Chub Rub

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Chub Rub Page 17

by Shannon Youngblood

  I took my time, placing deep, closed mouth kisses on her quivering lips, taking her bottom lip between my teeth and sucking on it. Her lips would be bruised in the morning, but I doubted she would care. When I finally extended my tongue from my mouth and licked at her entrance, she greedily accepted me inside. Our tongues danced an erotic tango from her mouth and then back into my own.

  Both of my hands came up to fist in her hair as I forced her closer to me. Her naked breasts squished into my own pec’s, the saliva smearing between us, sending ripples of sensations through me. Neither of us could get close enough to the other, and we never came up for air. We plundered each other’s mouths, while my hands, splayed throughout her hair, continued pulling her, this way, and that. There was only one problem, I needed her to touch me.

  Breaking away from the kiss, but not going very far, I mumbled against her lips, “Touch me, Maggie, fucking touch me.”

  At some point, we had completely stopped playing, as she wrapped her arms around my waist and clung to me tighter. I hissed against her teeth when her nails dug into my lower back and clawed their way up my spine. Fuck, that felt incredible. Releasing her hair, I plunged my hands south to grab onto her perfect ass and squeeze her up against my, hard again, cock.

  Turning her around while our lips still tangled together, I guided her back to the bed and gently let her climb onto the bed on all fours. Pulling away gently, I looked down to her. Head turned, gazing at me, her hair falling around her, licking the bed, her eyes were feral as she waited for instructions.

  “Crawl up to the head of the bed, Maggie.”

  Without answering, she made her way to the top while I watched. There was no shame, or humiliation, as she creeped up the bed, on her hands and knees, only lust, and something else I couldn’t pinpoint. When she flipped over, laying her head gracefully on the pillow, I crawled up the bed on all fours to join her.

  Once my head was even with hers, my body supported by my elbows and my knees, I gave her what I knew she needed. Something I was beginning to crave as well.

  “That was the best damn blow job I’ve ever received in my life, little sub. And for your reward, you get to choose how you would like the favor returned. I can use these,” I said, reaching between us to tease her clit with my fingers, enjoying her sudden intake of breath, and they way her boobs jiggled as her chest constricted.

  “I can use this,” I said next, dipping down to swallow her hardened nipple into my waiting mouth, swirling it around to enact what I’d do to a little lower down, given the chance.

  “Or I can use this guy,” I whispered last, using my hand to guide my swollen head to probe at her entrance.

  “I choose option three,” she immediately said, no indecision in her tone, only carnality.

  I secretly hoped that would have been her answer, and now my wish had come true. She was a fucking genie in a bottle here to tempt me and torture me.

  “Say it, my sweets. Say what you want.” I grunted. I didn’t want her shy, timid answer. I wanted her to embrace the sexual being inside of herself, and let it go free.

  “I want you inside of me, please, Sir.” she begged.

  “No,” I growled, “Say what you want. I wanna hear you say it,” I gritted my teeth, fighting the urge to slam into her. The heat rolling over my dick was almost unbearable.

  “Please fuck me, Sir,” she screamed, as I lost the war raging inside of me, and I buried myself deep inside her cunt, both of us groaning out in pure unadulterated pleasure, at the fullness.

  I teased her for a short time, only wiggling my hips a little bit while my cock stayed sheathed inside of her. When I couldn’t take the torture myself anymore, and the mewls coming from Maggie had intensified, I reached between us, found her clit, and began stroking her in rhythmic circles while I fell into a heavy pattern of pumping into her hard and fast. It didn’t take like for her to shudder around me and scream my name from the top of her lungs, as I felt the second most exhilarating climax rush from my balls, up and out my shaft, before collapsing on top of her, stars shining behind my eyes.

  Pulling her hair away from her face, I looked down onto her from above. After she had stopped screaming out my name, and the plethora of following expletives, I had withdrawn to lay next to her and pull her body into my chest. She had turned into me, her head resting in the crook of my arm, and closed her eyes. She wasn’t asleep, and I was pretty sure I could hear the wheels spinning in her head.

