Darkblood Academy: Book Three: Demons

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Darkblood Academy: Book Three: Demons Page 14

by G. K. DeRosa

  “Just a little demonic dragon fire,” he snarled. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine as soon as Raf gets here.”

  “You called them?”

  He nodded. “As soon as I saw that thing.”

  So much for Raf’s relaxing movie date with Cinder.

  I scanned the sky above, but Nicodemus and his dragon seemed to have disappeared in the thick clouds. “How did they get through the wards?”

  “My guess is that they don’t extend up this high.”

  I glanced down at the snowy ground below. We were thousands of feet up, and he was probably right. “So if we head down, he shouldn’t be able to follow us?”

  “That’s what I was trying to warn you about earlier. But you didn’t listen.”

  “Ugh. I’m sorry, Drake. I thought you were trying to distract me.”

  He ticked his head toward the ground. “Come on, there’s no time to argue about it now.”

  The second his words were out, another shriek tore across the sky. Apollo reared and Zeus swung his head back and forth as the dragon swooped down toward us.

  “Go!” Drake shouted.

  I dug my heels into Zeus’s sides and propelled him downward. From my peripheral vision, I caught Drake thrusting his sword toward the oncoming dragon. Blasts of purple energy seared into the dragon’s belly, but he didn’t slow.

  “Drake, move!” I shouted over my shoulder.

  The stubborn prince remained, shooting more Fae energy at the advancing demon.

  Panic’s fingers curled around my chest, squeezing my lungs until only ragged breaths remained. “Drake!” I cried.

  He shot one more powerful blast, hitting the dragon’s leathery wings and the beast was set off kilter. Nicodemus flew off the demon, his purple robes flapping across the blue sky.

  I descended a few more yards, refusing to go any further until Drake joined me. The magic of the wards pulsed just below me as I waited, my head tilted toward the clouds.

  Some sort of purple haze wrapped around the old sorcerer and when I blinked, he was gone. The dragon on the other hand, circled a few hundred yards up, favoring his left wing.

  “Come on,” said Drake, sidling by with Apollo.

  “How about him?” I pointed at the onyx dragon.

  “He’ll fly back to whatever portal he slunk out of.” He glanced down at his arm and winced. “He’s not worth our time.”

  The whoosh of flapping wings drew my attention to the ground. Zephyr and Raf beat their mighty wings toward us.

  “Are you guys okay?” the nephilim called out.

  “We will be,” Drake muttered as he turned Apollo toward the blanket of fallen snow below.

  I followed behind him, my heart still smacking against my ribs. Luxora would never give up. We’d been lucky so far, but one day we’d fail and I’d end up in the Underworld.

  It was time to convince Cillian to take the fight to her.

  Chapter 20

  “Let’s try that again,” Calliope called out.

  I glared at her from across the training room, a fiery-blue energy ball spinning in my palm. Beads of sweat lined my brow, and muscles I didn’t even know I had ached. My control over magic had improved exponentially, but after hours of training this morning, I was spent.

  “Come on, Luna, just one more time,” echoed Logan.

  Training two-on-one, mind you.

  The past few weeks of instruction had intensified ten-fold. We’d been on at least one or two missions a week into the human world, and the attacks were only getting more frequent. But Luxora never showed—not even her sorcerer lackey, Nicodemus, made an appearance.

  I focused on my two instructors who stood on opposite sides at the far end of the training room. Both wore special padding that had been spelled to protect against a variety of magical weapons, including the little swirling energy bomb in my hand.

  “Go!” Logan shouted. He and Calliope darted toward me as I released the fiery spheres of energy in rapid succession. Some they dodged or blocked with their shields, but I hit more than I missed. Sending another orb flying, I nailed Calliope right in the chest. It hit her with such force she reeled back a few yards, nearly smacking into the far wall. I only paused for a second before reloading and aiming at Logan.

  When we first began these sorts of exercises I was terrified of hurting them, but with their mystical protective gear and Calliope’s healing power, I learned to take their injuries in stride.

