The Cleansing

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The Cleansing Page 46

by Shane Crosby

  Secretary of State: “Make another plan, sure, but will it be successful?”

  Vice President: “Harold, we’ve worked together for decades, I can’t believe you’re in support of something like this. We’ve all been selected to do what’s best for the American people. I don’t believe this is best!”

  Chief of Staff: “In my opinion this is what’s best!”

  Attorney General: “Screw your opinion!”

  Ready to do battle, both men stand up. The Secretary of state calms them.

  “Gentlemen, please. There’s not a need for violence.”

  Attorney General: “I dispute that! Someone obviously needs to knock the President and the rest of you in the damn head to knock some sense into you!”

  Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security: “Listen everyone, we’ve been trying to come up with a way to pull this country out of the cesspool for decades now and things just keep getting more pungent. We’re sinking deeper and deeper with no way out of this. It’s time for the extreme. I vote hell yes!”

  Secretary of State: “I agree! I vote in favor.”

  Vice President: “No! No way in hell I’m voting for something like this!”

  Attorney General: “I’m with you Tom.”

  The president tries to bring order. He raises his hands to quiet the group.

  “Quiet down, gentlemen, please. Come to order. Settle down!”

  Everyone turns toward the President.

  “Let’s take a vote. Since this is such an explosive topic, let’s do things differently. You’ll write down your vote, this way it’ll keep us from getting off course with bickering and arguing back and forth. Sitting before you, you’ll see pieces of paper, please take one.”

  The group does as instructed.

  “Now please take a pencil.”

  “Now if everyone else has paper and pencil begin to write down your vote. Upon completion, pass your vote to the left.”

  Several minutes pass.

  President: “Is everyone finished recording his vote?”

  “Yes, I believe so Mr. President.”

  “I’ll begin reading them aloud.”

  The President begins to open each one and read the recorded vote.

  Secretary of State: “Aye.”

  Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security: Aye,

  Vice President: “No.”

  Attorney General: “No.”

  Chief of Staff: “Aye.”

  President: “And with my vote, Aye it’s unanimous. We’ll start meetings and work on pushing through the rest of the plan.”

  The Vice President hits the table. “Damn it! T.B., you can’t do this!”

  Attorney General: “I agree with Tom, this is insane. You all need to think about what you’re doing.”

  Secretary of Defense: Think about what? Sex sells!”

  Attorney General: “And selling sex is against the law!”

  Chief of Staff: “We make the laws.”

  Vice President: “How can we as law makers promote something we’ve already stipulated as inhumane and created laws in opposition of it?”

  The President speaks: “You know how? Use the same methods you tap into when you’re campaigning. You look the American people in their eyes and tell them you’re going to lower the taxes for working Americans to preserve the middle class. You’re going to create more jobs and how much you care about the middle class. When in reality you don’t give a shit about them or their families.”

  Chief of Staff speaks: “The middle class, HA! That’s laughable. Who would believe a republican would give a shit about the middle class or you getting jobs? I can still take care of my family, to hell with yours.”

  Some start to laugh.

  President: “See, they’re dumb enough to believe that. They vote for you, convince their families to vote for you. They’ll go along with anything.”

  The room erupts into laughter. Everyone is enjoying a good laugh. Everyone except the Attorney General and the Vice President.

  Attorney General speaks: “I cannot believe I’m hearing things like this coming out of the mouths from people in this room.”

  Vice President: “You ALL disgust me.”

  Secretary of State: “Your lack of leadership disgusts me!”

  Vice President: “It doesn’t take a leader to sell his own people!”

  Attorney General: “Only a mad man does that!”

  The Secretary of Defense intervenes to stop a physical confrontation. The President again attempts to quiet the group.

  President: “As President, I have thought about it. I’ve thought long and hard about my role in this country’s economic recovery and growth and the piss poor state this country is in now. Maybe you should think about what you’re doing, objecting to getting this country back to one that other nations respect and hold in high regard our success. China is about to own portions of the United States. We can’t pay them back and we’re still going to them with hat in hand asking them to bail us out. Now, we have to make a devil’s deal or stand up with some balls and do what it takes regardless of how difficult it may be and save this damn country once and for all! I want to get back to the Super power we once were.

  Vice President: “We can get part of the US back from China. Yes, it will take some time but it can be done.”

  Secretary of State: “Ha! What fairytale are you living in Tom? If you think China owning a piece of this country is even something to consider you’re crazy.”

  Chief of staff: “I concur!”

  The room erupts into arguments and bickering they almost have to break up a physical altercation. The President once again calms the room.

  “We’ve taken a vote. The results stand.”

  Attorney General: “Mr. President, I beg you to reconsider.”

  President: “There’s nothing else to reconsider. Please leave your folders on the table. The Secretary of Defense, General Langston will check everyone before they leave.”

