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Milked, Volumes Five Through Eight

Page 6

by Alex Carlsbad

  His back was now to her, his muscled and tight buttocks twitching as he spoke. Jenny felt her nipples harden at being called her master’s slave.

  “Affix wrought-iron slave collar, pierce clit, pierce nipples, pierce nose,” the man read off his list in a voice exuding boredom.

  Jenny gasped out loudly this time. Nobody had told her anything about piercings! What was she to do? She knew she was under no obligation to follow through with what the general obviously wanted to be done to her. She could stand and leave. Just like that! But something deep in her subconscious mind whispered to her telling her she had already granted her permission.

  The hidden creature of passion that she was fast becoming, had already acquiesced. So what if her lips had not yet announced it out loud yet? If he wanted her nipples pierced and even her clit, she would do it. Tears rolled down her cheek dripping down onto her quivering breasts as she started crying.

  She knew she would do anything to please her Master but that did not mean she was not afraid and her soul was not doing little somersaults of tumult.

  The man that was soon to become her torturer, turned and came back to kneel by her. Without saying a word he brought up his massive hand. Jenny flinched at first, but he waited until she relaxed and then he wiped away the tears from her face. Every time his big fingers caressed her cheeks, they left trails of black soot.

  “It is okay to cry, little one,” he said his voice deep and soft, “Every tear bears witness of your submission. Nothing goes unnoticed, ever,” the man said and looked up at the ceiling. Jenny followed his eyes to see the blinking red light of a security camera pointed straight down at her kneeling form.

  Her master! He was watching! She would be strong for him! She took a deep breath and forced herself to stand straighter.

  “Good girl,” the giant said. “Tell me in your own words, pretty girl. What do you want me to do?” He was still tenderly caressing her cheeks and even though she looked up at him pleadingly, all she saw was that one gleaming eye looking down at her expectantly.

  “I came here to have you put a slave collar made out of wrought-iron around my neck…” Jenny stammered.

  “And?” The giant quietly asked.

  “And, to have you pierce my nipples, and…” Now she was breathing rapidly almost hyperventilating at the thought of what she was asking for.


  “And, my clit, and my nose,” she finally said the last words stumbling out of her mouth as if in earnest to get it all over with.

  “Very well,” the man said and placed his free hand on her widely splayed nether lips. Jenny hiccuped in embarrassment at the sensation of having this strange giant touch her there.

  “Now tell me why. Why do you want me to do these things to you? Tell me how you want to please your master and make him happy. Speak clearly and loudly,” the giant said motioning again towards the blinking red light of the camera up in the ceiling.

  “I, I can’t…” Jenny whimpered. The terrifying thought of what lay ahead was both scary and yet she could smell her own arousal. Her mind felt overwhelmed.

  “Yes you can, pretty girl,” the man said and started gently fondling her increasingly wet lips. “I know you will tell me everything. You want to tell me everything. You will tell me everything.” The man said, his voice deep and mesmerizing, slowly sending the young woman into a trance.

  Jenny felt rings on his fingers as they brushed against her most intimate parts. She felt awkward having to kneel on the floor so close, almost intimate with this man. She didn’t know him. Yet he held such obvious control over her body and mind.

  She looked him straight in the eyes and he gently placed his hand on her lovely blond hair, feeling its texture against his thick and coarse skin. She felt the back of his hand once again come down to her cheeks but did not dare look away from his gleaming eye. She felt both embarrassed and excited.

  “Rub yourself against my hand pretty girl,” the man whispered. Jenny felt herself blush with shame and looked pleadingly at the red light in the ceiling. It blinked on mercilessly. Obediently she gyrated her pelvis and rubbed her wet lips against the heavy hand of the blacksmith. All the while she never looked away. She kept looking at the camera on the wall. She was going to show her master how much she wanted to be good for him. She rubbed herself for many minutes until her lower body started trembling with the shivers of an oncoming orgasm. Just when the waters of her climax were about to break, the blacksmith suddenly pulled back his hand.

