The First Touch (Templer Series)

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The First Touch (Templer Series) Page 9

by Duka Dakarai

  “So, you have much more to drink after we left? We were all pretty wasted when Tilly and I left. I don’t know you guys lasted another hour!”

  “Yeah, we had another couple of drinks…did a bit more dancing” Jake laughs, even brighter and faker than Mia. Drew and I exchange raised eyebrows. We leave a few minutes to pass by as silence falls again. But I can’t stand it. Something has happened between them and it doesn’t seem good.

  “Enough! I can’t stand it. There’s tension the thickness of soup in here. What’s happened? What’s going on?” I throw my hands up in exasperation. Silence.

  “Well? Did you guys sleep together or have a row or something?!” Now Drew joins me in throwing his hands up in frustration.

  “Nothing happened. Ok? Nothing happened!” Mia bites at him.

  Before either of us have a chance to challenge or respond, Jakes flies out of his chair, sending it crashing to the floor. He makes to storm out reaching the French doors, something changes his mind, and in two large strikes, he’s back, his eyes glaring, scowling at Mia. He doesn’t utter a word, just standing scowling at her.

  Drew and I exchange shocked glances. I need to know Mia is ok. I don’t know what’s happened, and I know she can handle herself, but still. I need to know she’s ok. “Mia, are you….”

  She turns to me, smiling, and bats away my concern. She stands up and walks around the edge of the table, turning to face Jake head on.

  “You got something you want to say Jake? “

  “Fuck off, Mia!” He growls at her.

  “JAKE!” Drew bellows.

  “Don’t worry you’re head, Drew. I can handle your brother just fine.” Mia grins widely, this time, a genuine smile. “Can’t I Jake?”

  “Don’t FUCKING push me, Mia….I swear to God!” He roars a growl at her.

  “That’s enough you too! You’re freaking us out!” Drew shouts, standing now.

  I make to stand too but decide against it. Drew takes a deep breath in. I watch him open his mouth to speak but before any words come out, Jake launches at Mia, grabbing her to him and kissing her greedily. His mouth pressed hard against hers, forcing his tongue into her mouth. She makes one attempt only to push him off before reaching up and fisting her hands in his hair, pulling him in deeper into her mouth, her tongue finding his, tangling and duelling.

  He breaks away from her, holding her away from him at arm’s length. A broad smirk spreads across his face. She is scowling now, shaking.

  “Two can play at that game, sweetheart!” Jake laughs at her.

  Drew slumps back into his chair, open mouthed, running his hand through his hair. I can tell he doesn’t know what just happened or what to do….if anything. He shoots me a look and reels back in shock as he sees my wide grin, eyes dancing. A sound of a sharp crack breaks his shock and we both snap our heads in the direction of the noise.

  Mia’s hand is still recoiling from her slap across Jakes face. Instantly, she throws herself at him, kissing and licking the redness, her hands wrapped around the nape of his neck. She seeks his mouth, biting at his bottom lip, sucking on it, her tongue plunging into his warmth. He groans, pulling her tighter, pressing his body hard against hers, his hands twisting in her hair, as their mouths thrash together. She moans against his mouth.

  They break apart, panting, eyes dancing, wide, staring at each other, not breaking eye contact. Suddenly Mia makes a bolt for the beach steps, throwing off her shoes. She flies past Jake, laughing.

  “Oh no you don’t, lady!” Jake roars out a laugh and lunges after her, and misses. She’s made the steps and running down them, him fast behind her. We both leap up to watch them. Drew is open mouthed again, motionless, watching in disbelief.

  They are nearing the bottom. Jake is about three steps behind her. He launches himself into mid air, rugby tackle style, throwing her the ground. They become a mass of tangled limbs, rolling and wrestling, licking, biting and sucking. They stay locked in this passionate tangle, each mouth hungry for more. As suddenly as they tangled, they suddenly begin to unravel. Mia stands up brushes the sand of herself. Jake remains flat spread eagled on the sand. She makes her way back up to the steps and on to the veranda. She strides towards us and plants a kiss on both our cheeks, and begins to walk towards the French door. She stops and turns addressing Drew.

