12 Naughty Days of Christmas: Volume Four

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12 Naughty Days of Christmas: Volume Four Page 32

by Piper Stone

  Tucker rubbed her back then dropped his hand as she slipped away.

  Tucker’s ranch had a large women’s bathroom with several toilet stalls and a front powder room. She smiled and wondered who told him to put it in. She imagined it had been Susan, because it wasn’t something a man would have thought of. As she took her turn in a well-appointed toilet stall, Hope overheard a couple of women speaking.

  “His choice of date this year is a bit, under scale, wouldn’t you say, Margaret? I thought you had something to say about all that.”

  “Well, it was odd. I put her in the reject pile, but he was interested in her face. Then he said he thought it would be overwhelming for someone so innocent and unworldly. But when I received the stacks back, she was back in the keep pile.”

  “Well, I’m just saying he had to dig deep this year, obviously. He certainly didn’t find someone he’s going to want to see again after tonight. I mean, she isn’t like any of his other dates or girlfriends.”

  “That’s the goal. After tonight she’s history.”

  “Well, he looks pretty taken with her.”

  Margaret’s laugh was forced. “He is good at pretending.”

  What had she been thinking? Of course, he’s pretending. He wanted this evening to come off well and to make others believe he was not on the market, thus the date. She knew it, had signed it, and he had promised her whatever she wanted, friendship being the lowest price, so Hope would play her part. Just an acting role.

  But try as she might to remain distant, neither Tucker, Susan, nor Mark let her. “Please say you’ll come to dinner on the twenty-third. The children are asking about you.”

  “You don’t want me. You want someone else. Someone that will fit into your lifestyle. Your family’s lifestyle,” declared Hope.

  Susan pushed her into the back office. “Look, I don’t know what you heard or overheard, and I don’t care. I want you to know that you are the best thing that has ever happened to my brother. Yes, you have twisted him up inside, but that’s a good thing.”

  “I’m not what he ultimately wants, Susan. Margaret said so, he’s pretending.”

  “Baloney. What that man really wants is a wife and ultimately, a mother to his children. A professional woman who is sweet and warm. A woman who is smart and can stand on her own, running his home, her business, and supporting him in his. That’s you.” Susan’s eyes were fierce as she continued. “My parents want a woman, who isn’t cold, to be the mother to their grandchildren, and my kids love you. Mark and I adore you. No matter what you think, Tucker is falling in love with you. But if you don’t love him or think you can, then end it tonight because it is unfair to do otherwise.” Susan gave Hope an encouraging smile. “Now, dinner on the twenty-third?”

  Hope looked over where Tucker was laughing, and he caught her eye. His smile was warm. “I’ll bring my incredible edible fudge.”

  Susan hugged her. “Great. Come early.”

  Even though Hope tried to push him away, Tucker was more amorous. He must have sensed that something happened, but he wasn’t going to allow her to drive him away.

  “When this party is over, we are having a talk.” He was not asking, he was announcing.

  She nodded her head in agreement. She smiled a fake smile. When the long, successful evening was over, he didn’t even allow her to bow out of farewells. He held her tight to his side, and she said goodnight to every guest before he hauled her upstairs to the family sitting room.

  “I want to tell you to get into something comfortable so you can come back, and we can cuddle, talking about the evening, but I’m afraid you won’t return, so, I’ll go with you.”

  “What? You can’t do that.”

  “Watch me. Something is up with you, and I don’t know why, but we are going to figure it out. You’re going to stop giving me mixed messages and the cold shoulder.”

  This was Tucker in charge, and it gave her goosebumps.

  “I’m confused.”

  “Okay, we’ll fix that. Now go and get changed.”

  Hope turned toward her room.

  “And Hope?”

  She stopped walking.

  “I mean to know it all.”

  She nodded and continued to her room.

  When she returned, he was in silk pajama pants and a tee shirt. She imagined that was very overdressed for him at night, but didn’t say anything because she was overdressed as well. Usually, a tank and panties were what she wore instead of a tank and pajama bottoms.

  He was stretched out on the sofa and reached to pull her between his legs. He kissed her hair before propping his chin on her head. “Now, talk.”

  “The contract is essentially over, and I know it was supposed to be for the month, and we would stay friends, but I don’t know if I can do that.”

  “Was I such a bad date?”

  She laughed. “No, you are an awesome date. That’s the problem. I can’t be your friend.”

  “My sister is friends with her husband.”

  “But that is her husband. She has a place to get rid of the other kinds of tensions. We just build more.”

  “So friends is out or being just friends is out?”

  “Tucker, the contract is over.”

  “I don’t give a damn about that contract. I wish we didn’t have it between us.”

  “But we do. I know you didn’t choose me as one of the possible dates for this month.”

  Tucker was quiet. “I did the first round.”

  “But not the second.”

  “No, not the second. I just figured fate and my assistant had a hand in it.”

  “She says no. I overheard her talking about the fact that you always pick other women, not someone like me. She says she thought you had made a mistake.”

  “Then how did you get on the interview list? It doesn’t matter. I’m so glad you did, you know.”

  “Maybe, but I don’t know how it happened. The fact still remains that you didn’t think I was good enough.”

