Bearly Healed: Pacific Northwest Bears: (Shifter Romance)

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Bearly Healed: Pacific Northwest Bears: (Shifter Romance) Page 16

by Moxie North

  Cash, ever on top of her emotions, cupped her chin and turned her face away from the corner.

  “I have an option tonight. Since you will be on my arm, how about you try a cane? I asked Connie about getting one earlier. She said she had one from a Halloween costume in storage. Apparently, Edward went as a little old lady one year. It’s not pretty, but it’s not the crutches,” Cash offered.

  Cassie started to laugh. Her vision of Edward Rochon dressed as an old lady was a good one. She also knew that a cane wasn’t as secure as the crutches to keep her on her feet. But now she had Cash, and he promised to never let her fall.

  “Don’t worry, there are pictures,” he said reading her mind.

  Standing, he patted her leg and went to the door. He stuck his head out, and she heard him calling for Edward. There was a pause and then Cash was back at her side holding a grey metal cane, the style with the four feet at the bottom.

  “Sexy,” Cassie laughed.

  “I’ll order you one with flames on it or something,” Cash offered.

  “Oh yeah, or skulls, that would kickass,” Cassie said giggling. Shit, she was giggling again. She sighed; this was a lot to get used to. Being happy.

  Cash leaned over and gave her a kiss. This one soft and so full of promise that Cassie couldn’t help the tears that welled in her eyes. One solitary drop escaped but barely made it to her cheek before Cash kissed it away.

  “Cassie Hackett, you are the bravest, strongest woman I have ever met. This evening is going to remind you of that. We are going to have a good time. You are going to meet your new family, and I am ordering you to soak up all the love they send your way. That’s an order,” he said firmly.

  “Yes, sir,” Cassie said giving him a mock salute. But she had heard him. He was ordering her to take in the healing love of the family. It was him taking care of her again, even if it was bossy.

  “Hmm, you can call me sir in bed if you want,” he said with a low rumble coming from his chest.

  “Ahh, so that’s how it is big guy? I can play. But only in bed,” she warned. She was all for big growly to boss her around in the sack, as long as she got hers.

  “Deal,” he said, his eyes glowing. He gave her another quick kiss and stood offering his hand. Cassie got to her feet and took a few halting steps with the cane. She knew the knee brace was more flexible, and she could appreciate the support of the structure holding her upright. Her ankle in its brace felt like it was just now twisted. The ache of the broken bone having faded. It could handle her weight with only the slightest twinge.

  Taking a deep breath, she saw Cash watching her intently, gauging her stability.

  “Off to face the lion’s den?” she joked.

  “No lions, just bears,” Cash responded. “Wait, scratch that, technically Dax is a mountain lion though he insists on calling himself a cougar,” he amended.

  “There’s a difference?” she asked, taking another careful step.

  “Semantics,” Cash laughed.

  Cassie didn’t want to admit she didn’t know what that word meant, but she got the idea. Maybe going back to school wasn’t such a bad idea she thought.

  The door opened, and Cassie delved into the Rochon clan.

  Chapter 33

  An hour later, after having been introduced to everyone, Cassie was sitting on the couch with a small baby bear in her lap curiously looking at her. It was still shocking to have an animal so casually sitting on her, but as she’d watched the kids spontaneously shift, she’d been totally enamored.

  Cash assured her that it wasn’t just because she was human that she was so struck by it. They all loved watching the children be free to be themselves.

  Cassie watched as the little bear shifted her head back and forth like she was studding her. The adorableness factor was not lost on Cassie with the little beast wearing pink footed pajamas, and it had a small pink bow tied into its fur. The bear leaned over and gave a quick lick to her chin which made Cassie bark out in shocked laughter.

  This apparently startled the bear, and she suddenly had a lapful of rainbows and sparks as little Maizy had taken the animal’s place. The eyes, though, they were almost the same. She was looking at her thoughtfully, her little toddler head cocked to the side.

  What must it be like to have an animal’s soul inside you, guiding you, even at this young age?

