Theirs To Claim (Predatory Desires Book 1)

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Theirs To Claim (Predatory Desires Book 1) Page 14

by McKinley, Diana

  “They never found him that night and after talking with my grandparents, we decided to file a statement but let it lie. But Jasper still came to campus with me for the next week to make sure Jonathan wasn’t going to cause any more problems. He left the day after and transferred to a university closer to his parents’ home in Virginia. I’ve never heard from him again.”

  “Emily, why didn’t you tell us about this?” Gabriel asked.

  “What good would it have done?” Emily shrugged. “You were both overseas on duty. It’s not as if you could take leave and come track down some young man who forced a kiss one night.”

  “Back then, I was an overachieving seventeen-year-old who couldn’t wait to start college. Just eighteen when I met Jonathan. I was always slightly out of my element, because I was so wrapped up in my imagination, lost in my own little world at times. I had already published one book and had another two in the works. Sometimes, I didn’t see the forest for the trees. Or the bears that stalked through the woods,” she added sadly.

  Emily’s shoulders slumped forward in defeat and silent tears tracked down her cheeks. “Maybe I still don’t,” she murmured.

  “Em, don’t do that, honey,” Gabriel said, his voice clearly reflecting how much he ached for her. “Not one damn bit of that incident or this current situation is your fault.”

  “I know that,” she muttered.

  She sounded so forlorn, that it made Gabriel lift her and settle Emily on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her, as if daring the rest of the world to hurt her in any way. He began to sweep his palm over Emily’s back, trying to infuse his warmth and reassurance into her.

  “What’s your second question, Noah?” Emily asked.

  His head snapped up and he focused on her with a fierce gaze that would have anyone else scurrying away. Emily only smiled sadly and reached for his hand.

  “Go ahead, Noah. I’m not going to break. I’m stronger than I look.”

  “Yes, you are, baby. And don’t forget that. Hold onto it, you hear me?”

  “I am.” She nodded slowly. “Go on. What do you need to know? If there’ve been any others who I’ve spurned or turned away? The Sheriff asked me all these questions and I had nothing to offer. I haven’t dated, because I was in love with the two of you. I haven’t slept with other men, I haven’t led anyone on, and I’ve never had another incident like the one I had with Jonathan. No deranged fan has ever approached me at a book signing and I’ve never had an argument with any other man. I’ve led a very solitary life.”

  “Did you say all of that to the Sheriff?” Gabriel asked.

  “Well, not in so many words, but basically, yes.”

  “Did you admit to him that you loved us? As in both of us, Emily?” Noah questioned.

  “No, I’ve never admitted that to anyone except Gram. I think Tara knows, because she seems to be able to read my mind. But she’s never asked and I’ve never confessed my true feelings. Maybe a few of the other girls in our loose knit group have implied that I’m interested in one of you or the other, but never both. I don’t think people in our small town are wired to comprehend such a possibility yet.”

  “Besides,” Emily added, “the girls are far more vocal about their desires where the two of you are concerned, than they are thinking that I have feelings for you. I think they believe I’m oblivious where guys are concerned.”

  “Who’s implied their interest?” Gabriel asked gruffly, zeroing in on her admission immediately.

  “Gosh, I don’t know.” She shrugged. Emily ran a hand over her tired eyes and stared out of the window again. It promised a freedom that wasn’t hers yet. Freedom that was so close, but still not attainable.

  “Julie has always carried a torch for Noah, so has Becca. They like to quiz me on who he’s dating and are constantly asking if I’ll drop their name to get him interested. As if I’m the way to get in his bedroom door.”

  “Lisa and Melanie both want you, Gabe. And then there’s Heather, who thinks that the two of you would be great one after the other. She doesn’t want long term, just a chance to have a night with each of you, and she doesn’t care who she starts with. I can honestly say that the only good thing about having a stalker, is that I’ve stopped attending the monthly girls’ night out session and I don’t have to listen to their crap anymore. I’ve grown quite sick of it over the years, believe me.”

  “Becca? Ugh!” Noah grimaced and shivered from head to toe.

