In Love (The Knights of Mayhem Book 5)

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In Love (The Knights of Mayhem Book 5) Page 9

by Brook Greene

  I jerk back, slapping at him. “Damn it, Matthew,” I scold him, reaching back to dig under my top to refasten my bra. He’s laughing at me, and I feel my face burn. I’ve got to stop letting him get to me like this. I’m not used to such a straight forward, playful, hands-on man. “I’m not going to have to put up with this shit all day, am I?” I ask once I finally get it back together, glaring at him the whole time.

  He backs away, holding his hands up in surrender. “Nope, that’s the only time.” He turns to open his door, then turns back to me. “Today.” I chase him out of the truck but he catches me in his arms, holding me so tight I can barely breathe. “This is the first time I’ve ever brought a woman for Sunday lunch,” he whispers in my ear, right before he lets me go and I slide down his body to my feet.

  My heart warms as he takes my hand and leads me to the huge metal building sitting in the middle of the compound. “The big one there is the clubhouse, and that’s the garage.” He points at a smaller, three bay door building to the left of the clubhouse, with Knights Automotive in big black letters on its side. “And that over there is the security business.” A smaller brick building sits off to the far right with the same black letters on the side, Knights Security.

  “This is impressive, Matthew,” I tell him as I slide up to his side.

  “We like it,” he says as he reaches for a huge metal door, opening it for me. “After you.”

  I shimmy my shoulders at him. “Wow. Dirty minded and chivalrous. I’ve hit the manwhore jackpot.” He smacks my ass when I walk by him and I turn to him, rubbing it. “Ow, that hurt.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me as he follows me in, closing the door behind him. “Shithead,” I say under my breath with a smile.

  He comes up beside me, snaking his arm over my shoulder, leading me through the huge front room of the clubhouse that’s filled with black leather couches and chairs, a large flat screen TV and a bar. He points to his right to a dark hallway. “Meeting room.” He points to his left to another hall. “Bedrooms.”

  “Y’all have bedrooms here?”

  “Yeah, all of us do.”

  “What for?”

  He looks at me like I should already know the answer, but he answers me anyway. “The boys haven’t always been attached, and we sometimes needed a place to stay if we hit the bottle a little too hard.”

  “Oh, well, that’s smart.” He nods at me and continues to lead me through a swinging door and into an industrial kitchen, filled with state of art appliances. I’m blown away with this place and how nice it is. I wasn’t sure what to expect when he told me he was bringing me here. All the MC movies and shows I’ve seen, the clubhouses were nasty hole-in-the wall bars with empty bottles sitting everywhere and peanut hulls lying all over a dirt floor.

  “Come on.” He leads me through another door to the outside where everyone is, and my nerves hit me right in the gut. I feel like I could throw up.

  “I was wondering if you were gonna make it, dickhead.” A tall, dark-haired man yells at Matthew before taking his hand, pulling him away from me and into a man hug, giving him a stiff smack on the back.

  “It’s food, right? You know my ass was gonna be here,” Matthew tells the overly handsome Italian man. When he sees the man eyeing me, Matthew pulls me to his side. “Eno, this Tessa Kelly. Tessa, this is Eno Tucker.”

  Eno’s eyebrows fly up into his hairline as he takes my hand in his big paw. “Tessa, I’m sure the pleasure is all mine.” He shoots a glance over at Matthew, then back to me. “But I don’t know what the hell you’re doing hanging around this asshole.” He elbows Matthew.

  “Hey now, I’m not that bad,” he protests, and I laugh at them both. “Damn it, woman, defend me.” That makes me laugh even more.

  The exchange has garnered the attention of the rest of the party goers, bringing any and all commotion to a stop. “Boy, you weren’t kidding when you said you don’t date,” I whisper to him. All eyes around the courtyard are on me.

  “Hey, everybody, this is Tessa.” The women immediately descend on me. “Tessa, this is Piper.” He points to a drop dead gorgeous blonde with crystal blue eyes and a perfect smile.

  “Hey.” She looks at me like I’m an exotic animal at the zoo.