  Then the little girl took the biggest chunk out of the protection wall Cassie had built. She leaned over, half crawling up Cassie’s chest until she was eye to eye with her. Then tiny hands came up to pat her cheeks. “Pwetty,” the little girl lisped. Then she slid down and went to tumble with Micah, Sophie and Cage’s son on the floor.

  Damn, she was going to cry again. Suck it up, Cassie, she told herself. Don’t let the little bear make you a sissy.

  Jinger came over and scooped up her little girl. “She wasn’t bothering you was she?”

  “No, of course not, she was just digging her little claws right into my heart,” Cassie admitted.

  Jinger gave a laugh, “She’ll do that. In fact, they both are masters at it.”

  Cassie had met Jinger and Wyatt along with their twin girls, Maizy and Mallory. Then she’d met Cage, who was Sophie’s mate. Their little boy Micah had stopped shifting after his second birthday. Now he was very bossy and played the big man around the little ones.

  Kenzi she’d met, but not her mate Conner and their son who was never out of his father’s arms. Conner seemed to be a very protective father. For some reason, his brothers gave him a hard time about it.

  But Cash had been right; everyone was friendly. Nobody had stared, except at her tattoos actually. The Rochons accepted not only her presence but accepted the fact she was Cash’s mate at face value. Maybe there was some kind of shifter sign she was missing. Usually when someone brought home a new boyfriend or girlfriend, it was the family’s duty to give them a hard time. Feel them out, see if they were good enough.

  Not this family. When everyone arrived, Cash had stood from the couch and proudly announced that Cassie was his mate. She watched and waited for the shock or horror to pass across their faces. Instead, she saw smiles, even a few happy tears.

  The general consensus was that they were all thrilled that Cash had found his mate. They didn’t doubt for a minute that she wasn’t the right person for him. It was an experience she had never had before. Utter acceptance of who she was with no judgment. No evil glares or whispers behind hands. Just welcomes and hugs. Totally not normal, in Cass’s opinion.

  Connie had basically thrown food on the counter and told everyone to dig in. Cassie had made a move to get up and got an icy glare from Cash. She almost smiled at his look. She wasn’t used to having someone wait on her. Granted she’d had Effie to help her right after the accident. But now she was almost functional. She could have at least helped get her plate. Cash was having none of it.

  She sat and waited as Cash made up her plate. The family was bustling around the kitchen, feeding babies, laughing, and chatting. Cash filled up a plate, opened up the fridge, grabbed a soda and then for some unknown reason went into the pantry.

  He returned with the plate and walked over to Cass, handing her the food and the soda under his arm. Cash placed a quick kiss on the top of her head and went back to the kitchen, leaving Cass holding the plate and cold can of orange soda. Staring at his back, she put the food on her lap and waited. She didn’t want to start eating before he got his food.

  Cash came back with a plate that was heaped high with two burgers, a softball size blob of potato salad, and he’d thrown what looked like a handful of chips on top.

  “You gonna eat all that?” she asked. She was pretty sure she knew the answer; she just wanted him to admit it.

  “Probably, then some of yours. You eat like a bird,” he said, his mouth full of food.

  “Not usually. I just haven’t felt like eating lately. I’m hungry now,” she told him.

  “Then you better start shoveling it in, Spri
te,” he said still chewing.

  “Bossy,” she said under her breath. That got her a grin. A great one, his cheeks stuffed with food, his lips tight, and his eyes smiling. Fuck, he was pretty.

  Cassie bit into her hamburger and held back the moan. It was one of those awesome kind, right off the backyard grill that tasted like pepper and salt with just a touch of lighter fluid. Delicious.

  She ate until there was no more room left. She was relaxed, and her stomach was full. Cash was sitting close to her; his body heat comforting. There wasn’t much else she could need at the moment. In her lull of contentedness, she let her head fall against his shoulder. Her eyes droopy as she watched the kids who had finished their meals tumble and wrestle on the floor.

