Road to Nowhere (Road to Nowhere #1; The Good Ol' Boys Spin Off #2)

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Road to Nowhere (Road to Nowhere #1; The Good Ol' Boys Spin Off #2) Page 21

by M. Robinson

  “Ladies first,” I insisted, gesturing for Mia to lead the way, stepping in close behind her so I could cut off her pretty-boy date.

  I could hear him grumbling under his breath as we walked over to the table. At the last second, I decided to stop at the bar, grabbing Mason, Giselle, and myself had a beer, Mia a sweet tea, and Dick a chocolate milk in a fucking kiddie cup. Mia scowled when I handed it to him, but Mason chuckled under his breath, I thought it was pretty fucking funny.

  “Just tryin’ to be polite,” I murmured into the side of her face, taking a seat beside her.

  Dinner carried on. Mason and Giselle talked about what they were doing during our leave, not paying any attention to anyone else at the table. While Mia hung on every word that left Dick’s fucking mouth. I just sat there like the odd man out, sipping my beer. Taking in all the bullshit he was spouting to her.

  “My dad owns a blue 1968 Plymouth Roadrunner with a 340 six-pack that’s 500 horsepower. When I turn seventeen next month, it’s all mine. Maybe you and I can head up the coast, take a drive or something,” he suggested, winking, causing her cheeks to turn bright red.

  “Oh my God, that is so awesome. My uncles are into fast cars,” Mia replied, leaning over the table, twirling her hair around her finger. Acting like she really knew what the little shit was talking about.

  “Do you like fast things?” he implied, cocking a smile, brushing his thumb over her hand on top of the table. I resisted the urge to break his fucking fingers.

  “Damn… at least know your shit when tryin’ to impress your girl. A 1968 Plymouth Roadrunner with a 340 six pack can only have 290 horsepower. That’s like sayin’ you gotta ten-inch cock when it’s really five,” I chimed in, shrugging. Taking another swig of my beer, eying him over the rim.

  Mia choked on her drink, clearing her throat, bringing his attention back to her. “I’d love to take a drive with you one day.” She smiled.

  “Good luck with that, Dick. Her daddy is like a rabid guard dog, just waitin’ to rip a boy to shreds. Why do ya think this is her first—” Mia’s foot connected with my shin, kicking me under the table.

  I grinned. “Goin’ to the bar.” Pushing out my stool, I headed over to get another beer. Keeping my eye on the table while I waited. Watching Mia toss her hair, taking animatedly with her hands.

  All while the cocksucker’s eyes strayed to her cleavage.

  I decided to stay at the bar, trying to play nice. Mason and Giselle eventually made their way over, giving the couple some space. They downed some beers with me and then took off. Saying their lane opened up or some shit. I kept my eyes on Mia and her date, knowing where they were at all times. Roaming around before stopping to play a couple games of bowling. Taking a lane a few rows down from Mason and Giselle’s. I would catch her glancing my way from time to time, flashing her contagious fucking smile at me. Looking so goddamn grown.

  Where did the baby girl with pigtails go?

  It was like she grew up overnight. Wearing makeup, highlighting her bright blue eyes and plump pouty lips that were almost too big for her tiny face. Her dark brown hair long and straight, cascading down her slender back.

  Smelling so fucking good.

  I shook off the thoughts that could only bring trouble, throwing back some more beers. Trying to ignore the fact that Mia wasn’t a baby girl anymore, but a fifteen-year-old turning into a young woman.

  One I couldn’t keep my damn eyes off of.

  Five beers later, I got off my stool at the bar and headed to the bathroom to take a piss. When I came out, Mason and Giselle were back at the table, looking over to the far wall where a row of carnival-style games filled the space. The one that caught my eye was a red booth, lined with stuffed animals and a bright neon sign that said “Shooting Gallery.” Mia and Dick were waiting in line to play. It was one of those games where targets would pop up and you had a few seconds to shoot them down.

  Looked easier than it really fucking was.

  Dick stepped up to the booth, grabbing the rifle while Mia stood back, excited to watch her pretty boy try to win her a prize. I took a seat with Mason and watched what this kid could do. He positioned the rifle at his shoulder and looked through the scope, waiting for the bell to ring.

