Fighting Fate (Redwood Pack #7)

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Fighting Fate (Redwood Pack #7) Page 13

by Carrie Ann Ryan

  She’d worry about heat, comfort, and getting home in a moment.

  They were alive.

  They would be safe.

  She leaned up on her unbroken arm and brushed Logan’s hair from his face. He fluttered his eyelashes, coming to slightly.

  “Cailin?” he rasped.

  Oh goddess, she loved his voice.

  Loved him.

  “You’re safe,” she whispered.

  “I’m with you. Of course I am.”

  Damn the wolf knew the right words.

  Once they got home they’d worry about the demon and his words. She and Logan were important, and there had to be a reason.

  Maybe they could end them. Maybe they were the key.

  They had to find out because this was the end. The Redwoods couldn’t go on like this.

  They needed peace.

  They needed a dead demon.

  Chapter Eleven

  Logan crushed Cailin to him as gently as he could, their clothes finally dry from the sun, but their bodies far from healed. Their bodies shook, the adrenaline from trying to survive wearing off rapidly. He inhaled that scent that was all Cailin, his wolf finally calming now that his mate was relatively safe.

  As safe as they could be in the middle of a flood in enemy territory.

  When she pulled back, she patted his arms, chest, and hips, as if making sure he was real. He ran his hands up and down her body, doing the same. He took in each wound, each bruise. Caym would pay for all of it. He’d said it before, as had countless others before him, but it didn’t make the oath any less real.

  “We need to get out of here.” They weren’t safe. Far from it. Caym could come back at any moment to check to see if his plan had worked. Logan didn’t know why the demon hadn’t just killed them outright, but he had a feeling it had to do with Caym’s sense of power and immortality. The demon didn’t think he could die and wanted Logan and Cailin to perish in the worst way possible.

  Cailin sat up, bringing Logan with her. He winced, his back burning. He knew it was ripped to shreds, much like Cailin’s. His wolf powered forward, clawing at him, wanting to kill for what had happened to his mate, but Logan took control. He needed that strength to get home and heal.

  Then they’d find a way to kill a demon.

  “Can you swim?” he asked as he looked down at her wrist. He bit back a curse and gently took up her arm, cradling it to her body. “How bad is it?”

  “Bad,” she breathed. “I’m not gonna lie and tell you it’s rainbows and unicorns. I need Hannah. You too. Then we’ll be better off.”

  Logan nodded, knowing their Healer would help. Hopefully the Redwoods were on the search for them. He didn’t know how long they’d been gone. Not that long, honestly, but he was pretty sure the others would have noticed their absence. And for all he knew, they’d felt the vortex within Logan’s home as well.

  “Let’s go home,” he whispered, brushing his lips to hers. He had to pull back quickly, not wanting to take her then and now so they could remind each other who they were and what they were. That would come later.

  This was hardly the time.

  They stood, leaning on each other more than they should have, but he didn’t care. They only had each other here, and in the future, well, he didn’t know what they’d have other than themselves.

  “We’re going to have to swim a bit to the next dry area,” he explained. “The rushing water seems to have died down a bit, or at least receding, but I don’t want us letting go of each other.”

  Cailin squeezed his hip. “I wasn’t planning on letting you go. Ever.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “This is going to suck.”

  She snorted. “Pretty much. Let’s go.”

  The water might have felt cool on a heated body any other day, but right then, the stinging up and down his legs, and eventually his back, hurt like a motherfucker. The current wasn’t strong. The water had finally found its equilibrium. Sticks and branches brushed them, sometimes scratching at their skin, but they were able to avoid the bigger pieces that would hurt so much more. They kept their hands on each other, relying on one another when they got tired, and eventually made their way to the other side of the newly created lake.

  Out of breath, in pain, and ready to be wrapped around his mate, Logan pulled Cailin to the bank and collapsed on the dirt and mud. Cailin ran her hand up and down his back, careful of the bleeding wounds.

