Shane's Truth

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Shane's Truth Page 16

by V. F. Mason

  Sadly, I didn’t know how. I never took my friend for the other woman, the home-wrecker, so to speak.

  “Tell me,” I urged gently.

  “I… I always liked him because he was different with me, and he knew about my crush on Jason. He was one of the steadiest guys I ever knew, and I was surprised someone could love as strongly as he did.” They were close friends, we all were, but it always seemed like he had some kind of sweet spot for her. “But all he saw was Emma, and it was okay. I mean, I knew there was nothing sexual between us, but at the same time, I wondered what it would be like to be on the receiving end of his attention. Then I found some fun in partying and, well, other guys.” Boy, did she find fun with them. “And I forgot about him, or so I thought. But this summer, Emma left for Aspen without him, and it was mostly me and him.” She was quiet and I didn’t push it. She needed to say it at her own pace. “Then two weeks ago, we went to the Escalade.” It was a prestigious bar on the Upper East Side we liked to go to. “We drank and we talked. He told me he and Emma broke up, that things hadn’t been good for a long time, and I believed him. One thing led to another, and next thing I knew, I was at his apartment naked and we were having sex. I was drunk.”

  I closed my eyes and leaned back. Shit, obviously she couldn’t control it. Matt was a far cry from the usual guys she dated.

  “Then, in the morning, he acted as though he was happy and told me how amazing the night was, and I believed him, because for me it was too. It’s not that I’m in love with him… but for the first time, I felt like I actually mattered to someone. We were together for the last two weeks, and then that photo was taken.”

  One night was a mistake you could justify with alcohol. That though? That wasn’t something she could justify, and we both knew it. “All the papers started with ‘She is the one who ruined the engagement,’ ‘What will Emma do?’ and shit like that.”

  “What happened next?”

  Becky tensed in my arms. “Matt called and told me he’d have a press conference where he would say he was sick, and his doctor could show the evidence I was there to help since Emma was out of town. She believed him, and so did everyone else.”

  As much as I hated how he hurt my friend, in that one, the blame was on Becky, too, because she did wrong. I wondered when she became obsessed with the desire to get approval from all those people. “But that means the scandal is over, and you’re okay. Why would you come, then?”

  “Because I'm not okay,” she said and started quietly crying. She always cried like that. Barely audible, but it was there, and my heart broke a little for her. I knew it wasn’t about Matt; it was because she was passed over yet again.

  “My family…” She took a deep breath, and I dreaded what she would say, because she talked about them only when shit hit the fan, and I really didn’t want any more shit at the moment. “They’ve had enough. They had a huge-ass meeting and told me I do whatever the hell I please and don't give a shit about anyone, no matter how much they gave me.” She started to laugh, but it was lacking any humor. “My reputation jeopardizes their lives, and they can’t close their eyes to it anymore, since Dad wants to run for senate.”

  That was bad, really bad. I never liked her parents. They were cold, and it wasn’t like I knew them well. They approved of our friendship, but it wasn’t because they liked me. It had more to do with my family name.

  She wasn’t done though. “They cut me off.”

  I froze, because I wasn’t sure I heard it right. “They what?” I asked carefully.

  “They told me they are done mingling with the disgrace of this family and cut me off completely. They took away the credit cards and cash. And it wasn’t an ultimatum like your dad’s. Unlike you, I have this on a permanent basis.”

  “But they wouldn’t do it for real. You know how much they care for the public image.” I winced as I said that, because it was the harsh but real truth. They may not give a shit about my friend, but they sure as hell cared what society thought of them.

  Becky chuckled again and blew her nose on a tissue rather ungracefully. “They said it would show people that you can’t always be a spoiled brat and that they act like normal parents who don't know what to do with their kid anymore, and this will teach me to behave.”

  That shit seemed surreal for me, because I had no idea what she would do. She didn’t go to college, wasn’t interested in anything besides having fun, and never made money on her own. How would she survive?

