Van, Becca - Mate for Three [Pack Law 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Van, Becca - Mate for Three [Pack Law 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 1

by Becca Van

  Pack Law 3

  Mate for Three

  Talia Black is on the run from her ex-husband and ends up stranded on a country road in the middle of nowhere with a flat tire and no spare. Dr. Blayk Friess arrives on the scene and offers her a place to stay.

  Blayk Friess and his brothers Chris and James know Talia is their mate. They set about wooing her into their hearts and beds, as well as trying to protect her from the danger following her.

  Her ex arrives on the scene and wants to experiment on her by changing her DNA and turning her into a werewolf. Talia escapes from him only to end up in the clutches of a mobster. He has plans of ruling all the werewolves with Talia at his side as his mate.

  Talia's life hangs in the balance, literally and figuratively. Can her mates get to her in time?

  Genre: Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 35,627 words


  Pack Law 3

  Becca Van


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2012 by Becca Van

  E-book ISBN: 1-61926-327-0

  First E-book Publication: February 2012

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To the best sister in the world. You keep me sane. Love you, Deb.


  Pack Law 3


  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  Talia Black didn’t have time for this shit. She heard a pop, and then the steering wheel became heavy and her car became hard to steer. She lifted her foot from the accelerator and pulled onto the side of the road. The last thing she needed was to have to change a tire in the dead of night on a strange road. She kept her headlights on and pushed the button for her hazards, then got out of her car.

  She opened the trunk and rummaged around for the jack. The light in the trunk was so small and dim she could barely make out the apparatus. She pulled it from the trunk and lifted the baseboard that hid the spare wheel. There was nothing there. Fucking hell, she’d forgotten she had needed a new spare and had taken the old one out to be repaired, but the garage had called and told her the old tire was irreparable and would need to be replaced. She hadn’t remembered to pick up a new one.

  Talia shivered when she heard rustling in the undergrowth off to the side of the road, mere feet from where she stood. She turned her head and saw the glowing eyes of an animal staring at her. Her heart rate picked up, and her breathing escalated with panic. She had no idea what animal it was and felt sweat break out on her skin. She stared intently, and she could just make out the silhouette of a large dog. Not wanting to alarm the animal, she closed the trunk lid with a quiet snick. She wanted to get away and back into the safety of her car, but she didn’t want to move too quickly. She inched her way toward the driver’s side door and slid in behind the wheel, closing and locking the door behind her.

  She kept her eyes on whatever animal was staring at her and jumped as a large black wolf strode out of the bushes. It moved up close to her car and sniffed the air. She watched as it threw its massive head up and howled. The mournful sound sent shivers racing up and down her spine, causing goose bumps to erupt all over her skin. The animal was huge, and she shuddered with awe as she watched it howl to the moon. She wondered if it was communicating with its pack or if it was just singing with joy.

  The wolf lowered and tilted its head. It looked as if it were studying her just as intently as she was studying it. It walked around to the front of her car, keeping its eyes on her the whole time. The animal was huge. Its massive shoulders were taller than the hood of her car. Its head was slightly taller than hers as she sat there staring into its golden, glowing eyes. She saw its black coat as it passed the glare of her shining headlights. It didn’t take its eyes off her. It opened its huge mouth, and she caught sight of the wolf’s shining white teeth as its tongue lolled out to the side. It looked like it was grinning at her. She felt like prey to a predator, and her thoughts briefly flashed back to Paul. She shook her head and shoved her paranoia to the back of her mind. It walked up to the driver’s side door, sniffed, let out another howl, and then it disappeared into the trees and bushes on the other side of the road.

  “Wow. That was just a little too close to nature,” Talia muttered to herself. But she pushed those thoughts aside. The wolf had been alarming, but something much more frightening was out there.

  What the hell was she going to do now? She rummaged in her purse, looking for her cell phone. She was going to have to call for a tow truck. Not that she had the money to spare for such things, but what else could she do? She needed to keep moving. She couldn’t afford to spend hours on the side of the road. He would be looking for her, and no matter what she did, no matter where she went, he always seemed to find her. She had tried to
leave once before, and he had tracked her down and dragged her back. She wondered if she would ever be totally free of him.

