Through the Eyes of a Male Submissive

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Through the Eyes of a Male Submissive Page 1

by Andie Lea

  Through the Eyes of a Male Submissive


  Andie Lea

  Credits Page

  Eternal Press

  A division of Damnation Books, LLC.

  P.O. Box 3931

  Santa Rosa, CA 95402-9998

  Through the Eyes of a Male Submissive

  by Andie Lea

  Digital ISBN: 978-1-62929-005-8

  Print ISBN: 978-1-62929-006-5

  Cover art by: Amanda Kelsey

  Edited by: Wendy Callahan

  Copyright 2013 Andie Lea

  Printed in the United States of America

  Worldwide Electronic and Digital Rights

  Worldwide English Language Print Rights

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any form, including digital and electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written consent of the Publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. Characters, names, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Dedication page

  This book is dedicated to my Uncle John Flaurr who had always been my supporting shoulder. I still cannot believe you are gone. You made me believe that I could concur the world! I miss our conversations as each day passes. RIP and I love you!


  First thing is first, my mother and father for creating such awesome-ness! J

  My daddy for always loaning me his ears even though he had no idea what in the hell I was talking about ninety percent of the time. I know that no matter where lives takes me and Vi, you will not be too far behind. Thank you for never giving up hope on me!

  My momma for (at times) treating me like a sister more than a daughter. You taught me to stride this world each day with my held high and not give a rat’s ass what others have to say behind my back. Despite our bickering, you are my rock that keeps me in check. Thank you for not allowing me to lose myself when I had been on the verge of a mental


  My daughter, Viola. She is my main reason for the publication of this book. I want her to have pride in saying that her mommy writes books for a living (and that she DID NOT need a man by her side to help her along the way!).

  Mikara Leslie, my closest bestie who has helped me so much during the planning and writing process. Ryan and Via’s story would definitely not be completed without her constant nagging (I mean MOTIVATING!). Mikara, as your sister I have the right to say this…you do what makes you happiest in life and do not let anyone hold you back! Whatever you decide, I know for fact that you will rock the shit out it! J

  Every single fan the book has gathered in such a short amount of time on Facebook. All of you are truly amazing and know exactly how to make a writer feel accepted! Thank you for falling in love with Ryan and Via at their early stages of “life” and being such amazing inspiration!

  The numerous artists/musicians such as Maroon 5, Pink, Macklemore, and the many others that have been mentioned throughout the book. Music has always helped me stay in the writing zone during

  those late night sessions!

  Eternal Press, of course, for signing me and allowing me to move forward with my dreams. Ryan and Via thank you for putting their story out there for the world! J

  My ex-boyfriend for making me realize I deserve so much more than a man with a beer can glued to his hand. Thank you for tearing me down so I could build myself up stronger than ever!

  Last but most certainly not least, my crazy family and friends who have always supported me. Just observing you people gives me enough book-material for a lifetime! I love you all so very much! Thank you for giving me the extra pushing needed!!

  For those of you who believed I would fail and land on my ass…I only have ONE thing to say to you. Na-na-na-boo-boo stick your head in do-do! J


  Our Playroom-Seattle, Washington. Ryan Rayner

  “I noticed a pattern with you, Ryan. You’ve been acting out as the wedding draws closer. Do you truly want to spend our honeymoon night being punished?” she questioned, whacking my ass with her crop.

  I lay flat on my stomach and on the bed, my arms suspended by the handcuffs and my ankles shackled as well. “No ma’am.”

  Smacking me with the crop once more, she tossed it on the floor and was able to turn me over on my back since the chains were as long as the ruler she threatened to tap me with. Mounting on top of me, she kissed my lips long and hard.

  “You want to come tonight, correct?”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “And you would be willing to do anything I ordered of you, correct?” Her eyes blazed into mine.


  Her eyes narrowed. “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Good boy. Now, I had time to think about how I was going to punish you. I asked myself what our main issue here is, and that is when it hit me. You are having trouble understanding the fact that I do not like this special bond you share with Jennifer.” She stood up, her eyes not moving away from me.

  “This is why I am doing this in the first place. What happens tonight will stay in this room. Not a single other soul will know about this.”

  Strolling to the closet door, she opened it and there she stood in black leather, a cat woman-like suit.

  I had to blink a few times just to be sure I was seeing straight. Holy fuck! My wife invited my ex-submissive to join in on our play time…

  Via turned to stare at me. “For one night—and only one night—you will literally get the chance to have your cake and eat it too. After our fun, there will be no more running to Jennifer every time we have a disagreement, and positively no more accidental sleep-overs. I am offering you a man’s ultimate fantasy. However, this comes with a small price tag. You just have to agree to the conditions.”