  “And this is Avery.” Avery is tall and curvy, with long, chestnut hair and the greenest eyes I’ve ever seen. I envy them.

  “Hello, Tessa, it’s nice to meet you.” She looks up at Matthew in question.

  To save him, I answer. “My mother bought him for me at a bachelor action last weekend.” Everybody bursts out laughing, making me look up at him. “I didn’t help, did I?” He shakes his head at me, mouthing the word ‘no.’ “Sorry,” I whisper to him, and he gives my shoulders a squeeze.

  Another brunette comes to me, taking my hand. “I’m Hollis.” My eyes catch on a horrific scar running up the right side of her face. I tear my eyes away to keep from getting caught staring at it.

  “Hello, Hollis.” I shake her hand and get lost in her warm brown eyes and comforting smile.

  Good Lord, there are so many of them. They just keep coming. “This is Emily.” A tall woman with light brown hair and blue eyes is next. “And this,” she drags a smaller version of Avery, so much so I would swear they were sisters, closer to her, “Is Josie.”

  I shake both of their hands and look around nervously to Matthew, who’s smiling at me. “Don’t worry if you can’t remember them all. Just yell ‘bitch’ and Piper will come running to help.”

  Piper punches Matthew in the shoulder. “You’re all healed now, butt wipe. I will kick your ass.”

  “Healed?” I remember seeing somewhat of a scar on his leg, but I didn’t get to see it for long.

  “He hurt his leg a few months ago, nothing serious.” Avery waves off the topic. “So you’re the lucky bidder? I was the one who nominated him,” she announces proudly.

  “No, I wasn’t. My mother was,” I say again.

  “Would you stop saying it like that? I’m not a gigolo,” Matthew yells at me from across the yard where he and Eno had migrated to a set of coolers filled with beer.

  “You mean to tell me you’re actually getting paid for something you give away a lot, for free?” Eno taunts. Stepping back, Eno bends at the waist, resting his hands on his knees as he laughs so hard, he loses his breath.

  I let my arms fall down to the sides, acting like I’m pissed. “Are you a ho, Matthew?” I yell back.

  “She fucking calls you Matthew?” A giant bald man asks from near the grill with a mocking grin on his face.

  Matthew stops beside me, looking back to the man at the grill who’s been joined by an even bigger Italian. “More like she screams it, moans it, and begs with it.” This makes them all laugh again and I slap his arm. His laugh makes him even more gorgeous. “Go on over and hang with the women—they don’t bite. Except Piper. She bites, so sit on the other side of the table so that if she jumps, you can move out of the way.” He pats my ass in encouragement and I walk away from him, shaking my head.

  I lower myself onto a bench, opposite Piper, taking in all the eager eyes focused on me.

  “So, I take it the date went well last night?” Avery asks, still looking pleased as punch.

  “It did. We had a great time,” I reply, watching as Piper slides over a tiny red solo cup full of an amber liquid. I sit with my hands clasped between my knees. Looking around the yard, I see two more men standing off to the side with beers in their hands. One is shirtless and completely covered with tattoos, with shaggy blond hair and a half inch long goatee. The other is clean cut and looks like a surfer.

  Beside them is a little girl who’s bent over, talking to a baby in a swing, making her laugh.

  I so don’t fit in with this GQ and Elle model convention. Even Hollis with her scar, on a scale of one to ten, these people are all a solid twenty-five, and I’m like a 3.2.

  “That’s mine and Cowboy’s little girl, Caden, and the baby is Leo and Avery’s baby girl, Gia,” Emily
tells me, looking at the little girls with a loving smile on her face.

  “Surfer boy is Dalton and he’s mine,” Piper says, giving the man a dainty wave that he returns, raising his beer to her.

  “The art canvas is Roman, my brother, and he’s Hollis’,” Piper adds. “So, it went well, like multiple screaming orgasms well? Fucked till you were sore this morning well? Or just a quick finger fuck in the extremely sexy car of his well?”

  “Piper, we’ve told you not to frighten the newbies,” Avery chastises her, then turns to me. “We don’t let her out much, just here in the yard.”

