The First Touch (Templer Series)

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The First Touch (Templer Series) Page 5

by Duka Dakarai

  I prise him off me as gently as I can as I urgently have bathroom business to attend to. Tip-toeing across the floor and into the marbled bathroom, I catch a reflection of myself as I squat down to pee. Holy crap! I have serious bedhead! Trying to trickle a pee as quietly as possible, I make an attempt to finger comb my hair…damn my overnight bag being so far away!

  Entering the bedroom again, Drew is still on his back where I positioned him, an arm draped across his eyes. The deep rise and fall of his chest indicating I have not woken him. Slipping back under the covers, I catch the scent of him, and of last nights’ sex, on his body and I’m instantly aroused. I’ve never felt so carnal, so aching for sexual gratification, sexual release…oh, Drew….you’ve unleashed a monster…..

  I want to fuck him with my mouth. A wide smile breaks across my face…Is this really me thinking these thoughts? Miss, oh god, he wants a blowjob? I inch by inch roll the bed covers down until I reach Drew’s semi erection…he’s almost fully hard…but it will be a matter of moments before he is hard, very hard. I slide lightly down the bed, gently taking his shaft in my hand. His cock is large, certainly the biggest I’ve experienced, and thick…but fuck, did it fit nicely last night….I run my tongue very gently up the deep vein from the base to the tip, stopping at the top to circle around and around.

  Drew’s mouth parts just wide enough to release a small groan. I take his cock, just the tip, fully in my mouth, still circling my tongue, sucking soft, oh so soft. Again, another small groan escapes from his lips. I slide his cock an inch, no more, deeper into my mouth and suck, suck, slow, slow, suck. An involuntarily tiny jerk of his hips and Drew’s eyes snap open.

  “Tilly!” He’s staring at me, eyes saucer wide, mouth open and slack.

  I slide another inch into my mouth sucking and licking deeper. His hand reaches out to try to pull me up the bed to him. I shake my head, still sucking and licking, inching down further. Another groan, deeper, leaves his mouth. I release his cock from my mouth letting my hand take over sliding up and down, tenderly pumping the shaft.

  “Mmm, Tilly, come up here……let’s have sleepy sex” Another attempt to pull me towards him, and again I shake him off.

  “Oh no….this is payback time” I mouth sexily at him.

  “Payback?” He raises an eyebrow at me, again releasing a groan as I increase the fisting by one small notch.

  “For making me kiss you last night…” And as the last word exits my lips, without breaking eye contact, I take him once more into my mouth, riding my lips almost to the base. Sucking harder and deeper, circling the shaft with my tongue, suck, lick, circle, suck, lick, circle. I can hear his breath increase now, hoarse and raspy…his fingers reaching for my hair…groans deepening from his throat.

  I pull my mouth up the length of his shaft, deep, teeth hidden behind my lips, smiling as I cause his hips to arch abruptly “You want me to continue mouth fucking you, Drew?”

  “Hmmm, Baby” Small pants spitting out the words.

  “Oh, you gotta say the words, Baby….say it….I want you to mouth fuck me” I’m teasing with my tongue, touching the tip of his cock, tasting his pre-cum with my mouth then pulling away, blowing hot breath up and down the length. Another suck in my mouth, seconds only before releasing him again. Hand fisting him now, increasing the pressure, picking up the pace.

  “Oh yes…baby” A growly groan between pants.

  “Say it to me, Drew….mouth fuck me”

  He’s panting hard now, his fingers twisting in my hair. “Fuck….Fuck!”

  “Say it, baby…..” Sucking harder, deeper, then releasing. Suck again, deeper, then releasing….

  “FUCK ME WITH YOUR MOUTH! MOUTH FUCK ME!” He growls, panting, hips thrashing off the bed, his head rearing back against the pillows.

  I increase the pace, alternating between mouth and hand, alternating between suck and lick riding his main vein from tip to base. I move to his balls, little stabbing licks with my tongue, still fisting him hard, sucking one ball fully into my mouth, then the other….

  “Jesus fucking Christ!” His pants hard and fast now, groaning louder and louder, shouting the words out.

  Cock back in my mouth, I can feel him tensing he’s almost there pumping him with my mouth, his hips jerking, jerking….I hold his hips tight with both hands, riding his cock hard in my mouth.

