The Last Viking Queen

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The Last Viking Queen Page 26

by Taylor, Janelle

  Eirik tried not to think of losing this quest. Yet if he did, he could not lose her. No matter what she believed was her destiny and duty, if he lost, he would steal her away and convince her only their love mattered.

  They reached a lovely area at dusk. A serene glen with a deserted hut was before them. Eirik lifted his hand to stay the men. “We halt here for the night where there is shelter for our queen!” he shouted.

  The band was more than agreeable. Camp was made quickly, provisions were unpacked, and a hearty meal was prepared. The men supped on ale, bread, and roasted meat. They sat around fires an enticing distance from the hut in the trees.

  Alysa settled herself in the hut, unmindful of its dust and mess. She fluffed the straw mattress and flung a blanket over it. When Eirik came to bring her food and drink, she smiled and thanked him.

  Eirik had decided not to press her and frighten her further. He must woo her slowly and carefully, gently and tenderly. While slyly tempting and stimulating her, he must prove to Alysa that he was the only man for her. “You are a superior soldier and queen, my enchanting Alysa. Few men possess your skills, courage, and wits. Each time I hear you speak, I am awed. You ride like a weightless cloud moving across a tranquil sky, and you fight like a warrior with great prowess and experience,” he complimented her. “Sometimes I fear you cannot be real and this is only a cruel dream. I am glad you are here with me. There has been so little time to get to know more about you. Soon the quest will be over and I must win you or perish trying.”

  Alysa was moved by his tender words and stirring mood. In a softened voice, she cautiously replied, “I pray you will find a second victory on this journey, Eirik, and I wish I could aid your search. Do you know the place where Hengist landed?” she asked, ready to enlighten him with what little information she had gleaned from Trosdan.

  Confident and happy now, he replied, “Yea, my enchantress. I know this land well. I was here a long time with Hengist, and I stay alert to all things around me. There is no need to worry about failure. Eat before your meal grows cold and unappealing.”

  As he reached the door, she ventured boldly, “The food is not what appeals to me or worries me, Eirik.”

  He halted and turned to face her. Their gazes fused and searched. Their passions blazed. “Name your worries, my queen, and I will appease them. Speak your desires, m’love, and I will fetch them for you.”

  She could not go another day without having him again. She needed his solace, his strength, his acceptance, his love. “You are both, Eirik,” she responded bravely, helplessly.

  Eirik was surprised by her confession. His heart pounded in joy and in panic, and his loins responded to her. But they were not alone. Over a hundred men were camped outside this hut, men who would slay him for doing what he was thinking. Should he be strong and wise? Could he be either tonight with her so entreating? “Our band camps nearby. There is little time and much danger,” he reluctantly reasoned against what he desperately wanted—to make love to her tonight.

  “Yea, I know,” she murmured, going to stand before him. “I fear I am weak and wicked, Eirik, for you torment me day and night.”

  “What can I do to ease your pain, my queen?” he inquired nervously as his hand reached out to caress her flushed cheek. He trembled at the contact and her enticing gaze. “That is for you to decide, Eirik, my love.”


  Eirik’s heart sped up at her inviting words. “There is but one thing to decide, m’love: if we will risk all to spend only a short while together. I can do so easily, but I do not wish to endanger you, nor do I wish to take you so swiftly at such a special moment.”

  Alysa was trembling with need. “You said I possessed courage. Now I shall prove it. Stay with me, Eirik, if only for a brief time.”

  He did not have to ask if she was certain; her gaze told him she was. For Eirik, the decision now seemed simple, irresistible. “Tonight we must rush our union or the others will wonder why I stay with you so long. But soon we will have all the time we want together.”

  “Tonight my only desire is you, Eirik. Do not leave me aching with hunger for you. Can you not see you are the only man I want?”

  “I love you, Alysa. I swear I have never said that to a woman before, nor have I desired or taken one since meeting you. You have shown me what my life is missing, and you have filled my heart with joy.”

  That brave declaration made her heart and spirit soar. Her arms encircled his waist and she snuggled against his hard body, resting her cheek at his heart. She heard it pounding swiftly. “You do not know what it means to me to hear those words from your lips,” she murmured, thrilled that this new Gavin would also fall in love with her.

  “It does not frighten you to know how fiercely I love and desire you? That I will do anything to have you, even abdict you after the quest if I do not win it?” he inquired, his voice heavy with emotion.

  Alysa lifted her head to fuse their gazes. “No matter what happens in the quest, or after it, we shall be together for all time. But do not act rashly before we make our plans,” she cautioned him, as she realized he was serious about having her one way or another. It was imperative that he not panic and kidnap her before the attack, else her forces would walk into unspeakable danger. It was also vital that, if she could not break the spell over him before the two sides clashed, she make the bond between them so tight and strong that he would side with her that awesome day.

  “As long as I know you will be mine for all time, nothing else matters,” he vowed, spreading kisses over her face and hair.

  “I am yours, Eirik, now and forever. But there are other matters which must be handled wisely before anyone learns our secret. First, I must do my duty here or great havoc will follow us. Once they have a king, they will have less need and hunger for their queen.”

