Theirs To Claim (Predatory Desires Book 1)

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Theirs To Claim (Predatory Desires Book 1) Page 23

by McKinley, Diana

  She saw a long stretch coming up and she glanced up at Gabriel to see if he’d allow her to sprint away from them. He looked down when he sensed her eyes on him and arched an eyebrow.

  “Can I go?” Emily asked between breaths.

  “Only with me,” he warned. “Come on.”

  Gabriel nodded and she grinned as she added on the speed. He was right there with her and they flew through the gap between Kaden and Garrett’s bodies. Emily heard Garrett swear as she blew past him, and she laughed as the burn she craved began in earnest down her legs.

  It morphed into pure pleasure and soon she felt as though she was running on air. This was why she ran, Emily sighed inwardly. There was just no feeling like a runner’s high. Well, she corrected, there was a feeling better than this and she knew it well now. That thought made her blush, but Emily didn’t look back over at Gabriel to see how he was faring with the pace she was setting.

  Gabe let her sprint for another few minutes before he called for Emily to start slowing to a stop. She eased up and let her body begin a cool-down that involved a run, which turned into a jog, and finally slowed to a walk.

  Emily had just taken her last stride at a jog when she was swept off her feet from behind by Noah. She squealed and wrapped her arms around his neck, only to have his panting mouth descend on hers to silence her. She chuckled against him and finally drew back to lay her head on his shoulder.

  “God, Emily! I can barely breathe right now,” Noah huffed and grinned down at her. “Are you trying to kill us and get our life insurance money?”

  “Oh, of course! That was my plan all along,” she nodded, playing along in a voice that dripped with sarcasm. “Couldn’t have anything to do with me having fun, now could it?”

  “I stand corrected. Ignore my asinine question completely and answer this one instead. Did you have fun, baby?” Noah let her slide down his sweaty body until she was standing by his side again.

  “Tons!” Emily beamed.

  “Well, that’s all that matters then.” He winked and gave her a quick slap on the ass before his hand snaked around her waist.

  “There’s some rocks up ahead that form a look-out. Let’s stop there for a few minutes before we head back.” Gabriel motioned in their direction with his head as he caught his breath and Noah nodded.

  Garrett and Kaden fell into step and soon they were perched on the natural outcropping of granite. It gave them views for miles and miles all around. They could see a nearby lake in the distance, shimmering and glistening. There were hills and valleys which seemed to roll on forever, and large birds soaring on the thermals high overhead.

  Emily stared unblinking at the majestic scenery in the hopes of imprinting the image on her brain forever. There was so much beauty to behold and so many blessing, she thought. She sat perched on a long, flat shelf of rock between Gabriel and Noah, with her legs hugged against her chest and her chin propped atop her knees. She could feel Gabriel’s fingers lightly tracing the exposed skin on her back between her pants and top, and the little touch made her smile wistfully.

  “People take opportunities like this for granted so often. God knows I used to,” she sighed. “Just to sit outside in the sun and look around at nothing in particular… You never know what kind of magic you’re going to discover. What wonders you’ll uncover. What tales you’ll see that need to be told.”

  “And well, it’s something that makes dreaming possible. Makes hope a certainty. And makes faith in your fellow man a promise reaffirmed. When you can go outside and be a part of the world around you without fear or dread. Breathe the same air as your neighbor and see them return the smile you offer.”

  Emily sniffled against the tears that wanted to come. She laced her fingers through Gabe’s when he extended a hand to her. Then she did the same with Noah when he reached for her. With their support she continued.

  “I’ve always been able to write stories for others, because I could see so much good in what is all around us. I can see a person walking across a street and imagine an entire untold story from the lines that define their face, as I picture what kind of life etched those marks into their skin.”

  “I can watch children having fun and envision the imaginary world they play in. And I find I want to play in it too. I can see a scene like this one before us, and write about the native souls who might have walked over those hills five hundred or five thousand years ago. They had families too. Children they loved and parents they wanted to see cared for in their old age, just as we do.”