  “Drew, darling, is Thomson ready?” He simply nods a yes. “No need to see me to the airport, hun, I’m good. You stay and enjoy your man. Love you.”

  “Love you”

  And the whirlwind that is Mia exits the building.

  Drew slumps back into his chair, and I climb into his lap. He smiles widely at me, pulling me in for a kiss. After a couple of minutes, Jake appears.

  “Don’t stop on my account, folks!” We glance up. He is flushed, his eyes wide and dancing, the smile on his face almost splitting his face in two. “I’m out of here. Catch you later.”

  And with that, Jake exits the building.

  Drew runs a hand through his hair and scrapes it down his face. He smiles up at me. “What just happened here?”

  “Your brother just met Mia.”

  And I say no more, leaning down to continue where we left off.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Three days have passed since Mia was here. I spoke to her on the phone when she arrived safely back in London later that day desperate to hear what had happened between her and Jake. I mean it was obvious they have slept together. I know that part. That was obvious. What I wanted to know was what happens between them now.

  “Hun, it’s really no big deal and there won’t be a repeat performance! So stop looking for something that’s not there” She brushed me off.

  “But why the reaction? Why were you guys so tense with each other the next morning? I mean, you know I love you….but you’re both players…so one night of sex wouldn’t mean anything…or did it?”

  “I’ve no idea. It meant nothing to me. And it meant nothing to him. Now can we drop it? I’m far more interested in you and Drew…so tell me about your night…and the morning….and don’t skimp on any details?”

  And so I dropped it. I knew better. And I told her every skimpy detail of my night…and morning and how Drew and I finally got together. Well, I did skimp on some detail.

  So I’m lying here in Drew’s huge bed day-dreaming, doing childlike star fishes across the mattress, watching him through the gap in the on-suite bathroom door. He’s having a shave meticulously pulling the razor through the foam, stroke by stroke. Thinking to myself how funny it is that even mundane routine acts like shaving, and watching your man, make you sigh…that first flush of love. I want to bottle each of these moments and keep them forever.


  “Jesus Christ!” He bounds out of the bathroom, eyes wide. “What? What’s wrong?!!”

  “My tan has gone!”


  “My tan has gone….not that I had much of one, of course….but you’ve kept me trapped in this bed for so long….it’s gone…” I pout playfully at him.

  He roars with laughter, crawls across the bed at me, rubbing shaving foam on my neck. I squirm, mock fighting him off. “You mean to tell me I nearly cut my throat because you’ve lost your tan, woman?”

  “These things are important to a woman” I point my chin up at him. “You have soooo much to learn about woman and relationships!” I pout again, giving him come hither eyes.

  “Oh yes, I do” He raises an eyebrow, a wolfish grin spreading across his face. “I think I need to explore that further…..starting now”

  How does he do that to me? One smile, one playful smile and I’m gone. We made love less than two hours ago and one smile, I want him again. He wipes his face with the towel in his hand and I see the bits of stubble where he’s not finished shaving yet, but I don’t care. I need him again. Now.

  “Come with me” He stands and holds out his hand. I’m intrigued. I thought we were about to start making love again but he wants to leav
e the bedroom? He leads me out the door and through the landing. We pass the guest bedrooms and head up another flight of stairs, and as we reach the top, a small gasp escapes my mouth.

  I am standing in an outdoor roof garden. How had I never spotted this from the veranda below, or driving up to the house? And he’s certainly never mentioned it. It is truly magical. There are large containers with small palm trees and other tropical plants around the border of the rooftop, all with low lighting and Moroccan style tiling. There are low padded benches scattered with colourful embroidered cushions. He walks me around the corner of the roof and there is a sunken Jacuzzi, and next to it a small dining table with three chairs, covered over by a pergola covered with primrose coloured roses. I’m still trying to take it all in when he leads me on again around the last corner. And another gasp escapes my mouth. There swaying in the sea breeze are soft pale yellow muslin canopy curtains and through them I can see a gigantic low bed.