  It did. One target after another started popping up as he took shots to get them to fall. Mia was jumping up and down like a fucking cheerleader, clapping her hands, rooting him on.

  Ping, ping, ping.

  The BB’s hit the metal targets, missing about ten when all was said and done.

  “That was so good!” Mia shouted, practically fucking bouncing over to him.

  The little shit handed her a small pink stuffed teddy bear, and she threw her arms around his neck. Hugging him a little too close and long for my fucking comfort.

  “Creed, no,” Giselle warned before I even got out of my chair. The expression on my face must have given me away.

  “What? A little friendly competition won’t hurt anyone, boy’s gotta grow some balls sometime,” I said, looking over at her.

  “He needs to be pegged down a few steps. I don’t like the way he’s looking at her. Mia will give me shit if I do it. I don’t want to hear it. Go fucking show him up,” Mason agreed, nodding to me.

  “Ugh!” Giselle scoffed out. “You both are terrible.”

  I stood, making my way over to the booth. Walking up behind Mia, who was still hugging the little shit, I whispered near her ear, “Watch this.”

  She jerked back, pulling away from him. Caught off guard by my voice coming up behind her. I grinned, picking up the rifle Dick had just used, and positioned myself in place.

  “Ready. Set. Shoot!” the game attendant shouted. The bell rang once again.

  Each target popped up and fell before it was even fully upright. I shot at every angle from where I stood, never moving my goddamn feet. One target right after the other fell over without so much as a blink of an eye. Catching the next target before it barely had a chance to move, tracking it with my gun.

  A buzzer sounded over the shooting gallery, and the announcer came over the PA System, “We have a hot shooter ladies and gentleman! Let’s see if he can survive the bonus round! No one ever has!”

  A crowd began to gather, including Mason and Giselle. Wanting to get a glimpse of the excitement. I looked over at Mia and winked. Dick stood there with his arms crossed over his chest, pouting like the pansy ass pussy he was.

  I cocked the rifle, waiting for the signal to go.

  “Ready. Set. Shoot!”

  This time the targets were moving, flipping up faster but falling down just as quick as before. I moved with stealth precision, white-knuckling the gun, taking out the targets like they were the fucking enemies of war. Having flashbacks of being on the battleground, killing everything that fucking moved.

  The lights and buzzers echoed all around me, bringing me back to the now.

  “Sir,” the game attendant interrupted, bring my attention to him. I tried to shake off the haze and haunting memories.

  “I have been running this game for over three years, and you are the first to kick its ass! That was awesome to watch, man! How do you know how to shoot like that?”

  I set the rifle down, pulling out my dog tags from under my shirt.

  “You’re a soldier.”

  “I’m a Sergeant,” I corrected him.

  His eyes widened. “Damn, man. Thank you for your service.”

  I nodded, locking eyes with Mia who was looking at me with an expression I couldn’t read. As if she knew where my mind had wandered off to. Staring from me to the attendant and back to me again, taking in what he just said.

  With our connection feeling stronger than it ever had before.

  “Choose your prize, man. You can get anything from the top. They’re the best prizes,” he added.

  I smiled, breaking the sudden tension between us. “Choose your prize, Pippin.”

  She smirked, looking away from me. Realizing it was the
first time I was getting her something for a change. She pointed to the huge bear wearing camouflage, holding an American flag.

  I chuckled, narrowing my eyes in on Dick. “That’s how real men do it, boy.” Walking past him to the other side where Mason and Giselle were standing with the rest of the bystanders.

  It didn’t take long for Giselle lay into me. “Wow, Creed, you are something else. You got into a pissing contest with a sixteen-year-old boy. Congrats, asshole. Poor Mia… If it’s not her daddy, it’s her brothers. Today it’s you. I’m not going to stay around while you two terrorize her date. I’m going over to the movie theater.” She abruptly turned, walking toward the doors.

