Death in the Aegean

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Death in the Aegean Page 14

by Irena Nieslony

  “Why do you feel the need to explain yourself to me?”

  “Because I know you saw us and I know that’s why you came to the bar.”

  “I didn’t think anything was going on,” Eve said. “Yes, I was surprised to see you together, but I know how close you and Annie are.”

  “Thank goodness. I was so worried you’d tell her.”

  “No, of course not.”

  Pete breathed a sigh of relief and went to sit down while Eve got her drinks in.

  I don’t think there was anything going on, but he does seem nervous.

  “Well, what a turn-up for the books,” Annie said as soon as Eve came to the table. “First, Justin being arrested for murdering Yiannis, and then Kevin confessing to the murder. It all seems very odd.”

  “I’m pretty certain Kevin is covering for his son,” Pete added. “It happened a couple of times when I was in the police force, though who murdered Lucy is beyond me. I would have thought the same person murdered both people.”

  “Talking about the murders again,” Betty boomed.

  She and Don had just walked into The Black Cat, much to Eve’s disappointment. She was looking forward to a peaceful lunch and now it looked like she was going to have the complete opposite.

  “May we join you?” Betty continued, surprising everyone.

  Usually she didn’t like to sit at the same table as Eve, but everybody guessed that she must have wanted to hear the latest gossip.

  Don went up to get their drinks while Betty made herself comfortable.

  “So,” Betty continued. “It looks like Kevin is the killer after all and not of one person, but two.”

  Eve, not wanting to be left out of the conversation, had to speak.

  “He’s only confessed to killing Yiannis.”

  “Yes,” Betty said, “but it’s pretty obvious that whoever killed Yiannis also killed Lucy.”

  “I reckon they’ve got the wrong man; to hell with his confession,” Eve spoke up, glaring at Betty. “He’s protecting his son, who I believe is innocent as well.”

  “My goodness, Eve, will you never learn to leave the detecting to the police,” Betty replied, glaring back at Eve. “Do you really want to get yourself killed?”

  “Who’s going to kill me? You? David? Annie or Pete? As usual, you’re being over dramatic.”

  “Did you hear that, Don?”

  Don had just returned with their drinks.

  “What’s that, dear?”

  “Eve doesn’t think Kevin committed the murders. She thinks she knows more than the police.”

  Eve looked fiercely at Betty.

  Will that woman never stop being rude? Eve thought. I will not reply and sink to her level. Yes, there was a time when I did, but no more.

  David however, wasn’t feeling quite so generous.

  “Betty, I’ve told you enough times to stop having a go at Eve, haven’t I? So please, if you can’t be polite, don’t say anything.”

  Betty knew she’d done it again, but she didn’t care anymore. David didn’t like her anymore and he probably never would again. She shrugged her shoulders and took a long swig of gin, wishing for the return of the time before Eve Masters had come to Crete.

  Don, disliking the atmosphere, decided to change the subject.

  “You will be continuing the drama group in the autumn, Eve, won’t you? We all love it so much.”

  “I did say I could take it over,” Betty put in quickly.

  That did it for Eve. She wasn’t going to have somebody who knew next to nothing about show business running her drama group......and that’s what it was, her drama group.

  “Of course I’m not giving it up. I wouldn’t want to let anyone down and it does need someone with experience in show business to run it.”

  She glanced at Betty as she said this. There was no way she was going to let Betty take over the drama group. Despite Betty being her enemy, the woman had no experience in the theatre at all; in fact she didn’t even enjoy going to see plays. When Don was involved in amateur dramatics back in England, she would never go and watch him perform.

  Betty glared at Eve. She knew she was only carrying on with the group because she didn’t want her to take over. She had half a mind to become a member just to annoy Eve. If only she didn’t hate amateur theatricals.

  Nobody said anything for a moment and Annie wished that Betty and Don hadn’t turned up. She had been looking forward to a nice relaxed lunch with Eve and David and couldn’t understand why Betty had wanted to join them. Usually she wanted to keep as far away from Eve as possible.

