by Simon Schama
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Meyers, Jeffrey, Orwell: Wintry Conscience of a Generation (W.W. Norton 2000)
Morgan, Kenneth O., Britain Since 1945: The People’s Peace (OUP 1990)
Morgan, Kenneth O., Labour in Power, 1945–51 (Clarendon Press 1984)
Morgan, Kenneth O., Rebirth of a Nation: Wales 1880–1980 (Clarendon Press 1981)
Parker, R. A. C., Chamberlain and Appeasement: British Policy and the Coming of the Second World War (Macmillan 1993)
Parker, R. A. C., Churchill and Appeasement (Macmillan 2000)
Paxman, Jeremy, The English: A Portrait of a People (Michael Joseph 1998)
Pedersen, Susan, and Mandler, Peter (eds), After the Victorians: Private Conscience and Public Duty in Modern Britain (Routledge 1994)
Pugh, Martin, The Making of Modern British Politics, 1867–1939 (Basil Blackwell 1982)
Pugh, Martin, The Tories and the People, 1880–1935 (Basil Blackwell 1985)
Ramadin, Ron, Re-imagining Britain: 500 Years of Black and Asian History (Pluto Press 1999)
Roberts, Andrew, Eminent Churchillians (Simon & Schuster 1994)
Roberts, Andrew, The ‘Holy Fox’: A Biography of Lord Halifax (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1991)
Roberts, Andrew, Salisbury: Victorian Titan (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1999)
Rose, Norman, Churchill: An Unruly Life (Simon & Schuster 1994)
Samuel, Raphael, Theatres of Memory, Vol. II: Island Stories: Unravelling Britain (Verso 1998)
Shelden, Michael, Orwell: The Authorised Biography (Heinemann 1991)
Skidelsky, Robert, The Politicians and the Slump: The Labour Government of 1929–31 (Macmillan 1967)
Spencer, Ian R. G., British Immigration Policy since 1939:The Making of Multi-Racial Britain (Routledge 1997)
Stansky, Peter, and Abrahams, William, The Unknown Orwell (Constable 1972)
Stewart, Graham, Burying Caesar: Churchill, Chamberlain and the Battle for the Tory Party (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1999)
Taylor, A. J. P., et al., Churchill: Four Faces and the Man (Allen Lane/Penguin Press 1969)
Taylor, A.J. P., English History 1914–1945 (OUP 1965)
Thompson, F. M. L., The Rise of Respectable Society: A Social History of Victorian Britain, 1830–1900 (Fontana Press 1988)
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Young, Hugo, This Blessed Plot: Britain and Europe from Churchill to Blair (Overlook Press 1998)
The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.
Ablett, Noah 325
Acheson, Dean 412
Addison, Christopher 335
Afghanistan 220, 242, 272, 276
Africa 306, 319, 338 see also South Africa
North 407
Agadir incident 327
agriculture 29–33, 92, 98–9, 277–8, 308, 313, 360, 361
Ahmadullah Shah 239, 250, 253
aircraft production 377, 399, 400
Albert, Prince 111, 112, 114, 115–17 passim, 121, 125, 126, 147, 148–54 passim, 164, 168–71 passim, 191–2, 256, 262
Memorial 173, 175
Alexandra, Princess 170, 172
Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh 264
Alice, Princess 171–2
America 13, 14, 15, 37, 39, 43, 46, 49, 97 see also United States
Amery, Leo 381, 385, 389
Amiens, Peace of 85
Anderson, Squadron-Leader C. F. 493
Anglo-Persian Oil Co. 327, 328
Contributions Act 269
ANZACs 338
appeasement 375–77, 378, 385
Arabs 340, 412
architecture 130–2
Argentina 414
Armistice Day 333
Arnold, Matthew 129