  “Giselle! Come on, baby, it was all in fun!” Mason called out behind her. “Fuck! Not spending the next ten day’s fucking fighting with her, we do that shit enough. Do me a favor, bro. Keep an eye on Mia. Make sure the little fucker doesn’t overstep. I need to go take care of that.” He gestured toward the doors Giselle left out of.

  I nodded.

  “Thanks, man. I owe you one.”

  I watched him leave, chasing after Giselle. I couldn’t give him too much shit. They did fight a lot. Anyone could see he loved her, but they didn’t want the same things, they were so fucking different. Sometimes I wondered how much longer they could make it work.

  A pissed-off Dick caught my attention from the corner of my eye. Rushing toward the exit in the back of the building where I was parked, with a concerned Mia following close behind him, hugging her bears to her chest.

  They were standing by the curb when I walked out, talking. I went over to my bike, grabbed my smokes, lighting one up. Leaning against the metal frame, listening from afar.

  “I’m going to call it a night,” he asserted, opening his car door.

  “I’m so sorry, Rick. I’m so embarrassed. I didn’t know my brother would call in reinforcements,” Mia apologized when she didn’t fucking have to.

  The little shit was leaving her there.

  “Maybe next date you can leave your bodyguards at home?”

  She sighed. “I don’t know about that one. My dad’s… I mean… maybe with time it will happen. But I’m just really happy to be out with you tonight. I mean, maybe next time—”

  “How many times will you need a babysitter?” He cut her off with a look I wanted to wipe off his sorry ass fucking face.

  Mia jerked back, not knowing what to say.

  I didn’t falter. The little shit hurt her feelings. “As many times it takes for you to realize she ain’t gonna spread her legs for you, motherfucker!” I chimed in from a distance.

  “CREED!” Mia turned, realizing I was there. Glaring at me.

  “Sorry, Mia. I didn’t sign up for this. Call me when you’re allowed to grow up,” he spoke over his shoulder, getting in his car. She turned back around to stop him, but he slammed the door in her face.

  It took everything inside me not to go over there and teach him some goddamn manners. A little fucking respect.

  He backed out of his spot, looking in his rearview mirror, watching Mia raise one of her arms up in the air, the other holding the stuffed animals we’d won for her. Not giving a fuck, he still took off.

  She shook her head, dropping it in defeat once he was gone. “Why? Why, God? What have I done to deserve this,” she said to herself, looking up at the sky.

  “Pippin, don’t be so damn dramatic,” I blew out with a wad of smoke.

  She slowly turned around, coming face to face with me from across the parking lot. With nothing but fury in her bright blue eyes.

  She seethed, “YOU!” Marching over to me like she was going to do something.

  I eyed her up and down, bringing my cigarette back up to my mouth. Struggling to hold in a laugh as she stood in front of me. All five feet nothing of her.

  “How could you do that to me?!” Stomping her foot on the ground, she pointed at me. “You know how my daddy treats me, you know how my brothers do, and you know all I wanted was to experience something real. Something true! How could you ruin that for me?” she snapped, chucking one bear, then the other, at my head. I ducked, only pissing her off more.

  “Only thing you were goin’ to learn, sweetheart, was how to get to second base,” I rasped, speaking the truth. Taking her in, nodding toward her chest. “Surprised your old man let you leave the house dressed like that. Just cuz he’s wearin’ a collared shirt don’t mean shit. Doesn’t mean he’s a nice fuckin’ guy.”

  “Well, wearin’ that cut don’t either!”

  I never expected what would happen next.

  Or maybe… I fucking did.

  I always pictured my first date to be like a fairy tale. Boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, boy asks girl to get married. My first date didn’t even make it till the end, because of a highhanded, stubborn-ass man, covered in tattoos.

  Creed Jameson.

  “I can’t believe you did this to me! Not only did you embarrass me, you scared off the one boy who paid attention to me!” I shouted, jabbing my long index finger into his chest as hard as I could. “Who do you think you are?”

  He just stood there, leaning up against his bike. One leg over the other, with his arms crossed over his broad chest. His cigarette sat on the corner of his lips while a look of amusement played on his face. A face I wanted to punch so bad. I thought my dad and brothers were horrible, but Creed took the cake. I had never been so embarrassed in my entire life.