  “You want to please your master, the general, don’t you little girl?” The blacksmith’s eyes were ruthlessly gazing down on her, dominating her into soft submission. “Answer me. You do want it, don’t you?”

  “Yes sir,” Jenny said looking straight at the camera blinking away tears of shame.

  “You want to be what?” The blacksmith placed his hand back on her nether lips and this time started rubbing little delectable circles around her clit.

  “I want to please my master, sir,” Jenny whimpered.

  “Repeat it, this time loud and clear,” the man ordered.

  “I want to be my master’s little slave, sir!” Jenny said and felt relief wash over her. She had admitted the truth at last. It felt as if a large burden had been lifted off her shoulders. Here in this dark dungeon she had finally come to express her most intimate desires. The blacksmith rubbed ever faster and now held her roughly around the neck squeezing her like in a vice as he expertly rubbed between her legs.

  Soon her entire body was shaking with the tremors of an oncoming orgasm and yet Jenny was able to keep her hands on her knees and stare back at the gleaming red eye of the camera.

  When the climax hit, she almost jumped as if struck by a bolt of electricity, but the blacksmith’s hands holding her by the neck and rubbing at her clit kept her in place mooring her to the ground like an anchor holding down a ship in a storm.

  He waited patiently until she was able to come down from the waves of ecstasy that washed over her body. He stood and gestured for her to stand up too.

  Demurely she followed him to the center of the room where she saw a thick rope hanging from a high beam somewhere above. Thankfully there was no noose at the end of it or she would have fainted. Without saying a word the blacksmith stepped around her and using the freely dangling end of the rope, expertly grabbed a bundle of her long and thick blond hair intertwining the two together. She wanted to turn around and see exactly what the man was doing but was afraid to do so. Instead, she concentrated on her breathing as she looked down at the floor and waited for whatever was to happen. She felt thin straps of leather being wrapped all around her wrists that the man had brought together behind her back. He tied them securely and then repeated the process around her elbows and higher up around her shoulders. The tightness of her bindings had the effect of bringing her shoulders sharply together pushing her chest out so that now her breasts were proudly on display.

  He came around and kissed her open mouth again, “You are welcome to scream as much as you wish. People will admire your resolve when they hear your lamentations down the street.” Jenny looked up at him incredulously but realized with shock that he truly meant what he was saying.

  “Please…” She started but stopped realizing she wasn’t quite sure what she was pleading for. He was about to do only what she had just asked for.

  “Shush little one,” the man said in a gruff but calm voice as he gently caressed the side of her face. He stepped back and pressed a button on the wall. A loud electric motor started humming somewhere and to Jenny’s absolute shock, she felt a tug on her scalp. He was going to hoist her up in the air by the rope he had tied around her hair!

  “No, no, no!” She started shaking her head sideways but before she could even take a breath and scream, her toes left the ground and soon she felt herself float up in the air. Amazingly, the pain was tolerable. Jenny quickly realized it was her total loss of control that was the most frightening. She quickly understood t
hat squirming in the air only increased the tugs against her scalp and so took a deep breath and forced herself to surrender to whatever was to happen.

  Even though she was hoisted almost two feet up in the air, she was only at eye level with the blacksmith now.

  “I can see why your master chose you,” the man said gently passing the back of his hand against her hardened nipples. “You are a natural little submissive.” She felt heat bloom across her chest as her breasts became more and more aroused by the man’s touch. She moaned softly as she watched how the man brought forth a long string of white cotton thread. With deft movements he used it to bind her nipples tightly around at the base. She was more than a little surprised when she felt him reach down and part her beauty lips using his free hand to caress and excite her clit. Soon it was aroused and he used another string of thread to bind it thus extending it out between her labia.