  She turned her headlights off as she gripped her phone. If she called for a tow truck, her name would end up on a computer somewhere and he would find her. She dropped her cell into her lap and covered her face, giving in to tears for the first time since she had escaped his clutches six weeks ago.

  Once the storm was over, she reached for the box of tissues in her center console, wiped her tears away, and blew her nose. She had no idea what to do, and she was totally stranded.

  Talia glanced in her rearview mirror when she saw a flash of light. Headlights were coming up behind her. She slid down in her seat and hoped she was hidden from view. She reached into her purse for the can of Mace and clutched it tightly. The lights were bright, and she held her breath as she waited for the car to pass. Only it didn’t pass.

  She saw the large vehicle pull up behind her in the side mirror, and she began to panic. God, how did he find me so soon? Please, protect me from the monster. She saw the shadow of a large male walking toward her and pulled the Mace out of her purse. She clutched the can so tightly her knuckles were aching.

  She jumped and screamed when the man tapped on her closed window. She looked up and thought she saw his eyes glowing in the light from the car behind. She was too scared to open her window and had no intention of doing so. This might not be who she was afraid it was. She was so afraid, alone, and vulnerable, and she was sick to death of being frightened.

  “Are you all right, ma’am? Do you need some help?”

  The sound of his deep voice sent shivers running along her spine, but not with fear this time. She felt it wrap around her, and her pussy clenched and dripped fluid onto her panties.

  “Um, is there a tow truck close by?” Talia asked through her closed window.

  “There is a truck in Aztec, about twenty miles back. I see you have a flat tire. I can change it for you if you like.”

  Talia looked up at him as he turned toward the glow of his own car’s headlights. Her breath hitched as she got her first good sight of the giant man. He had short, dark hair, wide, muscular shoulders, and biceps which strained at the cotton of his white T-shirt. His chest tapered down to a flat belly, slim hips, and massive, strong thighs. She couldn’t see the color of his eyes, but as her gaze wandered up to his face, her eyes caught on the hint of dimples on either side of his mouth. He had a full lower lip, and the upper one was thinner. She saw his lips quirk up at the ends and knew she had been caught staring at him.

  Talia lowered her eyes but slid them sideways when she realized her eyes were on his crotch. She felt her cheeks heat with embarrassment and hoped to goodness he hadn’t seen her checking out what looked to be an impressive package. She knew he had asked her something, but she couldn’t for the life of her remember what it had been. Come on, Talia. Get your mind out of the gutter.

  “Ma’am, do you want me to change your tire?”

  “Uh, that would be great, but you can’t. I don’t have a spare,” Talia stated.

  “Well, that would certainly prevent me from changing your tire. I live five minutes down the road. A lot of my cousins and friends are there, too, so you wouldn’t be alone with me. You’re welcome to stay the night if you want to. Until you can get a new spare. My name is Dr. Blayk Friess. I don’t like leaving you here all alone. It’s not safe. Why don’t you grab your stuff and I’ll take you back to my house and you can stay in the guest bedroom?”

  “Do you have any ID?” Talia asked cautiously.

  “Sure,” Blayk answered.

  Talia watched warily as Blayk reached into the back pocket of his jeans and withdrew his wallet. He flipped it open and held it toward her, but with the light from his car shining onto the plastic, she couldn’t see properly.

  “Can you take it out?” Talia asked then lowered her window a crack. Blayk pulled his license from his wallet and slid it through the small gap and handed it to her.

  Talia turned on her interior light and studied the small plastic card. He was definitely who he said he was, and he hadn’t tried to force his way into her car or tried to coax her out. She turned the light off, unlocked the door, and got out.

  She was glad when he moved back away from her a few feet with his hands nonthreatening in the pockets of his jeans. The man was so tall that she still had to crick her neck back to see his face, and he was at least two arm’s lengths away from her. Talia knew she was rather under average in height, but Dr. Blayk Friess was a giant. The top of her head didn’t quite reach the middle of his chest. He had to be at least six foot four. Her hand brushed his as she handed the tall man back his license. She sucked in a breath as a warm tingle ran from her hand, up her arm, over her breasts, and down to her now-aching pussy.