  Her eyes were fuzzy, and she was fighting sleep as she heard a crinkle and then there was something dangling closely in front of her face. Cassie pulled back a bit and saw a package of peanut butter cups hanging from Cash’s fingers.

  “Oh you naughty, naughty, man,” she whispered.

  “My baby needs dessert,” he said softly, just for her.

  “Your baby is stuffed,” she replied. Who was she kidding? There was always room for chocolate.

  Cash’s bear was thrilled that she said she was his baby. Step by step she was thinking more ‘we’ than me.

  “Eat your dessert, and then we can say goodnight. I want to show you something before I take you home,” he said to her.

  Cassie had never agreed to go home with him. At least she didn’t think she did. But as she searched for a reason to deny him, she found nothing. She found she wanted to see where he lived. Wanted to know where he envisioned them together.

  Cassie took the candy from him and tore it open. She took out one cup and offered it to him. She took the other, and they clinked them together like wine glasses. There was an audible sigh from the room, and Cassie’s eyes shot up to see all of the women in the room watching them. Their eyes teary and happy.

  “Geez, all the Rochon women saps?” Cassie teased.

  Effie was walking behind the couch as she leaned over the back and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “I’m a Hayes, and yes I’m a sap,” she said.

  Cassie tilted her head back to look at her friend. Her brain gave her a vision of being able to still be with her bestie, even if they were far apart. They were with men that would go out of their way to ensure they had as much time together as they needed.

  This could work. Hot guy that apparently thought about her all the time. He had money so they wouldn’t have to struggle. A huge family that was supportive and you could rely on. And he was promising her forever. Cassie was experiencing a huge “aha” moment.

  Turning back to Cash, she saw him watching her. Like he usually was. She searched those eyes and saw exactly what she expected. It settled her heart. “Let’s go home,” she whispered to him.

  He didn’t smile, but his eyes got hotter. He nodded and stood, taking their plates to the kitchen. She followed him as he went into her bedroom and then returned with a bag that he left by the front door.

  Cash came out and announced it was time to get Cassie home. He’d obviously cleared her leaving with Connie and Edward at some point. Or they all had just assumed her change in address.

  Effie wrapped her arms around her neck and whispered in her ear, “I’ll see you tomorrow. Be happy.” She gave her a squeeze.

  “You staying?” Cassie asked. She needed more BFF time.

  “Until this little one wants to make an appearance. Dax doesn’t want me flying back and forth. Since Connie and the girls are all here, they will be my support team. You too, of course, but they’ve all had babies at home and know the routine,” she explained.

  “Well, it sounds gross, but you know I’ll be there for you,” Cassie told her friend. She was usually game for scary horror movies, she guessed that birth was something close to that.

  “I know Cass, and I’m here for you. Any questions, worries, tips on handling bossy alpha animals, just call.” Effie had a whole bag of tricks to share.

  “I will. I love you; you know that right?” Cassie whispered.

  “Gawd, big baby. What… you gonna cry now?” Effie teased. Then followed up. “I love you too, bitch,” she threw in at the end. That made Cassie smile.

  The rest of the room made the rounds, with Cassie holding court from the couch. Cash worked the room saying goodbye giving handshakes and hugs.

  When he was done, he came to the couch and scooped her into his arms. Cassie’s arms wrapped around his neck, and they walked to the door. Connie was waiting with a blanket at the door. She wrapped it around Cassie before Cash walked through the door.

  It was cold outside, colder than she expected. Cash walked to his truck that one of the guys had gone out and started so it would warm up. Cassie took in the old pickup truck and smiled.

  “Bitchin’,” she said to herself.

  Cash laughed. “Glad you approve.”

  “It’s perfect,” she said as she was placed inside the cab. It smelled of worn leather and Cash.

  Cash moved around the outside to the driver’s side and climbed in. He shifted the truck into gear and pulled out. As he aimed for the main road, he reached out and hooked an arm around her waist and pulled her next to him.

  “Bench seats come in handy huh?” she said, looking up at him.

  “One of these days, I’ll lay you out on it and make you come,” he said casually.