  “After the quest, if I do not win, will you give up your crown to escape with me?” he asked, needing her answer tonight.

  “It warms my soul that you would sacrifice all to have me. I can do no less. When my task here is done, we will be lovers and rulers or we will leave together. We will return to my castle in Damnonia and live there. You will love my land and people as I do.”

  Eirik was too consumed with love and desire to hear the warning clues in her words or to read them in her eyes. He cupped her face and looked deeply into her misty eyes. He asked worriedly, “What of your husband, the Cumbrian prince?”

  Alysa wanted to shake him to his senses and shout, You are my husband! For now, she was speaking to “Eirik” and she had to continue this pretense. Her hold over him was not powerful enough to compel him to defy his gods, to war against his friends and people, or to accept the truth about himself and their relationship. Later, Gavin would understand her actions. “He will not come between us. We are destined to live as one.”

  Eirik embraced her tightly. “What of your people?”

  Alysa’s fingers trailed over his facial scar and wondered if it would vanish with his spell. No matter, it was not dis figuring. “They will see how much I love you and need you. They will accept you at my side. We shall be happy and prosperous there.”

  Eirik clarified, “I meant, your people here. You are queen. They have craved your return for many years. What if they pursue us?”

  Alysa wondered why he did not say, our people and we have craved. She put her arms around his neck and lifted herself to brush her lips over his. As she did so, she entreated, “Do not worry about such problems tonight. Our time together is short and precious. We will handle any trouble and decisions later.”

  In response, Eirik’s mouth covered hers. They kissed many times before he carried her to the musty straw mattress and placed her there. He pulled the linen shirt over her head and dropped it to the dirt floor. He unlaced the ties at her waist and wiggled off her loose pants over supple hips and sleek legs, baring her golden flesh to his fiery gaze. He wished he had more time to enjoy her and their stolen union, to give her immense pleasure. Qu
ickly, he discarded his own clothing and joined her on the rough, blanket-covered bunk.

  Their lips meshed feverishly and their hands caressed ardently. Passions were ablaze within them both, so they did not have to ignite them. Yet each touch fueled those brilliant flames and increased their raging desires. Both knew time was short, so they united their bodies and sought sweet pleasure and relief. Their mouths never parted until rapture’s peak was in sight.

  Eirik gazed into her seductive eyes and increased their pace. Soon, they were falling over ecstasy’s precipice. They clung together, lips, arms, bodies, while they savored each magical moment. Their heads spun dizzily at the swift climb and rapid descent of their passion. Yet they participated happily, knowing this was only one of many times they would share.

  Eirik held her until his breathing had calmed so he could speak. “I tried to stay away from you, but I could not, Alysa. We must be careful until the quest has ended and we can be together. When I saw you in the forest with Rolf, my anger and pain were boundless. Why did you turn to him after our night together?”

  Alysa told as much of the truth as she dared. “I knew you were there. That is why I behaved so boldly with him. It was an impulsive and cruel thing to do, and I am sorry. There were many reasons, Eirik. I needed for you to avoid me so we would not be endangered. I needed for you to be strong for both of us, to prevent us from offending our gods. I was frightened and confused by what we had done, by what we feel for each other. I feared what we were doing was wicked and perilous, but I cannot stop myself from wanting you and yielding to you. You have some power over me which I cannot resist. Too, I needed to fool Rolf. He was worried about us being too close. I feared he would suspect the truth about us. I knew he would not if he believed I desired only him. I saw you behind the tree and knew you could rescue me if I could not control his ardor. I am sorry I deceived you and hurt you. Can you understand and forgive me?”

  His gaze and voice were filled with tenderness when he replied, “Yea, m’love, I understand, but there is nothing to forgive.”

  Surprise was exposed in her eyes. “You trust me and believe me? You will allow me to do what I must?”

  “Yea, m’love, for all such things are part of you. If any danger approaches you, I will be nearby to aid you. You are skilled in all things, Alysa, so I have no doubts in you or your prowess.”

  Suddenly he sounded nothing like Gavin Crisdean. Tremors passed over her. She coaxed, “Tell me all about you, Eirik. It is strange and frightening to have a stranger in my heart and bed. I know so little about you.”

  He chuckled, looking and sounding like her lost love again. “I promise to tell you all in the next few days while we are together. There is nothing to fear, m’love. Soon you will know as much about me as I do. For now, much as I ” wish it were not true, I must leave you.”

  She had to agree. “Go, my love, before others worry and question us. We will speak tomorrow.”

  Eirik used her water bag to wash himself, removing all hints of lovemaking from his body. He smiled at her and kissed her before departing, with helpful words. “Call out if you need anything from me.”

  Alysa rose from the bed and bathed herself. She picked at the chilled food, but ate very little. She aimlessly paced the small hut to relax her body. Was there, she asked herself, any doubt in her mind that Eirik was Gavin? “Gods be merciful, for I am not certain.”

  The following day passed swiftly because they traveled just as rapidly as time did to reach the ancient land of Iceni. Somewhere on this coast, Hengist and Horsa had landed their great fleet and hired out to King Vortigern. The shoreline was too far to make today, so they halted again to camp, this time at a deserted Roman villa from days long past.

