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Cascade Page 5

by Pamela Ann

  After she had thrown the biggest insult in my life, my dick should be shrinking, but the greedy fucker held steady. It focused on one mission and one mission alone, and it couldn’t wait to have a taste of the succulent morsel that was mere inches away from my face. If I wasn’t shackled, I’d have yanked her by the hips, placed her groin to my face, and devoured her on the spot. Fuck the talk, all she did was spew more shit. Better get down to business, or it was going to be war out here. I doubted my dick would forgive me if I didn’t satiate its voracious appetite.

  “I’m here for that.” My feral eyes directly drilled into her covered lace crotch. “It’s the cunt I want, Cara. Do what you gotta do, but I want that tight pussy. It’s not complicated to understand, is it?”

  From her facial expression, it was obvious she hadn’t expected my reaction. What did she expect to see? A jealous, raging ex-boyfriend? Nah … that was not how I intended to play this out. She wasn’t far behind, though. Fuck, yes, I was mad as hell, but this wasn’t the time to unleash such emotions. So, she was getting my poker face until it was time for me to show my cards.

  “Good,” she said before she shrugged and pasted on her famous red-carpet smile. “Now, where were we?”

  Chapter 6


  Come here,” I commanded as I watched her in fascination. As pissed off as I was, I couldn’t fucking take my eyes off of her.

  Cara gazed at me for a good minute before the devilish twinkle in her eye resurfaced. She was ready to come out and play.

  Watching the gorgeous creature before me with utter fascination, I had to bite back a groan when she parted her legs and placed a leg over my thigh one at a time. Slowly, she lowered herself, aligning her lace-covered mound with my hardness. Her heady musk made me feel drunk. She was hot and horny and wet as fuck. My cock twitched in approval.

  “Is this what you want, River?” she innocently asked with her face so close to mine.

  Her scent … goddamn her smell.

  Cara …

  My petal.

  I immediately became bombarded by the past. Cherished memory after memory flooded my mind, my heart, and soul. Overwhelmed by the sudden emotional crash seizing me whole. My stomach tightened. My lungs felt as though they were about to explode. My shattered heart constricted. Blood rushed all over my body. Tiny acute little pin-pricks gnawed in my chest. Caught off-guard, I felt a little lightheaded, weakened, and powerless to fight this endless battle within myself.

  Overawed, I unconsciously dropped my head, resting it on her cheek before inhaling her slowly, fully. “You smell the same.” Home, my mind instantly interjected. She smelled like home.

  My ears pounded as my lips gently sought hers, searching, reaching, needing … to cement this madness that she alone could remedy. “Cara …”

  Please kiss me back, I soundlessly begged, but the woman remained unresponsive.

  She wouldn’t return the gentle kiss I left on her lips. But instead of focusing on her lack of response, my lips continued on their quest, leaving a trail of butterfly kisses on her neck. One by one, I marked my territory slowly, deliberately. My painstaking actions gradually broke some of the barriers she had against me as she began to press her body against mine.

  Taking it as my cue to press further, I began to playfully nibble on the soft curves of her breasts before biting each bud through the see-through bra. Her panting grew from long and throaty to shallow moans as she pressed her hot mound against my dick.

  We were crazed, turned out beyond reason as Cara began to move her hips, rolling them slowly, measuredly, up until I hungrily bit into her neck, sinking my teeth into her skin, into the perfect spot that triggered the bitch in heat within her. She then heavily gyrated on my dick, soaking my jeans with her hot heat.

  Our foreplay went on for quite some time. It seemed like it went on forever, and in a flash, an intoxicating fusion of ecstasy and wistfulness overwhelmed me. It felt as though I was being pulled apart and being pieced back together at the same time. The ultimate push and pull, a blissful harmonization of our hungered bodies melding, forging and separating simultaneously. It was primal, raw, not lessened by our baser natures, releasing the true animal in us.

