Vengeance: A Kindred Sons Mafia Romance

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Vengeance: A Kindred Sons Mafia Romance Page 7

by Beth Wynne

  Her eyes caught me watching her again and I knew she was uncertain of me. I’d be a fool if I didn’t know why. I was everything a good girl like her had been told to avoid. Warned about even. If she hadn’t already figured it out, she definitely knew now. I was Jake Anderson - Under Boss of the Kindred Sons.

  “Well, I’d better get ye back home. You’ve an early start in the morning and I’ll be around with the files before ye leave.” I stood as I spoke, she took the nonverbal cue and obeyed. I watched as her body moved, god she was sexy as hell. Those hips, that ass, even the push-pull of how I knew she liked me, maybe even wanted me, but wouldn’t admit it. There was a fighter in her, one I could only hope to tame.

  “Sure thing, I just need to um… visit the bathroom first.”

  Chapter 18


  He directed me to the bathroom beside the mudroom. I was glad I didn’t need to go into the actual party but at the same time I felt a tinge of hurt - was he really that embarrassed to be seen with me. Not embarrassed, disgusted. He’s just using you for this blackmail thing. My inner critic took joy in trying to bring my mood lower. The woman I saw in the mirror, the extra pounds around my tummy, the softness in my arms and the plain clothes. I couldn’t help but think my critic had a valid point.

  I washed my hands and left the bathroom feeling defeated. If he didn’t want to be seen with me, then he didn’t have the slightest interest in me. It’s for the best… I consoled myself. After all, it was better this way: I had to protect Ryan and make up for not being there when he had truly needed me.

  As I opened the door I saw his attention move from the door to the guy he was talking to. I’d been watched as closely as was appropriate. He’d been leaning against the jamb of the door to the kitchen, but had stood up and was leaving the other guy.

  “Right, Nev, sure I’ll catch up with ye later.” He slapped the guy on the arm as he left. Turning his focus on me, “Y’alright?” he was too handsome for words, it physically hurt to think about how he was only being nice in any way to me was because of the file drop. All I could do was nod.

  The way home again started off in silence, he must have sensed I didn’t want to talk and to his credit, he didn’t force a conversation. When the houses got closer together and turned into high rise flats, he spoke. “Ye’ll be home soon, Bella.” He paused, his mouth opened to say more then he stopped short. A sigh. Then he gripped the steering wheel.

  I heard “Fuck,” under his breath, then he started to speak to me again. “Look, I know it’s not an ideal situation, it’s not what you want to do. I get that you didn’t know what was in the file, but Jeysus, not to even look at what ye were giving away…” His head shook dismissively, “That’s not even the point.” Another sigh. “I won’t let Denver hurt ye, I suppose that’s all I’m trying to say.” His lips formed a flat line across his face. “He’ll pay for what he’s done already. I should’ve kicked his arse for what he tried that day in Sawyer’s.”

  Shock kept me from speaking, but he used the opportunity to talk more.

  “A woman like you… it must be hard to be on your own, y’know, keeping yerself safe. I don’t know why ye picked Londonderry to move to, it’s dangerous. It’s not right.” Another pause. “At least ye know now that I’ll… I mean, the Kindred Son’s, will protect ye.” He laughed a dry laugh to himself. “Someone should be watching that back of yours, at least to admire that arse as you walk.”

  Was he making fun of me? “You don’t have to say that, y’know. I get you’re just being polite.” His head shot round in confusion. “I know I’m not a size zero, ok? I don’t need false compliments that we both know aren’t true, ok?”

  He pulled in, we’d reached my place already. “I meant what I said earlier, you really don’t see yourself as you are. When I look at a woman, she should be just that: a woman. Tits, ass, soft, sweet…” his eyes met mine, “That’s how I see you.”

  My guard stormed up. “Nice… no brain in there?” Were women really only in his life for that one thing?

  His hand reached for my chin, holding it firmly so I could only look into his eyes. “Without a brain, the rest counts for nothing.” I felt the electricity surge, I couldn’t help it; I wanted to believe him.

  I heard two clicks and then he moved closer. “You don’t know the effect you have.” His hand moved to touch the side of my face and then to stroke my hair. “Bella, you’re a very beautiful woman.”

  Heat pooled in my core and I rubbed my thighs together. We both understood it was a line, but I was happy to pretend we both thought it was true.

  I leaned into his hand, putting my own on his. He moved closer, placing the sweetest kiss on my lips. Then he broke off the kiss, to look at me, “Never think you are anything less than beautiful.” I watched his tongue flick over his own lips and then he kissed me again. Deeper this time, and then I felt his tongue. The floodgates opened from somewhere and I kissed him passionately. My hands roamed his body of their own accord exploring the strong powerful muscles as far as I could, still sitting in the car.

  His hands were better behaved than mine to start with, then I felt the buttons on my blouse being popped enough for a hot hand to slid inside. He cupped by breast before sliding his hand beneath my bra. A moan escaped my lips involuntarily, he’d found my nipple and was shamelessly teasing it.

  Even as I spoke the words, I couldn’t quite believe it was me saying them - or who I was saying them to. “Would you like to come in… for… coffee or something?”