  Eve was also feeling annoyed that Betty and Don had turned up and couldn’t be bothered to break the silence. When she saw Jane hovering at the door, obviously trying to get her attention, she excused herself and went to see what her friend wanted.

  “Jane, you are a lifesaver, believe me. I have no idea why Betty wanted to join us, but she did, and things were getting awkward.”

  Eve paused for a moment and then noticed that Jane had been crying.

  “My goodness, Jane, here I am going on about my own silly little problems while you’re upset. What’s wrong? You can tell me.”

  “Oh Eve, I think I’ve made another mistake. First it was James and now Paul. I don’t think he’s as nice as I thought. Actually I don’t know why I thought he was nice. He did attack you at Kevin and Lucy’s party after all.”

  She started sobbing and Eve led her outside.

  “Come on Jane, tell me what’s happened.”

  “I told Paul I went to the police about Yiannis. I know you told me not to, but I don’t like to keep secrets.”

  Eve shook her head, but said nothing. Jane was an honest person and Eve knew she wouldn’t be able to live happily with that on her mind.

  “He went mad, Eve. I haven’t seen him like that since he went for you.”

  “He didn’t touch you, did he?” Eve asked, becoming concerned.

  “No. I thought he was going to hit me so I moved away and I must have been cowering because he started apologizing. I wouldn’t go near him again though.”

  Eve put her arm around Jane to comfort her, neither of them noticing Paul’s Blue Atos driving past slowly.

  “He said it was family business and we shouldn’t offer information to the police.” Jane continued. “I just looked at him and then I left. He followed me, but I ran and ran and he stood watching me in the end. I don’t know what to think now. Perhaps Kevin did kill Lucy and Yiannis or perhaps he didn’t kill either and Justin killed Yiannis. I was sure they hadn’t, but I don’t know now.”

  “Me neither,” Eve replied, a tremor of fear running down her spine.

  If the family was so close, any of them could hurt Jane; and wasn’t the other son arriving soon as well?

  “I think we need to tell the police,” Eve said.

  “No, we can’t,” Jane replied fearfully.

  “We have no choice. Paul could still try and hurt you.”

  “Paul?” David said, having just come out of The Black Cat, looking for Eve.

  He overheard her last comment and sounded horrified. Eve hurriedly told him Jane’s story before he had a chance to get angry and accuse her of meddling in the murders.

  “I never liked that man as Eve well knows, especially since he attacked her. Yes, we’re definitely going to the police, but first we’ll all have some lunch and I won’t take no for an answer, Jane.”

  Jane smiled weakly, but knew he was probably right. She needed to keep her strength up.

  “Then all three of us will go and see Dimitris Kastrinakis.”

  “I’ll just pop into the Ladies and tidy myself up,” Jane said. “Seeing as you’re with company.”

  “You seem deep in thought, Eve,” David said as they walked back into the bar.

  “What if it was Paul?” she asked. “What if he was the murderer?”

  David just shook his head.

  * * * *

  “I don’t think ther
e is anything we can do, Miss Phillips,” Dimitris Kastrinakis said. “After all, Mr. Fowler didn’t actually hit you, did he?”

  “No, he didn’t. I just thought you should know what he said. I think the family could be covering something up.”

  “Or Paul’s the killer more like,” Eve butted in. “Don’t you think you should be giving her protection or something.”

  “This isn’t New York, Miss Masters. We don’t have the manpower. Perhaps she could stay with you.”

  “Oh, and you think I could tackle Mr. Fowler do you?”

  “Well, you keep telling me how you have escaped the attempts of the murderers so many times, so I am sure nobody would dare try to get past you.”

  Eve was ready to explode while David tried to stifle a laugh. Dimitris Kastrinakis was a worthy opponent for his darling Eve.

  “Well really, it’s no wonder that I go off looking for the killers with that attitude,” Eve remarked.