  They were near the Broads where many lakes formed a vast estuary of blended brackish freshwater and brine, where many species of fowl made their homes: water hen, bittern, snipe, heron, and kingfisher. Here and there trees grew along the banks of snaking waterways which were seldom more than nine feet deep, but linked by several rivers and covering many miles. Grasses and wildflowers grew in abundance, and lightly wooded areas could be seen. It was a beautiful area, a peaceful and secluded one.

  They had not sighted the other two bands during their journey, but surely they were within miles of them, if they had guessed the clues correctly. Tomorrow they would reach the coast which looked toward their homeland, to begin their search for the second treasure.

  During their journey, Alysa had been given no time or privacy to speak with Eirik, to allow him to keep his promise of last night. She had to learn more about him. She needed to know his history.

  She wandered through the crumbling villa as their meal was being prepared in the camp nearby. When dismounting earlier, Eirik had whispered in her ear that he would sneak inside to visit her again, again in a rush which tonight rankled her. She hated being dishonest with her husband, and hated this tormenting confusion on her part. Either she believed he was Gavin or she did not. If she did not, she should not be giving herself to Eirik! Perhaps, she concluded defensively, it was only fatigue and tension which assailed her.

  When Eirik brought her evening meal, they ate in sight of the men, within the tumbledown wall of the villa, but not within their hearing. Though they sat close enough to speak privately, their bodies were not close enough to inspire gossip. Both were careful to appear calm and friendly, but not intimate or secretive.

  Between bites of roasted fowl, she reminded, “You said you would tell me all about yourself. Please, do so now.”

  Eirik shrugged and complied. “There is little to tell, m’love. An adventurer’s life is much the same day to day. I have seen many lands and met many challenges. If the pay and my mood were right, I accepted any job for money or stimulation. I left home many years ago to go araiding and to seek excitement. At that time, I did not realize it was to seek happiness, peace, and fulfillment more than wealth or recognition. I needed to find respect for myself and from others.” Looking as if these memories pained him, Eirik continued after a few bites. “My father was a cruel and greedy man. When I was sixteen, nearly the size I am now, he slew my mother and replaced her with another wife. He claimed she had plotted with his rival against him and had lain with him during his absence. If such claims were true, I never witnessed them or suspected them. Yet he was my father and our chieftain, so I could not call him a liar and killer without proof.”

  He gazed off at the horizon, looking vulnerable and tormented. “My father kept many women around him. There were few days when all were not bearing his seed, for his appetite was large. Some say, and I do not doubt them, that he slew many of his newborn to keep his house under a manageable number. We quarreled often, and I hated him. At first chance, I left home and seldom returned to visit.”

  Eirik met her sympathetic gaze. “The gods finally punished him. He was attacked by a rival and all in his dwelling were slain. I could not grieve over his death, for he was wicked and selfish. I saw no reason to challenge for his lands and rank, so I remained at sea or in foreign lands. Saeric and Aidan have been my friends for years. We have shared many adventures and perils. When they came here, I asked to join them once more. I had been with Hengist since winter departed, but he lacks spirit and hunger, and I needed a new challenge.”

  “Why did you not wish to challenge your family’s killer? And why did you not want your father’s lands and rank? Is your spirit so restless that you find home boring and must constantly be on the move?”

  “Nay, I was restless because I was not wanted there and it was constant war with my father and his many families. I traveled only to find peace and distraction to consume my days and nights. Until now, I have found no one and nothing of value to settle me down. But I am weary of such an existence and am eager to share a simple life with you. I was the only child of my slain mother. The other wives were not of our tribe. The lands which my father held had been taken by force from the rival who reclaimed them, as was his right and duty. Would
you have risked your life to aid the clan of Isobail?”

  Alysa thought about those words. “Nay,” she replied honestly.

  When Alysa questioned his facial scar, Eirik told her the same tale which Aidan had. Even so, she detected a glimmer of deceit in him, as if his new friends had revealed that conversation and he had repeated it. Perhaps he was only doing so to keep her from doubting him and his friends. “Does your arm pain you?” she asked, changing the subject to avoid deliberation on the scar and his false tale.

  Eirik glanced at the healing wound from Olaf during their contest. “Nay, it is fine. Did you watch him? He appeared strange.”

  Alysa wondered if Trosdan had drugged Eirik’s opponent as he had hinted, and wondered if the wizard had compelled. Eirik to desire only her as she had insisted. She needed to ask Trosdan those disturbing questions. “Yea, he seemed possessed by Loki. I am glad you won.”

  “As am I,” he concurred with a broad grin.

  “What of Hengist? Does he offer us any peril? Had you heard of me?” she probed, eyeing him closely for any further sign of deceit.

  “Yea, m’love, I had heard the legends about you, as had the Jute chieftain. Many times Hengist spoke of Isobail’s evil in your land. Some of her brigands were renegades from his band. He did not crave you at such a high price, as he does not wish to lose his stronghold here or to become king of the Vikings far away. He is content to remain in the lands which he demanded as pay from Vortigern. But if his greed and guile become too large and obvious, Vortigern will come to fear and distrust him and will push him out of Britain.”


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