running back home where Kane could use her against him stole his smile. He thought about the ledgers at home, and about the harvest. His body calmed.

  When she turned to look at him, he had the sudden urge to pull the truck over and kiss her until she couldn’t breathe. He needed her. With the danger and worry, his wolf demanded he make her his woman. The man just wanted comfort. The image of her arms around him surfaced from the disjointed dreams. He fought to control himself. When she was looking at him like that, it took everything he had in him just to keep the truck straight in his lane. Then the tip of her tongue wetted her lower lip. His cock sprang back to life.

  Bianca looked away, and Law returned his attention to the road. Having her in his home sounded good to the man, but having her in his bed was what the wolf wanted. She probably has no idea how tied up in knots she has me.

  They drove in silence until she cleared her throat. “Why won’t you answer my question?”

  “Because you won’t like the answer.”

  “So is this protection stuff the equivalent of a werewolf going steady,” she teased with a nervous giggle. “Heck, I didn’t even get a little promise ring.”

  Law sighed and gave a gruff snort. “If you were part of my pack we’d be married. There is no divorce with my kind. It’s biology. When males take the plunge and decide to commit its forever.”

  She glared at him. “That’s pretty damn sexist. Women have rights.”

  He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. She was noticeably paler. “This isn’t about rights, its nature. There is a way you can end our—my—commitment. I suggest you wait until we get Chessa back, but it’s your choice. You just have to state publically you no longer accept my protection. The ‘pull’ must not affect humans.”

  She was quiet. He didn’t even hear her breathing. Maybe I ought to pull over so she can get some air. Our ways must be strange to her.

  Bianca sighed. “I feel that ‘pull’ too. Thanks for doing something so—brave for me. I didn’t realize what you’d done. You’re the only help I’ve had to save her, and you have no idea how grateful I am.”

  Law flinched. He hadn’t expected a thank you. He wanted more than her gratitude, but for now, it was enough. God, if you listen to my kind, don’t let her do anything foolish. He never prayed, but since he’d gotten tangled up with Bianca, he figured he could use any help the All Mighty was willing to spare.

  “So what now?” she asked.

  He could hear how tired she sounded. “When we get back to the farm, you can stay with me, or Reylin has prepared a room for you in the dormitory. You are both welcome in my house for as long as you’d like.” He forced himself not to look at her. Forever. Stay forever. “When we get her back, you can’t go right home. There is a lot about her—condition—you need to understand.”

  “What do you mean? Stay with you?”

  Law gave a guff of humorless laughter. “In the eyes of my pack, you are my wife. Kane’s got the paperwork ready, and one signature makes it legal for the human government. He’s ordained, did you know that?”

  “Kane Wolfe is not officiating my wedding. He can keep his signature off whatever paperwork he has. And I’ll keep mine to myself. Thank you for being willing to sacrifice so much for Chessa and me. You’re a good guy. I just—I don’t want to put you in a lie.”

  That hurt. To have her call what he felt a lie left him raw inside. She wasn’t a wolf; even a bitten would know how deeply this ran inside of him. His commitment was spiritual, not the shallowness of human dating.

  “Having you stay with me in my home would keep the trouble-makers quiet,” he said.

  “So there will be an issue with me coming? Just take me back home.”

  “Damn it. There will be more trouble if you stay in town.”

  “Okay. Fine. I just feel weird about this.”

  “How can I make you more comfortable with our arrangement?”

  “I don’t know. I think this is just going to be weird for me no matter what. I’m sorry you’re going through this for me. You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever meet.” Her lip trembled. “I think having a separate room is better.”

  Damn it. Don’t cry, woman. I’m fucking this up so badly. Law nodded and stared straight ahead at the road. I’ll take what she’ll give. At least, she’ll be close, and safe. “Just don’t forget you’re more than my guest.”

  She turned away, her shoulders hunched. Law fought the urge to punch the dashboard. I’ve royally screwed this up.


  “Let me help you.” Reylin took one of the bags off Bianca’s shoulder. “What do you think of the common house?”

  “This is beautiful. I’d never have guessed these plain buildings hid such beauty. Who made all this log furniture?” Bianca touched one of the smooth pine chair arms.

p; Reylin smiled. The woman’s pride in her pack’s home was evident in her body language as she walked through the room.

  “Law and Nik are two of the best craftsmen in the pack, but all the guys work on it. We support ourselves by selling furniture in big cities. We get custom orders too. Law’s dad was mindful about conservation. We replace every tree they cut with two new ones. You should see the tree farm tomorrow.”

  “I’d like that, but all I can think about is my daughter out there, alone, and scared. I just want to find her and hold her.”

  Reylin tilted her head to the side. A soft look of honest compassion raised her brow, and her mouth turned down slightly. She reached out and put her hand on Bianca’s arm. “I won’t say some condescending bullshit about understanding, how could I, but I’m here for you. You’re one of us now, and so is she. We’ll get her back, but you have to trust Law. He’s smart. He won’t put her in unnecessary danger. Tobias will mess with her head. That’s how we lost Joy.”


  “Law’s little sister. She left with Tobias’ pack. She’s been gone for years.”

  “I’m sorry. Why would she want to go with such an evil man?”

  “I wish I knew. Everyone was taken by surprise. She was the same age as I am. We were close, but people change. Well, that’s enough sad talk. Let me help you get settled and then we can put Chessa’s things away too. She’ll feel right at home.”

  Bianca blinked away tears. “Thanks. This is all so weird. I just wish I could bring her home right now.”

  “You are bringing her home. You’ll be surprised how comfortable she’ll be here. Law is a good man, the best.”

  Bianca gave the sweet younger woman a shy smile. How could she explain to his cousin that she and Law were just allies, maybe not even friends, not really? She didn’t even know what music he liked.

  “Supper will be ready soon,” Reylin said. “After I’d love to show you some pictures of Law as a kid.”


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