  Emily splashed water out of the tub and the arc sprayed Noah across his chest. “All you heard was that?!” she gasped.

  “Watch it, Em,” he warned and grinned at her. “You don’t want to start that with me. I’ll finish it.”

  “Melanie, huh?” Gabe asked, and pretended to think over the possibility as he stroked his chin.

  “That’s it,” Emily huffed and began to struggle out of Gabe’s hold. “Let go of me.”

  “Now why would I do that?” he chuckled.

  “Because I asked you to,” Emily fired back, her ire clearly rising.

  “No, you told me to,” Gabriel countered. “You never asked. Big difference.”

  “Gabriel, would you please let me go?” she asked through clenched teeth.

  “Ask me nicely and give me a kiss. And then maybe I’ll consider it.”

  “Absolute, rotten…” she spluttered until Gabriel’s lips descended on hers and crushed her litany of insults. He held Emily’s face in his hands and chuckled as she yielded to him within seconds. Even as irritated as she was, she had no desire to fight him. Never had, never would. Gabriel would stake his life on that guarantee any day.

  His mouth slanted over hers again and again, while his tongue thrust deep to duel with hers. Gabriel felt Emily’s hands uncurl from the tight balls she’d held them in against his chest, and then her fingers began to feather across his skin, petting and stroking him ever so gently. He angled her head in his hands and took everything she had to offer and then he felt her hands settle atop his shoulders, clinging to him and drawing him closer. Her nipples brushed across his skin, making him growl low in his throat.

  He rested his forehead on hers when he broke away, both of them gasping for breath after the heated rush.

  “Now,” Gabriel paused and drug in a deep breath, “you tell me if you really think I give a damn what Melanie or any other woman wants. You’re it, Emily. You and no other. Say it. Now.”

  “I’m yours and you’re mine,” she breathed. Emily opened her eyes and stared at him, his blue eyes so very close to her own. “Yours and Noah’s.”

  “Damn straight,” Gabriel growled and kissed her again. With this embrace he was slower, more patient. He wooed and sipped at her lips until she moved to sit astride his lap. The water sloshed against the tub’s side as she repositioned herself, but Gabe’s fingers wrapped around her trim waist and held her steady.

  Emily cupped his face and she pulled back ever so slowly. She caressed Gabriel’s skin and stared into his eyes, imploring him to listen to her.

  “I do love you both, so very much. And no matter what happens in the future, no matter what people think of me or of us, I won’t let petty comments tear us apart. I know how people can be. And if our small town can’t handle us as we will be, as we are now, then I want to live somewhere else. But I won’t let trivial, slanderous gossip destroy something so beautiful. Do you both feel the same? Would you move, if it made being together easier?”

  “Without a doubt, Em,” Gabriel answered in the next breath. “I told you last night that I didn’t give a fuck where we lay our heads, and I mean that.”

  “As do I,” Noah agreed. “Home is where the heart is, Emily, and you are our heart. So, big city or small town, I don’t care. As long as you’re there, I’m good.”

  She smiled at Noah and then leaned forward to rest her head on Gabriel’s shoulder. His hands roamed over her back and he felt her sigh and melt a little further into their embrace. He kissed her hair and stared at Noah while he
thought through everything she’d shared with them. It was a lot to take in and sort through. A lot of names mentioned, and not one that Gabriel was willing to ignore as a potential perpetrator.

  “I’m tired,” Emily muttered against his skin. “Can I take a nap with you both? It would make me feel safer, if you don’t mind.”

  “Honey, why would we mind holding you while you tried to catch up on your sleep? Hmmm?” Gabriel asked. He swept her hair back from her face and peered down at her. “That’s what we’re here for. To take care of you, always.”

  “Come on and let Noah help you stand. We’ll dry off and then snuggle down on the bed together. He and I can shave later.”

  “Okay,” she mumbled, her energy clearly flagging now.