  “Pull the zipper down, babe. Take my cock out and ride me just like this,” I grunted feverishly in between kisses on her cleavage. “I need to feel you around me. Fuck me good, Cara.” All I cared about was having more of her … more of Cara.

  “Wait!” she said as she pulled away from me. Her long beautiful silky locks curtained our faces. Dark brown eyes bore into mine. They flickered across my face, and I could see the wheels turning as she studied me closely. Something in those depths told me that something had shifted between us. Whatever it was, the passion we had just shared was gone.

  I knew I shouldn’t even speak, but I somehow heard myself asking, “Did I do something wrong?”

  Her eyes sharpened before they dropped to my lips. I felt her hand reach in between us before she lifted her hips and cupped my hard-on over my soaked jeans, squeezing it, hard and tight.

  “Fuckkkk,” I hissed through clenched teeth, hating the fact that I couldn’t take charge and take her how I had pictured in my mind over a thousand times these past months.

  “You like that?” she provoked me with a stifled laugh, pleased by how her wicked ministrations were affecting me. Her grasp gradually loosened from my blue-balled jewels before she slipped her middle finger on the side of her thong.

  My desperate eyes wished it was my dick rubbing that slick pussy of hers. “Cara, you’re not being fair,” I croaked in a dry, throaty sound.

  She bit her lip as she pulled her finger out, soaked with her own juices. “Taste me …” she gruffly commanded as the tip of her finger brushed across my lips, coating them with her essence. “Now be a good boy and open that nasty mouth of yours.”

  I did as she ordered and opened my mouth.

  “Now suck it off. Clean it good.” The vixen purred with satisfaction as she watched me do her bidding. “You like it nasty, don’t you, River?” A sly smile broke out on her lips before she leaned close to my ear and whispered, “But the question is … How nasty will you go to have me?”

  My body stiffened. I could hear the alarm bells ringing in my head as I put two and two together.

  Pussy boy. Or boys. Was the other twin here, too? Fuck. This was not the kind of night I had pictured in my head.

  My eyes immediately scanned the room. But apart from the purple lights aglow before me, the rest of the room seemed too dark to make out any figures hiding.

  “Cariño …” she cooed, looking up to greet someone before she gazed down at me once again. “You’ve met Ramiro earlier … He’s going to take the cuffs off … You can stay and watch … or you can come and join us. Take your pick.”

  For the first time in a very long time, I was rendered speechless. How the fuck did I answer that?

  While I was embroiled in seething rage and blue-balls from hell, Cara gave me one long heated gaze before sliding off of me as she grinned toward Ramiro while he released me. My hands loosely hung around my sides as I watched them through a hooded gaze as the pussy boy led them toward the daybed to play.

  Cara arched her brow as she directed a pointed look at me, challenging me to take her bait. “Don’t keep me waiting for you, River.”

  I sat there, simmering, contemplating if I should drag her outside or leave her to rot in her own hell.

  Sure, I’d had my fair share of threesomes … Heck, she and I even had one with Stassi in Sweden. But this—this was fucking different altogether. This was new territory for me. One, I certainly knew without a speck of doubt I didn’t want to.

  This was the new Cara, and I must say I wasn’t impressed … nor did I want to get to know her.

  Without uttering a word, I simply got up and walked out of there.

  They did say there was a reason the past should remain in the past.

  This was one of them. A very b
ig one.

  Chapter 7


  River! Wait!” I heard her running after me, rushing as she called out just as I unlocked my car.

  Without bothering to respond or look back at her, I thrust my car door open, ready to leave this all behind me.

  “Why did you walk out? Can’t handle a little competition?”

  Competition? There wasn’t one. Pussy boy had nothing on me. If this situation wasn’t so fucking bizarre, I’d have laughed my ass off.

  At this time of night, there were several people going about their business. It was a good thing they couldn’t properly see our faces, or this bullshit would end up online.