  Holy fucking shit! Did my wife seriously agree to a threesome with one of my ex-submissives? Trying not to sound too eager, I cleared my throat. “What are all of the conditions?”

  “The events that happen in this room tonight strictly stay between the three of us. You must promise to never run to Jennifer when we meet a snag in our relationship, and most importantly, you sure in the hell better enjoy tonight because this will be the only time this will ever happen!” she stated as she folded her arms and glared at me.

  Her conditions were fairly reasonable… What are you saying Rayner? You would have agreed to this shit even if you had been ordered to stand on your hands the entire time!

  Chapter One

  Six Months Prior

  “Just go talk to that girl. You’re not going to get anywhere if you keep staring at the woman like a love-struck idiot.”

  I shook my head at him seconds after guzzling the last of the beer in my hand. “Look at this woman. She’s deserves a man to love her. My career would just tear us apart anyway.”

  Besides, she surely had to be dating or engaged to a doctor-type asshole by now.

  This woman was purely too striking to not be married, if not engaged.

  Just my luck too. I become intrigued by a woman at a nightclub, and she is—I assume—taken.

  My eyes blinked a few times to recognize the guy talking to her.

  Shit! No! He didn’t…wait a minute. It’s my brother we are referring to. Of course he did!

  I felt my palms begin to perspire as he led her over to where I was standi

  She now stood a few paces away from me.

  To my surprise, she didn’t look aggravated due to my brother’s forwardness.

  She seemed rather pleased as she sweetly smiled. “Someone told me that I had an admirer over here.”

  Great! Now she thinks I am a stalker. What a hell of a way to kick-off a first impression!

  “Never listen to a word my brother says, no matter how convincing it sounds.”

  Her smile grew wider as I spoke. She held out her ringless left hand.

  “I’m Via. Your brother told me I would be missing out if I didn’t come introduce myself. He spoke highly of you. Should I ignore everything he told me?”

  “The name is Ryan. It depends on what he said.” I sensed my heart rate slowing as it became easier to talk to her.

  “Are you going to ask me to dance or what?”

  I’m not sure what possessed me as I took a hold of her hand and escorted her to the dance floor.

  She giggled as she danced around me to a techno and upbeat tune.

  I tried keeping up with her. It was difficult since I hadn’t danced with a woman since prom night.

  “Please tell me I have not worn you out already, Ryan.”

  She stood frozen solid once the song switched to a slow ballad.

  Here was my chance to hold this girl before our night’s end.

  Strolling up to her, I politely held out a hand. “May I have this dance?”

  “Well…since you asked nicely.” She grinned and placed a hand upon mine.

  Twirling her into my arms, I led her deeper on the floor until we were dead-center.

  I wanted everyone in the room to witness my dancing with this extraordinarily striking woman, not caring if it was for only five minutes.

  “You are somewhat the dancer, Ryan.” She beamed her eyes only at me.

  My smile grew as I whipped us across the dance floor similar to a professional.

  She truly impressed me by being able to keep up with my fast pace.

  It felt as if every single person in the joint had their eyes set on us. “I blame my mother for that one. You are the first girl I have danced with that has been able to keep up.”

  “There are plenty of things I can do which may surprise you.” With that said, she startled me by taking the lead.

  We soared through the crowd until the song concluded.

  As everyone in the place clapped, we stood there, intently holding each other’s gaze.

  Oh, what I would do to make this woman mine.

  “Thank you for the dance, Ryan.”

  I released my light grip on her and observed in amazement as she gracefully strolled away from me to rejoin her friends.

  Pausing for a minute, she turned around to face me, making her way back to where I was standing.

  She placed her hands upon my cheeks and pulled me in to connect our lips.

  I never wanted a woman more than I wanted her…

  * * * *

  Last night was the best night of my life.

  I met and instantly fell for a remarkable woman.

  While we were dancing, my brother was kind enough to drag information from a couple of her friends.

  This wasn’t too difficult since he has the baffling traits of an A-list actor to make women swoon in his presence.

  Her name was Olivia (Via) Johnson. She was twenty-five, single, and living alone in her apartment in Aspen, Colorado.

  She and her friends came to Vegas approximately once a month, something they had done since turning twenty-one.

  My brother glared at me as if he knew what had been going through my head.

  “Are you going to stalk this girl now?”

  I shook my head. “No, I’m not going to stalk her. I would like to see her again though.”

  He gazed at me with a dumb look in his eyes. “Good. She will be coming over for dinner tonight. Be sure to wear something presentable.”


  The thought of seeing this woman again ignited a small spark in the pit of my darkened soul.

  “It wasn’t my idea. She was the one who badgered me for your address, threatening me with a wedgie if I did not comply. Don’t let the woman’s innocence fool you.”