Asquith, Herbert Henry 317, 320, 323, 325, 327, 330, 337
Atlantic Alliance 406, 412
Attlee, Clement 389, 391, 397, 408–11 passim
Atwood, Thomas 103, 107
Auckland, Lord 219–20
Australia 240–1, 338, 370
Austria 71, 328, 375, 380–1
Awadh 243–6 passim, 252, 256
Bahadur Shah 235, 250, 252, 253, 255
Baldwin, Stanley 336, 353–54 passim, 361, 365, 372, 373, 374–5, 377, 378–9, 382, 383, 398
Balfour, Arthur 284, 303, 317, 319, 321, 323, 340
Declaration 340
Balkans 183, 275–6, 328
Balmoral 153, 169
Bamford, Samuel 101
Barbauld, Anna Letitia 44, 45, 46
Barker, Henry Aston 88
Barrackpore 217, 236–7
Barry, Charles 113, 131
Bartrum, Katherine/Robert 247–50 passim, 251, 254
Bazley, Thomas 117, 163
BBC 355
Beatles, The 414
Beato, Felice 254–5
Beaupuis, Michel 56–8
Beaverbrook, Lord 308, 386, 399, 400
Becker, Lydia 163
Beeton, Isabella 175
Belgium 328, 390, 395, 396
Bentham, Jeremy 156, 158, 202–4 passim
Bentinck, William 204, 206–7, 210, 214, 289, 290
Berlin, Congress of (1878) 276
Besant, Annie 187–9 passim, 289
Bevan, Aneurin 407, 410
Beveridge Report 405, 409
Bevin, Ernest 391, 399, 408, 411–3 passim
Bewick, Thomas 25–9, 33, 35–6, 38, 95–6, 103
History of Quadrupeds 95, 96
Binns, John 68
Birmingham 92, 103 413, 524, 529
Political Union 103, 107
birth control 187, 221
Blackstone, Sir William 135, 150, 154
Blackwell, Elizabeth 182
Blair, Eric 343–51, 355–8 see also Orwell
Richard 346–7, 352
Blake, William 34, 45, 105
Blenheim Palace 298–9
blockade, continental 91–2
Blood, Sir Bindon 305, 370
bombing, civilian 377, 392, 399, 400, 401–4, 408
Bonaparte, Napoleon 71, 73, 78, 85, 86, 87, 89, 91–2, 96
Booth, Charles 188, 310, 311, 317
Boothby, Sir Brooke 19, 20–2 passim
Boucherett, Jessie 155
Bourne, Samuel 257
Boycott, Captain Charles 278
boycotts 289, 371
Bracken, Brendan 368
Bradlaugh, Charles 187, 289
brass bands 145
Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of 411
Bright, Jacob 163
Bright, John 273, 275, 300
Britain, battle of 399–400
Britishness 87–8, 297, 309, 378, 396, 410, 421, 422
Brittain, Vera 333
Brooke, General Alan 400–1, 407–8
Brooke, Frances 31
Brown, John 174–5, 192
Bryant and May 188–9
Burdett, Sir Francis 90, 102
Burke, Edmund 41–6 passim, 49–50, 55, 59, 78, 82, 83, 85, 88, 200, 260
Reflections on Revolution in France 41–3, 46, 78
Burma 247, 348, 352
Burns, John 315, 320, 321
Butler, Josephine 186
Butler, R. A. 405
Cadbury, George 310
Calcutta 244, 252, 257
Fort William College 204, 214, 258
Victoria Memorial 198, 199, 457
Cameron, Charles 178–9
Cameron, Julia Margaret 177–81 passim
Campbell, Sir Colin 253
Campbell, George 221, 273–4
br /> Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry 320
Campo Formio, peace of 71
Canada 230–1, 338, 370
Cannadine, David 265, 308
Canning, Charles 245, 247, 253, 255–7
Carlyle, Thomas 127–30, 138, 152, 158, 159, 180, 260, 296, 311, 315, 421
Carson, Sir Edward 337
Cartwright, John 38, 45, 90, 135
Catholic emancipation 74, 76, 105–7 passim
Cavendish, Lord Frederick 280
Cetawayo, King 273
Chamberlain, Austen 496
Chamberlain, Joseph 274, 281, 283–8 passim, 306, 307, 310, 317, 318
Neville 367, 375, 378–85, 388–91 passim, 394, 397, 398
Charles, Prince of Wales 417
Charles X (of France) 106
Charlotte Augusta, Princess 100, 119
Chartists 115, 123, 135–43
Land Co. 143–4
Chartwell 367
Chesterton, Ada Elizabeth 356
children 22–3, 24–5, 35