  He pulls me inside and closes the curtains so we are cocooned inside, bathed in soft yellow glows, the morning sunshine casting shadows all around us. I’m overwhelmed by the beauty of it all and instinctively I clasp a hand over my mouth. My eyes feel watery. This place was built with love and I can feel it so strongly.

  “Oh, Drew. It’s magical….I don’t know what to say….did you create all this?”

  He cups my face in his hands and kisses me tenderly. Taking my hand, he walks me over to the bed and lays me down with him, holding me in his arms. After a few moments of us just holding each other in silence, he speaks.

  “My father had a dream of creating this for my mother. He had plans drawn up, everything down to that last detail…well, apart from the Jacuzzi. But it never even got started as she left us not long after he had finished designing it. About a year after he died, and I had inherited the house, Jake, Amber and I wanted to have somewhere we could visit in the anniversary of his death every year. He was cremated at Penmount, and wanted his ashes scattered out to sea, and somehow meeting up here at the house was just too painful….you know, the three of us just sat at the kitchen table or something. One day, Jake and I were going through some family papers and we found the plans again. It was Jake, not me who had the idea of creating this in his memory.” He smiles at the memory.

  “You see, everyone knows him as a player, and he is. But he’s also kind, generous and very family oriented. So the three of us set about creating this space for dad. And every year, on that day, we come up and toast his memory. I often come up here if I need quiet time or just to think. And I want to make love to you now, in this bed. No-one has ever slept in it, lay in it even, so I want to christen it with you……the woman who dragged me kicking and screaming into a relationship. Call me crazy, but I think somewhere up there, dad would approve.”

  “Oh, Drew” I feel a tear, and let it fall.

  He thumbs the single tear away and starts to plant light kisses along the tear line, across my face, finding my mouth. His warm tongue strokes my bottom lip, before he begins to nibble it so softly it causes an exquisite shudder down my spine. I feel warmth start to rise in my sex. I love the feel of his touch so much. No-one before him has made my body react the way his touch can. I moan out my pleasure.

  He trails soft feathery kisses down my neck, collar bone and further to my breasts before beginning to circle his tongue around each nipple. I arch automatically to the sensation. He suckles each nipple, repeats to circle with his tongue, before gently biting, and suckling again. I arch and groan out loud. More kisses now, down across my ribcage, intervening with long, slow licks. I can feel the ache build in my sex, arousal fluids beginning to flush the folds.

  He continues to trail kisses and licking down past my pubic area and onto my inner thighs, ignoring my sex. I arch again, wanting in there…. needing his tongue on my sex. Rolling his tongue licking me down past my thighs and into my inner knees. I never knew that the space behind the knee can be so sensual but it is delicious and again I shudder a moan. After what feels like forever, he licks his way to my sex. I’m aching so much now, one circle of my clit will send me over the edge. I’m arching and groaning, desperate for his tongue, aching for release.

  He plunges his tongue straight into my folds and buck in response.

  “Drew….make me come….. take me there…” I cry, arching against him, riding his tongue. He groans his own pleasure, the sound so erotic making me pant with anticipation.

  Again, plunging into my folds with his tongue, in, out, in, out, letting me ride him. He releases, beginning circles of eight around my clit. The tightness and pull of imminent orgasm is almost unbearable, pain and pleasure combined. He quickens the pace of his circling before taking it whole in his mouth, sucking hard, taking me there….taking me over the edge.

  “Yes, Drew…..yes!” I arch and shudder out the release.

  He slides up the bed, turning me and pulling me into him, spooning. Lifting my thigh only slightly, he plunges his divine cock straight into my still quivering sex, rocking backwards and forwards ever so slowly. Reaching around, he cups my sodden sex, his finger lightly tapping, not circling on my clit, gentle bites on the nape of my neck. I buck and arch again pushing my buttocks against him, needing him deeper. I can feel the tightness building again. The sounds of his gentle groans in my ear of his own pleasure taking me there, up the edge again.

  “Come again for me baby. I love to hear you come” He breathes out a groan in my ear.

  He’s quickening the pace now with his cock, thrusting deeper, up, up, still tapping on my clit. The tightening is intense, feeling me squeezing hard against his cock.