  Noah wasted no more time. He stood and leaned over her, helping Gabriel hoist Emily to her feet. Noah lifted her out of the tub and placed her on a plush, green bathmat, while Gabriel stood behind them. Emily watched from the corner of her eye as the water sluiced down his toned and muscular body. She turned and stared unabashedly at Gabriel’s physique while Noah began to dry her skin.

  “Like what you see?” Gabriel played. He arched an eyebrow and reached for a towel. He never took his eyes off of Emily while he removed the moisture from his body.

  “You know I do.” She grinned. “You both remind me of the old Grecian warriors. You’re beautiful.”

  “We’re guys, Emily,” Noah rumbled. “We don’t do beautiful. Handsome, rugged, sexy even. But not beautiful. That just makes us sound pretty.” He narrowed his eyes at her, but Emily could see the glint there telling her he was only teasing.

  She smiled slowly in understanding and patted his chest. “Whatever you say, Noah.” Emily kissed his chin and then she stepped away and headed for the bedroom.

  She decided to skip clothing and instead slid under the covers before the guys could join her. She had not been kidding when she’d admitted she was tired. It was all finally catching up with her and Emily felt a real crash coming on. The kind she had when she pulled a series of all-nighters in school. When she combined studying with writing, until she finally gave out of steam.

  The bed dipped behind her and Emily felt herself pulled into Noah’s arms. His semi-erect cock brushed against her backside and she smiled over the fact that he’d decided to leave his clothes behind too. Gabriel slid into bed in front of her, and Noah relinquished her momentarily so Gabe could snuggle her. He too was naked, and Emily kissed the skin above his heart as he held her there.

  She moved back over to the middle of the bed and felt four hands touch her. They stroked her skin, avoiding her nipples and intimate flesh below. Nothing that would excite or arouse her, but only touches that would soothe and calm her. Within minutes she drifted off, feeling whole and safe in their arms.


  Noah watched Emily fall asleep, her breathing evening out and her facial features relaxing as she let them carry the load for a while. He reached out and lifted the lock of hair that had fallen over her left cheek. Gently, he moved it off of her face and let it fall back against the pillowcase.

  She looked so damned fragile right now and he couldn’t help but wonder if he and Gabriel hadn’t contributed to some of the stress she was under. Emily’s parents weren’t there for her after their untimely demise, nor were her grandparents after their illnesses. Other than her few friends, she was utterly and wholly alone. And she’d finally confessed how she had longed for their love, but resigned herself to never having anything more than friendship with him or Gabriel.

  Emily hadn’t told them about Jonathan, and she hadn’t uttered a word about this stalker when they’d called her over the last two months. She hadn’t really confided in them when she had needed them most. And Noah knew that her reluctance to share her burdens was truly his fault. His and Gabe’s. They should have told her sooner that she was the only woman they had ever or would ever give their hearts to.

  So much time wasted, and too many opportunities for others to see her as an easy mark. She’d had nobody to defend her, and his gut churned on the acid that built up from the realization that someone out there had hopes of making Emily theirs. A growl almost escaped his lips at the thought of anyone forcing such a thing on her. On the one who was his very heart.

  “Noah,” Gabriel whispered, drawing him away from his self-castigation.

  He glanced over her body and stared at Gabe, and watched him slowly shake his head.

  “Don’t do that to yourself, man,” Gabe said heavily, as though he was right there with Noah, thinking along the same lines. Gabriel moved his elbow under him and propped his head in his hand. Noah did the same, so they could talk softly while Emily slept.

  “If we’d just told her how we feel sooner, Gabe,” Noah sighed and glanced back down at Emily before he refocused on Gabriel.

  “We can’t go back and change things, so let that shit go now,” Gabriel softly commanded. “It serves no purpose and it’ll only tear you down. Not what Em needs from us right now. We need to be on top of our game if we’re going to keep her safe.”

  “I know, I know.” Noah nodded and blew out a frustrated breath. “I want to track down this Jonathan character and I want to see a copy of the report Em and her granddad filed about him. Why didn’t Jasper or Andrew mention this to us when we sat talking about the stalker in her house? Hell, why didn’t the sheriff say something?”

