A Naughty Little Christmas (Cowboys, Cops, and Kilts: 8 Seasonally Seductive Romances from Bestselling Authors)

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A Naughty Little Christmas (Cowboys, Cops, and Kilts: 8 Seasonally Seductive Romances from Bestselling Authors) Page 19

by Randi Alexander

  “You feel so good, sweets. So fucking good.”

  “More,” she panted. “Oh God, more!”

  “Yes,” he grunted. “Much, much more.”

  He thrust faster, feeling his own eruption swarming down on him. Taking one hand, he slid it between them and found her swollen clit. She gasped as his fingers started to tease it. Her head dropped back exposing her neck. Heath licked up along the rapid pulse beneath her skin, loving how she tasted. She writhed beneath his touch and tightened her muscles around him. His fingers circled faster on the sensitive nub, and he powered into her with increasing intensity.

  “Oh, oh, oh!” Her scream filled the laundry room as she came hard on his cock.

  Heath took one hand and braced himself against the dryer as he drove into her again. Once. Twice. Three and then four times before he erupted deep within her core. His release triggering another from Kassia, and in seconds, her yell travelled with his own shout of pleasure to fill the room.

  It took him a moment to regain his balance, feeling lightheaded from the power of his ejaculation. Kassia was still curved around him, except now, she’d sat forward, and her face was buried in his neck. Lifting her, Heath winced at the extra weight on his leg but ignored it, refusing to let her out of his embrace. He walked them back to the bed where they’d first met and laid them down on it.

  Time to start all over again. So, he did. Hours later, they fell asleep, wrapped in each other’s arms and covered by thick blankets as more snow fell outside.

  His nightmare woke him, and he sat up with a shout, reaching for the weapon he no longer carried, sweat pouring down his face. It took a minute of panic for him to realize where he was. He wasn’t a prisoner; he was in the States in bed with a very desirable woman.

  “Heath?” Kassia’s soft voice helped ground him even more.

  He stared at her as she sat up beside him in the early afternoon light. “Yeah?” Damn it, now his voice was even harder than he intended it to be.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  Everyone said he should. Go to shrinks and get shrunk so he could put it past him. Move on. He hadn’t gone. The Army couldn’t make him go anymore. Slanting his gaze to the woman at his side, he drew in a much needed breath. She watched him with gentle eyes. There was no pressure in her expression and—thankfully—no pity. He didn’t know if he could handle that from her.

  “We were sent in on a rescue mission to…somewhere in the Middle East.”

  Some habits were hard to break, and he wasn’t allowed to tell what he’d done or where he’d done it. Despite feeling tossed aside by the military, he would never break that habit. He still had his honor. Heath lay back down and drew her close to him. Kassia came willingly, her warm body draping over him as she snuggled near, one leg over his right one as she rested against his chest.

  “We’d reached them and were in the process of getting out when the attack came.” His heart thundered beneath Kassia’s palm. She didn’t say anything, just waited for him to continue. “They came in droves over the hills, firing at us, trying to kill all of us. Most of them young boys, but what they lacked in experience, they made up for in sheer number.”

  Sweat appeared on his brow as the memory of that day assuaged him. Even now, he could smell the smoke, dirt and blood as it had been that very moment in time. So thick one could almost taste it. The metallic scent of life as it leeched into the dry ground only to be sucked down swiftly. Tingeing that as well came the scent of ammonia as many of the young children pissed themselves in fear. Hell, some older men as well.”

  His hand dug into the blankets as he tried to slow his breathing. Kassia’s hand smoothed over his chest, but she still didn’t speak.

  “I took two in the leg and couldn’t run anymore. So I fought from a stationary position. We were just about ready to leave, all the packages had been loaded. A teammate—” Lord help him he could still see Seamus’ clear green eyes and red hair. “A teammate headed towards me to help me back, despite me telling him I was fine.” He shuddered, bile rising in his throat. “I watched him get blown to pieces right beside me; his blood covered me as the force of the grenade threw me back.”