China 241–2, 348
Christie, Thomas 58
Church of England 100, 107
Churchill, Clementine 307, 325, 329, 331 passim, 341, 368
Randolph 372
Lady Randolph 299, 300, 301, 303, 305
Lord Randolph 284, 299, 299–304, 319
Winston 293–308, 306, 314, 318–9, 319–33, 339–41, 352–55, 367–79, 383–4, 387–410, 422–3
and empire 293, 295–6, 297, 306, 369–73 passim, 396, 405, 516, 532, 537
and history 294–5, 298, 328–9, 368–9, 396, 403, 421, 423
childhood/schooldays 299–303
funeral 297
in India 293, 294, 305
as MP 307, 318, 319–21; in office 319–23, 324, 325, 327–9, 332, 339–41, 390–410
as prime minister 390–410 ‘wilderness’ years 367–79, 382–4, 387–8
as war correspondent 302–7
in World War I 331–3
History of the English-Speaking Peoples, A 368, 403, 422, 528, 555
World Crisis, The 341, 353, 367
Civil Service reform 233
Clarkson, Thomas 105
Clemenceau, Georges 336
coal 27, 312, 313, 321, 324, 325, 328, 336, 352, 355, 404
Cobbe, Frances Power 159
Cobbett, William 96–9, 102–7, 119, 135, 315, 556
Cobden, Richard 245, 273, 275
Cochrane, Thomas 90
Cockran, William Bourke 304
Coercion Acts 279, 281
Cole, Henry 114, 116, 117
Colebrooke, Sir Edward 207, 214
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 78–86 passim, 93–4 passim, 100, 424
Collins, Michael 339, 372
Commission on Physical Deterioration 318
Commonwealth 297, 370, 379, 405, 420
communism 339, 366, 379
Condorcet, Marquis de 59, 62
Conroy, Sir John 120, 121
Conservatives 261, 281, 283, 285, 287, 314, 319, 336, 372, 410, 413–4, 415
Contagious Diseases Act 186
Cook, A.J. 355
Cook, Thomas 115
Cooper, Duff 379, 382
cooperatives 144, 145
Corn Laws 92, 134, 135, 137, 140, 222, 225
Cornwallis, Marquis 77
CPRE 473
Craig, Isa 155, 163
Cranbrook, Lord 272
Cripps, Stafford 375, 404, 407, 412, 413
‘Cromwell’ operation 400, 402
Cross, Richard 261–2
Crystal Palace 111–13, 233
Cubitt, Sir William 114
Curzon, Lord 195–9 passim, 206, 288, 289, 307, 322, 335, 336, 339
Czechoslovakia 380, 381, 382, 387
Dalhousie, Lord 220, 239, 242–7 passim, 263
Dalton, Hugh 382, 397, 398
Dangerfield, George 326
Dardanelles campaign 330, 388, 407
Darwin, Charles 183
Erasmus 21
Davidson, Thomas 316
Davies, Emily 162, 184
Davison, Emily Wilding 326
Davitt, Michael 277, 278
Dawson, Geoffrey 373
Day, Lady 147
Day, Thomas 22–3
D-Day 408
Declaration of Rights of Man 48
defence, imperial 320, 327
Defence of Realm Act 87
Delhi 197, 234, 235, 236, 247, 248, 254, 413
De Quincey, Thomas 18
devolution 418
Diana, Princess of Wales 418
Dickens, Charles 129, 138, 173
diet 417, 477
Digby, William 270, 271
disarmament 374, 375, 413
Disraeli, Benjamin 163, 174–5, 258–61 passim, 262–3, 264, 272–3, 275–6 passim, 282, 301, 319, 369, 382, 423
Isaac 347
Dissenters 34–5, 74, 90, 103
divorce 158–9
Dolbadarn Castle 16
Dowding, Air Marshal 513
Duleep Singh 243
Dundas, Henry 73, 86, 87, 328
Dunkirk, evacuation of 395, 397–8
Dyer, Gen. Reginald 291, 371
East India Co. 200, 204, 205, 207, 213, 215, 218, 244, 247, 256
Eastlake, Charles Lock 114
economy 91–2, 126, 127–9, 144–5, 183, 272, 276, 313, 321, 335, 352–6, 404, 411–4 passim, 416
Eden, Anthony 297, 378, 381, 394, 405, 410, 412
Eden, Emily 219–20
Edinburgh Convention 49–50
Edinburgh Maidservants’ Union 155
Edward VII 198, 323
as Prince of Wales 150, 153, 170–1, 172, 175, 355
Edward VIII 378
as Prince of Wales 363