  “It’s possible they’ve already investigated that angle and they’ve eliminated Jonathan as a probable suspect, or they’ve decided he’s not applicable to the current situation at all. I want to call Braden and Ross, get them started tracking him down. Then I want to call Sheriff Strauss and have him fax Kaden and Garrett the report Em filed six years ago. And whenever Emily wakes up, we need to take her back through the photos we scanned in, and help her think logically about who might have been near her during some of the initial pictures – when her guard was completely down and she wasn’t looking for a pervert behind every shadow that crossed her path.”

  “Yeah,” Noah muttered. He scrubbed a hand across his face and let it rest on Emily’s stomach. He watched her for a few moments, hating that the impending conversation had to happen at all.

  “It’ll be all right, Noah,” Gabriel encouraged him. “None of this will be easy, for her or for us, but at least now Emily won’t face another minute of this madness alone. We’re going to be there every step of the way and our guys won’t let anyone through our line. It’s solid, just like we are. You, me, and Em.”

  “You know, I’ve never really said this, but I’m grateful for your friendship, Gabe. Always have been, always will be. We make a good team. And you’re right, you and I can do this. We can protect her.”

  “Of course, we can.” Gabriel smiled. “We’ve been through too much to fall apart over this case. Now, let me slide out of here and make those calls while you keep her warm. You called Garrett last night, so it’s my turn.”

  “Thanks.” Noah settled back down and placed his head next to Emily’s, rather than pull her into his arms and wake her. He kept an arm over her waist though, hoping his nearness would infuse some warmth into Emily’s pale skin.

  Gabriel slowly slid out of the bed and stepped into his jeans. He headed first to the spare bedroom for their laptop and then he carried it and their satellite phone to the kitchen’s small bar. He found an outlet at the end of the cabinet and got the computer set up. And while he waited for it to start up, he called Ross.

  The line only rang one time before Ross answered, almost singing his hello into the phone. Gabriel held it away from his ear and grimaced. This was Ross. Always so damn cheerful, trying to keep the team’s spirits up by joking and kidding, keeping their minds distracted from the depravity they had to witness. But occasionally it raked across Gabe’s last nerve.

  “Sorry, man,” Ross chuckled. “I know I can pull this shit with Noah, but not with you so much. How are things in the secluded little cabin, or is that off limits t

  “Ross,” Gabriel sighed and shook his head. Ross was still baiting him, and it made Gabe chuckle a little, despite himself. “You can say whatever you want around me, you know that.”

  “I do,” Ross replied, his smile heard clearly in his voice. “You ready for an update?”

  “Yeah, and I also need to have you and Braden track down a young man who once got a little too hands-on with Em. She filed a report against him, but she doesn’t know his current whereabouts.”

  “What did the little prick do to her?” Ross demanded, all jesting put aside now.

  Gabe could put up with Ross’s banter, because when the shit hit the fan he was all business and an expert marksman. Someone you definitely wanted on your team when things got dicey.

  “She says he forced a rather aggressive kiss on her, but she got away before he could do more. On a secluded, rural dirt road, I might add,” Gabriel grumbled.

  “With no witnesses for miles around, I’m sure,” Ross bit out. “It will be my pleasure to track the bastard down. You know his full name?”

  “No, but I’m going to call the sheriff and have him fax it to me.”

  “No need for that. I can get it,” Braden chimed in. “Ross has you on speaker by the way.”

  “All right,” Gabe smirked. He propped his phone between his ear and shoulder while he typed in his login information. The secure FBI issue laptop finished coming to life, his home screen appearing on the display.

  “When did this happen, and was it in Whitford Falls?” Braden asked.

  Gabe could hear the clatter in the background and he knew Braden’s fingers were flying across his keyboard.

  “Yes, it happened back home and I would say it took place about six years ago. Em said this kid’s name is Jonathan. I know she went out with him a few times during her sophomore year in college, and that would have put her at eighteen years of age. She said Jonathan moved back in with his family in Virginia right after the incident, and she’s never heard from him again.”


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