  “Oh, fuck….you’re so tight and wet……I love being inside you!” He growls out a groan. “I’m going to explode inside you in any second.”

  He’s pounding my pussy now, my ass slapping against him. He’s groaning and panting, in, out, in, out, hot against my neck. He takes my clit between his thumb and fore finger and gently squeezes….and I’m gone.

  “Yes, fuck….yes! I love your cock inside me….I’m coming….coming on your cock!” I cry out, shattering and flooding around him.

  “Fuck, baby, fuck! I’m there….say that again, FUCK! SAY THAT AGAIN!”

  “I’m coming on your cock!” I scream at him.

  And he’s there, over the edge in the abyss….shuddering his release, thrusting and convulsing….his back and head arched back, emptying himself into me.

  We lie there together, wrapped around each other, neither of wanting to break the connection. Our breathing has returned to its normal ebb and flow but still we don’t release our tight hold of one another. I feel myself drifting into a blissful sleep, the sea blowing its calming breeze across my body. I watch the muslin curtains rise and fall, rise and fall, my eyelids getting heavier and heavier. And soon, blissful sleep comes.

  “Baby….wake up baby. I have a breakfast tray for you” I feel the weight of something beside me and pull my sleepy eyes open.

  “Did I fall asleep?” I’m so groggy, almost disoriented.

  “Sleep?” I feel his chuckle rumble in my ear as he leans in to kiss me. “More like comatose, baby. And snore….I had to go down to the beach and apologise to the holidaymakers….they thought it was thunder coming!” He’s laughing and tickling my ribs.

  “I don’t snore!” I feel a pout coming on.

  “Is this the part in the relationship where I blatantly lie, baby, to save your grace?” He’s laughing and teasing me now.

  “Yes! It is. Tell me I don’t snore!” I slap at his arm, full on pout now.

  “You don’t snore, baby….” He raises a wicked eyebrow at me. “Changing the subject from your snoring…….I haven’t even mentioned your drooling… have a letter arrived this morning in the post.”

  “I have mail? How could I have mail here?”

  “It’s post marked from my solicitor. So I guess we know what it is”

  The injunction against Simon. It’s been four days since I heard from him,
and in my love bubble, I had almost wiped him from my memory. And like a thunder bolt, reality hits me. My mood takes a nose dive.

  “Hey, what’s wrong? It’s what you wanted, isn’t it? You’re not regretting it now, are you?” Drew’s face etched with concern.

  “No, I don’t regret it. Not for a minute.” I’m playing with my hands in my lap.

  “Then why the long face, baby? “

  “Because that means back to reality. Work, the cottage, and back to my own bed…..there, I’ve said it. I’ve been in a bubble for days and now it has burst”

  “Oh, baby. It’s not burst. Just got wider, that’s all. We’ll sort it out. I can’t keep my hands off you for too long….don’t you see? We’ll spend nights here, and we’ll spend nights at your place……that’s what you want, isn’t it? And we’ll go on dates….and can’t wait to see each….”

  I hear his words and shake my head at him…but out of wonder, not disagreement. He cocks his head to the side, questioning why I am shaking my head, instead of nodding. I smile wide at him.

  “I thought you were meant to be new to this relationship stuff….I’m meant to be teaching you……so how are you doing and saying everything so damn right!”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Drew was right, of course. We extended our little love bubble to include my cottage. It’s been three weeks now since I returned here and we see each other every night, either here or at his place. Apart from two separate nights where work kept us apart.

  My work schedule has increased tenfold, and as I’m self- employed, I can’t afford to turn down the engagements. So we accept that there will be more nights ahead spent apart, making the most of those we do spend together. I had to break the news to him that I would have to leave his special event early for an unusually early morning appointment the next day. For whatever reason, which was not explained to me at the time of the booking, I have to meet a new potential client (early stages of a new charity wanting major exposure) at eight o’clock of the morning following Drew’s latest completed project – a major new Hotel Complex in Surrey. It is the Grand Opening, with all the Templer family together, including myself and Mia, as special guests. I am excited to be meeting Amber, Drew’s sister, for the first time.


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