  Bound and hoisted by her hair in the middle of the blacksmith’s workshop, Jenny dangled helpless wondering what was to happen next. Suddenly from the darkness she heard a noise like a hospital trolley being wheeled across the room. She looked sideways and saw that it was being brought up to where she was hanging. She noticed a white linen cloth being removed from its top and the glint of surgical instruments. She heard a bottle being uncorked and the sudden smell of antiseptic filled the room. Jenny heard a liquid being poured out and she gasped when she suddenly saw her tormentor reappear in her line of sight. She gasped again as he wiped the cloth soaked in some strange cold liquid over her beauty lips. Suddenly all sensation seemed to go away down there and she hardly felt it when the blacksmith parted her lips again and applied the cloth to her bound and swollen clit. Then there was a noise as if a butane torch was being lit. Jenny could feel the heat of the flame not far from her thigh. Something seemed to be heating in the flame. She felt her swollen clitoris suddenly being pulled out. Then Jenny felt a prick as if something hot and sharp had been carefully pushed through the cotton thread binding her clit. Before she could even quite comprehend what was being done to her, a red-hot needle was expertly thrust straight through her beauty bud. Even though she was anesthetized, Jenny could feel the needle being turned left and right before being withdrawn. She gasped with relief. Then to her consternation, she felt something else, cold and thick being pushed through. Again she felt it being manipulated back and forth. In the next instant Jenny could see the blue flame of a searing blowtorch been brought right up to her beauty lips. She took a deep breath steeling her nerves to prevent her trembling with fear.

  She watched on as the blacksmith expertly used his blowtorch to braze the ring he had just inserted soldering it in place permanently. The blacksmith replaced the torch to the side and using a small surgical scalpel carefully cut away the remnants of cotton string from where it had been holding her clit exposed. Soon she felt some of her swelling down there subside.

  In its place however there was a new strange sensation, as if strong fingers were continually grasping her clit and holding it permanently extended outwards. Her hips convulsed involuntarily.

  The room was almost completely dark except for the reflections of the roaring fire of the forge. Jenny realized with a start that the blacksmith had expertly pierced her clit and inserted the ring while working in the blind! How many other women had he modified in such a way?

  She tried to blink away the tears and sweat that were now pouring down her face as she felt him touch the thick metallic object between her tense and outstretched thighs.

  Before she had any time to dwell on the sensations emanating from between her legs, Jenny felt the man reach up and dab a wet cloth with the freezing liquid against her nipples. She whimpered helplessly realizing it was now their turn.

  She watched helplessly as the blacksmith’s hands came in from the darkness holding what looked like a long needle that he pressed and pushed right through her nipple. He turned left and right before withdrawing it. He repeated the process on her other breast before putting away the ghastly tool. Again he reappeared holding two half open gold rings. Seeing them so close to her chest Jenny whimpered miserably realizing how thick they were. They also looked heavy and were probably made out of pure gold!

  She watched mesmerized as he pushed them through the new holes at the base of her nipples. Again she felt the heat of his blowtorch as he carefully brazed the ends together. Then the blacksmith untied the white threads of cotton from around her nipples. As with her tender beauty bud, Jenny felt some of the swelling subside, but there was a new sensation of her nipples being permanently held erect. The rings were indeed heavy and with each little shiver, she felt her breasts quiver under the weight.

  But it was not over yet.

  Soon the blacksmith attached a short silver chain attaching it to each nipple ring so that its tightness brought her breasts exquisitely together thus accentuating her already prominent cleavage. The sensation was like something out of this world, a tightness, an incessant thrumming arousal were now incessantly coursing through her sensitive chest.

  Breathing heavily and trying to come to grips with what she had just been made to undergo, Jenny was taken by surprise when she noticed the blacksmith reach down and attach a little bell on the heavy ring between her legs. Her quivering body made it tinkle in the darkness and it reminded her of the sound of a flock of sheep.

  Looking satisfied at her quivering body, the blacksmith knew that more than merely keeping her clitoris on show, the little bell’s vibrations would also serve to keep Jenny almost permanently aroused. He next reached out and picked up a large but thin steel ring. It was much like the solid looking nose rings he frequently was asked to insert on the local farmers’ cattle.