  “So you see I’m on my own now. To think I thought your dad was cruel!” She tried to joke, but tears were in her eyes, and she sobbed.

  “Shhh, it’s okay. We’ll figure it out.” We needed to come up with something soon. I had money—or my dad did—but I was sure he wouldn’t want to support Becky permanently, so we had to come up with some solution, at least until the end of the summer.

  Damn, but the summer seemed like one with heavy decisions to make.

  “You can stay here with me for the next month, but only if you work.” I needed to warn her, because I still remembered my first days here, and if it weren’t for Maggie, I would have probably never made it.

  “Sure, not that I know how, but you can teach me.” She cleaned her face with the tissue I gave her and smiled. “I think you need to go back to that boy of yours. He’s probably tired of waiting. My problems won’t go anywhere anyway.” As much as I longed to do just that, her confession changed my plans.

  We went upstairs and I showed Becky to her room. Then I went to mine, took a quick shower, and put on my pajamas before tiptoeing to Shane’s room. The minute I entered, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pressed me against the door. God, but he smelled delicious. I wanted to bath in his scent, so it’d always surround me.

  His tongue roamed inside my mouth, and I moaned as I tangled my fingers in his hair and brought him closer. He lifted my leg up around his waist, but I needed to talk, so I pulled back. That didn’t stop him from kissing my collarbone as his hands roamed all over my body. His lips traveled back to my neck, where he licked and sucked, which made goose bumps run over me.

  “Shane?” He didn’t answer, just continued focusing on my neck. I tugged a bit on his hair. “Shane!”

  “What?” He sounded annoyed; he didn’t like my interruption.

  “I can’t stay the night.” He stilled and raised his heated with desire eyes to me.

  “What?” he growled.

  “Becky, she’s… sad. Some shit happened, and she had to come. She didn’t ask me, but I need to stay with her.” I felt the tension leaving his body, and anger too. The fact he understood spread warmth inside me. Palming his face, I leaned forward to give him a kiss. A gentle, slow kiss, where we could taste each other without hurry. I pushed back before I lost my resolve to leave. “Please understand. I’m sorry it’s the second time I’m ditching you—”

  He put his finger on my lips. “It’s okay, baby girl. Your friend needs you more than I do right now. Though I’m dying to sink into that tight pussy of yours and experience the incredible feeling I felt yesterday when you fit my cock like a glove. Tight as hell.”

  My panties got wet from the image he created, and he licked the swell of my breasts then moved to my neck before giving me a final peck on the lips.

  He leaned back. “Go, before I change my mind.”

  Nodding, I rushed into the hallway, trying to catch my breath and take a hold of my emotions, which were running wild. I stopped by to grab my pillow from my room, because I hated to get used to new ones. My neck would hurt like a bitch and I didn’t want to pull any muscles, because I was looking forward to the fun to come.

  Becky sat on the bed, reading her kindle and shaking her head at something. It didn’t surprise me much, she always had weird mood swings while reading her books. When she shifted her attention to me, her brows furrowed as she asked. “What are you doing here?” I jumped on the bed and lay down on the pillow.

  “I’m spending the night with you.” />
  Understanding lit her eyes. “Babe, you don’t need to stay with me. You have a handsome cowboy there.” But, by her voice, I knew how much it meant to her. It was just our thing. If one was upset, the other one spent the night.

  “He understands, no worries. Come sleep.”

  I was almost asleep when I heard her murmur, “I just did my nails.” I almost laughed out loud, because sure as hell, her nails would be the last thing on her mind.


  After my morning shower, I decided to pass by Serena’s door before anyone could see me. A proper good morning kiss was in order, with tongue and heat, not some peck on the lips she would give me in the kitchen in front of the whole damned house.

  Once inside, I heard the shower running, and got hard imagining her all naked and warm. Fuck the whole morning kiss shit. I wanted my girl naked and wet where she could scream and moan without being afraid of someone hearing us.