  Chapter 19


  We walked quickly back to my flat. Me, because I wanted to do this so badly, and before I could talk myself out of it. Fuck, it had been so long since I’d even wanted to be with a man, never mind actually being with a man. He’s only doing this to keep you sweet, you’re a pity fuck. The inner critic got swiftly ignored. Right now I was so hot for him that I would take him any way I could get him.

  He playfully slapped my ass as I unlocked the communal front door, then properly grabbing it as he kissed me again as we went inside. “I need to be inside you.” He breathed into my ear as I felt his jeans - fuck, the straining bulge beneath was huge. By the time we’d got to my front door he was holding my hand and rushing me forwards.

  Then everything changed.

  I thought I’d locked this door. A confused thought drifted through my head. His demeanor changed and he pushed me back. “Stay here.” I watched as he moved through my door.

  He arrived back to me with a serious expression. “I don’t think anything has been stolen, but ye should come in and check.” He was right, nothing was stolen but the place was messed up and the mood was well and truly gone.

  “Want a coffee?” I asked, the humor not lost on me that coffee was the whole reason he had come with me. Thank god Jake’s here. I had no idea what I would have done if I’d found the place alone… Christ, what if they had came in whilst I was still here?

  I went to grab some milk from the fridge and froze. Jake was beside me in an instant. “What is it?” concern thick in his voice.

  “That,” I said, simply. Pointing to the white envelope on my fridge door. “That’s not mine.”

  He moved the dolphin magnet and took the envelope. “Do you want to…?” I shook my head, petrified of what could be inside.

  His strong hands held the envelope for a moment before one of his thumbs tore along a side to open it. He looked inside and as he pulled the contents out, I saw the tick in his jaw that I already knew meant he was ready to kill something.

  He threw the contents onto my small kitchen table in disgust. “Fuck.” He grabbed his phone from his pocket and started to make a phone call. “Fuck’s sake.”

  Jake moved to my hallway and absently I heard him talk quickly with someone. Curiosity steadied my hands enough to lift the card from the table. It was a simple, white sympathy card, with a picture of a white Lily on the front. The inside was empty. Strange.

leaving with me. You’ve got two minutes to grab whatever you want to bring with you. Do you have a rucksack? Get me it.” Jake’s command brought me out of my head and was the poke I needed to get into action.

  I went to Ryan’s room and retrieved my backpack from the empty wardrobe. To my sheer horror, Jake was already in my room, emptying drawers of socks, bras and panties onto the bed. “I can do that!” I rushed over immediately taking over - just who the fuck did he think he was?!

  “You’re staying with me till I fix this.” He appeared back into the bedroom with handfuls of my toiletries - toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, tampons… oh lord, does he have no boundaries?

  “It’ll be OK once I get my lock changed.” I’d been broken into before, they didn’t take anything that time either - I honestly had nothing of value to take.

  “The fuck it will.” He said angrily. “C’mon,” he grabbed the bag and started zipping it. “We’re leaving now.”

  “Hold on.” I said angrily. “This is my home, some drug addict isn’t going to scare me - besides, now they see I’ve got fuck all to take, they’ll move on to someone else.”

  He stopped, raking his hands over his face. “I forget that you don’t understand how this operates.” He stalked over to the table, lifting the card. “This is a sympathy card, sweetheart,” he looked at it in disgust, “Why do people get them? And look,” he reached down and lifted something from the ground. “What do you think this is?”

  A Polaroid picture had been inside the card and must have fallen to the ground. He held it for me to take. When I turned it over to reveal the picture, I felt my legs turn to lead. It was of Jake and me leaving my flat earlier. Had someone been watching me? But who? I knew the answer before I’d even asked myself the question. Denver was involved in this.

  “Like I said, I’ll protect you, but we need to play for time right now.” He stepped closer to me, and put his arm protectively around me, enveloping me in his heady mix of cologne, musk, and spices. “Bella, sweetheart, this is a death threat from the McCauley’s. You’re leaving with me, now.”

  Chapter 20


  I left my flat in a daze, letting Jake lead me back to his car and I noticed absently that the windows were still steamed up. Jake muttered and grumbled to himself, every so often I’d hear some sort of expletive being cursed under his breath. He was seriously pissed about this.

  Me? I was shellshocked. Even when Ryan had managed to ring up thousands of dollars of debts to the McCauley’s, they’d threatened to beat the shit out of him, but never openly threatened to kill him… or had I been too naive? No wonder Ryan did what he did, firstly I had made my peace with what I thought I was going to do by giving Denver the file, who I now know is part of McCauley’s. That’s every bit as bad as what they’d made Ryan do - except I can’t get caught.

  Now I’d managed to go full circle, so instead of helping one mafia group, I’m helping another. The Kindred Sons were the Irish Mafia, no matter how you dressed them up. How long before they find out about you and you get two death threats, eh, SARAH? I shook my head to clear my critic away. I couldn’t think like that or I wouldn’t live long enough to regret it.

