Assad regime detainees, 111–19, 161–65, 184–90, 234–36
Assad resignation rumor (July 2012), 141–42
chemical weapons, 215–16
criminal exploitation of, 153–54
Damascus bombing (2012), 137–38
detainment during, 111–19, 161–65, 184–90
and Firas al-Absi, 144–46
Free Syrian Army weakness (2013), 211–12
and governance, 154–56
impact on children, 134–37, 142–43, 151–53, 156–57
impact on families in Saraqeb of, 134–37, 142–43, 151–53, 216–20
impact on women of, 180–83, 252–53
and ISIS formation, 206–9
ISIS governance during, 209–10
ISIS Raqqa City domination, 209–10
and Islamic State of Iraq, 124–25, 144
Kaban Checkpoint attack (Saraqeb, July 19, 2012), 138–41
Latakia offensive (Aug. 2013), 222–33, 253
and muhajireen smuggling, 120–23
and political opposition, 179, 192–93, 227
and Raqqa City, 191–93, 196–97, 200
and refugees, 156–60
and Tal Abyad, 166–67
tansiqiyas, 154–55
and weapons acquisition, 146–50, 169–70
see also inter-rebel conflicts; Jabhat al-Nusra
Syria, civil war in (2014–15):
Assad regime detainees, 282–89
Farouq Battalions collapse, 212–14, 257–58
Free Syrian Army internal coup, 258–59
Hazm Movement intelligence collaboration with US, 270–73, 315
and international nature of Al-Qaeda, 247–48
ISIS caliphate proclamation, 280–81
ISIS governance during, 246, 263–64, 274–75, 276–77, 309–10
Jabhat al-Nusra funding, 243–44
Jabhat al-Nusra relief programs, 249–51
Latakia Alawite detainees, 253, 290–92
life in Saraqeb, 306, 307–8
new Jabhat al-Nusra recruits (2014), 277–78, 280
Ras al-Hosn camp, 273, 274–75, 278–79
refugees in Europe, 297–302, 306–7, 308
refugees in Turkey, 295–97, 305–6
and Turkish border, 315–16
US military intervention (2014), 313, 316
US training program (2014–15), 319
weapons acquisition, 258, 259–61
see also rebel-ISIS conflict
Syria, civil war in (2016):
Assad regime detainees, 331
Islamist governance during, 327–28
Latakia Alawite detainees, 337–43
life in Saraqeb, 324–32
refugees in Europe, 348–50, 351–53
Syria, early insurgency in (2011–12):
Arab League peace mission (Dec. 2011–Jan. 2012), 98, 102
Assad regime detainees, 30, 85–86, 98, 109
Baba Amr, 62–66, 97–102, 167
Battle of Saraqeb (Mar. 2012), 132–33
documentation of, 67, 71, 72, 90, 94, 111
Farouq Battalions, 74–75
and foreign captives, 103–5
funding for, 101, 104–6
and Islamist amnesty (May 2011), 78–79
Jabhat al-Nusra founding, 79–81
Jabhat al-Nusra importance in, 129–30
and Jihadi return from Iraq, 29–30
Jisr al-Shughour conflict (June 2011), 56–61
Lebanese role in, 101, 104–5
majmoo[H’]at, 63–64
and military defectors, 65, 67–71, 107
no-fly zone goal, 149
in Rastan, 67–73
Saudi role in, 107
tansiqiyas, 89–94
weapons acquisition, 55, 86, 101, 106–10
Syrian National Coalition, 48
Syrian political opposition, 48, 179, 192–93, 227
“Syrian Revolution 2011, The” Facebook page, 50
Syrian Support Group (SSG), 148
Tadmor Prison, 20, 23
Tala (Ruha’s sister):
escape to Turkey, 156, 157
refugee life, 177, 220, 305
and suppression of civil uprising, 42
Tal Abyad, 166–67, 168, 169, 170–72, 196–97
Talal (Alawite villager), 223–26, 227–29, 232–33, 253, 290–92, 340–43
Talbiseh, 10–11
tansiqiyas (Local Coordination Committees), 52, 72, 89–94, 154–55
