Fallen Gods: Tainted Purity

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Fallen Gods: Tainted Purity Page 1

by Lorie O'Clare


  An Ellora’s Cave Publication, October 2004

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.

  1337 Commerce Drive, #13

  Stow, OH 44236-0787

  ISBN MS Reader (LIT) ISBN # 1-4199-0054-4

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  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. They are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

  Edited by Sue-Ellen Gower.

  Cover art by Christine Clavel.


  The following material contains graphic sexual content meant for mature readers. Tainted Purity has been rated E–rotic by a minimum of three independent reviewers.

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing offers three levels of Romantica™ reading entertainment: S (Sensuous), E (E-rotic), and X (X-treme).

  Sensuous love scenes are explicit and leave nothing to the imagination.

  E-rotic love scenes are explicit, leave nothing to the imagination, and are high in volume per the overall word count. In addition, some E-rated titles might contain fantasy material that some readers find objectionable, such as bondage, submission, same sex encounters, forced seductions, and so forth. E-rated titles are the most graphic titles we carry; it is common, for instance, for an author to use words such as “fucking”, “cock”, “pussy”, and such within their work of literature.

  X-treme titles differ from E-rated titles only in plot premise and storyline execution. Unlike E-rated titles, stories designated with the letter X tend to contain controversial subject matter not for the faint of heart.

  Fallen Gods:

  Tainted Purity

  Lorie O’Clare


  A long, long time ago…

  The red sun barely took the chill from her bones. Brigit knew she didn’t shiver from the cold though. Anticipation rushed through her as fast as her fear did. The steady beat of her heart pumped warm blood through her, hitting every nerve ending. Her entire body pulsed, the throbbing ache growing between her legs the longer she stood there.

  The long, thick curls of her hair teased her back, tickled her ass, and covered half of her front. But her nudity didn’t bother her. The ceremony was centuries old, most witnessing it for the first time as a child. Giving her virginity to the coven, accepting womanhood, was a moment every girl lived for. The fact that she would partake before her time caused the entire clan to show up, not to mention neighbors for miles down the river.

  Most girls participated in the ceremony after they were officially spoken for by one of the men in the community. The ceremony bonded them as lifemates, making them one forever. That wouldn’t happen with her. The men left her alone.

  The extent of her powers intimidated them. Girls in the village didn’t have the powers of a goddess. Yet Brigit did. She had no answers as to why. She was born with them. And during her childhood she worked to keep the knowledge quiet that she had been blessed with the ability to do as she wished. She tried not to let others see her move things without touching them, make fire start with her mind, clean the house while lounging in her chair. But when word got out, Braze started coming around. The men in the village tried their hand with her, but the presence of Braze terrified them.

  None of that bothered her. Not even today when she would enter the ceremony without a man to claim her. And the entire community had shown up for the event.

  The more people present, the harder it was to hear individual thoughts. A rush of whispered thought flowed through her, most thinking the same thing.

  Many knew she hadn’t been claimed. Her station helping with the coven allowed her to enter the ceremony, offering what she had—her body, her flesh, her virginity. Although she was ripe, the craving to couple consuming her, she had barely reached her eighteenth year. And tradition clearly stated a claim upon her was needed.

  Keep your head empty. Braze was the only one powerful enough not to reach her in a whisper, his thoughts coming through to her clearly.

  It took all of her energy not to look at him. Standing among the elders in the half circle, covered with the long robe and hood that covered half of his face, he appeared to almost to fade in with the others.

  But not to Brigit. “I’m quite capable of taking care of myself.” She spoke using the elders’ way of communication, whispering her words out loud.

  Braze’s displeasure with her bold words crept over her, providing the chill she’d avoided so far under the cold sun. Her nipples hardened while the throbbing increased in her clit. The smooth flesh between her legs moistened while steamy warm cream coated her, nervous excitement building inside her.

  A heavy cloud passed over the altar, the large stones paced evenly apart in a circle surrounding the initiation table casting shadows over the shrouded elders who stood inside the sacred coven.

  Nervous thoughts filled the air, the hundreds of onlookers staring at her while Brigit sensed the starting of the ceremony. Her legs almost gave out on her. Desire built inside her, a fire smoldering, growing, intensifying with each thought that crept her way.

  You will walk to the altar. Braze’s command hit her thoughts louder than the chanting the elders had started.

  She hated Braze for knowing her mind so well, yet her body screamed for him at the same time. The right of initiation, the coming of age, the purifying of the soul, was a ceremony that all young women of Hedel lived for. Once initiated, their lifemate could take them home, the two of them bonded, and protected by the elders through her. Since the days of the warm sun, every woman who entered the coven offering her fruits to the elders had already been spoken for, her lifemate and his family watching from outside the coven.

  But there was no one watching and waiting for Brigit. Braze had convinced them with their sun’s life ready to end, that the young women needed to be initiated into the coven for their own protection. Brigit was the only one her age in the clan who didn’t have a claim on her. Hedel soon would be uninhabitable, and who was to say if their traditions would be respected off-world.