  “No, I thought you would be overwhelmed by the pretentiousness of it all. But you have proven how wrong I was. I clicked with you. I enjoy you. I have feelings for you.”

  “But your first impressions might have been right.”

  “They weren’t, Hope. This is right. Tonight is right.” Tucker kissed her temple and twisted her around to reach her cheek, her lips.

  Hope didn’t kiss him back.

  “Say you feel it too.”

  “I’m not the person you need in your life.”

  He kissed her neck. “Let me be the judge of that.”

  Hope moaned and kissed him back.

  He turned her to fully face him. He kissed her neck and ran his hands under her tank top to uncover her naked breasts. Plump and more substantial than his hand could hold, he kneaded them and petted the soft globes of flesh. He brought his head down to partake of the nips that were hard and reaching for his touch. Tucker grinned when Hoped whimpered and she brought his face back to hers where her lips met his.

  What started as reassurance, soon had their breathing matching the level of touching and excitement that their lips, tongues, and fingers were enjoying. Her clit was humming, as Tucker strummed the stiff nubbin until she exploded. He flicked and ran his finger around her sensitive pussy until she finally relaxed. He kissed her ear. Tucker was the one who pulled back this time.

  “Honey, we have to stop. Hope, we can’t do more. I’m not going to make love to you until we are sure it is love. You aren’t sure. When we come together, it will be in bed, with the full understanding that it is a commitment. We aren’t ready to commit yet.”

  Hope whimpered. “I know. I know you’re right. But I want you so much.”

  “Me too, honey, me too. But anticipation can be so sweet when we finally come together. I want you to be sure. It’s important. I want you, all of you. Can you honestly say you’re ready to give it all to me?”

  She shook her head. “I want to so badly. Tucker, it’s j
ust sex.”

  “We want more than sex with a period, we want so much more. Soon, baby, we’ll be sure soon.”

  She groaned and pulled away so she could straighten her clothes and snuggle into his arms to talk. “I kinda hate you right now.”

  Tucker released a deep rumbling laugh. “I know. I kinda hate me too.” He kissed her cheek.

  “Tucker, what did you mean about spanking?”

  “It’s something I enjoy in the bedroom.”

  “Is that all?”

  He pulled her in tighter. “Not entirely. I would like to explore more with you, a type of lifestyle that includes spanking. But it’s something to discuss well after we have made commitments. We aren’t to the negotiation stage yet, so when we get there, we can talk more about it.”

  “Doesn’t it make more sense to negotiate now?”



  Monday came with a bang and the final week of Christmas was on. Tucker’s office was less busy as many took vacations beginning this week.

  Landan Michaels Boutique was slammed.

  Tucker sent Hope text messages, but she had a hard time answering. “Tucker, I am too busy. Talk tonight.”

  In the evenings she was wrapping presents to be picked up the next day, filling orders, and doing the books.

  The phone rang, and she put it on speaker.

  “Whatcha you doing?”


  “Want some help?” asked a buoyant Tucker.

  Hope laughed. “Yes, but not yours.”

  “Why? I can wrap.”

  “You’re distracting.”

  “I can hire someone to wrap for you and then I can come over.”

  “No, Tucker. Gotta go. Talk tomorrow.”

  “Night, honey.”

  “Goodnight, Tucker.” Every time she spoke to him her breathing accelerated, and her girlie bits dampened. Hope smiled.

  Friday morning she made a list of the ingredients that she needed for the fudge she’d promised for the Saturday night dinner and stopped on her way home to pick them up. She had ordered gifts for the children, gotten Christie a soft sweater and Mark embossed golf balls that her father had recommended. For Tucker, she found a bronze figure that was by the same artist she saw he had collected. It was a replica of the real deal, but it was still incredibly beautiful.

  Susan made her reminder call to Hope later that night. “Don’t forget dinner tomorrow night and don’t forget your fudge.”

  “I won’t. I made it in peppermint, peanut butter, deep dark, and blonde. Can I bring my gifts that night because things will be different afterward?”

  “I hope so,” said Susan, which somehow did not reassure Hope of a future friendship.

  Tucker got his reminder call from Susan. “Make sure she’s coming and don’t mess up. This girl is our holiday hope to get you a better class of woman and maybe someone forever. Don’t scare her off with your discipline speech.”

  Too late.

  Chapter 5

  The family dinner at Susan and Mark’s was fun, and Hope enjoyed spending time with a family at Christmas. She could leave in time to spend most of Christmas day with her parents, but there wasn’t any reason to. They enjoyed their life without obligations like holiday rituals. Hope was going to initiate plenty of traditions when she had her family.

  Tucker was the most relaxed she’d ever seen him. He turned his phone to vibrate and never answered one call. Oh, he reviewed the caller, but he never felt inclined to reply, evidently, because the phone was always replaced in his pocket. He was good with his nephews and niece. When they wanted to open the evening’s presents early, he was able to make his case for waiting.

  Dinner was lively and enjoyable. Hope could talk to Susan about almost everything she spoke to Christie about, except Tucker. He was off limits. Not only did she feel awkward talking to his sister about him, but it wouldn’t be fair to Tucker.