  “There’s just so much about the human story to tell. So much good and so much beauty… Everywhere. I don’t want to lose that,” Emily quietly confessed. “I don’t want to lose that window that lets me see outside of my own home, outside of myself, or outside of my soul. I need to see others just as much as I need them to see me. I need to connect. And I need moments and opportunities like this, just as anyone does, so I can be free to breathe and imagine what could be.”

  “I see now just how wrong I’ve looked at all this,” Emily admitted. “It didn’t matter if I stayed inside or not, this person still found a way to terrorize me. So I’m not staying inside anymore. This is where I was meant to be. Free to walk out of my own front door and jog down the street if I want to. Free to stop and talk to old Mr. Gibbons at the end of the block, and let him talk my ear off about how gifted his little grandson is. Free to see Tara for coffee and laugh over her latest antics. Free,” she murmured.

  “This stalker may have taken pictures of me, but those images don’t tell my story. He or she doesn’t know me. And I won’t let my story be interrupted another day. Not anymore.”

  Emily noted the hush that had stolen over their small group and she looked around to offer each man a small smile. She sniffled again and Gabriel softly called her name. She looked up to see that he had raised the edge of his sweaty t-shirt to dry her tears. Emily said nothing as he moped the moisture from her skin and then dropped the hem to cup her face.

  “We will use caution still with whatever plan we make, but I swear to you, Noah and I will do everything in our collective power to ensure you reclaim your freedom and safety. Yours is not a spirit that can stay locked in and caged away. You’re absolutely right, Em: you need this and you cannot lose it. And after everything you just said, I am proud to see that you haven’t yet.”

  “Remember what we said last night, honey – keep fighting and keep looking for reasons why this is an anomaly of nature.” Gabriel gave her an encouraging nod. “Most people you meet don’t want to do harm or take your freedom and choices away. Our whole team has to remind ourselves of that on a daily basis in our line of work. That most people are not monsters who prey on those they perceive as weaker than they. There is still lots and lots of good in this world, Em. Keep looking for it.”

  “I will,” she whispered.

  “Promise?” Noah asked her in his own thick voice.

  “I do.” Emily laughed softly through her newest tears.

  “I like those two words. For more reasons than one,” Noah praised and then swallowed hard. He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it.

  Emily nodded and leaned over to bury her head against Noah’s chest. She squeezed Gabriel’s fingers still laced through hers, and closed her eyes as she fought the new tears that threatened to come. She wanted no more to flow and carry her away. She was stronger than all this, and Emily knew only she could combat the war within her. Just as the guys had all said. Even Garrett. It was up to her to keep the stalker out of her mind.

  Kaden looked at the scene before his eyes with a compassionate smile gracing his lips. He was happy that his friends had found the nerve to finally speak up for what they wanted. Now, they were poised to have a lifetime of love and companionship with a lady who, he knew, would never betray them or take what they offered her for granted. It made him long for the same, though he had yet to find one who moved him, as Emily did these two.

  He glanced at Garrett and saw a look
of longing on his face that completely startled him. Garrett kept his relationships a mystery, as most of their group did. Only Ross liked to talk about those he had the hots for, though Kaden suspected it was mostly just bluster.

  Noah and Gabriel had only ever talked about one woman, so they all knew who their hearts belonged to. But from the expression Kaden was seeing painted over his partner’s face in the moment, he knew that if Garrett could find the one, he’d be willing to take the plunge too. Surprising, thought Kaden, but good all the same.

  “Shall we head back?” Emily asked. She nuzzled Noah’s chest as she waited to see what their plan was.

  “In a little while,” Gabriel said in answer. “I think we all need to take in the view a bit more.”

  Emily shifted and wrapped her arms around his waist, sharing her affection with him as well. She nodded and smiled. He was giving her what she’d just asked for. More time in the sun to look around and appreciate the little things.