  I still held back though. Any time I used my magic in excess, I could feel the darkness creep in on me. It was as if my power had layers—the first few were the elemental wicca ones, the next were the acquired spellcraft I’d studied, but the ones that lay underneath had darker and more powerful origins. I only called on those when it was absolutely necessary.

  With everything that had happened with Ryder, the last thing I needed was to go all dark demon-warlock.

  Logan lunged for me, his sword slicing through the air as my mind wandered, caught in a jumble of thoughts. I thrust my hand out at the last second. The blast of energy knocked him off his feet and sent him soaring across the room.

  He hit the floor with a thud, the force of the hit combined with his massive stone-hard body shaking the ground beneath my feet. The big gargoyle pushed himself up and shook out his head. A trickle of blood dripped from his nose.

  “Oops, sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” He limped toward me, running his hand through his silver hair. “That was excellent. I thought I had you for a second.”

  “Almost.” I winked.

  Calliope motioned from the other side of the room as she chugged a bottle of water. “That’s good for today, Luna. We’ll pick this up again tomorrow.”

  “Great.” Sweeping the wisps of hair that had fallen out of my ponytail back, I trudged over to the locker room.

  Logan followed behind me, his steps sluggish and seemingly as pained as mine. Enduring my own training sessions was hard enough, I couldn’t imagine having to repeat these exercises with all eight of us. He quickened his pace to walk beside me so I slowed.

  “You’re doing really well out there, Luna. Ryder would be proud.”

  Hearing his name was like a punch in the stomach. I inhaled a deep breath, forcing oxygen in. L.A.R. had been going fairly well, until someone mentioned him. Cillian would give me occasional updates. A part of me wanted to tell him to stop, that it was too painful, but I was hopelessly addicted to receiving any bit of news.

  “Have you gone to see him yet?” I asked Logan. According to Cillian, he wasn’t allowed any visitors at the rehab facility for the first month, but I had a feeling the guardian angel was secretly seeing his nephew.

  He shook his head, his lips pressing into a grim line. “No visitors for another week.”

  I was relieved to hear him confirm Cillian’s visitor policy. At first I thought he was trying to keep me from seeing Ryder. Now I wasn’t sure what I would do when the week was up. I wanted to see him more than anything, but after what he’d said when I snuck into the detention center… I wasn’t sure I was ready for another round of heartbreak.

  “But I’ve heard it’s not going well…”

  My head whipped to Logan. “What do you mean?”

  “It’s all about control, and if Ryder doesn’t assert any effort, he’ll never get better. His demon will continue to grow stronger and could completely overtake him if he doesn’t try to fight back.” He huffed out a long breath. “And right now he’s got nothing to fight for.” His steely silver eyes met mine, a glimmer of hope flashing. “Are you planning to visit?”

  My throat tightened. “I don’t know yet,” I finally croaked out.

  “I think it would do him good to see a friendly face.”

  I grunted. I wished I could tell him how well it had gone last time. Instead, I lied. “Sure, I’ll see if Cillian will give me permission.”

  My headmaster had been particularly broody lately, and I was fairly certain the answer to my question would
be a big fat no. But there was no point in crushing Logan’s hopes.

  I decided it was time for a subject change. “Have you noticed anything weird going on with Cillian lately?”

  His silver brow tipped up. “You mean like the fact that he’s acting more warrior than angel these days?”

  “Exactly.” He’d even been attending our training sessions, sparring with us and everything.

  “I think he’s still hung up over the Luxora thing. Just because the Fae king and the academy board pardoned him, doesn’t mean he’s forgiven himself. Don’t tell him I told you, but I found him locked up in his office researching the sixth realm of the Underworld.”

  “Luxora’s territory,” I murmured.

  “Yup. I think our guardian angel is about to go full warrior.” A hesitant smirk tugged at his lips.

  “But he can’t go alone. That’s what the team is for.”

  “I agree. I’ve tried talking to him about it, but whenever I bring it up he shuts me down. He insists it’s not safe for you all, and he won’t put you in danger.”

  I hooked my hand on the door handle to the ladies’ locker room. “Maybe he needs a little nudge in the right direction. And I know just the person to do it.” I smiled at Logan and dipped inside.