  “River!” Cara screamed as she pushed the car door shut, positioning herself between my vehicle and me. “You can’t just leave!” Somehow, she managed to put some oversized shirt over her body that stopped a few inches below the curve of her butt cheek.

  “Step aside and watch me leave.” Forever.

  She fumed as she eyed me incredulously. “Then why bother coming here, huh? Why the fuck would you even seek me out and push me aside when the situation doesn’t suit you?”

  “I thought I wanted you … but I was wrong.” There was some truth to that. She knew I didn’t fucking share, let alone share her with pussy boy. She was off her rockers if she thought I’d instantly change just because it was how she rolled these days. I wasn’t going to judge her, but this definitely wasn’t my kind of scene. “Let’s just forget this happened. Can you move now?”

  “I—” She seemed troubled. Torn, even.

  Whatever she was about to say, I knew it was going to be another excuse or another lie. So why even bother and waste our time? “We don’t have to do this. Let’s just leave it, move on, and forget this night happened. Are we good?”

  She meekly nodded. The anxious look hadn’t disappeared.

  A part of me wanted to console her and apologize for my cruel attitude, but after she had insulted me tonight with Juan and a threesome with pussy boy, a guy could only deal with so much.

  “I’m going to step aside, but before I do, I just want to say … That after everything, if I hurt you … I want you to know I’m sorry.” she nervously licked her lips. “I’m just sorry, okay?”

  Fuck. Was she about to cry? She sounded like it.


  “I’m just sorry, okay?” She made a small tired smile. “Take care.” She stepped aside, throwing me one last lingering look before walking away, retreating back into the studio.

  I stood there without bothering to move. My mind whirred with all sorts of shit, wondering why she apologized. Like what the fuck for? All it did was demoralize me.

  Yes, I was beyond hurt. The word itself didn’t justify the pain she had caused me. But after hearing her say the words “I’m sorry,” I wasn’t sure what to make of it. It left me confused more than ever.

  All the wrath I had harbored half an hour ago settled to a slow simmer.

  I ended up sitting in my car, bewildered, while contemplating if I should go back in there and say my piece, as well. She and I had never had closure, and with so much unanswered questions, I doubted she and I ever would have it.

  It was fifteen past one in the morning. But instead of driving to join Petra and her friends, I drove back to my condo. Petra wouldn’t be pleased, but right now, I was all over the place. Socializing in this state of mental and emotional limbo wouldn’t do anyone good. Might as well try to sort it out now before this newly opened wound festered into something ugly.

  Upon arriving at my place, I didn’t even bother switching the lights on. Somehow, being surrounded by darkness gave me comfort. My hand slipped into my pocket to pull out the blow, but my mind wasn’t into it. The thought of chasing that kind of high didn’t seem appealing any longer, because my brain could only register Cara and the past that left me crippled.

  She was sorry.

  About Juan or about getting caught cheating on me?

  “Now what …” Good question. I had held on to the hate, loathing every fiber of her for so long that after she apologized, I didn’t know what to do next. It was because I hadn’t expected it. I had held onto this hope that she and I could continue this silent war forever. But she broke free of it, and now I wasn’t sure how to proceed or feel about it. I was disconcerted with no sense of purpose or direction. Without hate, what else did I have?

  It couldn’t simply vanish, could it? Try as I might to think back about Ramiro and the insult she hurled about using me as a vessel for Juan … None of it seemed to work.

  My anger should be overflowing—peaking to new unprecedented heights—but I couldn’t bring forth the energy, the emotion, to justify what should have been the expected aftermath.

  How even?

  Could forgiveness even be a possibility? She’d hurt me so badly. How could I even ponder such a heinous thing?

  “Fuck!” I needed a drink. Or a gallon of vodka. Something to drown out my thoughts because they were driving me insane.

  A bottle and a half and two joints later, it was four-thirty in the morning when I gave up on the idea of numbing my heart and mind. Weed and booze hadn’t done the trick this time. While driving myself crazy and drunk in the dark, a dumb idea popped into my brain.