  I found myself grinning at the image of this girl half the size of my brother, tugging his undergarments until he could taste the cotton.

  As funny as it may seem, it would make me very jealous, seeing her with her fingers on my brother’s waistline.

  * * * *

  My heart pounded against my chest as the time drew nearer for her to arrive.

  I showered, shaved, and dressed a couple of hours early. I had to keep myself busy to distract the nerves in some way.

  My brother glared at me. “You really like this girl, don’t you?”

  I stared at him, smoothing out my jacket. “How can you tell?”

  “For one, your forehead is sweating crazily, and second, your breathing has become heavier. Calm yourself, bro. Don’t let this woman get to you so easily.”

  Before I had the chance to rebut, there was a light tapping on the front door and my heart jumped to my throat.

  My enthusiastic brother jumped up. “Allow me.”

  He opened the door and smiled at the woman I have wanted to make mine since I first saw her.

  “Via, it’s so good to see you again.”

  Her footsteps were drawing closer as my heart thumped louder.

  I politely smiled when she came into view. “Hello Via.”

  She smiled with her eyes dancing on me. “There he is, my favorite dance partner. I hope you don’t mind my coming over this soon. I just had to see you again before I head back home.”

  “How far do you live from here?” I knew the answer to the question, but I wasn’t about to admit it.

  “My apartment is in Aspen. Where do you live, Ryan?”

  I stood there for a few seconds. If I told her of my many homes in various places of the entire continent, how would she react?

  Surely resembling everyone else with their eyes lighting up brightly as if they figured out who to bum money off of.

  Shit! May as well get this over-with now.

  “I live in Seattle for the time-being. I have apartments in New York, California, and Hawaii. Before you ask why, the modest answer is because I can.”

  She smiled to hide her slight blush. “I wasn’t going to ask why you have the need to have apartments scattered everywhere. It honestly isn’t any of my business. Besides, you made it very obvious that you don’t even want me here.”

  My eyes nearly bulged out of my skull.

  For one, she didn’t question me about my money. Two, why on earth would she think I did not want her here?

  “If I didn’t want you here, Via, you wouldn’t be here. Why would you say that? Of course I want you here!”

  She stared at me, blinking a few times before she spoke, tapping her right foot.

  “Well, excuse a girl for being confused. I mean… You didn’t even ask me yourself. I had to torture it out of Jason.”

  I shook my head, sensing she was royally pissed.

  “It’s not as if I didn’t want to, trust me. Look at you, Via. You’re gorgeous. Why would you be interested in a man like me?”

  Her foot tapping abruptly ceased.

  She strolled up to me and I smelled the sweet aroma of her perfume.

  To my astonishment, she lightly slapped me across the face.

  Her hand connecting to my cheek suddenly jerked my heart and felt as if she had swiftly kicked my genitals.

  Oh…what has this woman done to me?

  “Ryan Rayner, I showed up here tonight because I admire you. You are definitely not going to ruin this night for us with your self-pity shit, do you understand me?”

  My eyes widened after she spoke. The first instinct was to plant one on her. She was just too damn eye-catching when she was mad as hell.

  My lips wanted to form a smile, but I wouldn
’t dare let them. “I’m sorry.” Damn! Now she has me apologizing!

  “Good. Are we going to stand here, staring at each other the rest of night, or shall we go to dinner?” she asked, a sly grin spreading upon her cheeks as she watched me.

  Jason cracked up laughing. “I like her. Maybe she can actually keep you in line.”

  What he said was absolutely true, but still didn’t stop me wanting to punch him in the face.

  * * * *

  After a few minutes of sitting in the back seat, I could tell she was beginning to grow anxious.

  She had to have just about a billion questions swirling through her head from the look on her face alone.

  “Alright, I have to know… Who’s the dude?” she asked, looking over at Matthew, who had been driving.

  I couldn’t help but smile in amusement to her confusion. “That is Matthew. He is an employee of mine.”

  He looked back at her through the rearview mirror with a polite smile before focusing on the road.

  “He’s your chauffeur?”

  “He drives me where I need to go at times, yes. He is more of a bodyguard.”

  I was trying to explain everything in the best way. I never had to elaborate on my life before to a female.

  Via stared at me without blinking an eye.

  Oh, what I would give to hear her thoughts at the moment.

  “What lines of work are you in that need you to need a human shield? Oh no! Please don’t tell me you are a mobster.”

  I couldn’t hide my smile any longer after her little comment.

  She was so eager to know what I did for a living, most likely thinking I was a chief executive.

  To give her a sense of relief, I shook my head.

  “No. Definitely not a mobster. No worries, you won’t end up on the ID channel or anything.”

  “What is it that you do, then?”

  Should I allow this woman to know so much? We haven’t even known each other a full twenty-four hours yet.


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