  “You did what?” Cillian roared. His wings snapped out as he loomed over me, filling his office with their ethereal glow.

  I knew admitting to skinwalking into the SIA detention center was going to be a risky move, but it was the only one I had left. “Everything went fine, Cillian. I got in, got out, and that was that.”

  “Luna, you can’t take over bodies at will. It’s not right.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Trust me, Rufus didn’t mind one bit.” Slapping my hands on my hips, I steeled my gaze at the headmaster. “Ryder said you needed to talk to Lucifer. He said it was the only way to get rid of Luxora once and for all.”

  “Oh did he, now?” Cillian snorted and paced in front of his desk. “I’m glad to hear my dear nephew was so cooperative with you—” He cut himself off, his jaw mashing together.

  I gasped. “You have seen him!”

  He raked a hand through soft, blonde locks and halted his manic pacing to lean against his desk.

  “I thought visitors weren’t allowed for another week.”

  “They’re not, but you’re not the only one adept at bending the rules.”

  I faked a gasp this time as a smile spread my lips unbidden. “The angel Cillian breaking the rules? I’m shocked!”

  He sat back on his desk, the crease between his brows deepening. “I was part of his escort team when he was moved from the detention center to rehab. He wouldn’t even look at me. He seemed so far gone, I…” He shook his head as if trying to chase away some terrible image. “I couldn’t leave him like that, so I’ve gone to check on him a few times. Every time it’s the same. He won’t even acknowledge my presence, let alone speak to me.”

  Emotion clogged my throat, but I shoved it down where I kept all my unwanted Ryder feelings. “What do you think is wrong with him?”

  “He’s given up. He doesn’t want to fight anymore.” His eyes softened as they fixed on me. “Guilt will eat away at you until there’s nothing left, Luna. What he did—killing all those people, even if they weren’t exactly innocent, it’s left a mark on his soul. If you remember, Ryder’s mom was human when he was conceived. He’s got a soul exactly like you and me. And once it’s been tainted, it’s a stain that is nearly impossible to remove.”

  I wrapped my arms around myself, a chill soaking into my bones. “We have to help him.”

  “It seems you’re the only one he responds to.”

  My cheeks burned, and my gaze dropped to the floor. I’d never come right out and said it, but I was fairly certain the angel knew what happened between Ryder and me. He’d never brought it up, thank the heavens. I didn’t think I could handle that awkward conversation.

  I chewed on my lower lip, picking at my chipped fingernails. “Cillian, Ryder and I are not in a good place right now. I don’t know how much help I could be.”

  He stood up and placed his hand on my shoulder, squeezing. “I would never ask you to do something you’re not comfortable with. I know you’ve struggled with Ryder’s absence, and I’m finally seeing your spark back. I don’t want you to lose that again.”

  His lips broke into a broad smile, and I couldn’t help but mirror his expression. Maybe he shot me with some of that angel healing power, but suddenly the idea of seeing Ryder again didn’t seem so terrifying.

  “How about we make a deal?”

  He quirked a brow, his brilliant blue eyes sparkling like the summer sky. “What are you thinking?”

  “Next week I’ll go see Ryder if you get in touch with your brother, Lucifer.”

  He groaned, leaning back against his desk.

  I seared him with my steeliest expression. “I know you’re planning something, Cillian. You can’t go down to the Underworld alone. That’s what you trained us for, remember? And if Ryder said Lucifer was the answer to our Luxora problems, then I say we listen.”

  “Fine,” he huffed. “I will speak to my brother, but I’m not making any promises. If I determine that the situation is still too precarious, I’m going down there alone.”

  I stuck out my hand. “Deal.”

  His big fingers wrapped around mine, and his soothing angel power seeped through my skin. Everything was going to be fine. It just had to be.

  Chapter 21

  Tomorrow was the big day. Well, technically today was a big day too, but the great unipeg race paled in comparison to my scheduled visit to see Ryder tomorrow. The week had crawled by as my anxiety at seeing the former love of my life increased with each passing day. Maybe I was deluding myself with the former part, but I’d vowed to stick to L.A.R. and I’d hold out as long as I could. Until Ryder crushed my heart for the umpteenth time when I showed up at rehab.