  “Almost there,” she whispered, the pain in her voice so immense Logan paused.

  “Yes, princess. Almost there.”

  He sat up, aching in every bone from the movement. When his gaze landed on this side of the lake, he cursed, his wolf howling. “Jesus, baby. What the fuck did Caym do?” He turned so he could see her face.

  A single tear streaked through the dirt and grime, her eyes blank. “He ruined it. He ruined it all. All those trees…the life here? It’s gone.” Her voice broke, and he pulled her closer, damn the cuts and bruises. “He’s not just killing us, he’s killing everything we stand for…and we’re useless. So fucking useless.”

  Logan was at a loss, unsure what to say. He’d never felt so out his depth, out of place. “We’ll find a way.”

  “We’ve been saying that for years,” she snapped then closed her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be, princess.” He cupped her cheek. “We’re tired, hurt, sore, and pissed the hell off. Let’s get home, and we’ll take the next step. We won’t give up, Cailin. We won’t back down.”

  She nodded, and they stood, grimacing with each movement. “I need a hot shower,” she whispered.

  “I’ll take one with you.”

  She snorted, just what he wanted. “Only you could think about sex at a time like this.”

  He grinned. “I was just saying I’d get wet with you. You’re the one that made it dirty.”

  “Thank you.”

  He held her unbroken hand and kept moving. “Anything, Cailin. You know that. Anything.”

  They made their way, barefoot, bleeding, and silent. Every once in a while, he’d risk a glance at Cailin, making sure she was still here. He felt her gaze on him and knew she was doing the same.

  About four miles into their journey, he scented a wolf that made him almost fall to his knees in gratitude.

  “Hannah,” Cailin whispered, sheer relief flowing through their mating bond.

  “Thank God.”

  He tugged her hand and picked up the pace, determined to make it to Hannah and the others as quickly as possible. Cailin needed to be Healed.


  “Cailin!” Josh yelled from the tree line.

  Logan let out a breath at the sight of Noah, their Pack doctor, Hannah, Josh, and Reed. They were saved.

  Though, in reality, they’d already saved each other.

  “Oh God, you’re okay,” Hannah said as she came up to them. Then she got a good look at them. “No, no you’re not okay.” Tears filled her eyes then she raised her chin, now the Healer at the surface.

  Reed came up to Cailin’s side, his face calm. “Let me help you to the car. We’re parked pretty close since there’s a road near us. Hannah could feel you guys so we followed her. Can I pick you up, Cai?” He said it to Cailin, but Reed also met Logan’s eyes.

  They all knew Logan’s wolf was darker than the rest and, right now, highly on edge. He nodded, knowing that it wasn’t his decision in the end.

  “Please,” she whispered, and Logan was lost.

  God, she’d broken him. She’d willingly go into her brother’s arms and show weakness because she was in pain. That hadn’t been the Cailin he’d first met and being newly mated it was hard for both of them to go to others for help, but they needed it.

  “Can Josh take Logan?” she whispered as Reed settled her against his chest.

  Logan raised a brow at the partial-demon, now his brother-in-law. Ah, he understood now. Cailin would only give in if Logan was taken care of. Oddly enough, her thoughts let him g
ive in.

  “I’ll lean on you,” he said. “It seems I’m losing a bit of blood.” Now that he thought about it, he became lightheaded. “Okay, maybe it was more than a bit.” The last of the adrenaline wearing off, and he fell into Josh’s side. Josh, stronger than a wolf because of the demon blood running through him, picked Logan up. Because of his size, it was an awkward hold, but Josh didn’t even seem out of breath as they made their way to the car.

  Noah held Hannah’s elbow under the watchful eyes of her mates as they made their way over the rocks and trees to where they’d parked the SUV. The only reason Logan was able to remain conscious was because he needed to keep an eye on Cailin. He knew that she was awake for the same reason. They were too dominant, too new in their mating to let anyone else take care of them without the other near.