  There was nothing to stop me from joining her. I removed my jeans and stepped inside the shower. Thank God, I put on the condom before I entered.

  The steam greeted me, and I saw a slightly pink body enjoying the hot water. She moaned as the jets massaged her shoulders. I made a mental note to give her a massage tonight. My girl was tense from all the work; plus, she was probably stiff from drawing, too.

  With her eyes closed, she didn’t notice me, and I decided not to waste any time. I gave her an open-mouth kiss with lots of tongue, making it deep, wet, and hot. She stiffened and opened her eyes, about to scream, which allowed me to put my tongue inside deeper, and she instantly relaxed when she saw it was me. As if I would let anyone near her. The idea was laughable. She hugged me closer as I pushed her against the tiles. Seemed like everything we did lately was against a flat surface, but damn if that wasn’t hot. One of these days, I hoped we would end up in bed, where I could have proper time with her and explore her body, give it the attention it deserved.

  She laid her hands on my head and tugged on my hair. I pulled back and moved to her earlobe, making her moan again. Those noises of hers would be the death of me.

  Slowly, I trailed my hand from her breasts to her belly, going down to her center where I put my finger inside. She was wet, hot, and tight, ready for me.

  Always fucking ready for me.

  “Does my girl want me?” My voice was low, rough, and raspy.

  “Yes,” she moaned. “Please, Shane.” She wanted me to be done so soon? Poor baby wasn’t used to sexual torment. I didn’t think so. I moved down to my knees, ignoring the hard tile of the shower floor, and slightly opened her thighs so her pussy was front and center for me. Then I placed an open-mouth kiss right on her center. Her groan was so damned sexy. Licking inside, I made circular movements while my thumb gently rubbed her clit. She tried to move, but I held her ass still and kept on, driving her crazy.

  She murmured my name repeatedly and then put her hand in my hair, tugging gently. The pressure of it went straight to my cock, which was already hard as steel. She was grinding on my face, and I let her do it for several more seconds, enjoying her taste, which reminded me of bittersweet honey, and then I stood. She glared at me, confused and annoyed, because I hadn’t let her finish.

  “Oh no, when you come, you’ll come on my cock and not my tongue.”

  She blushed but nodded. She had to get used to my crude ways, because I wouldn’t be changing that. She was a beautiful sight, her wet body with pale skin and freckles all over. I wanted to lick drops from each one of them, then her breasts with pink nipples, which begged to be sucked, and I did just that, which earned me another of those fucking moans. I decided to play a bit rough and bit down gently. She arched her back, and I loved how her body responded to me.

  She was breathing heavily. I knew she was close, so I slid my hand between her thighs and pushed two fingers inside, and we both groaned. She was so wet from her desire and my mouth that I would have no problem entering her any way I wanted. She was so ready for what was to come.

  Fuck! I couldn’t take it slow, either. I picked one of her legs up, rested it over my thigh, and in one swift move, thrust inside. We both moaned, and I felt so good inside her, where she clenched me so tight.

  “Move,” she begged.

  I stayed there for several seconds, just kissing her and enjoying making love to her mouth with my tongue while my cock was buried deep inside her. But then the need to move was too strong, and I could no longer hold back. Thrusting agonizingly slowly, I could feel everything, enjoy every moment of it, and absorb every facial expression she made. Breathing hard, she rested her head against the wall and made those small sexy noises she did when she was aroused. When she looked at me, along with lust and desire, I saw annoyance. My girl didn’t like to be denied. I almost chuckled, and she narrowed her eyes.


  I did chuckle then, which turned into a groan as she squeezed me tight inside her. After that, it was impossible to keep the pace slow. I moved faster and faster until I heard her scream, which I swallowed with my mouth. After a few more thrusts, I felt one of the most intense pleasures I have ever felt and came. Inside her. The only better feeling would have been to come without a condom on. I knew I was clean, but she wasn’t on the pill, and I didn’t know if she would consider it for such a short amount of time.