EEC/EU 297, 415, 418, 421
Egypt 281–2, 297, 305, 330, 339, 339–41, 414
Eisenhower, Dwight D. 414
El Alamein, battle of 407
Elgin, Earl of 257, 263, 319
Elizabeth II 418
Elizabeth, Queen 399
Elliot, H. M. 245
Elphinstone, Mountstuart 205
emigration 221, 222, 230–1
Empire 195–258, 263–93, 294, 297, 306, 320, 328, 338–9, 349–52, 363, 369–73, 375, 396, 405, 407, 409, 410, 412–4, 419
employment 144, 317, 405, 416
women’s 155–6, 161, 164–5
enclosures 30
Engels, Friedrich 126
engineering 312, 314
England 418–9
Erskine, Thomas 66, 67
Esch, Vincent 197
Eugenie, Empress 149
Europe 369, 379–80, 407, 415, 419, 421
Eastern 328, 375, 383, 396
evacuation 385–6
Evans, Mary Ann (George Eliot) 155
Everest, Elizabeth 299, 303
Fabian Society 188, 310, 315–8, 320
Faithfull, Emily 154–5
famine 219–23, 268–71
fascism 363, 366, 379
British Union of 363
Fawcett, Henry/Millicent Garrett 185
feminism 59–60, 71, 154–6, 159, 163–5, 183–5 see also individual entries
Fenton, Roger 147
Ferguson, Adam 205
Feroze Shah 239
finance, world 414
Fisher, H. A. L. 335
Fisher, Sir John Jacky 327, 330, 333, 341
Fitzgerald Lord Edward 58, 76
Fitzwilliam, Earl 93
Forster, E. M. 219, 350, 387
Forster, William Edward 278
Fox, Charles James 25, 37, 39, 43, 48, 49, 76, 80, 85, 90
Henry 25
France 51, 54–8, 61, 71, 72, 74, 75, 77–8, 79, 80, 81, 85–6, 105–6, 115, 139, 142, 282, 306, 327, 328, 375, 383, 391, 394–5, 396, 415
Revolution 38–42, 47–9, 53, 57, 61–3, 71, 74, 78
Francis I, Emperor 91
Frend, Rev. William 79
Frederick of Prussia 91
p; friendly societies 144, 145
Frost, John 135, 136
Fuseli, Henry 45, 60–1, 66, 80
Gaelic movement 288
Gaitskell, Hugh 413
Gales, John 48
Gallipoli assault 330, 338
Gandhi, Mahatma 291, 349, 371–2
Garnett, Theresa 325
Garrett (Anderson), Elizabeth 182–3
Gaskell, Elizabeth 137–8, 144, 154, 155
Mary Barton 137–8, 144
de Gaulle, General 297, 394, 415, 421
George III 20, 33, 39–40, 68, 74, 87, 90, 119
George IV 119, 123, 124, 130
as Prince Regent 45, 90, 92, 95
George V 290, 428, 363, 378
George VI 390–1
Germany 272, 313, 320, 327–34, 339, 373–408 passim
Nazi-Soviet pact 384, 386, 387, 402
Gernsheim, Helmut 148
Ghosh, Lalmohan 198
Gillray, James 56, 73
Girton College, Cambridge 185
Gladstone, William Ewart 113, 165, 182, 188, 190, 221, 259, 260–1, 273–7, 278–86, 300, 301, 341
Glasgow 277, 311, 337
Godwin, William 45, 67, 69–71, 83
Goering, Hermann 373, 380, 400
gold standard, return to 354, 365
Goldsmith, Oliver 31–3, 97
Gollancz, Victor 363–4
Gordon, General 187, 282
Gorst, John 301
Gothic Revival 130–2
‘Gothick’ 38
Graham, Sir James 225
Granville, Lord 182
Grattan, Henry 74, 77
Great Exhibition 111–17, 132, 240
Greenwood, Arthur 385, 390, 391, 397
Greg, William Rathbone 165
Gregory, William 305
Grenville, Richard 268–70 passim
Grey, Charles 49, 51, 106, 107, 241
Grey, Sir Edward 328, 330
Griffith, Arthur 340
Gubbins, Martin 250, 251
Haileybury 204, 207, 214, 221, 258
Halifax, Lord 375, 378–80 passim, 383, 390, 394, 395, 397, 398 see also Irwin
Hallam, Henry 150, 295
Hardie, Keir 315
Hardinge, Viscount 242
Hardy, Thomas 49, 66, 67
Harney, George 135, 136, 139, 142
Harris, José 313
Hastings, Lady Flora 124
Havelock, Major-General Sir Henry 252
Hawarden, Lady 178–80 passim
Hazlitt, William 83–6, 93–5, 100, 105, 119, 202
Hazrat Mahal 239–40 passim, 250
Healy, Tim 278
Heath, Edward 415