  Its only difference was that it was much thinner so as not to disfigure a girl’s nose. Standing close to Jenny’s face, he rubbed a little more of the anesthesia on Jenny’s nostrils and with a quick and practiced motion quickly pierced her. She gave a little cry that echoed from the walls of the tiny cell. Carefully he passed the needlelike ends of her ring through her nostrils and then pressed them through her septum before turning it around so that he could solder the ends together over her lips.

  His cock grew immensely at the sight of the beautiful woman’s sensual and inviting mouth over which now dangled the large ring of a slave girl.

  He saw her looking up at him and marveled at how adaptable she was. Her tremors had almost subsided and except for her obvious strain at having to hang by her hair, she almost appeared at peace!

  He stepped back and pressed the button on the wall lowering Jenny down to the ground. He was careful to be within her reach lest her knees gave out and he had to catch her from falling. She made no sound but merely stood there naked and waiting.

  He stepped closer and her head came to rest against his hot and sweaty chest. Using a scalpel he sliced behind her back doing away with her restrains. Jenny brought her arms up and wrapped them tightly around the blacksmith’s thick neck.

  His desire had grown hard and almost painful by now. His master had given him full liberty over this woman knowing that the silver studs in his manhood would prevent the blacksmith from inseminating the beautiful blond.

  He scooped her up like a toy doll and instinctively she wrapped her legs around his waist whimpering at the pain caused by her new piercings as they rubbed against his hard body. He looked down and saw her beautiful blue eyes look up at him. They shimmered with the reflected light of the forge.

  “Beauty,” he softly whispered. She closed her eyes, her golden eyebrows brought together in a little frown as the reflections of the room gleamed across her broad white forehead. He cradled her and carried her over to a straw mat at one side of the room where he knelt and gently deposited her. He lifted her chin and kissed her throat as he moved in between her parting legs. He clasped her breast and suddenly thrust in his studded and long and thick manhood straight into her in one fluid motion. He held her tight and brought her mouth to him as she screamed in painful pleasure at
his penetration. He sucked in her lips and drew out her breath into himself feeling his seed explode into her center. Jenny cried out and hugged him tighter yet. She was like a tender animal, her eyes wide and full of wonder as he reached down and caressed her cheeks. The sensations that had rocked her body had brought her mind over the edge and with a little short breath of surrender Jenny allowed herself to succumb to the respite of a faint.


  “You did okay.” Aisha patted her head ruffling her blond curls. “Come. Stand up.”

  Aisha had watched over the pretty blonde woman for a long while. The blacksmith had brought her over covered in a black shroud lying unconscious on the bed of a horse cart. Jenny had needed the better part of an afternoon to rest and recover from the tribulations she had undergone for her master’s sake at the blacksmith’s. Now she was back at her training with her mistress.


  Jenny demurely lowered herself on one knee and then another crisscrossing her legs.

  “No! Stand up!” Mistress shouted. “That is not what you are supposed to do when told to kneel. When I tell you to kneel, you immediately place your hands on the back of your head and interlace your fingers under your hair. Make sure that your elbows are parallel with your shoulders. I want those nipples pointing straight forward or I will slap your tits until they turn blue. Tell me you understand.” Jenny felt tears pour down her face.

  “Yes, Mistress! Thank you, Mistress! I understand, Mistress,” Jenny said following the older woman's order and placing her hands behind her head as instructed.

  “Good. Now lower yourself again and stay on your knees. A woman is only allowed to kneel on her knees. You can rest your butt on the heels of your feet. Spread your thighs as wide as possible.” Jenny moaned but did as instructed shimmying on the floor as she spread herself as wide as she could. The position was really denigrating and she felt her shaved pussy open itself widely as she obeyed her mistress. Her fresh piercings hurt as her body stretched to follow the commands.


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