  It was still the best fucking sex in my entire life.

  Slowly, I came back to reality. We stared at each other until she smiled. The water was still all over us, but I didn’t care, because it created a warm cocoon around us.

  “Well, that was intense,” she joked, but still seemed in a state of shock over what had happened between us.


  “Is it always like that?”

  I frowned. What the hell kind of question was that? “No.”


  Yeah, oh, didn’t that just create more problems than it should. I didn’t want to think about it, let alone talk, so I detached myself from her, took shower gel, and cleaned us both. She even let me wash her hair, and I loved the feel of the red silk in my hands. Once we were done, I wrapped her in a towel then dried myself and put my jeans back on.

  She came to me, gave me a sweet kiss on the lips, and smiled. “Good morning, cowboy.”

  I couldn’t help it, I laughed and hugged her one more time before leaving, murmuring into her hair, “Good morning, indeed, beautiful.”


  Well, the morning certainly was fun, at least for me. I couldn’t believe what Shane and I did, but at the same time, I was glad. I wanted to repeat our intense lovemaking over and over again. No wonder people bragged about sex so much. I should have tried it sooner.

  Part of me, though, dismissed that thought, because it wasn’t about sex, but about Shane. Only he inspired such emotions in my heart.

  I glanced to my right where Becky was sitting, her hair all over the place and her eyes huge from everything she’d seen so far. She’d just had her third cup of coffee, trying to wake herself up, which made me laugh as she glared at me.

  I woke up as usual at 5:00 a.m., and since I didn’t want to piss Hawk off, I decided to drag Becky with me. She opened her eyes, told me to screw myself, and burrowed deeper into the covers, but I would have none of that, and managed to drag her to her bathroom, where she showered and got dressed for the day while I had my tryst with Shane in my own. She actually wore shorts. I was thankful she thought ahead and brought them with her.

  As we were late, with me babysitting her every move, I gave her no time to do her hair. We ran to the kitchen, where Maggie was already cooking eggs. I showed Becky where the dishes were, she helped me set the table, and I got coffee. Once the ranchers started entering the kitchen, they all looked at her with interest but said nothing.

  Hawk and Carter were discussing something about the horse training, saying that in a week, kids would come as part of a charity program where for the whole day they could enjoy rides and other stuff on the ranch. I thought it
was sweet and good to know, because as I’d learned during my time here, horses were amazing animals who could really help in the healing process.

  “It should be considered a crime to wake up this early,” Becky grumbled, and I nudged her. “What? It’s the truth!” Becky needed to learn how to work in the real world. Otherwise, how would she survive with her parents cutting her off?

  “What’s the matter, princess? Didn’t get enough beauty sleep yesterday?” Ren sounded highly amused, and that was another thing that worried me.

  Last night, with all the talk about Matt and then worrying my ass off for her, I didn’t bring up the subject of Ren or how familiar he was with her. But by the look he was sending me yesterday, he knew exactly who she was, which meant he’d probably guessed who I was, if not my name, then the fact I was rich. I didn’t like him having power over me, because with him, one could never know for sure what he would decide to blab.

  “Oh, don’t worry, cowboy, my beauty ain’t going anywhere,” she said in a southern accent, which sounded much better on her than on me. I glanced at Maggie, but she was staring at her plate and eating quietly.

  Sometimes I didn’t know what to do to shake her out of that odd behavior. Not that I wanted her to throw herself at him, but the girl never fought for what she wanted.

  Great, as though I didn’t have enough problems of my own, I felt the need to stick my nose in someone else’s problems too.

  Ren smirked and stood at the same time Shane entered. I knew he was late because there was an emergency with some mare, and he wanted to take care of that first before he ate. His eyes were warm, and he smiled gently when he looked at me, but we said nothing. The majority of the household knew we were together, but I didn’t want to become the ranch gossip or anything.


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