  “Are you nervous?” Drake materialized behind me and swatted at my ponytail as I adjusted the girth around Zeus’s belly.

  Yes. “No.”

  “You should be. Apollo’s in the best shape he’s ever been, and we all know how remarkable I am.”

  “And modest too.” I smirked as I unlatched the crossties and passed by Drake to lead Zeus out of the barn.

  He followed behind me with Apollo all tacked up and ready to go. “Are Kimmie-Jayne and Fenix coming today?”

  “Nope. The family healer has my sister on a tight leash. It’s only a step above mandatory bed rest from what she explained. If her condition worsens, she’ll be forced to spend the rest of her pregnancy in the lair’s infirmary.”

  He grimaced. “I’m sorry to hear that. I hope it didn’t have anything to do with her trip to Wintersbee Palace.”

  “Me too.” I’d already had the same guilty thoughts pop into my mind.

  “Well, Elrian is here.” Drake ticked his head up to the floating arena as we walked our steeds out to the practice field and mounted.

  “Along with half of Winter Court?”

  He nodded, scowling.

  “When I beat you, don’t even try to kiss me again, Drake. Your cousin Julias will never let us live that one down, and your brother will kill me if I cost you the alliance with the Spring Court.”

  Drake laughed, shaking his head as he trotted beside me around the field. “It sounds like you have Fae politics all figured out after only one quick trip.”

  “I’m a fast learner, what can I say?”

  “I promise I won’t ever kiss you in public again without your express permission.” His lilac eyes sparkled, and a mischievous smirk turned up his lips.

  I couldn’t help but dwell on the words in public. Did that mean he’d kiss me in private? I pushed the stray thoughts away, attributing them to the stress I’d been under for the past few months.

  “You guys ready?” Cinder and Raf trotted up to us and pointed toward the floating stadium.

  “Yup.” I nudged Ze
us on and his magnificent wings unfurled, his rainbow undercoat streaking across the sky. Apollo matched each of Zeus’s strides as we approached the starting line.

  I quickly scanned the audience, hoping somehow K.J. had convinced Fenix to come, but there was no sight of them. My gaze did however land on familiar lilac eyes. I smiled and nodded at Elrian, and to my surprise, he mouthed, “Good luck.” I wasn’t sure I’d ever figure out the enigmatic Fae king. He was about a thousand times more confusing than his brother.

  I glanced over at Drake from the corner of my eye. He was bent over Apollo whispering something. When he straightened, his jaw was tense, his expression fully focused. I couldn’t imagine the amount of pressure he was under. Maybe I should be nice and give him a break… Nah.

  “Good luck, Luna!” Cinder shouted from the other side of Raf. She was right smack in the middle of the supe slayer squad. I wished we could make my bestie an official member.

  “Thanks, you too!” I called back as Professor Thornberry and the floating timer appeared over the starting line. Thirty seconds.

  “I’ll see you on the other side of the finish line,” said Drake, flashing a smug smile.

  “Yeah, when you finally catch up to me.”

  The buzzer rang out, and the stadium exploded in cheers. Zeus lunged forward before I even got the magical words out. This crazy beast wanted to win more than Drake did.

  After a few mighty wing flaps, Zeus and Apollo pulled ahead of the crowd. They were neck and neck as the cool breeze whipped wisps of golden hair across my face. Again, the typical icy chill of the winter realm was absent thanks to faery magic. It made the weather actually quite pleasant, and for a second I wished I could slow my wily unipeg and just go for a joy ride.

  My heart wasn’t in it today. I wasn’t sure if it was the anxiety over seeing Ryder tomorrow or the desperate look in Drake’s eyes.

  Apollo lunged ahead, and Drake glanced back at me over his shoulder. “Come on, human. Are we racing or what?”

  Such a brat. My pulse spiked, and I dug my heels into Zeus’s flanks. “Velocem!” I called out, and his massive onyx wings flapped harder as he raced to close the distance to Apollo.


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