  “What are you thinking about, my sweets?” I whispered, the backs of my fingers petting the side of her face.

  “You,” was all she said.

  “What about me?”

  “I was just thinking about what you told me before. You know, the whole not liking water thing. “

  I tensed, my fingers stopping their movement. I couldn't help it. Thinking about something so horrific right after having two mind blowing orgasms was not something I wanted to do. But something deep inside me urged me to tell her. I had never told a soul except the doctors and now, I wanted to spill my guts to a woman I had just met? It made no sense, but my gut had never steered me wrong.

  “I’m sorry, Sir. I didn’t mean to make you mad, you don’t have to tell me anything,” she cooed, pressing her nose into me and kissing my chest.

  It wasn’t sub behavior for her to openly kiss me like that, but I didn’t fucking care. In fact, I wanted more. I wanted more with this woman than I had ever wanted in my sad, lonely life. You want a life with this woman, my brain screamed at me. I tried ignoring it, but it was the truth. I wanted this woman in the worst way.

  “Don’t apologize, Maggie. It’s ok.”

  Deep breath, Jackson, Deep breath.

  “When I was a kid, I had a mother who tended to neglect me in favor of my step father. At first, it wasn’t so bad. She’d forget to feed me dinner, so I’d eat what I could reach from the pantry. But then, it got worse. She and that bastard started drinking and leaving the house to go to parties and would forget I was even there, for days at a time.”

  My fists had involuntarily clamped shut, my knuckles turning white. Sensing I needed to calm down, Maggie lifted my hand and pressed a kiss to each one of my fingers until I had relaxed and was able to keep going.

  “By the time I was in the fourth grade, I had learned how to be reliant on only myself, but one day we ran out of soap, and my mom and step dad hadn’t been home in almost a week. I’d spent the only money I had found around the house on lunch every other day, and I didn’t know what to do.”

  “One day, about two weeks later, I walked in from school to find my mom passed out on the couch and my step dad on the phone. When he hung up a few seconds later, he came after me and dragged me outside to the backyard while he started screaming at me. My teacher had just called and she was concerned about my hygiene. We had a kiddy pool in the backyard that I had used a few summers ago. It was full of brown, stagnant water, with dead bugs floating in it.”

  The memory alone was enough to make my stomach flip flop inside of me. I had always loved playing in that pool when I had been little and it was just my mom and me. Now, the thought of ever swimming again made me want to hurl.

  “You can stop, Jackson, it’s ok,” Maggie said, pulling me from my bad memories.

  I gulped in another lungful of air, and continued. Maybe saying it aloud would make me feel better. It hadn’t worked with any psychologists that I’d seen, but maybe it would with someone I cared about. Yeah, I admitted to myself. I cared about Maggie. A lot.

  “He continued to scream at me, and told me if I was going to smell like rotten death, maybe I should have been dead. When he threw me into the pool, I sucked in a ton of water up my nose, and choked on it. My stepdad took that opportunity to put his boot into my skull and push my head under the disgusting water.”

  Wrapping my arms around Maggie for support I didn’t think I would ever get, I placed my chin on top of her head and continued, while she held onto me for dear life. Living through th
at nightmare again was tough, but while her arms were cocooned around me, I felt safe. It was a weird feeling to have.

  “I fought, as hard as a nine year old could, until I couldn’t fight anymore. I had swallowed so much of that disgusting water, I couldn't breathe, and I finally just decided to let go. Life was too fucked up, anyway. Then I blacked out. When I woke up, I was in an ambulance, my mom and step dad beside me, as we tore through the streets to the hospital.”

  “Wait!” Maggie stopped me, causing me to lean back so I could look at her. “They let your step dad in the ambulance with you?”