  “Thank you,” Talia said quietly.

  “You’re welcome. Now, have you decided what you would like to do?” he asked her.

  “Well, I really don’t have much of a choice. I would be very grateful if I could spend the night in your spare room.”

  “Okay,” Blayk said. “Is there anything you will need for the night, ma’am?”

  Talia indicated one of her bags in the backseat of her car with her hand and then realized she hadn’t told the man her name.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry. I’m Talia Black,” Talia said, extending her hand to Blayk.

  Talia was surprised when, instead of taking her hand and shaking it, he took her hand in his, bent over, and kissed the back of it.

  “I am very delighted to meet you, Talia,” Blayk said. “Now, which bags would you like to take?”

  “Oh, just the small one on the backseat, thank you,” Talia said and watched as Blayk skirted around her, opened the door, and reached in to retrieve her bag. She locked the doors and followed Blayk back to his truck.

  Talia was glad she wouldn’t have to spend the night afraid and alone in her car. She knew she wouldn’t have gotten much sleep. She was still too nervous to relax, knowing somehow, someway, he would always find her.

  She felt an immediate affinity with Dr. Blayk Friess. She couldn’t explain why she felt that way. She just did. Having other people around her would lessen her anxiety, and maybe even enable her to sleep the night through, which would be a blessing.

  She was so tired. Her body felt heavy with fatigue, her eyes sore and tired. She felt as if her eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets. Maybe by staying with this man and his family, her ex, Paul, would lose the trail. She sighed as she realized that was a near impossibility. He would be able to follow her scent trail as easily as a hound dog.

  Blayk held the passenger door open for her, and she gaped at the large vehicle. She supposed, since he was so big, he would obviously need a big truck, but she was going to have a struggle getting up into the beast. The dilemma was solved for her when Blayk placed his hands around her waist, picked her up with ease, and placed her gently on the seat.

  She stared up at him and saw he was looking at her with hunger. She wondered if she should get out of the truck and run like hell, because she felt reciprocal hunger firing up inside her and it scared the crap out of her. She couldn’t afford to feel anything for anyone right now. She didn’t need this. She would spend the night in his guest bedroom, and in the morning she would get a new tire and a spare for the trunk and leave.

  She sat quietly in awe as Blayk drove up the gravel drive five minutes later. The sight of the large, colonial-style mansion made her speechless. She’d never seen anything so beautiful in her life. She took a deep breath as Blayk pulled the truck into a large carport. She opened her door and slid to the ground before he had a chance to help her. The last thing she wanted right now was to have his hands back on her, causing her body to go up in flames again. She met Blayk at the front of the vehicle and hesitated when he began to lead the way to a door. What the hell am I doing? I don’t know this man. I should have stayed in my car.

  Talia let her breath
out slowly when Blayk stopped and turned toward her. She watched as he walked the few paces between them until he was standing at her side.

  “You have nothing to be afraid of, baby. I won’t hurt you and neither will any of the people inside. Come on, let’s get you settled. You look like you could use a good night’s sleep,” Blayk stated.

  You have no idea. Blayk held his hand out toward her. Talia looked and ran possible scenarios through her mind, but she really didn’t have much of a choice. Well, she did, but she was curious as to why the man before her drew her. She took his hand and felt as if her life had just changed irrevocably.

  Chapter Two

  Talia followed Blayk through the door and gasped at the sight of the beautiful interior. She couldn’t believe the luxury of the place, and she was still only in the hallway. There was money practically dripping from the walls. Talia began to feel uncomfortable. She was a lowly receptionist at a hotel for goodness’ sake. She didn’t belong here.

  “Come on, baby. I’ll show you around,” Blayk stated, pulling her from her trance.

  Talia followed and stayed slightly behind him when he led her into a massive living room. There were people everywhere. She wondered if they all lived here or if they were just guests. He pulled her over to where three large, handsome men sat with a small woman.

  “Everyone, this is Talia Black. Talia, these are my cousins Jonah, Mikhail, and Brock Friess and their m—wife, Michelle,” Blayk stated.


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