  “Stop, stop…I’m going come…. in your fucking mouth… if you don’t stop!”

  I release him quickly, still fisting him, catching my own breath, just enough to say….

  “Come in my mouth, Drew, you know you want to…” Sucking harder again, almost to the base, riding him, riding him, riding him hard.

  “No….no….yes, FUCK, YES, I WANT TO COME IN YOUR MOUTH!” Hoarse gasps, shouting every groan out between pants.

  He grips my hair harder, fisting it tighter, his hands pushing my head down and up, down and up his cock until with one last thrusting arch of his hips, and a thunderous roar from his lungs, he spews his salty release flooding my mouth. I continue swallowing and sucking his cock until I know he is empty and his body sags with small, involuntarily spasms.

  He pulls me up to him, he’s panting still, but wants my mouth on his. Kissing me, long and slow and sensual, his tongue tasting his own saltiness in my mouth, he moans softly. He pulls away from me and looks deep into my eyes.

  “That was incredible….you are beautiful, Tilly Teague….incredible”

  And before his words unfold in my mind, and I can find my own words…he begins to slide down the bed. He grasps my knees, tugging them apart before I see his head come to rest at my sex.

  “Payback, baby….Payback” He smiles the widest smile at me before letting his tongue slide up the length of my sex, flicking at my clit. I groan, sigh deeply and give in to my punishment.

  Chapter Ten

  After gallantly retrieving my overnight bag for me from my suite, and playfully hosing down the sex pest in the double shower, Drew is now sat opposite me, attacking breakfast, occasionally looking up from his smoked salmon and scrambled eggs to throw me a soft smile.

  Since we’ve dressed, and seated ourselves at the table, he has been a little quiet, almost subdued but I’m thinking that maybe he’s still tired from lack of sleep, and so don’t worry my head about it. Again, he glances up at me…this time a prolonged look. I wonder what he’s thinking….

  I can’t hurt her….fuck, she doesn’t deserve this….

  Drew stifles a frustrated growl, shaking his head trying not to be obvious.

  Incredible sex….fuck, the best sex of my life….how do I tell her I don’t want her? Can’t have her?

  Drew bites into his brioche with venom. He’s pissed off, big time, not with her but himself. And with each bite, his silent fury with himself is rising.

  Please make this easy on me, Tilly…..please don’t want more from me

  He throws the last piece of brioche harshly on the plate, his throat constricting and drying with every mouthful. He runs his hand through his damp hair, a deep exhale through his nostrils.

  “Someone was hungry this morning! Don’t blame you…this is delicious!” I smile brightly at him, consciously trying to lighten his quiet mood. He seems almost shy now, maybe a little embarrassed….regretful?

  Oh, don’t regret this…..please don’t regret this

  “Um, yeah, I was starving……….Tilly, can we have a talk on the plane?” Say it now, you fucking coward, tell her now…..I can’t do relationships

  “Sure….any particular…shit, is that my phone? Sorry, it’s probably Mia or work…I need to get this”

  I scramble for my phone, snatching it to my mouth. It’s Mia. Of course it is.

  “Hi, hun, how are you? Listen, Mia? I can’t really talk now. Drew and I need to head out to the airport in a couple of minutes. I’ll call you tonight, I promise….yes, I promise! Everything’s fine” I try to sound upbeat, not wanting her or Drew to hear the crack in my voice. I suddenly know that I know
what’s coming on the plane…. this was a Quits Meeting, remember, nothing more….don’t make it more, Tilly….it was just sex….not making love…Now I shake my head. How could I have been so stupid to sleep with him? What did I think would happen? That he would mend my broken heart?

  “You ok? Um, we need to make a move very soon?” Drew breaks my thoughts. I plaster a smile on my face…please reach my eyes, please look genuine….Nodding, popping my phone back in my bag. I start to gather up my few remaining things, stuffing my shredded dress from last night as the last item into my overnight case. I’m busying, not making eye contact, willing myself not to give my feelings away.

  I summon up all my pride and face him head on…make it easy for him, Tilly, and for yourself… for yourself….

  “Drew, I need to say something.”