  “My mom found him with his boot on my head and made him let me up. I had no pulse, so she called the ambulance and started CPR. They told the EMT some sob story about how I had been made fun of at school for smelling, so I decided to wash in the kiddie pool and must have slipped and fallen unconscious. The EMT brought me back to life, but they said I had to have been dead for at least six minutes.”

  When I looked at her again, and not over her, there was a steady stream of tears rolling down her cheeks.

  “Don’t cry for me, my sweets,” I said, wiping away her tears. “After the second time he did it, almost a year later, my mom sent him packing and I moved in with my aunt. I haven’t heard from her since.”

  ‘So, that’s why you can’t tolerate water?” she sniffled.

  Nodding to her, I marveled at her capacity for caring. Twice now, she had mentioned my aquaphobia, and both times, she never used the words scared, or afraid, instead using words like ‘tolerate.’ She was truly a gift, and one I planned on keeping for a very long time.

  We laid there in silence for a while, just holding each other, trying to rid the room of the darkness that had fallen from the retelling of my story. I hated that we had ended such a beautiful ending with such a sickening, horrendous tale from my past, but now that it was out in the open, I really did feel a lot fucking better. Guess all I needed was a good strong woman, instead of spending thousands of dollars on shrinks.

  “I think we should get up now, my sweets. What do you say?” I asked into her hair, loving the smell yet again.

  “That’s a good idea, or else I’m gonna fall asleep right here,” she yawned, the back of her hand covering her delectable mouth.

  Kissing her on the head, I let her sit up before I got out of bed and walked around to our discarded clothes.

  “Oh my God,” she exclaimed.

  Whipping around faster than I thought possible, I frantically looked around the room for the cause of her outcry and distress.

  “What, what happened?” I blurted.

  “Your tattoo reminded me. I never said thank you for both sets of flowers you sent me.” She blushed.

  What? Flowers? I didn’t send her any flowers? Thinking about it, though, I probably should have. Too mad my middle name wasn’t and never would be romance.

  At seeing my confused face, she scrunched up her eyebrows.

  “You know, the flowers you had delivered to my house and my office, accompanied with your very dirty notes?”

  “Maggie, I don’t know where you work.” I deadpanned.

  “Then--Then who were they from?” she whispered.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  You know that feeling, when the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, and your skin becomes riddled with goosebumps? That was how I had felt when the realization dawned on me that someone had sent me flowers, and naughty notes, and that someone hadn’t been Jackson. At first, when I had thanked him for the flowers and he had seemed surprised, I thought he was just acting coy, or humble. But when he said he had no idea where I worked, I racked my brain, trying to remember if I had disclosed that information on my application, before I realized he was speaking the truth. We had never discussed where I worked and it hadn’t been a requirement on the form I had filled out to become a member officially.

  Even a week after discovering my raunchy notes hadn’t come from Jackson, and no more flower deliveries in sight, I still had bouts of nausea when I thought about it. Who would ever want to do something like that to me? I wasn’t the girl crazy stalkers came after. I wasn’t the girl who ran inside her home when the serial killer with the knife came running after her. I was sensible, and responsible, and a fuck load smarter than those woman the hollywood bombshells portrayed.

  I tried rationalizing that it had been a mistake, sent to me on accident, and while one delivery might have been explainable, the second couldn’t be reasoned away. Neither could the nickname the mysterious person called me.

  Little sub.

  Only Jackson had called me little sub, and very few people had heard him do it. Our list of suspects was enormous though. His club contained over two hundred active members and another one hundred occasional members. At some point, almost all three hundred of his members had been there, for either the Newcomers night or the Leather and Lace event. I hadn’t even realized that many people could fit into the space. I guess I hadn’t been as perceptive as I had originally thought.

  When I asked Jackson that exact question the next day, when I came to his house after work, he frowned.

  “Didn’t Polly and Chase take you on a tour?” he asked.

  They hadn’t and I told him so.