Tayyara, Najati, 48
tazkiya (references), 122
Timber Sycamore, 259–61
Tlass, Abdel-Razzak:
defection of, 54
and Farouq Battalions, 74, 75, 92–93, 100–101
and Khalid bin Walid Battalion, 67
Tlass, Mustafa, 3–4, 56, 70
Tlass, Samer, 52–53, 89, 90, 111, 187, 188, 302–3
torture, 15, 17, 34, 77, 117–19, 286, 287
TOW missiles, 259, 260, 261, 313, 338
Trump, Donald, 319
and early insurgency, 104–5, 120–22
and inter-rebel conflicts, 197
and Jabhat al-Nusra internal conflicts, 128–29
and Joint Command, 172–73
medical care in, 156–57
Syrian refugees in, 59, 177–80, 220–21, 295–97, 305–7
and weapons acquisition, 107–8, 110, 146, 147, 149, 259
see also Turkish border
Turki, Salaheddine al-, 265
Turkish border:
Bab al-Hawa, 144–45
and civil war (2014–15), 315–16
and Farouq Battalions, 167–68, 171
and Free Syrian Army, 106
and Hazm Movement founding, 258
and Jihadi passage to Iraq, 28–29
and muhajireen smuggling, 120–22, 127–28
Tal Abyad, 166–67, 168, 169, 170–72, 196–97
Turkistan Islamic Party, 273
Turkomani, Hassan, 137
Tutari, Ragheed al-, 234–35
Ulama, 19
Um Mohammad (Abu Azzam’s mother), 198–99, 201
United Arab Emirates, 50, 110, 259
United Nations, 132–33
United States:
and chemical weapons, 215
criticisms of Assad regime by, 239
and Hazm Movement, 270–73, 315, 318–19
and Islamic state as goal, 194
and Jabhat al-Nusra, 313, 319, 334
Jihadi passage to Iraq, 27
military intervention (2014), 313, 316
sanctions by, 237
and terrorist label, 130–31, 205
training program (2014–15), 319
and weapons acquisition, 148, 259–61
see also Iraq War
Violations Documentation Center (VDC), 289
Waqqas, Thaer al-, 166, 199
weapons acquisition:
arming of civil uprising, 31, 36, 37, 51, 54, 79
and civil war (2014–15), 213, 258, 259–61
and civil war escalation, 146–50, 169–70
and early insurgency, 55, 86, 101, 106–10
and Farouq Battalions, 101, 107, 109, 110, 121, 149–50
and Free Syrian Army, 146–47, 169–70, 172, 213, 258–59
Istanbul meeting (May 2013), 212–13
and Istanbul Room, 107, 108, 110, 146–50, 168, 169–70
and Joint Command, 168–70, 172
Timber Sycamore, 259–61
and Al-Qaeda, 252–53
under Army of Conquest, 327, 328
during civil war (2016), 327, 328, 330–31
impact of civil war escalation on, 180–83, 252–53
under ISIS, 209, 274–75, 309–10
and Islamic state as goal, 182, 200
under Jabhat al-Nusra, 192
and Mohammad, 226
and radicalization, 25, 29
and refugee life, 324
> roles in Ruha’s family, 41–42
Yayladaği One refugee camp, 59
YouTube, 49, 105, 130, 228
Zahida (Ruha’s grandmother):
and civil war (2016), 330
and civil war escalation, 132, 133, 217
and suppression of civil uprising, 38, 40, 41, 42, 84
Zarqawi, Abu Musab al-, 29, 80, 125
Zawahiri, Ayman al-:
and Al-Qaeda-ISIS break, 279, 280
and Al-Qaeda relationship with Jabhat al-Nusra, 125
and Al-Qaeda weakness, 81
and ISIS formation, 207
and Islamic State of Iraq, 204
and Jabhat al-Nusra internal conflicts, 129
and Khorasan Group, 205
and al-Suri, 279
Zeidan, Ahmad, 148
No Turning Back is a work of nonfiction. Certain names have been changed.
Copyright © 2018 by Rania Abouzeid
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