  Jake must have noticed my head shaking, as he placed a comforting hand on my leg as he drove. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. Those cunts will pay for this. Mathew’s already got someone changing the lock - do you want anything else from the flat?” I shook my head. I’d made sure to grab my work things - they were the only things I needed for tomorrow morning, everything else can get sorted after that… when I get back to my flat for long enough to grab everything I need to really disappear.

  The high rises were fading into the distance again. “We’re not going back to your dad’s, are we?” I really hoped not - Carrick might see me as too much bother. I didn’t want to be on any mafia radar, especially if they thought I was a bother.

  “Nope.” Was all he said. “I’m hungry. Did ye get enough to eat earlier or could ye eat again?” His eye flicked between me and watching the road ahead as he drove. “I fancy a KFC.”

  Fried chicken had never done me wrong before but I didn’t want to appear too keen - women were supposed to be pretty little things that picked at their food. Besides, we’d already ate the stew. “I could eat. I suppose.”

  We went around the drive thru. “We’re nearly there, so we may as well eat in the house.” Five minutes later we’d pulled up outside a high wall, waiting as Jake pressed a keyfob he’d had in his pocket. A detached house came into view and although it looked empty in the darkness, I noticed a few blinking lights. Security. This must be a safe house.

  Again, we entered by the back door which led into a small hall and then a large kitchen. The appliances were expensive, as was the furniture but it felt… empty. Functional but not personal. I grabbed a couple of plates from a cupboard and we ate greedily at the table.

  “I like a woman who enjoys her food.” He said. I stared, ready to leave. “No, I don’t mean that in a bad way, sweetheart. I love me food, it’s good to see someone else who enjoys theirs the same way.” I went to open my mouth but he leaned over and I was met with a brief kiss. “That’s all I meant, and you know it.”

  He stood up, taking all the rubbish with him and dumping it into the trash can outside. I heard him wash his hands in the utility room before coming back in. “Right. I think a little nightcap is in order.” With that he showed me the bottle of Bushmills Whiskey he’d been hiding behind his back. He retrieved two glasses. “Come on.”

  The lounge was almost as plain as the kitchen. Expensively filled, but with minimal cozy touches. A man decorated this, I mused. He handed me a filled glass and clinked it to his own. “Slante.”

  “Cheers,” I responded as I watched him, his Adam's apple bobbed once as he swallowed the whole drink in one go. I followed suit.

  “Good girl yerself.” He said, somehow pleased I’d drank all of mine. “Here, let me get that for you.” More brown liquid refilled my glass.

  By the third refill I had stopped caring that I felt like I was glowing all over, like a Christmas tree. The smooth whiskey had massaged all my stress away and I was feeling great.

  “I was sixteen the first time I got a death threat.” He said, matter of factly. “Da said ye weren’t a real man until someone wanted to end ye.”

  “Guess I must be a real woman now then,” I giggled, even though it really wasn’t funny.

  “Ah, now, sweetheart. You’re a real woman alright.” His eyes roamed over me. From his spot on the sofa, I could see the front of his jeans and remembered what I had felt hidden beneath the material. “Do ye like what ye see, then?” he asked confidently - almost goading me.

  “Yeah.” I said, the drink giving me the courage I lacked.

  He lifted his hand to his ear, cupping it. “Sorry, love, I can’t hear ye from there… maybe ye should come over here.” He said cockily.

  I stood up, steadied myself a little - how strong had that stuff been? And walked over, laying myself beside him and into the crook of his arm where he’d lifted it for me.

  “So, were ye saying ye liked what ye saw?” His accent seemed stronger now.

  “What’s not to like?” I asked, “Look at you. Not just the muscles but fuck, you have the sexiest eyes. Those eyes could really get a girl in trouble.”

  “Nothing about a brain then?” he teased.

  I had been through so much lately, and today had been a disaster. I didn’t want to play mind games with this hulk of a man. I needed him to pound me into tomorrow so I could wake up sore but satisfied. I took a deep breath to give myself courage, “I’m not interested in your brains, I just want you to fuck me.”

  He eyed me suspiciously, “And just how much have ye had to drink there?” his hands stroking my face. “Is Bella there or is that me whiskey talkin’?”

  I slid on top of him, feeling like I needed to do this. “Yeah, I’ve had a couple of drinks but I know what I want… I just need a litt
le courage-juice to help me say it.” My hands roamed over his broad chest then down to find the bottom of his tee shirt and crawl underneath.

  The movement made him roll his head back and close his eyes, giving me ample opportunity to truly take his face in. The whole time, my hands journeyed over his rock hard abs, his pecs and I couldn’t resist playing with his nipples like he had started to with mine earlier. His eyes sprung open and I loved how it was me he was looking at - like he wanted to devour every single part of me.

  “Awh, sweetheart, you’re too much.” He smiled wickedly, “C’mere,” I leaned down and his mouth claimed mine with a deep kiss. He moved and suddenly he was on top of me, opening my blouse. He stopped for a second to look at my breasts as they spilled over my lace bra. Next thing I knew, he had my top and my bra laying on the floor, his mouth trailing a line of kisses down to my nipple where he took it into his mouth and the sweetest torture.


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