  But none of the men in the clan would speak for her. Any that came around, Braze would quickly send away. And she didn’t want any of them. Her powers were too strong for her own good, and Braze was the only one who knew that. And she feared he also knew that he held her heart.

  Brigit fought the urge to levitate, while she focused on keeping her mind clear. If the elders knew the extent of her powers at such a young age, it would mean certain death, after they fucked her silly in order to absorb her powers into the coven. They wouldn’t allow anyone to leave Hedel who showed signs of being pure, an untouched virgin, with powers so strong and untapped.

  Going through with the ceremony would take her virginity. When each of the elders fucked her, they would grow in strength when they united their powers. Without her virginity, and showing her willingness to share her powers, she prayed she wouldn’t be such a threat.

  The oldest of the elders approached her, meeting her at the center of the coven’s altar. The cold stones beneath her feet vibrated as their ancient planet suffered under its dying sun. She kept her gaze fixed on the material draping over his face, seeing only his mouth and chin. The man was thin, powerful, but not holding half the power she possessed.

  Keep your mind clear. She couldn’t speak the thought, couldn’t let the elder see into her mind that she fought for purity, worked to show him she was an
innocent, even though she was already tainted. Even if Braze hadn’t touched her physically, their mental sex would be enough to disqualify her from the ceremony. If he caught any of that in her thoughts, knew at such a young age she already was more powerful than he, it would mean her demise. The suspicions existed already that she wasn’t just another villager in the clan. If the elders sensed for a second her upper hand, they would crush her, leave her to die with their planet.

  “You are ready to offer your body?” the elder asked her, using the spoken language of the people.

  Brigit heard the thoughts around her, felt all the eyes upon her. So many envied her, the young men hating the elders for getting to fuck her. But they watched eagerly, entranced by the ritual, already under the spell that the elders around them chanted in their minds.

  I have prepared myself for you, she answered in her mind, knowing she didn’t have the right to use the ancient spoken tongue that she’d learned by heart at a young age. The oils of desire are spread thickly over my body. My breasts crave your touch, my nipples tingle with an eagerness so new to me. My vagina is swollen, sensitive and eager for penetration.

  The words were simple to recite, but she meant every one of them. What she wouldn’t let him see though, was that the words were not for him.

  Will you have all of us today? The elder moved his arm, responding in thought, as he gestured to the twenty or so elders forming the circle around the altar.

  His action made the air ripple, wave after wave stroking her skin.

  I can’t wait to feel each of their cocks deep inside me. Again she made her thoughts confident, her heart pounding as she fought not to look at the stone altar behind him.

  The altar was hard, hewn from solid rock. Even at this distance she sensed how solid it was, how many women before her had been tied to it, spread open for all to see, and fucked by all the elders in the coven. Their cries reverberated through her, adding to the painful throb growing between her legs.

  You are too anxious to be on the altar. Braze chided her. And even through the thoughts of the elders she heard his voice clearly in her head, stroking her thoughts, melting through her.

  She ached to hear only him, to push the others away. But it couldn’t be like that. All the elders must have their turn with her for her to be a woman. This was the way, the tradition of Hedel, and she wouldn’t counter what others had found successful for centuries before her. The yearning in her heart was the hardest to conceal however, taking all of her energy to keep it at bay. He hadn’t spoken for her. Braze was part of the coven. If he’d announced that he would claim her, instead of asking for another female already in the coven, suspicions would have been aroused as to why. She was merely part of her clan. And clan members didn’t hold the powers of the elders in the coven.

  The amount of power Braze possessed terrified her and excited her all at the same time. Just as it always had. And she hated that he sensed that exhilaration in her and knew that he was the source. As if he wasn’t pompous enough already.

  The coven will accept you. The elder’s thoughts mixed with the thoughts of the others in the circle.

  Lust. Excitement. A craving for her young ripe body. Emotions and whispered thoughts clouded the air, wrapping around Brigit. She struggled to breathe, suddenly claustrophobic as everyone’s minds seemed to crowd around her.

  The slightest move of her finger would push them all back. She didn’t dare though. The people of Hedel worshipped the elders, relied on the coven. None of them were possessed with the same gifts. She would be forced to destroy all of them to save herself, or die so that all of what was left of her clan could live.

  The ground underneath her moved again, while a thousand hands suddenly touched her. Fingers glided over her skin. Caressing, fondling, reaching for her soaked cunt while she floated, naked, gliding forward. The elders were taking her, initiating her, and Brigit was so intent on keeping her thoughts clear, her body relaxed, that she was barely able to enjoy it.

  Braze’s laughter rippled over everyone’s thoughts. His hands were on her too; she recognized all too well the roughness of his caress. Closing her eyes, she allowed them to carry her to the altar.

  Her body moved so that she hovered with her back to the ground, her long hair floating down beneath her. She relaxed her arms, allowing them to move her with their thoughts, while she levitated toward the altar.