  His stomach churned, and he fought the urge to throw up. Kassia had fallen still, but he knew she listened attentively. Forcing his fingers to relax from where they clenched the blankets, he took a deep breath.

  “Don’t remember much after that until I woke up as a prisoner. They moved me to another place, North Africa somewhere, and took great pleasure in shock treatment, water boarding, beating and a whole slew of other things you really don’t wish to know about.”

  “Then, they rescued you.”

  A short bark of laughter escaped. “Right.” He hadn’t thought there was anything left to rescue. His mind and body had been a mess; hell, he still was. Didn’t stop them for drumming his ass out swiftly, however.

  “That was Seamus? The one you saw die right beside you?” She’d pushed up and stared down at him while asking that question.

  That familiar anger surged through him at someone else using his name. Swallowing it back, he nodded. “Yes. My best friend. We joined up together; hell, we were in grade school together.”

  Kassia remained beside him, her hair falling forwards over her shoulder, hiding her breasts from him. She crossed her legs and tucked the blanket around her. “You feel guilty because you survived and he didn’t.”

  It wasn’t a question, and he didn’t pretend it was, merely nodded.

  “You have nothing to feel guilty for, Heath. Don’t diminish his sacrifice because of your guilt. Remember him how he was; that’s the best way for you honor his memory. You say he was your best friend. I don’t think he would want you to blame yourself for his death. In fact, I’m sure of it.”

  “Easier said than done,” he replied.

  “Losing someone you care for is never supposed to be easy. If you could just move on, then what would that say about you as his friend?”

  She bent down and kissed him. Pressed her tongue deep into his mouth and poured her goodness into him. He allowed her to set the pace and give what she would. When it ended, his cock had risen beneath the blankets.

  “I don’t know how to let it go. I’m angry at the world.”

  “I’m not a shrink, so I don’t know what to tell you. I’ve also never been in that situation but I would guess…” she paused, “…I guess if it were me, I would like to think I’d find a group of people who’d been through what I had. Talk to them. Hear how they’ve gone and are working towards recovery.”

  “You don’t think I need to see a head doc?”

  Kassia lay back beside him, curling her warm, soft body against him again. He held her close.

  “Not unless you feel you do. I find it hard to believe they can talk anyone through anything. There’s not any way they’ve experienced it all, and sometimes, it’s not clinical how you need help. You need to hear from someone who’s gone through it. I could be wrong, but that’s me.”

  “Seamus would have liked you.”

  “What was he like?”

  Heath hadn’t spoken about his friend since he died. More to the point, he hadn’t allowed himself to drift back down memory lane on how things had once been with the two of them. Even with Seamus’ parents, he’d kept them at arm’s length. But here and now, with Kassia, he found himself ready to talk again. Honor his friend’s memory and keep the good alive.

  “Seamus was a prankster. He loved fuckin’ with people just to see if he could get a rise out of them.” He brushed his lips along her forehead. “He was the kind of man who would saran wrap a toilet seat, just because. And he’d do it in the general’s office, for no other reason than seeing if he could get away with it. He lived for his jokes.”

  He talked about Seamus until they got too horny to ignore the lust coursing through them. Heath watched Kassia as she rode his cock, the blissful expression on her face enough to keep him hard. He didn’t know how she did
it but this woman made him think and feel things he’d never believed possible for him to do. As he came deep inside her body, he was hit with another emotion. Love.

  Rolling her to the side, he held her tightly as they drifted off to sleep. Love and thoughts of its meaning floated through his mind. Had he fallen in love with a woman he’d only known for three days?

  Chapter Four

  Kassia stirred and stretched. Damn, I’m sore. Opening her eyes, she looked at the time and groaned. Seven at night. At least, there was a light on in the room. Heath must have awoken briefly before she did. Rubbing her eyes, she turned her head to look behind her on the bed and couldn’t stop the satisfied smile from gracing her face. Heath lay there sleeping, one arm up over his head and the other down by his side. She could see the stubble on his face, and her body trembled as the memory of how it felt on her skin filled her.