  Fuck, she knows…of course she knows….she’s not some fucking airhead…

  “Yeah?” Be nice, Drew, fuck, be nice….she deserves nice….at least that…

  “Now that we’re Quits, we can still be friends, right? I mean, if you want to, of course. I had a great time last night…well, and this morning! But, honestly….I’m not looking for anything more. You understand right, and okay with that?” Oh, yes, high five! Spoken like a true Mia…..she would be so proud of me right now…..

  “Sure. I understand. Friends. Of course I still want you as a friend, Tilly”

  Fuck, that was a curve ball….she doesn’t want me after all….that’s a relief, isn’t it? Isn’t it?

  “Ready to head back to Cornwall then?” I think I can do this…yes, Tilly Teague….you can do this!

  Unlike entering the Hotel, we exit not holding hands but instead Drew has a hand in the small of my back, guiding me to our waiting car. The driver holds the rear door for us and I gesture for Drew to enter first, much to his dismay, as I hear a ping of a text in my bag. I slide one leg in through the door, and suddenly, feel a sharp grip on my arm….someone is pulling me back out of the car.

  “What the….?” I try to shake myself free from the grip and look up at my ‘attackers’ face. I catch a breath in my throat. Simon!

  “What the fuck are you doing?!! Who the fuck is he?!!” He snarls, angrily, close to my face, his spit hitting my lip and chin. Drew flies out of the car, cornering the car boot and back onto the pavement.

  “Drew…leave it, please! This is Simon, my ex – fiancé.” I plead with him, watching his nostrils flare with rage, his hands fisting at his sides.

  “Back off, cunt! I need a word with my….’ex-fiance’!” Simon spits his words towards Drew as he drags me fifteen-twenty feet along the street.

  “Simon, please….stop…. don’t have to do this!” Tears beginning to sting at my eyes.

  He’s got a grip on both my arms now, his fingers digging into my flesh. He starts to shake me, nudges at first…the harder….

  Drew is watching, rage engulfing him fucking let her go or I’m going to fucking rip you apart

  “You fucking bitch….who do you think you are?! We’re not over…do you fucking hear me, bitch?! Simon is snarling, screaming the words at me, viciously shaking me now, my tears soaking my cheeks.

  “Simon! Please stop….pl…” I’m mid scream when I see his head jerk violently backwards as a fist connects with his jaw. He reels sideways, momentarily loosening his grip on my arms. An arm wraps around my shoulders, forcefully dragging me away. I don’t recognise it. But I feel safe….someone is pulling me to the safety of the car. I quickly steal a glance and recognise him as our Driver. He’s pushing me into the car.

  I can see Drew crowding over Simon, fist raised, ready to strike again. Simon suddenly ducks sideways, lurching forward….his fist flying at Drew’s face….

  I scream, the sound so loud, hurting my throat.

  “Drew! Drew! Watch out…Oh, God!” I make to run towards them as our Driver overtakes me at speed hurling himself at Simon, tackling him to the ground.

  “Get in the fucking car, Tilly! Get in the fucking car!” Drew roars at me, striding back towards me, rage etched on his face, and as I throw myself in, I catch the Driver’s fist slam into Simon’s face.

  Drew momentarily stands by the car door, before climbing in beside me, his body heaving in raging breaths. I place my hand on his arm instinctively as I don’t know what else to do, but he grabs it and throws it away. Within a flash of time, the Driver steps in, buckles his belt, and we speed away. There is silence, only the sound of heavy breaths in and out, in and out.

  “Are you ok, Miss….and you, Mr Templer? The Driver looks at us in his mirror.

  I nod no words will come out of my mouth, my throat choking again with tears. I wring my hands in my lap. I look down at them, somehow imagining that by staring at them, they will stop shaking. Drew raises his head finally, searching my face as I nod blindly avoiding eye contact with him, and regards the Driver.

  “We will be ok. Are you ok, Clark?”

  “I’m fine, Sir” Clark nods a smirk back at Drew.

  We drive in silence for a few minutes. I‘m still wringing my hands, desperately wanting to say something…to explain…to apologise…but I don’t know what are the right words. Drew reaches across and squeezes both my shaking hands in his one, huge hand. The feel of his touch, the tenderness of his gesture sends me over the edge, and I can’t stop the sob bursting from my mouth.

  “Hey, Baby…hush now….come here” He strokes my wet cheek before gently pulling me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me. I lie my head on his chest, the sobs racking through my body. He is stroking my hair, letting me exhaust myself out, kissing the top of my head.