  I can see they’re an open and sharing bunch, and Piper is going for shock value so I’ll give it to her. “Well, as in I got drunk and passed out, but he watched me get myself off this morning well.” I reach taking the shot glass throwing it back.

  “But you didn’t give him any?” Piper clarifies and I shake my head no at her. “Hells yes! That’s what I’m saying.” She throws up her hand, palm out, wanting me to give her a high-five. When I do, she pours me another shot and I take it. “Don’t give it up to him. He’s used to getting it anytime he wants, and if I were you, I would make him wait,” she says with an evil grin on her face.



  We stand and watch as the women laugh and high-five each other. I turn to the rest and ask, “What the hell do you think they’re talking about over there?”

  “Dick size and orgasms,” Dalton responds matter of factly.

  “How the hell do you know that?” Leo asks as he flips the burgers on the grill.

  “Piper told me. The only one they really don’t talk about is Roman, but the rest of us have been discussed in detail.” He looks at me. “And you’ve been brought into the proverbial fold, my brother.” I hold off telling them that Tessa isn’t talking about my dick because she’s never really seen it, but I intend on fixing that problem soon. He turns to Eno and smiles. “And you, brother, are the favorite topic of discussion.”

  “Why the hell is he so popular?” Cowboy asks, looking Eno up and down with his brow furrowed. Eno has no self-preservation and just smiles back at him.

  “Because of the prince, man.” Dalton points at Eno’s crotch.

  “When in the hell did you get your dick pierced?” Leo asks. Just the words make me wince. When Eno opens his mouth to answer, Leo throws up his hands, stopping him. “You know what, you dumb little fuck? I don’t want to know that shit. Mental image I’ll never get the hell out of my head.” Leo and Cowboy turn their backs on us, shaking their heads in disgust.

  “So, is she really the one who bought you last weekend?” I nod yes. “Not too bad, brother. It could’ve been worse.” Eno looks at Tessa appreciatively.

  “Yeah, it could’ve been her mother,” Roman counters as he crosses to the cooler. The girls grow quiet as he walks by, giggling like a bunch of school girls, Tessa being one of them. She looks at me and smiles, making my world spin faster.

  “Oh shit, man,” Eno says.

  “What?” I turn to him and take the beer Roman had brought me.

  “You’ve got that look,” Dalton cuts in. Yeah, I know I’ve got that look. I don’t need any of these fucks telling me that I do.

  I tip my head in her direction. “How could you not? Look at her.”

  Eno grabs his heart and staggers back, imitating Fred Sanford. “Holy shitballs, Batman. The world is coming to an end. Matty has found the one who could take his dick off the market.”

  “My dick has never been on the market,” I snap. “Hey, man, got a second?” I ask him, trying my best to redirect this conversation.

  “Yeah, man, what’s up?” Eno takes a step to me with a concerned look on his face.

  “Come with me.” I walk towards the kitchen door with him close on my heels. We’d forgotten the beans in my truck and it’s a good excuse to talk to Eno.

  Out at the truck, Eno pulls his smokes from his back pocket and offers me one. I take it and we both light up. “What is it?”

  “I want you to look into her for me.” I know it’s creepy as hell, but I’ve got to know everything there is to know about the woman who has snared me.

  “Thinking there’s something shifty there?” he asks, taking a draw?

  “No, I just have this need to know everything about her.”

  He looks at me skeptically. “You’ve known this woman all of twenty-four hours and you’re going there again?”

  “No, because I will never go there again. Tessa’s different, she’s an innocent.” I look off across the field beside the compound and watch as a deer jumps through the tall grass, disappearing into the tree line.

  “So I take it you haven’t had the overshare conversation with her yet?”

  “No, it’s only been two days, man. Give me a fucking break. She thinks I’m a genius investing mechanic.” He looks at me and I hold up my hands. “Her words, not mine.” I take the last drag of my smoke and toss it in the back of my truck. I open the back door and take out her crockpot full of some the best smelling beans ever.

  “What’s that?” Eno asks, pointing at the overly wrapped pot in my hands.