  They were listening to her, Emily thought, and she was glad now that they’d had the disagreement the night before. Maybe it had helped to clear the air and they would no longer regulate her to the background of this whole sordid business. No, because they knew now that wasn’t what true partners did; and as Noah had said, she was not a case to them. She never would be.


  Lunch was exactly what the doctor had ordered for Emily’s spirit. The five of them drove to the edge of the nearby state park and pulled out the picnic lunch Noah had so artfully packed. He had thought of everything, and even brought along a blanket he’d located in the cabin’s small linen closet, so they had a soft surface to spread out on. There were picnic tables available, but the men didn’t want to risk getting too close to others who might want to start idle chit-chat with them, as tourists liked to do from time to time.

  Emily slipped her socks and shoes off, and propped her feet in Noah’s lap when he was finished with his second sandwich. She had watched with a bemused smile as each man polished off at least two sandwiches, Garrett taking three before he was satisfied. Good thing she’d shopped with a month’s stay at the cabin in mind, because at this rate, Emily knew they’d need everything she had purchased to satisfy the men’s voracious appetites.

  She leaned back against Gabriel’s chest and ate one of the cookies from the package she’d hoped to make last through the month. But with four men dipping into the bag, Emily doubted it would last the day. She didn’t care though. It felt good to be out with them, amongst others at long last.

  Gabriel threaded his hand into her hair and began a light massage of her head that had her humming softly. He chuckled and she sensed the vibration of it rumble through her body. Emily felt him kiss the top of her head and her smile grew.

  Kaden glanced at her and grinned before looking away to continue his scan of the area. He and Garrett sat perched on the edge of the blanket, their stances relaxed. At least at first glance they appeared that way, but Emily knew better. Their eyes were hard at work making sure they were safe. That she was safe.

  “I thank you all for this, so much. I’m so happy right now. I just don’t have the words to tell you.” She chuckled when Noah winked and began to massage her feet in answer to her statement.

  “I can only imagine,” Garrett said softly, though he was still looking away from Emily and the others. “Guys, we have a slight problem. Three o’clock. Brown vest. Red hair.”

  “I see her,” Gabriel muttered. “Em, put your shoes back on. Now, honey.”

  Emily jerked upright and started to glance past Gabriel to see what the possible danger was that they were alluding to. But Noah shook his head and began slipping on her socks to speed her up. Emily took their tone to heart and was lacing her sneakers when she saw both Garrett and Gabriel rise from the corner of her eye. She heard them unsnap their gun holsters hidden under their jackets, and she stared at Noah, trying to quell her panic. Kaden never rose from the blanket, but he unsnapped his sidearm’s holster as well.

  “It’s okay, baby,” Noah quietly reassured her. “Probably just a tourist wanting directions or something. Just keep looking at me.”

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  “Can we help you, ma’am?” Garrett asked calmly, as though nothing out of the ordinary was happening. He and Gabriel took three steps forward, stopping the approaching woman and keeping her further away from Emily.

  “Well, I hope so,” she began. Her voice sounded southern, like theirs, Emily thought. Warm and welcoming. “I know I’m interrupting your picnic, and I’m sorry for that. But it’s just that my family was eating our own lunch, just over there at that table, and my daughter, Rachel, swore you guys were eating with Emily Matherson. Rachel has read all of her books and she wanted to know if it really was her and maybe get an autograph. Are we right?” the lady asked, her voice hopeful as she smiled at the two men blocking her path.

  “I’m sorry,” Emily mouthed at Noah, but he shook his head and smiled at her, determined to keep her calm.

  “You were right,” Gabriel finally said after a lengthy pause. “Emily,” he called to her, though he continued to stare at the lady as she clasped her hands together in front of her and beamed.

  “Oh, Rachel is going to be beside herself! I’m Liz Hopkins by the way.” She extended a hand to Gabriel and then to Garrett as Noah and Kaden stood.