  None of the elders moved. Their long white gowns flowed in the cold breeze, their hoods masking their ancient faces. Even with her eyes closed she could see them, all of them. Old fingers anxiously rubbed over her body, up her legs, pressing against her inner thighs, stretching her, pinching the sensitive skin so close to her soaked pussy, while she hovered above the altar.

  The stone altar slowly came up against her back. They were skilled enough to place her carefully on the hard surface, so many fingers rushing up her arms, pulling them to the side, stretching her to allow them better access.

  The smooth surface beneath her was cold, offering small relief to the burning fever that rushed through her. Opening her eyes, she stared up at the white sky, the ancient sun a red ball, hovering too close, attempting to shine still, just like the elders attempted to show they could still please a woman.

  Moist heat brushed over her smooth skin, tasting her cream, attaching to her. Brigit arched her back, crying out even when she had sworn not to use words. Her actions pleased the elders, their fingers pressing harder into her skin. Their strength grew with the pressure that built inside her.

  Someone suckled her clit, the wet roughness of a tongue lapping the thick cream between her sensitive folds. She wanted more, thrusting her hips upward against the restraint of so many invisible hands.

  Looking down at her body, so many fingers indented her skin. Hands overlapped each other on her breasts, pulling, squeezing, caressing the plump round mounds. Heat flushed through her, a mouth covering her hard nipple. A tongue washed over the other one. She bit her lip, fighting the urge to come right then, the pain searing through her, her soul crying out to come forth, release her power. But that would only feed them more.

  The elders remained standing around the altar, too far away to physically touch, even if she had been able to move her hands. The way her body responded to their mental foreplay excited them, made them feel their power.

  More hands pulled at her legs. They were getting greedy. The mouth on her clit left, cold air washing over the fire that burned there. Fingers pressed through her flesh to the bone, pinning her down, pressing her back into the cold flat stone beneath her.

  Tell me what you want. Braze’s thoughts hovered just above her.

  She focused her eyes, using her senses instead of her mind to find him. He had moved on top of her, pushing the others away with a mental barrier that surrounded them like a warm blanket, soothing and protective.

  Why tell you what you already know? She knew she shouldn’t have answered.

  Immediate dissatisfaction moved around her. The elders questioning her question. They didn’t hear Braze. He moved on a parallel none of them could reach. But his eagerness, his unwillingness to simply let the ceremony play out, would be the demise of both of them.

  Brigit tried to push him away. She closed her eyes. The altar shook underneath her when she confronted his power.

  Don’t ever fight me. His whispered thoughts were so close she could feel his breath on her face. His deep baritone sent a shiver through her, so much more primal than his thoughts.

  Brigit went tense when his swollen cock pressed against her smooth flesh. Parting her, gliding against her soaked entrance, with so many fingers holding her in place, she thought she would die. An ache flushed through her with a driving intensity making it hard to breathe. She sucked in a breath, only to feel his hot mouth capture hers, feeding her only the air he would allow her to breathe.

  Braze thrust deep inside her. She bucked in reaction, the penetration more powerful than when he’d taken her mentally before. Now hi
s body was really there, filling her insides. Before he’d teased her with thoughts but now he showed her what his body could do. The outbursts around them couldn’t be denied.

  He was out of line, not the oldest of the elders, taking his turn before his time. Frustrated and angry thoughts clouded in around them, breaking through his mental barrier, their many hands tugging at her arms and legs.

  Brigit couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe. Braze’s cock filled her, pressing her against the hard cold surface while his shaft filled her with heat so intense he would burn her from the inside out.

  Her inner muscles clamped around his shaft, soaking him, enabling him to move further into her young, ripe body.

  Everything around her seemed to be shaking, hands losing their grip on her while Braze began moving in and out. Slowly at first, but then the momentum building, her cum making it easier for him to fuck her.

  Falling. The sensation hit her almost too late. Instinctively she reacted, throwing the elders away from her, wrapping her arms and legs around Braze while he fucked her, holding on with everything she had so she wouldn’t crash to the ground.

  An explosion rang through her head, but his cock pounding her sensitive young cunt distracted her enough to ignore it.

  “Fuck me.” She yelled the words. “Harder. Damn it. Harder.”

  Only Braze’s arms were around her now, his body crushed to hers while the cold air wrapped around them, doing its best to soothe the growing fire between them.

  Rocks shattered around them, but they could have been in her mind for all she cared at that moment. Brigit let her head fall back, no longer hindered by the altar, her hair falling freely from her back as she held on to Braze. He pounded her pussy without mercy, claiming her, branding her for all time.

  The outraged cries of the elders didn’t sway him. And the safety of his arms protected her from being yanked back into their grasps.

  “Come with me.” His breath burned her cheek, the request more an order.

  “Braze.” Her body had moved to the edge.

  All she’d ever wanted was to be with him. Born on the verge of her planet’s death, her future wasn’t clear. Braze had shown her the extent of her powers, and now she would use them to keep both of them from being destroyed.


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