  After the hour long tour, which should have only taken twenty minutes, I realized where all of those people could have been. “The Hunt” was huge. I’d been in the entrance with the coat closet, the great room, and the bar, as well as the hallway down to the rooms, and of course, our room. But, at the right of the great room, there was a door I had missed, leading to another large room with floor to ceiling windows that could house another fifty to sixty people comfortably.

  Unlike the main space, this room off to the side was for demonstrations and public playing. When we had entered, I had been so amazed by the windows, I had missed the playing, between two members, happening right before me. Jackson had been behind me, so when he covered my mouth and drug me backwards to the corner, I went willingly, and my eyes dropped to the display before me.

  In the middle of the floor was a very beautiful, very naked, woman kneeling on something Jackson called a Queening Chair. In front of her was a man dressed in tight fitting jeans, unbuttoned, with a riding crop in his hand. Behind her was another very naked man, pounding into her, while her hands were bound behind her back. Everytime she made a noise, the man in front would swat her with the crop.

  “They’re teaching her how to be silent,” Jackson had whispered in my ear, his hand still covering my mouth. “You could do with some of your own lessons. Let’s start now.”

  I vaguely remembered him saying something else, but I was so fascinated with the scene in front of me, I couldn’t concentrate on anything else. When the man in front removed his pants and his cock sprang free, he announced to the crowd that maybe something in her mouth would teach her how to obey her masters.

  Visions of the week before assaulted me. Jackson in front of me, as I opened my mouth for him. The thrusting of his hips while he jackhammered against my throat. The way his fingers yanked on my hair. Although I had been blindfolded, the imagination was a powerful thing. It was enough for me to moan out loud, thankfully not loud enough for anyone but Jackson to hear.

  Pulling me against him tighter, his hands snaked around my waist and found their way under the dress I had been wearing.

  “You’re a naughty girl, little sub. You like watching them fuck her and claim her mouth, don’t you?”

  As he whispered the words into my ear, his fingers pushed my thong aside and plunged into my dripping pussy. His other hand continued covered my mouth to drown out the sound that erupted from me. I did like it. I liked watching the mans enormous cock plunge inside of her. It made me fucking wet. Not that I’d ever have the courage to say that out loud.

  The feeling of his fingers diving inside of me was so good, I instinctively closed my eyes to enjoy the sensations driving me towards another mind blowing release. />
  “No, little sub,” he reprimanded, “Watch them. Watch them as they fuck her. Watch them as I finger fuck you. You can come when she does, but don’t you dare make a peep.”

  He continued his onslaught, his fingers relentlessly driving in and out of my swollen cunt. I watched in fascination as the man fucking her from behind picked her up, while still inside of her, and walked two steps away to a massage table, where man number two was laying, his cock already in the air. Pulling out of her, he placed her, face down on top of man two, who proceeded to glide his erection into her and fuck her from underneath.

  It didn’t take long for man number one to climb up onto the table, his cock newly greased up from the lube I had missed next to the queening chair. He pushed into her ass, slowly, carefully, while man number two kept her still. Once they were both seated inside of her, they started a punishing in and out. When one man slammed home, the other pulled out, and vise versa.

  The woman, who was obviously enjoying herself, never made another peep, but the pleasure radiating from her was obvious, as well as the pure satisfaction written all over her face. I imagined my features held a striking resemblance.

  “You’ve been a good girl,” Man number one announced to her and the surrounding crowd. “You may make noise again when you’re ready to come.”

  I thanked my lucky stars, because I was so close to coming I had resorted to remembering an elderly old man I had dealt with on the phone earlier in the day to stave off my impending explosion.

  A few moments later, the woman shuddered, and screamed “Fuck Yes, Masters. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you” at the same time Jackson bit my neck and squeezed my clit throwing me over the edge as well. My tiny scream seeped through Jackson’s fingers, drawing the attention of one or two people closest to us, but everyone else was still transfixed on the woman riding out her orgasm as the men finished themselves.


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