  After carefully getting them into the back two seats of the SUV, Reed started the engine and headed back toward the den.

  “Where are we?” Logan asked, realizing he had no idea where they were. They’d known instinctively to go a certain direction because of their wolves, but he hadn’t known how far he and Cailin would have had to trek on their own.

  Josh, who sat in the passenger seat, looked around at them. “Twenty miles from the den on the neutral land.” His eyes clouded over. “At least what was land. You’ll have to tell us what the fuck Caym did.”

  Twenty miles? Fuck. He and Cailin might not have made it then. Not with all their wounds.

  Magic pulsed against him, and he looked over to see Hannah Healing Cailin. Her palms hovered over Cailin’s wrist and her cuts and bruises. His wolf calmed even more at the sight. Their mate would be okay.

  Noah sat on the edge of the seat Logan lay on, cleaning out his wounds. It was a testament to how much pain he was already in that he hadn’t felt the other wolf doing that.

  “Most of the ones on your front are superficial,” Noah explained, his focus on his work. The man had gone to medical school and was still young, Cailin’s age in fact. He’d taken over North’s job when the Jamenson brother had been blinded in the attack with Caym.

  Logan didn’t have much to do with Noah most days considering the wolf had once dated Cailin. In fact, he was pretty sure the little bastard had taken her virginity. His wolf growled, but he kept it inside. Noah looked up, his eyes carefully downcast. Noah might have been a dominant wolf in his own right, but he had nothing near Logan’s power.

  “Hannah is going to Heal your back so we have you in fighting shape,” Noah went on. “If you’re done peeing all over the seat to mark your territory, I can change seats with Hannah to take care of Cailin.”

  Logan growled at the wolf’s choice of words.

  “Logan, stop it,” Cailin snapped. “I’m yours. You’re mine. Get over it. Noah’s my best friend. Remember that. This isn’t the time. In fact, it will never be the time. We’re moving on. Got it?”

  Logan pulled his gaze from the smirking wolf and looked at Cailin. He took a deep breath, letting her scent wash over him. “I’m good. My wolf is a little too close to the surface right now, and I’m not thinking clearly when it comes to you.”

  Cailin nodded, reaching over the seat to cup his cheek. “I know. I’m the same way. I just don’t have an ex in the car with me. We’re good. Now let Noah and Hannah switch places so she can Heal your back. I need you in one piece. Okay?”

  Logan nodded and turned on his side, letting Hannah move into position. Warmth spread over his back, and he let out a sigh. It didn’t hurt but felt odd to have his skin knit together as his wounds closed.

  “You’re not overdoing it, right?” he asked the Healer.

  “I’m good,” she responded, her voice a melodic charm as she worked. “I’m in the zone, and other than Cailin’s wrist, nothing needs too much of my attention since your wolves will heal the rest of it. They already are. Plus I have my men here to pull me back.”

  “Damn straight,” Reed and Josh said at the same time.

  Logan grinned, his gaze still on Cailin. His eyelids became heavy as he Healed, Cailin’s doing the same.

  “Sleep,” he whispered, and his mate nodded. He let his eyes close and knew he’d be safe with his family, his Pack, around them. Safe as they could be in a world such as it was.

  By the time they’d told Kade and the rest of the Jamensons what had happened, four hours had passed, and all Logan wanted to do was crawl into bed with his mate and mark her again. And they both still needed showers.

  They walked into her home—no, he supposed it was their home now—and immediately started stripping.

  “I need to get clean,” she whispered.

  “I’ll help,” he said as he led her to the bathroom. He turned on the shower to get the water warm and turned back to his mate. “Princess?”

  She licked her lips. “I was so scared, Logan.” Her voice broke, and he crushed her body to his.

  “I know, Cailin. I was so fucking scared too. We’re safe. We’re here together.”

  She nodded against him, her arms tightening around his waist. “Make love to me?”

  Logan pulled back, cupping her face. “What did I say about asking, love?”