  President and the Secretary of Defense Meeting

  President: “Tell me honestly, do you think they’re going to be a problem?

  General Langdon: “It appears that they might be. They strongly disagreed with your proposition.”

  President: “Do you think they’ll expose us?”

  General Langdon: “When it comes to someone’s conscience, I’ve learned you can’t predict what they’ll do. A conscience is a powerful voice. It makes people do the unthinkable.”

  President: “Good thing I don’t have one, then. What would you suggest?”

  General Langdon: “I think they should be watched closely. If they step out of line, they need to be eliminated.”

  President: “Don’t take too much time watching them and let them get things in motion to expose us.”

  General Langdon: “I won’t. I’m saying, you can’t just knock off your Vice President and Attorney General. You have to do it so they’re won’t be any questions. Everyone will accept it as it comes to them anyway we spin it.”

  President: “I understand, but I’ve moved a lot out of my way in order to get this position. I’m not going to allow a couple of do gooders to cause me to lose what I’ve obtained.

  General Langdon: “No worries, Mr. President. I’ll handle it just like I did your predecessor. See, how easily everyone accepted that?”

  President: “His family is still questioning it and trying to get his body exhumed. Which as you know cannot happen!”

  General Langdon: “I’m well aware of that, sir. You hold the highest office in the land. Let me take care of the grunt work. Stop worrying and run the country.”

  President: “That would be easier to do if I didn’t have opposition everywhere I turn.”

  General Langdon: “Every great leader before you was confronted with opposition. They overcame it and so will you.”

  President: “You’re right. I need to focus on getting that book from my family. It has the complete layout of this beautiful plan. And, the country
I believe when they see the good it’s doing for them they’ll get behind me and support it.”

  General Langdon: “They will sir.”

  President: “Take care of them, quickly.”

  General Langdon: “I’ll start right now.”

  I watched the video over and over again that night. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Damn! All I could think is if I’d come home eighteen months ago I could’ve watched these videos and put an end to this. Three years of guessing and the answers were sitting right here in my mail.




  We all watched the President plot to save the United States by selling sex. I know it’s repugnant, but you have to give the guy credit as well as Hitler. I would’ve never thought of something like that. It would’ve taken a brilliant warped mind to put something together like this. The United States has never enjoyed financial freedoms and successes of this magnitude and it’s sad to say it, but it never will again. There will never be anyone with balls big enough to implement something like this. I have to take my hat off to both of them.

  The planning it took to pull this off is astonishing. A sitting President of the united states elected by the American people, chosen, if you will to lead them. He was never a citizen. Born in Russia and the first cousin to Hitler. If that doesn’t serve to embarrass the United States throughout the history of their existence, I don’t know what will.

  After everything was exposed. We worked with the CIA to bring other agencies in on a plan to raid the locations that the AG listed. Those locations would house the women and served as places that collected them, prepared them for sell and elimination.

  We’d kept this quiet, no one knew but a select few people. When the time came to put our plan in motion, everyone was giddy with excitement and happiness at the thought of setting these women free.

  One by one we checked in with each country, Prague, Germany, Amsterdam, Taiwan, Australia just to name a few. They all answered us with unsettling news. For each location, and some, most had more than three. For each of those locations within different countries, they reported that there were no women. The worst hasn’t been told. We asked them to investigate further and they did. I’ve often regretted that request.

  When they checked back in to headquarters, they informed us there were mass graves. Bodies were piled on top of each other, discarded like litter. In an effort to prevent us from giving these women names and replacing the faces they removed. They decapitated them and burned them. In some graves there were just ashes of hundreds of women. In others, there wasn’t enough to pick up let alone identify. They boiled the heads in acid, removing the skin, facial features everything that gives you your appearance was stripped from these women even after death.

  I don’t think any of us will be able to put into words the complete helplessness we felt that day. A day that started with joy and expectation, when it ended, there was only sorrow and perplexity. For months, we worked in conjunction with Paris, Germany, Prague, Switzerland and so many other countries to identify and return the bodies that could be salvaged. It wasn’t many, but we were determined to return those we could and give them peace. Of the families that were left, they mourned the loss of their loved ones, but they felt a certain sense of peace for their return and in knowing they didn’t have to guess or wonder where they were or what happened to them any longer.

  For myself and everyone involved in this case, know that we’ll forever weep inside for the loss these families experienced at the hands of their own nation.

  At the end of that mission, we were all beyond consoling. We set out to not only stop the people who were committing these crimes, but to set things right. We wanted to see the faces of the women we saved reunited with their families. Other nations had joined us in coming up with a way to help them get their lives back. For them to all be slaughtered in an attempt to escape justice is something I’ll never completely get over. Somehow, we’ve failed these women and what’s left of their families. As a soldier, losing is something you never think of. A loss of this magnitude is unimaginable.