  Everything was going great until he showed up. I felt him before I even saw him walk up behind me. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t shocked as shit that he was there. The bowling alley wasn’t exactly the place a man of his stature hung out at. I knew as soon as he opened his mouth my fairy-tale night would turn out a nightmare. He made a point to make Rick feel unwelcomed, uncomfortable, and unapproved of. Taking every chance he got to make my life a living hell.

  I didn’t falter, continuing on, “You of all people knew how important tonight was for me! How long I’ve waited for this! And what do you do? You ruin everything!”

  “Not ruined. Protected,” he simply stated, taking a drag of his cigarette.

  “I don’t need your protection! You’re about to need some, though!” I shoved his chest as hard as I could.

  He didn’t waver. “Is that right?” he drawled out, smoke seeping from his lips.

  “Yes, that’s right! I wouldn’t have said it if it weren’t!” I didn’t know what was worse. Him standing there all cool and collected, or the fact I couldn’t get a reaction out of him.

  The whole evening was an embarrassment. From him correcting Rick at dinner, insulting the size of his manhood, to showing him up at the shooting game. And all the endless jabs in between. Mason was no help either. He played along with Creed. Giselle was the only one having any sympathy for me. In the matter of a few hours, Creed drove Rick away, making him leave me on the curb with nothing but insults. All I wanted was to feel normal. To feel like a girl. Wanting a cute boy in the eleventh grade to like me.

  Most of all I wanted to experience his lips on mine.

  My first kiss.

  I guess you couldn’t always get what you wanted. Life wasn’t all hearts, flowers, and unicorns. Especially when a tall, broody man rolled into your life. What he put me through all night was unacceptable, but I couldn’t help notice the look in his eyes. They spoke volumes over the chaos of the bowling alley. He watched over me like a big brother, but his eyes held something more. Something that made my stomach flutter like it did all the time when he was around and my heart race out of my chest.

  His penetrating glare could be felt deep within my soul from across the room. Roping me in, taking a hold of my heart and not letting go. I was conflicted. My mind and heart raged a war on each other all night.

  My mind hated him for his actions, but my heart loved that he really did care.

  He was just jealous.

  I was over to Creed in three strides, standing on my tip-toes, getting right i
n his face. I was beyond pissed with him. His behavior was shitty.

  I wasn’t his by any means.

  “Rick’s going to go to school on Monday and tell everyone! I’m going to be the laughing stock of the tenth grade! I’ll never get asked to go out on another date!” I yelled, shoving him even harder than before.

  “Good. Let ‘em run his mouth. He’s no good for you. Will keep other little shits away, too.”

  “Ohhh… just like you’re not good for me. So, tell me, Creed, will anyone ever be good enough for me in your eyes? Will I ever be good enough for you?” I threw his words back at him not giving him a chance to respond. “He was nothing but a gentleman to me! You don’t get it! Tonight was supposed to be perfect!” I shoved harder.

  He still didn’t budge. “Pippin, he spent the whole fuckin’ night starin’ at your tits. All he wanted from ya was your pussy,” he vulgarly blurted out.

  Before I knew what I was doing, my palm connected with his cheek. Smacking him right across the face. “You don’t get to talk to me like that!”

  His head cocked back from the impact. I ignored the stinging pain that radiated through my hand. Pounding my fists into his chest. Finally losing all resolve. Not caring who was watching us outside the building.

  He took it all.

  “All I wanted was for him to kiss me! To experience what every other girl has already done! You took that away from me, you asshole! You had no right! You ruined my fairy-tale ending!” I didn’t let up on his chest, hitting him harder and harder again.

  Finally, over the fact that I wasn’t getting anywhere with him, I stopped. Glaring deep into his amused gaze.

  He nonchalantly brought his cigarette up to his lips, took a long drag, blew the smoke above my head and flicked it to the ground.

  I never expected what happened next.

  Never in a million years…

  He stepped forward, closing the small distance between us. His rough hands reached up and grabbed ahold of my cheeks. The smell of cigarettes, beer, and mint immediately assaulted my senses as he pulled me up to his level. Leaning in, laying his lips on mine.


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