  “Are you going to see Tucker after tonight?”

  “I think so. We are friends, after all. Why, do you know something I don’t?”

  “Are you sure you’re just friends?”

  “I think that’s a Tucker question. I can’t, and sorry, Susan, won’t talk about your brother to you.”

  “Why not? I know all of his secrets.”

  “That’s one good reason right there. If Tucker has secrets that are still secret to me, it’s because he wants it that way.”



  “Tucker likes spanking in the bedroom.”

  “Susan, I’m ending this conversation.”

  “No, listen to me. Because you didn’t react, he must have told you or indicated something or maybe you have experienced it. It’s the old slap and tickle, you know. But he’s a gentleman. You can always say no. He’ll listen.”

  “Susan. Stop.” Hope’s heart had ratcheted up several notches, and her face was so very hot. She had been wondering about that ever since he mentioned it. And the thought didn’t turn her off, which was odd.

  “But he wants to explore discipline. I know he’s not ever done it formally, but a little informally. He loses women fast that way.”

  “Would you just stop?” But Hope was curious, and she felt moisture where she shouldn’t.

  “Okay, okay. I just want you to know that my brother would never force anyone to do anything they didn’t agree to and that he thought both were happy with. Not anything. Everything is negotiable.”

  “Right, I’ve got it. Thanks. Can we change the subject now?”

  Tucker walked in with Mark. “What subject are we changing?”

  “Female issues,” said Susan as she finished the last dish to set on the sideboard.

  “Yep, changing subjects is a good call,” answered Mark.

  Hope could feel her face heat up again, and her skin tingled with the curious stare Tucker gave her. She wasn’t sure that he believed his sister, but he didn’t challenge anything.

  He was as courteous as always, but his looks were more pensive tonight than lustful.

  Hope wondered what had changed things. Maybe with a few days in between the party and now, since she had been working so hard and they had not spent much time together, he’d realized that he was not as into her as he’d thought. Or maybe, since the contract would be over tonight, he was done.

  An ache she could hardly endure came over her. She realized she cared for him too much to just be a friend. Oh, she wouldn’t burn the bridge, but if he didn’t contact her, then there was nothing she could do. She had agreed. They had adjusted the contract. It was all up to him now.

  As the evening came to a close, Tucker seemed to withdraw from her. He didn’t touch her, didn’t speak to her unless she talked to him first. Officially, tonight at midnight the contract ended. It looked like Tucker was trying to make it easier. She knew it wasn’t possible.

  Susan and Mark must have noticed, because they were trying to re-engage Tucker, but it was apparent he wasn’t going to succumb to their enticements.

  Hope left as soon as she could, more than relieved that she had driven herself tonight, against Tucker’s requests. The goodbyes were as jovial as she could make them with the others; but besides a quiet and private “Goodnight, Hope. Drive safe.” while he helped her with her coat, Tucker said nothing else as she left the brightly lit home. He had ended every evening for the past several weeks with, “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” There was nothing like that tonight.

  Hope held off the tears the best she could, but by the time she pulled into her apartment complex, she could barely park correctly. Stumbling into the elevator because she knew she would kill herself on the stairs, she used the wall as support to stand. Finally, she got to her door and kicked it when her hands wouldn’t work. She dried her eyes enough to get the key into the lock. With the door closed and locked before she fell onto the sofa, she cried herself to sleep. She had fallen for him, but now it was over, and she knew she’d never be
the same. She woke up around four and staggered into bed.

  The next morning she checked her phone and saw there was a message from Tucker sent at 11:58 PM. Merry Christmas Eve! But it was posted before midnight, and she couldn’t respond. She might have if she had seen it before midnight, now it was too late. Did he think it was midnight? Was her clock off? Legally, she had to go by her own time unless she could prove he meant for it to be received after the contract was up. Hope couldn’t establish it because she couldn’t ask him. All of a sudden, she hated her life.

  Hope unlocked the shop on the only Sunday in the year that they were ever open, the last Sunday before Christmas. She remembered why they’d agreed to close on Sunday as she dragged through the door. This holiday season had been more hectic, as they had built up a reputation now, not to mention the added business gleaned from the Winter Ball. Tucker had crowded her month as well. It had been a good month.

  Christie came barrelling in behind her as Hope was setting her bag down. “God, you look like death warmed over. I thought you would have a good time with your friends.”

  “I had a good time, but the contract is over. No more Tucker and I’m feeling a little sad.”

  “Understatement of the year if you ask me. So now you are off the clock; you can call him as a friend.”

  “Nope, he has to call me first. That is what the contract says. If he doesn’t, then I can’t.”

  “So don’t worry. He’ll call.”

  “Sure, I know. It’s just that today is Sunday and Christmas Eve. He’ll be out at the ranch with his family. Christmas Eve is when he gives the family their presents. Then it’s Christmas. Then New Year’s and then I am gone on my vacation. It might never happen, is what I’m saying, because of the timing.”

  “Yeah, I can see that. But he was into you, Hope. Don’t worry, he will call. But right now, we have to get set up. This day is going to be hectic.”


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