  Drew breathes deep through his chest. He is suddenly aware of an unfamiliar ache grasping in his throat, reaching down through his ribcage. Instinctively, he squeezes his arms around tighter.

  No-one must harm her,, no-one must touch her……only me….what am I saying?

  We are still wrapped around each other as we pull into the airport. I have no more tears left now but my body is dry retching trying to free itself of the emotion. My phone ringing in my bag makes me jump and expels the last dry retch from my throat. I slide off Drew’s lap to exit the car, reach into my bag, robotically, and I’m frozen, staring at the screen. It’s Simon. I click end call and throw it back in my bag, preparing to climb the steps of the Jet. Two beeps now indicating that I have an answerphone message before the ringing starts again. I ignore it.

  As I enter the doorway, and move into the cabin of the plane, the ringing stops, only to start immediately again. I pull my phone out again just to make doubly sure that it’s not work, Mia or any family members…but it’s still Simon. My face crinkles with frustration and a little fear. I slump into the nearest chair, aware that Drew is watching me intently.

  “Is that him constantly ringing you?” He asks, leaning over me to buckle me in. He moves to the chair opposite me. I can feel the heat of tension and anger radiating from him. I consider lying to him but after his involvement in my domestic incident this morning, he deserves better than a lie.

  “Yes” There isn’t any point in more words. As we begin to taxi the plane onto the runway, I raise my phone to switch it off for the flight, and it rings again. I almost hit end call automatically before I realise that it is Mia personalised ring tone. I snap the phone to my ear, mouthing to Drew that it is Mia. His shoulders slump from their tense position, leaning his head back into the soft leather, closing his eyes.

  “Mia, hi…WHAT?” My eyes grow wide as I take in what she is saying to me. “He threatened you?” Drew’s eyes flick open abruptly, jumping forward in his chair.

  “What’s going on?!” He snaps at me, but I raise my hand, gesturing that I need to listen to Mia. “Damn it, Tilly, tell me!”

  “Mia, hold on…I need to relay this to Drew….he wants to know what has happened…..yes, of course he was there, Mia….he got me away from him…” I can hear my voice breaking but I’m trying to breathe my way back from tears. I turn to Drew. “Simon
has left threatening messages on her answerphone, telling her to inform me that he’s on his way to Cornwall….and that I’d better be waiting and willing to greet him….”

  Drew’s lips harden in a tight line. His hands are clenching and unclenching on the arms of the chair. His eyes turn from cobalt blue to near black before he growls…

  “Give me your phone!” I don’t register for a split second what he means. “Pass me your fucking phone, NOW!” I almost throw it in his direction as his rage stuns me.

  “Mia, it’s Drew” he barks down the phone “I’m taking her to my house. She’ll be safe there….I’m not letting that cunt anywhere near her! She’ll stay with me while we ride this out and decide what the next course of action is. No, Mia….she’s not staying with you in London, where HE can reach HER…..DON’T FUCKING ARGUE WITH ME…THE DECISION IS FUCKING MADE!” He breathes deep into his lungs, momentarily holding the phone away from his ear. “I’ll get her to call you from my house in a couple of hours” His tone is calmer but anger hasn’t left his face “Are you ok? Will you be ok?” He nods and listens for a minute, no more, then ends the call, tossing my phone on the table separating our chairs.

  Without looking at me, he reaches for the in-flight phone. I’m rigid, staring wide eyed at him, understanding intuitively not to speak but not understanding what I am meant to do. I need a drink. I unbuckle myself and make my way up the aisle, in search of the missing flight attendant. I find her hiding behind the catering curtain. She knew not to make an appearance this time. I grab Drew a bottle of beer and two miniature vodka’s for me, a glass, ice but no mixer. I’ve never drank Vodka straight before but I need that hit now.

  As I make my way back down the aisle, Drew is barking down the phone to someone, I don’t know who. “Jake, meet me at the house in a couple of hours…no, I need to make a circular detour via Barripper. I’ll fill you in later. Stop FUCKING interrupting! Right. Before you leave, get Maggie to cancel all my work schedule for the next few days….I don’t fucking know….alright, a fucking week….Yes, it’s FUCKING IMPORTANT! Jesus fucking Christ!” Click, call ended and slung back in its holder.


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