  Yes, it was a stupid one, but it was the only thing that made sense to me at the moment. So, I ran upstairs, taking two steps at a time, dashing into my walk-in closet in search of a drawer that held the key to my dilemma.

  It was dark when I entered her apartment in Santa Monica. It was idiotic to enter her home uninvited, but I knew she and I had scores to settle, and I couldn’t for the life of me go on as I had and pretend life was peachy.

  We had to settle this tonight. Even if I had to wait hours until she arrived, I didn’t really care. All I knew was I simply had to speak to her. What this talk entailed—well, I wasn’t sure if she was going to be a willing participant in opening the rotten can of worms. I supposed I just had to roll with the punches.

  Distractedly glancing at my phone, I saw missed calls and countless messages from Petra highlighted in my notifications. It was almost five in the morning. Was she still going at it with Ramiro? An unsavory image popped into my head, leaving me restless.

  Operating in the dark, I realized her layout hadn’t changed. Instead of pacing around the living room, I sunk back into the couch and stared into space. Dawn was going to break soon. What if Cara decided not to come home? Or if she did come back, what if that idiot tagged along, too?

  Ah, fuck. I hadn’t thought that far out. I always functioned following my instincts, and I’ve got to admit, it had gotten me in more trouble than I’d like to admit. But fuck it. I was already here, so might as well make the most of it. And if Ramiro was with her, well, he could suck it.

  With nothing much to do, I ended up snoozing. Even in my drowsy state, my mind continued to be relentless.

  It was the sound of jangling keys that woke me up. The grogginess immediately vanished, replaced by a thudding heart and anticipation of how this encounter would pan out.

  The apartment door broke open, and a silhouette of Cara appeared, still dressed in her kitten pumps and that dreadful itsy-bitsy shirt she had worn earlier. My eyes instantly flickered behind her, checking to see if someone else was with her, but thankfully, she was alone.

  She slowly crossed the threshold, and just as she was about to flick the light switch, I called out to her, which made her gasp and scream at the same time.

  “River!” she shrieked as our eyes adjusted to the light illuminating the cozy living room. “What the—” she paused, deeply frowning while her eyes flickered back and forth, stunned. “Did something bad happen? What are you doing here and at this hour?”

  “You said you were sorry … I’m curious to know how deeply ‘sorry’ you are.”

  Her mouth hung ajar before she closed it, shaking her head as she stared at me in confusion. “What happened to ‘let’s forget this ever hap

  “I’m not ready to forget it just yet.” My eyes bore into hers, steadfast and determined. “Talk. I’m ready to hear you now, Cara.”

  The confused expression she had was immediately replaced by fear and a mighty dose of hesitation. “River, we can’t—I can’t talk about the past.”

  “Why the fuck not? Six months isn’t good enough? Do you need six more to make it a whole year of never speaking about what the fuck happened between us?” My voice began to rise, not because of temper but mere frustration.

  It took a great deal out of me to come here and put myself in this position. Cara simply couldn’t chicken out just because she wasn’t “ready” to rehash her betrayal.

  “It’s not that easy. I just … can’t.” Her bottom lip trembled, and troubled eyes sought me out, imploring. “I said I was sorry. Isn’t that enough?”

  “You know damn well I want the full story, a rundown, an explanation as to why I’ve spent the past six months feeling fucking worthless!”

  Cara huffed, incredulous. “You’ve spent the last six months in between Petra’s legs and a string of bitches who’re desperate for a little attention from you.” She crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at me. “So, don’t come in here in my own home—uninvited, at that—and tell me you’ve spent all your time feeling worthless, because you haven’t!”

  The woman was aiming for my temper, but I wasn’t ready to give in to my mercurial emotions just yet. “What did you have me do, huh? Grovel at your feet? Demand why you fucking took me for granted?” I contemplated if I should bridge the wide gap between us. She was across the room while I stood against the couch. The distance was a mere hundred feet, but it felt as though we were oceans apart.


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