  Is it strange I feel so comfortable with a man I hardly know?

  It truly wasn’t, for while they’d not known each other long, they did know one another. And with the stuff he’d shared with her before they fell asleep this last time, she could say that with even more certainty.

  With one last lingering glance at the slumbering man, she tossed back the blankets and climbed naked out of bed. She was just about to the door when a sleepy yet still sexual-infused voice reached her.

  “Where do you think you’re sneaking off to, sweets?”

  Sweets. Who would have guessed that single word could make me giddy like a schoolgirl? Ignoring her immediate thought to cover up her nudity, Kassia turned back to the man who lay on his side, head propped up on one arm as he watched her intently with those slate colored eyes.

  “It’s seven, and I’m hungry,” she explained with an easy shrug. “And I want some clothes.”

  His eyes raked up and down her form. “Look just fine to me.” He sat up, his powerful chest drawing her attention. Even without the bruises, she would be hard-pressed not to stare at him. “But if you want a shirt, there’s some in my bag right there, and they’re clean.”

  The idea of wearing his clothes appealed to her, so she moved to the bag and pulled out a red shirt. Slipping it over her head, she found him watching her once her head cleared the top. “And you?” she asked.

  “I’m good over here.” As she stared, he got out of bed and pulled on his boxers, followed by a pair of warm-up pants that said “Army” up one leg.

  As he moved toward her, she noticed his limp. “Are you okay?”

  His smile was more of a grimace. “I’ll be fine.”

  Kassia walked toward him without the slightest hesitation. She knew it was from sleeping and not moving. He tended to get stiff. Wrapping her arms around his bared torso, she pressed feathery kisses along the warm skin. “Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.”

  “Sweets,” he murmured in her ear as his arms circled her, “you’ve already taken my mind off the pain.” His lips brushed across her forehead.

  The heat raced up her face making her grateful it was hidden from his gaze. “Are you hungry?” Why do I feel the urge to take care of him and not just for now, but forever? “I can make something real quick.”

  “What say we order in?”

  Almost like a real couple. Drawing back so she could look him in the eyes, she asked, “And do what in the meantime?”

  He winked and dropped his large, strong hands to settle on her ass, pulling up the shirt she wore so he touched bare skin. “I’m sure we can think of something.”

  Tugging his head down for a kiss, she whispered, “I’m sure we can.”

  Two hours later, Kassia sat across from Heath at the table. Dinner sat on plates before them, but her attention was on the handsome man instead of the food.

  “So after they let me go, I figured I could use a little R&R away from any place where people knew who I was and wanted details on what I’d gone through. Balt gave me an open invite to crash at his place, so I took him up on it.” He took a drink of his Red Dog and shook his head as it went down his throat. “Don’t know how he can drink this.”

  Kassia smiled as she spun her bottle of Samuel Adams Winter Lager in her fingers. Not her favorite drink, but one she did enjoy occasionally. “Everyone likes their own thing. Why aren’t you spending time with family? This being the time of year it is n’ all.”

  His eyes turned colder than the snow, which still fell heavily out the big window. He finished the drink and applied pressure to the can. His biceps flexed, and the material crumpled beneath the strength of his hand like a car in a crusher. A shiver ran up her spine but Kassia refused to show him fear. Damn, he can really be intimidating.

  “I’m not welcome there anymore.”

  What? Let it go, Kassia, let it go. But she couldn’t. “What? Why the hell wouldn’t they want to see their son?” She was immediately furious on his behalf.

  If the chill his gaze had taken on before scared her, the blank look it had now did so even more. One naked shoulder lifted in a terse motion. “I’m not their son, not anymore. All I am is a failure in their eyes. A disgrace.”

  His tone was devoid of emotion, and Kassia wanted to go to him and hold him against her. But it made sense out of their first meeting when he’d gone chilly and told her he knew what he was and there was no need for her to say it. So, instead of getting up and going to him, she placed the bottle to her lips and allowed the rich full-bodied flavor to slide down her throat. Licking her lips, Kassia held his gaze.