  That made Cassie’s girly parts tingle and dampen. Yeah, that could be fun.

  “Not now?” she teased.

  “No, I want to show you something first,” he said pulling off the main road back onto a dirt path that led deeper into a forested area.

  “Where are we?” she asked. Normally if a man she barely knew was driving her into the dark, she’d worry. But there was no fear now.

  “Hiking trail, just wanted to get well off the road so no one would see the headlights,” he responded.

  They drove for a few more minutes and came into a clearing that could hold two or three cars that was near a narrow trailhead.

  Cash put the truck in park and turn towards her. “Stay here,” he said getting out.

  Cassie watched him walk to the front of the truck, the headlamps illuminating him and the trees just beyond. She forgot to breathe as he started taking off his clothes, boots first. Then his socks, followed by his flannel shirt and white tank underneath. His jeans were last, pushed down over his hips. She took in the beauty of this man again. He looked to be carved out of stone. Tan smooth stone.

  Cash was watching her, his eyes peering through the windshield at her. He wasn’t smiling; his face was intent.

  Then Cassie saw his body start to shimmer, a rainbow of color and sparks that covered him head to toe. His body morphed and changed before her, growing larger, sprouting fur. His large muscles larger and broader as the bear took shape before her. He was down on four paws by the time the sparks faded.

  Chapter 34

  The bear in front of her was nothing like what she’d seen on TV. He was bigger if that was possible. His large head swung side to side like he was stretching out his body. The bear hadn’t moved. He was still standing in the same place like he didn’t want to startle her.

  Cassie was having a hard time wrapping her mind around the fact that this huge creature that could kill her with one swipe of his deadly claws was also the man that carried her around like she was made of glass.

  The bear stood up on his hind legs, almost like he was showing off his height, then dropped back to the earth. Cassie reached for the window handle and rolled it down. “Cash?” she asked hesitantly.

  The bear chuffed loudly at her and nodded. That bear just nodded at her; she was sure of it. So weird.

  The bear started moving around the front of the truck. He stopped by the window, and Cassie slid back on the seat. Her fight or flight instinct was screaming at her to move away from the dangerous predator. But the bear wasn’t moving forward. He wa
s waiting. Cassie acknowledged that and then had to fight the need to roll up the window and lock the door.

  She moved her hand hesitantly towards the window and stuck her hand out. It was shaking, but she was brave enough to hold it there. The bear moved forward, dropping his head under her hand until coarse fur touched skin.

  Cassie’s fingers curled into the fur and felt the rumble go over the big animal. She scratched, and the bear pushed his head up harder against her hand.

  “Bossy,” she whispered, and the head of the animal came up. The eyes stared at her, and Cassie could swear there was humor in those eyes.

  “Cash, you are making my life very complicated,” she whispered, still petting the animal.

  She saw the fur under her hand start to shimmer again, and in a few heartbeats, Cash was standing at the window.

  Cassie didn’t know if she’d ever get used to that.

  “I don’t mean to complicate it, Sprite. I want to make it easier,” he told her, his voice tinged with worry.

  Cassie let out a sigh. She could feel his worry, and it tore at her. “I’m here, Cash, not running away. I’m just, well, expressing the level of change I am experiencing. You have to get that for a human, I’ve been on a roller coaster of weird shit the last few days.”

  “You’re right, and you are doing amazing. Really, I will do whatever it takes to make this an easy transition for you. Just say the word, you know I’ve got you, baby,” Cash said, leaning into the window.

  Cassie took that pledge for what it was. Every time he made a promise it was easier to believe him. “I get that,” she said to him. And she did, she was starting to feel it in her bones. It was still scary, but she also felt safer.

  “You do realize you’re standing naked in the woods,” she quipped.

  “Babe, I’m often naked in the woods,” he said without a hint of embarrassment.

  “Hmm, really,” she said with a saucy grin.

  “Let’s get you home,” he said then turned back to his clothes. He got dressed in the light of the truck, no shame in his nakedness. Cassie appreciated that as she took in the show and wished she had some popcorn.


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