  After the President and his supporting cast were taken into custody, the dominoes started to fall pretty quickly. The Secretary of State was arrested while having dinner with his family. How ironic, he felt that he should have the privilege that he denied the Attorney General and his family and so many others. He was shocked and promised to end the careers of everyone involved.

  The Office of Homeland Security was shut down and will be staffed with new people.

  The Chief of Staff was arrested at the White House and was deliberately paraded out in front of his peers.

  The worst part of this was the Secretary of Defense. The men and women he commanded, the ones who looked to him for direction and would put their lives on the line at his command had to arrest him. After his arrest, a lot of soldiers wanted to get out of the military; they lost faith. There had to be a mass meeting to reassure them that this was under control and steps were being taken to prevent something of this magnitude from ever happening again. All empty and baseless promises, but they’re soldiers. They’ve been brainwashed to buy into defend and believe propaganda governments usually spew out as often as the wind blows to keep their followers following them and loyal.

  The connection between the President and Boris Popovich wasn’t clear. The intelligence agencies have come up with a theory. Gerhardt Richter fled to Russia from Germany. He became a KGB officer and there he met Boris’ father. Who was a high ranking official in the KGB and close ally of the President of Russia. Who we later found out was his brother. It is rumored, the elder Popovich took Gerhardt under his wing so to speak and that established the bond. It’s also rumored the elder Popovich assisted Gerhardt in fleeing Russia. When Gerhardt landed in the United States, he maintained his relationship with the elder Popovich up until his death. As far as we can piece together, the relationship between the fathers spilled over to the sons. When POTUS decided to implement his plan, he reached out to his old friend, Boris Popovich, the junior. Boris took over the family business of crime and mayhem. They cloaked there illegitimate excursions under the guise of a legitimate business they called PPV Industries. In order for the President to carry out his program, he needed money and PPV Industries had the deep pockets. After they murdered the first Commander in Chief, President O’Bryan took over his duties as POTUS. After he took over as President, an agreement was made to allow PPV Industries to commit international crimes without consequence. Popovich would set up the auctions, the docks, orchestrate the kidnappings, murders and sex operations and the United States would reap the benefits.

  When my brother, Trevor figured out how to identify the bodies, they had to switch gears. Which led to the purchase of crematories throughout the United States, Europe, Asian, Africa just to name a few.

  The funds from the sex trade would be redirected into the US economy, paying off debt and reducing the deficit creating new programs and revamping old ones. An agreement was made between the United States and the nations they owed money to that would allow them to receive a certain portion of the revenue made if they forgave the debt the United States owed. With this method, it was a sure thing and win for the United States. It was an ingenious plan but flawed on so many levels.




  The Popovich’s family’s reign over international crime was coming to an end. When the military burst into their palatial family home in Russia, Popovich, Jr. reportedly had a heart attack or pretended to have one. While in the ambulance on the way to the emergency room, they were apprising him of his rights. Once they arrived; he was treated like any other prisoner and handcuffed to his hospital bed. They left an agent inside his room and US and Russian soldiers kept guard outside. He pretended like he was ill for several days until he realized it wasn't going to work then he snapped back to his old self.

  “This is
kidnapping! I haven't done anything wrong! Get me a phone! I need to call my attorney.”

  “Hey, no one cares about your wants or needs. Keep it shut or I'll shut it for you.”

  “This isn't America, I have rights!”

  “You have what I allow you to have. Now shut up or get your jaw wired shut either way is fine with me.”

  Eventually, he was allowed to speak with his attorney, but not until after he was transferred to prison and extradited to the United States. We all wanted to have the opportunity to visit him behind bars. He was furious and promised to sue the United States for kidnapping. In turn, the US promised to put him in a super max federal holding facility so it just came down to whose was bigger.

  The relationships his family had cultivated allowed them to commit crimes all over this world without thought of consequences for almost a century. Now to finally have him behind bars felt exhilarating. Hell, some of the soldiers even took pictures.

  Popovich's daughter, Malania Popovich, a tip put her on vacation in Morocco where she was promptly taken into custody. Her arrest was the most entertaining. She scratched and bit the agents until they put a gag in her mouth, tied her hands and feet and carried her to an awaiting van to whisk her out of the country and into her new digs, a prison cell.

  Malania Popovich begged her father to admit the companies were his and that he ran PPV Industries. He wouldn't even take her calls. It was looking like life in prison was in her future. We all thought she would be the link to putting the nail in her father’s coffin. Before she could spend forty-eight hours in jail she was found dead in her cell. She was poisoned. The belief amongst government officials is that Popovich had her killed.

  Unfortunately, Popovich's name wasn't on anything. Therefore, it was looking like he was going to get away scotch-free. He secured several high priced attorneys but had difficulty paying his tab after his accounts were frozen.


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