  “I find that hard to believe,” she said softly.

  “Well, believe it or don’t, but it’s the truth.” He looked down, picked up his fork, and toyed with the noodles on his plate. Heath sighed, and to Kassia, it sounded almost ripped up from his soul. “Ever since I joined the Army at eighteen, it’s been like that. I have a younger brother who can do no wrong in their eyes, so they’re happy.” A shrug, not as harsh as before, happened. “So I’m used to spending holidays alone. Not like we were home much anyway.”

  What did one say to that? What was there to say without sounding like you felt pity for them? “I see,” she commented. “Well, I plan on having a tree up in here so I hope it doesn’t bother you.”

  He sent her a disarming grin. “I look forward to spending Christmas with you, Kassia Green. Now, tell me why you are here instead of with your family?” he questioned, turning the tables on her.

  She sighed and took another drink of beer. Heath arched a brow before he got up and headed to the fridge. This time, however, he had a bottle of Coke in his hand. Kassia couldn’t take her eyes off the way he turned opening a soft drink into something seductive. Her lips twitched as one pec flexed, and she looked up to find his amused gaze waiting.

  “Stop stalling. I answered your question.”

  Nodding, she laced her fingers together on the tabletop after pushing her plate to the side. “Why I’m not spending the holiday with my family. Let’s see. My parents like to travel and spend their holidays in other countries. This year, I believe they’re in Rio.” She waved a hand in the air. “Or something like that. Hard to keep track of where they go each year. Hell, I’m never even sure they actually go where they tell us, you know, in case we plan on doing something insane, like say, joining them.”

  “So no big get-togethers for the Green clan?”

  She could hear the sadness in her own laughter. “No, not since I was fifteen, when they believed we were all old enough. Although, sometimes, I’ll spend it with The Three Wise Men. Which means they’re in Texas and need a place to crash. Or they want to hang out on the beach and come to my house so they don’t have to pay for a hotel.”

  “So you have siblings?”

  Did she have siblings? Many people wondered that. Heck, sometimes she did as well. She nodded. “Technically, yes, I do. One sister and one brother, both are older.”

  That sexy eyebrow arched again, and he paused with the Coke partway to his mouth. “Technically? Please explain to me how you can ‘technically’ have
siblings. I mean, either you do or you don’t, right?”

  “I mean, I know I have them, but we’re so busy with our own lives, we never seem to have time for one another. Don’t really talk to them much either. They’re a bit older than I am so they get along better with one another than they do me. I was a surprise, they didn’t really want me. My sister, Janae, is a trauma surgeon in Washington DC, and my brother, Issac, is an attorney for a research and development company in Miami. Neither married, and as far as I know, neither have children.”

  “Research and development?” He shook his head as if amused. “That’s code if I’ve ever heard it.”

  Kassia just smiled. She had often wondered herself about what her brother truly did. Never had the guts to ask him, however.

  Heath leaned forward in the chair and placed his forearms on the smooth wood. “And what about you, Kassia? What is it that you do?”

  “I’m a pharmaceutical rep.”

  His gaze skimmed her as if trying to see her doing that. “Do you like it?”

  “Yes. I really enjoy it. All the travelling, the people I get to meet, it’s a great job.” She got up from the table and headed to the counter to grab the chocolate crème pie that sat there. As she moved back past him, he reached out, grabbed her around the waist and pulled her onto his lap.

  Before she could say a word, he dipped a finger in through the whipped cream and decadent chocolate filling and brought it to her lips. “Open for me, sweets,” he ordered in a low voice.

  Kassia opened her mouth and drew his finger into her mouth, swiping off the dessert before sucking hard on his lone digit. His eyes grew stormy, and he shifted on the chair. Releasing his finger, Kassia leaned in and placed her lips on his, thrusting her tongue deep into his mouth.

  “Tastes better from your lips,” he murmured before he ended the kiss.

  “I was thinking the same thing,” she responded in the same low tone. Kassia could feel her body responding to him and whimpered as she rocked against his hard thigh.


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