  “Miss Masters, to be serious, I have taken note of what Miss Phillips has said, believe me. We are taking everything into consideration. Do not think that we are accepting Mr. Kevin Fowler’s confession just like that – it came too soon after his son was arrested as you know. We are not stupid.”

  “I didn’t say you were,” Eve replied, wishing she hadn’t bothered to come to the police station.

  “Very well. Again, I tell you to be careful, Miss Masters.”

  Eve refused to say anything while the others wished the inspector a good afternoon. As they left, David suggested that Jane moved in with Eve for the time being and it was agreed that it seemed the best solution.

  As they got in the car, none of them noticed a blue Atos following them.

  Chapter 12

  That afternoon Emma and Justin went to Almerida beach. They hired sun beds, intending to relax.

  “I can’t help feeling guilty,” Justin said about half an hour later, sitting up. “Dad’s in custody and I’m lying here enjoying myself. It doesn’t seem right.”

  Emma sat up as well and took Justin’s hand. He felt a spark of electricity shootthrough his body. It made him feel even guiltier. Not only was he lying on a sun soaked beach, but he was also with a gorgeous young woman who obviously liked him despite the fact that he had been accused of murder earlier in the day. Although he had been released, now his father had confessed to the murder. Justin imagined that most girls would run a mile from such a dysfunctional family; but not Emma. She certainly was special and he was so glad that he had met her.

  “There’s nothing you can do at the moment, Justin,” Emma said, trying to reassure him. “There’s no point hanging around at the police station. They’ve already said you can’t see your Dad at the moment. It’s better that you wait until Wayne gets here later today and then you can perhaps go back together and see what’s going on. Nor will it do you any good sitting at home worrying. You’re better off out here with me, trying to unwind.”

  “What if someone sees me? They’ll think I don’t care about Dad.”

  “To hell with what anyone thinks, Justin. You’re hardly out partying are you?”

  Justin tried to smile, but he was feeling lost and vulnerable. A couple of days previously he’d had two parents who lived together, albeit in a rocky marriage, and he was excited about spending the summer on Crete. Now, his mother was dead and his father could be locked away in a Greek jail forever. He was afraid and if it hadn’t been for Emma, he knew he would have already gone off the rails. As it was, he was still taking his meds properly, even though he had been tempted not to bother, feeling he wanted to experience the grief of losing his mother as himself, not the one pumped full of drugs. However, he knew how erratic his behavior could be without his meds and since he’d met Emma, he wanted to be as normal as any twenty-one year old man.

  Justin looked into Emma’s eyes and saw her concern for him.

  I can’t believe this is happening, he thought. We only met last night and yet there’s a connection between us already. She doesn’t seem to care about my family being involved in the murders nor does she think I killed Yiannis. Perhaps I should tell her I’m bi-polar.............or will that be too much for her to take in at once. No, I’ll leave it for a little while. I’ll wait until she’s seen how normal I can be and then I’ll tell her.

  “Come on, Emma,” Justin said all of a sudden, grabbing her hand. “Let’s go in the sea.”

  Emma laughed as they both jumped up and ran into the water.

  “My goodness, it’s freezing,” she shouted as they went in. “I can’t believe it. It’s such a hot day.”

  Justin laughed as he splashed water over her.

  “Hey, Justin, that was cruel,” Emma shouted.

  However, he knew she wasn’t angry with him as she laughed again and then splashed him back. Justin forgot about his parents. Emma was helping him put them out of his mind for a little while.

  Justin, letting go of all his inhibitions, finally grabbed Emma and pulled her close. They were both a little out of breath and Emma’s heart was beating faster than usual, but she wasn’t sure if it was due to the exercise she’d just had, or to the closeness of the young man she was with.

  He pushed back her wet hair, thinking she looked even more beautiful now than she had done when he had first seen her in the restaurant the previous evening. Even though she had very little make-up on, she had the longest lashes he had ever seen and her skin already had a silky bronze tinge. Although he was terrified of rejection, Justin pulled Emma closer until their wet bodies touched. They were both trembling as he put his lips to hers. To Justin’s delight, Emma wound her fingers through his hair and started kissing him with more passion than he could have imagined. He became oblivious of everything around him, not caring now if anyone he knew saw them.