  “Beans.” I shove the door closed with my elbow. “Tessa made them, said she wasn’t showing up to a cookout empty-handed.”

  “Well, fuck me. Keep her for that damn reason alone. If the woman cooks, she’s always welcome around here.” He follows behind me, back into the clubhouse.

  “Text me if and when you find anything out,” I tell him over my shoulder, just before we enter through the door.

  “I think we still have a few favors we can call in,” he says.

  Chapter Eleven


  “Tessa, baby, these beans are fucking amazing,” Eno smiles down the table to me. Emily smacks him, nodding her head to Caden. “You act like the child has never heard it,” he huffs.

  “I know. I just I like to smack you.” Emily smiles as she looks at Caden, who’s grinning from ear to ear.

  “These beans are pretty awesome, Tessa. Thank you for bringing them,” Avery offers, laying her hand on my forearm.

  “No problem. Thank you for having me.” My words bring forth a few snickers.

  “That would be all Matthew.” Eno smiles and winks at me. I feel my face heat.

  Matthew leans into my ear. “You’re gonna have to get past that if you’re gonna hang around here, baby.” He runs the knuckle of his index finger down my cheek.

  “Can we have a conversation over dinner that doesn’t contain one sexual innuendo? Just once?” Josie scoffs, shaking her head.

  All the men say ‘no’ in unison, all except for Leo who sits at the head of the table. He looks up and around the table. “I’m eating.” His voice is deep and carries over the table.

  Caden stands up in her chair, placing her hands on the table as she looks at him. “I love you, Uncle Leo.” I watch him melt.

  “Love you too, Boo. At least my little girls love me.” He gives her a smile that makes his looks soar astronomically past hot.

  Gia screams and Leo bends to take her out of the swing she’s in. Sitting her on his leg, he backs her away from the table and all the things she’s grabbing for. They’re a family who are close and have each other’s backs, and the love I feel from them all is overwhelming. I feel a squeeze on my knee. Pulling me out of my head, I turn to see Matthew smiling at me.

  “Where did you go?” he asks, popping a chip in his mouth.

  I shake my head and smile. It’s been a very long time since I’ve been this happy and it’s all because of this man. My mother always told me she had a sixth sense, and with this one she did. I’ve never been around a man who is so attentive to my needs and wants, or listens and really hears what I have to say.

  I keep waiting to wake up from this dream, to find myself back in my old, terrifying life I’d ran from months ago. I know it will eventually catch up with me. He’ll find me, and my biggest fear is that I’ll have brought him to their door
step. I look around the table at the smiling faces, and then they land on the two little girls amongst us. Terror grips my throat. He would hurt them because of me, to get to me, to make me go back.

  What the hell have I done?



  I’m lying on my back with a beautiful woman between my legs. What more could a man ask for? She rolls to her belly, laying her hands on my chest. Resting her chin, she looks up at me through her lashes, smiling. “Hey you,” I say to her.

  “I had a great time today. I love your friends,” she says practically glowing.

  “They like you too. Piper threatened to kill me if I mess this up.” I reach out, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, her green eyes are sparkling.

  “Piper is definitely…” she starts.

  “Out there.” I finish for her.

  She laughs. “Not what I was going to say, but yes, she’s different.” The sound of her laughter makes me smile, and fight to keep my cock from getting hard. But with her lying between my legs, it’s an uphill battle. “Can I ask you something?”


  “What happened to Hollis’ face?” I knew eventually the questions would come, and lying to her now is only going to make explaining to her what I am—later—even more difficult. So I go with a deluded portion of the truth.

  “She was shot.” My words are flat with the memory of the pain my brother, Roman, had suffered over it.

  Tessa quickly sits up with a shocked look on her face. “Shot? What…How?”

  “Hollis hasn’t always been the Hollis you met today. She was mixed up with the wrong people and got caught in the middle of some nasty business.” I give her the G-rated version of the story.

  She covers her mouth with her hand. “Oh my God. Did they catch whoever did it?” The concern for her new friend is obvious in her tone.


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