  “Just do it.”

  He smiled then and pulled her into the shower. He let the spray hit him hard in the back first before letting it touch her.

  She raised her face into the spray, the dirt, grime, and God knew what else washing off her as she leaned into him. Logan leaned as well, knowing they both needed each other in more ways than one.

  After he poured some of her floral-scented shampoo into his hand, he washed her hair slowly. She moaned as he massaged her scalp, wanting to make sure she was as relaxed as possible.

  “That feels so good,” his mate mumbled. “But I need you in me. Remind me we’re here. Please.”

  He rinsed her off then kissed her neck before picking her up by the waist and setting her on the shower ledge that was a perfect width for her ass. She let out a little gasp of surprise, and he picked up the loofah and put a little soap on top after he’d wet it. With sure concentration, he slowly and methodically ran the loofah over her shoulders and down her arms, ending with her fingertips. With their gazes connected, he set the loofah aside and held her hand as he washed the palm and each of her fingers.

  Then he washed her other hand before going back to her chest. Licking his lips, he washed between her breasts before lifting them one at a time, making sure he cleaned every inch. Her breath quickened as he took care to clean her nipples very thoroughly. They hardened into tight buds beneath the bubbles, and he fought the urge to lick them clean—soap and all. Call him a lunatic. He gave in somewhat and cupped her breasts, molding and squeezing.

  “I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again, I love your tits, Cailin.”

  She let out a laugh. “I love you touching my tits.”

  Reaching behind him, he grabbed the shower nozzle and rinsed her off. His throat worked as he watched the line of soap run down her body to between her spread legs.

  “Not done yet,” he said, his voice gruff.

  “Logan…” she whispered, begged.

  He put the shower head back then washed up and down her legs, using his hands instead of a loofah so he could massage as he went. Cailin let her head fall back to the shower wall as she closed her eyes, letting him take care of her.

  That above all else spoke of the depth of emotion, the depth of trust forming between them.

  Bond or no bond.

  He ran his hands up and down her thighs, each movement bringing him closer to her cunt, already wet and ready for him in a way that had nothing to do with the water running down her body.

  She let out a little gasp as he teased her opening with his finger then met his eyes. With a grin, he breached her with two fingers, curling them so he could rub against her G-spot. Her mouth parted as her pupils dilated, and her eyes glowed gold. He worked in and out of her, his other hand on her throat, collaring her.

  “I’m letting yo
u do this,” she whispered with a smile.

  He grinned back, still fucking her with his fingers oh-so-slowly. “I know.” That’s why he did it, why it was worth even doing in the first place.

  When she clamped down on him, her back arching in that sweet surrender of release, he moved his hand then thrust into her to the root, leaving them both gasping for air.

  He moved his hand from her throat, bringing both hands to her hips so he could pump into her without knocking each other out in the shower. The feel of her hands on his back, her nails digging in as she fought for control made his wolf howl and the man inside to take her even harder.

  So he did.

  Their gazes never leaving each other, he pumped into her tight channel, the cooling water from the shower having no effect on the heat spiraling between the two of them. He slammed into her with all his strength and she lifted her hips to meet him thrust for thrust. The fact that they looked at only each other as even their breathing synchronized, made it more intimate than pure hardness against a wall.

  Soft and hard, that was his Cailin.

  That was their mating.

  The scent of blood filled the air as she broke the skin on his back, her nails digging harder. He smiled a feral smile and slammed home once more, coming hard within her as she squeezed his cock, milking him during her release.


  He captured her mouth with his, fucking her with his tongue as they both came down from their bliss before resting his forehead on hers, out of breath.

  He’d die for her, bleed for her, ache for her. She was his.

  He just hoped it would be for longer than this moment.

  Chapter Twelve

  It was now a month since her parents had died and she’d been tortured at the hands of the demon, yet Cailin could still hear the screams in her dreams.

  Sometimes she was still awake when she heard the screams.


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