  Noah pulled Emily to her feet and draped his arm over her shoulders. She’d gone completely pale, and he wanted to shake this woman for intruding on what was clearly an intimate lunch. Did people have no concept of personal space and privacy, he fumed within?! Yet, Emily surprised him as she stepped forward and smiled at the lady.

  “Hi, I’m Emily,” she said and then extended her own hand. “You said your name is Liz?”

  “It is, dear. Oh, thank you for doing this! Rachel is only thirteen and she just idolizes you. She wants to be a writer like you someday. You don’t mind meeting her?”

  “Of course, not. Lead the way.” Emily said and gestured for Liz to walk ahead of them.

  Gabriel leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Stay right by us, Emily. They’ll want to take a picture, I’m sure, but let Garrett and me handle that. Okay?”

  She nodded and laced her fingers through his.

  They walked across the short distance and Emily forced herself to stand tall with each step they took. She felt Noah’s hand on the small of her back and his arm and leg brushing against hers. He was just that close and she was glad for it.

  Emily smiled when the teen shot up from the concrete picnic table’s bench. Rachel’s grin was a mile wide and she said something quickly to her younger brother and father. They all rose and met them when they came to a stop a few feet from the table.

  “Rachel, run to the car and get your book. Miss Matherson is going to autograph it for you,” her mother said and turned back to smile at Emily.

  Rachel nodded, though it took her a minute to drag her eyes away from Emily and head to her family’s sedan. She looked completely star struck.

  “Thank you, for doing this for her. I’m Stan, Rachel’s father. And this young man here is Joe,” Mr. Hopkins said as he clasped a hand over his son’s hair and playfully ruffled it. Joe immediately tried to move away from his father’s harmless touch.

  “You’re welcome,” Emily chuckled. “And how old are you, Joe? Ten?”

  “No,” he blushed and shook his head. He looked at his feet for a few seconds and then stared up at Emily as he considered his answer. Or maybe he was considering her, she thought. Trying to decide if he liked this newcomer.

  “I’m almost nine,” Joe decided to say, with a set to his jaw that told her he was sticking to his claim.

  “Ah, I see.” Emily pretended mock seriousness as she nodded at him. So like the young to always want to round up, she thought. “Well, you look older than nine to me.” His grin told her that she had hit the mark. “Do you like to read, too?”

  “Not as much as Rachel,” Joe ad

  “And that’s okay, too. We all have hobbies and activities we’re interested in, things we’re good at. When I was your age I couldn’t take my nose out of a book. I loved to get lost in a good story and see where it took me. That and my legs. I loved to run… Still do.”

  “You run?” he asked, his interest clearly piqued now.

  “I do,” she chuckled.

  “Me too,” Joe supplied. “I’m fast. Faster than Rachel,” he added and Emily smiled while his parents tried to shush him.

  Rachel returned and she came directly to Emily with a copy of her latest novel and a pen. She looked so nervous that Emily immediately reached out to shake her hand. She forgot about the danger and just focused on the beautiful girl before her.

  “Rachel, it’s so nice to meet you.”

  “And you, too.” Rachel beamed up at Emily. “I can’t believe you’re actually here in the same park with us.”

  “Yes, it’s a lovely place. Gabriel, would you mind if I sat for a few minutes and talked with this young lady?” she asked, though Emily continued to smile at Rachel.

  “Of course, not. Go ahead,” he murmured. He gave her fingers a light squeeze and let Emily step away from him to take her place at the family’s table. He and the other men remained close. Kaden and Garrett watched the other families around them, while Noah and Gabriel stood only a few feet away, not willing to let the distance stretch farther than they could reach out and touch her.

  Emily settled herself on the bench beside the teen and she propped her elbow on the table, then placed her closed fist against her temple. She asked Rachel to tell her about herself, and she listened with rapt attention, never once looking away or taking one word the girl spoke for granted.


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