  When their lips parted, Justin looked solemn, but Emma had a big grin on her face.

  “Justin, don’t look so serious. That was fun wasn’t it?”

  He nodded and then smiled, at which point Emma decided to splash him again. He couldn’t resist splashing her back and their games started for a second time. Justin couldn’t think of a time when he’d felt quite this happy. However, a moment later, the guilt stepped in again.

  * * * *

  Eve drove Jane to her house to collect a few things. She had decided that they would be discreet and tell nobody that Jane was staying with her.

  Eve waited in the sitting room while Jane packed upstairs. She looked around the room remembering that this was the place where John Phillips, Jane’s father, had been murdered by Phyllis Baldwin. She shuddered as memories of that woman flooded her mind. However, she then wondered how she was getting on in a Greek prison.

  It must be awful for her. I know she’s a murderer, but still, the woman hardly speaks a word of Greek.

  Eve had heard that her family were campaigning to have her transferred to a British jail, but she had no idea whether this would happen or not.

  And now there was poor Jane, scared about her future as well.

  Could Paul really be the killer? And if he is, will he let his brother rot in jail for his crime or will he own up?

  As Eve was mulling through these thoughts, Jane came down the stairs with a small suitcase. She looked as if she’d been crying again. Eve jumped up immediately.

  “Oh Jane, you’re finding all this too difficult to handle, aren’t you?” Eve commiserated, giving her friend a big hug.

  “I’m okay, Eve. I feel a bit better now that I’ve had a good cry. I was only thinking how unlucky I’ve been in my choice of men. First there was James and now Paul. I really can pick them, can’t I?”

  “We don’t know that Paul is the murderer, Jane. There’s still a good chance that it still could be Kevin.”

  “I know, but to tell you the truth, I don’t think I want to carry on my relationship with Paul anyway.”

  Eve couldn’t believe her ears.

  “Even if he’s innocent?” she exclaimed. “I thought you were i
n love with him.”

  “Do I really give that impression?” Jane asked a stunned Eve.

  She nodded, but for once was lost for words.

  “No, Eve,” Jane carried on. “I was utterly crazy about James. Every time I looked at him my legs turned to jelly and when he touched me, it was like an electric shock went through my body. He was my dream man, but he broke my heart. Now that was love at first sight.”

  “I’m so sorry, Jane,” Eve said, sadly. “So what do you feel about Paul, or should I say, did?”

  “Paul was so kind to me after we were all poisoned. He took care of me and yes, I did fall in love with him a little. We get on well and I’ve enjoyed spending time with him, but I’ve not felt that overwhelming consuming love I felt for James. I don’t think I ever will feel that again. That was a once in a lifetime thing.”

  “So even if Paul isn’t guilty, you’ll break up with him?” Eve asked, already believing she knew the answer.

  “Yes, I think it’s for the best. He probably has much stronger feelings for me than I have for him, so it’s better it ends now before he does something silly, like asks me to marry him.”

  “Are you going to go back to live in England?” Eve asked bluntly.

  “I haven’t thought that far ahead. Possibly. I doubt if I’ll be able to get a job here. It’s a pity as I do like Crete, but I need to work, both financially and for something to do. I can’t sit around all day doing nothing.”

  “I understand that,” Eve replied. “I will miss you though.”

  She went over to give Jane another hug. It wasn’t often that Eve showed affection to anybody except David. Jane was flattered.

  “Come on; let’s get back to my place.” Eve said. “We’ll have a girls night in; what do you say? I’ll cook and we’ll have a few glasses of wine?”

  “That sounds perfect; just what I need.”

  Jane double locked the front door and they walked towards Eve’s car. At that moment, Emma and Justin drove by.

  “That was strange,” Emma remarked.

  “What was?” Justin asked.


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