Winds Of The Apocalypse

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Winds Of The Apocalypse Page 9

by Novak, Karina

  Jon smiled and nodded, “Thank you… But yes, that’s about it.”

  ”Huh.” Morgan shook his head in defeat. "So the fate of the world as we know it is now lying in the capable hands of our baby sister?"

  Jon nodded again. "Yes, that seems to be the predicament."

  Morgan twisted his face into a half smile. “And are you sure about this?”

  Jon nodded again, a big grin spreading across his features.

  "Great,” Morgan sighed, letting himself fall back on to the covers. “We’re screwed."

  Jon laughed. “Oh, have a little faith Morgan. “

  Morgan shook his head. “You didn't have to live with her for the last eight years Jon, mark my words, if we survive this it would by pure chance, we need a miracle.”

  Jon looked at the door. “Something tells me that we are going to get one.” He smiled at his twin.

  Chapter six: Have a little faith

  The hospital was quiet, quiet enough for Casey to feel like she and Morgan were the only people in it, maybe, she thought, she just imagined it to be this quiet, silent enough for her to hear Morgan's heartbeat.

  Casey leaned forward, laying her head on her brother's chest, her weak hand strongly grasping the cold hand of her brother, willing her own life into him. Casey closed her eyes and held her breath, listening to Morgan's breathing, she didn't want anything to disturb it, and Morgan’s breathing and the steady sound that signed the pounding of his heart were her life lines, telling her that her twin was still alive.

  Casey reached her hand over Morgan’s chest to hold both of Morgan's cold hands, whispering words of comfort to her brother; she promised to stay by his side until he awoke and pleaded to Morgan to come back to her, praying that her twin heard her somehow.

  Casey lifted her head a bit to kiss Morgan’s cold cheek, willing him to feel the warmth of her body, desperate to at least get some kind of response out of him, some kind of indication that Morgan was still with her but nothing she did seemed to work, nothing to indicate that Morgan was still in that cold body. Casey would have thought that Morgan had abandoned her completely if it wasn't for that little smile tugging at the corner of Morgan’s lips, as if the boy was having a really nice dream while he lay there.

  Casey smiled faintly; trailing her trembling finger over Morgan’s smiling lips.

  "I hope that you will wake up soon and tell me all about it." Casey whispered, salty tears staining her features. “I need you…” She said, closing her eyes.

  "Casey?" Casey shuddered, she didn't have to open her eyes or to turn around to know that his friends were standing right behind her, coming to see how she was doing no doubt.

  "He won't wake up." Casey said, letting her tears fall freely on Morgan's chest, clearly with no intension of turning away from Morgan, she was afraid that if she did, Morgan would ‘use’ that fragment of a second to slip away for good.

  "We know." Din said carefully as he silently came closer.

  "Casey,” Din gulped. “I know that I am probably the last person you want to see right now but I have to say it again that I'm really sorry for what happened, I will never forgive myself for dragging Morgan with me. If I hadn't done it…"

  "Don't be." Casey muttered and Din froze, speechless. “Wha…What?”

  ”Don’t be sorry.” Casey repeated as she lifted her head from Morgan’s cold chest and turned to look at her friends, her right hand still grasping the hand of her brother.

  "I should be the one to apologies.” Casey said in such a low voice that Din had almost missed it. “It’s not your fault at all.” Casey looked up at Din. “You couldn't known that this would happen…It could have easily been you in his place…”

  “Oh Casey, if only I could…” Din began but Casey looked at him with a gaze that said ‘STOP IT’.

  “No!” Casey said firmly. “Morgan would have never wished for it to be the other way around and I won’t ask for it even if it means him standing beside me while you are lying here in this hospital bed.” She took a breath. “I’m sorry Din, I was so angry when you told me. I wish that I would have never called you…"

  Casey couldn't pronounce the word ‘murderer’, it didn't seem right now; even more so after she had found out that Morgan was still alive, waiting for her in the hospital.

  Saying that word now would be like a death sentence and Casey had no intension of letting Morgan die.

  The boys exchanged questioning glances between them, none of them wanted to be the one to tell Casey what they came there to tell her.

  "C'mon." Colin whispered, pushing Din forward.

  ”No...I…” Din tried to protest but then Casey raised her head to look at him and Din sighed, taking a step closer to his friend, avoiding from straying his gaze to Morgan’s inanimate body.

  "Casey, listen…” Din said. "I…” He took a deep breath. “We have something really important to show you." Din mumbled, looking back at his friends for support, not knowing how to go on. Toby shrugged and then Colin steeped forward, taking a glance at his watch and realizing that it was already half an hour after they had left Morgan at the school, alone in Din’s bedroom and Colin made a note to himself that they had to hurry, he knew that Morgan was probably going crazy by now.

  "What?” Casey asked. "What is it that you want to show me?" Casey inquired, sounding not the least bit interested, she didn't care for whatever it was, she figured that her friends were just trying to cheer her up with something amusing but she knew that nothing will work on her and besides she had no intension of leaving Morgan even if the school was on fire, if she had to do anything in the matter she would simply state 'let it burn.'

  "It's back at the school." Toby told her, he too taking a step closer to join the others as a united front against the depressed teenager. ”You have to come with us so we can show you…”

  “No!” Casey shook her head vigorously. "I'm not leaving him alone!" Casey said firmly, stroking her brother's arm gently, turning away from her friends again. “Not until he opens his eyes.” Casey whispered.

  "Casey, c'mon!” Din tried to convince her. “It's really important!" He said, laying a hand on Casey’s shoulder, attempting to turn her back.

  ”No!” Casey shook his hand off, looking utterly furious. "Morgan is more important to me than anything you might have up there, I am not leaving." She said, refusing to look at them.

  ”But Casey, please!” Din pleaded. "This is really important! You have to! Trust me, you really won't regret coming with us. In fact I am sure that you are going to thank us!”

  “No." Casey answered flatly. "There is nothing you can say or do that will get me out of here. My mom tried, she even got in the nurses but I refused to leave him then and I refuse to do it now." Casey half turned to look at Colin. "So if it's that important, bring it here for me to see."

  "We can't. Casey, please, just come with us, I really promise you that you won't regret this!" Colin tried to help Din with his pervasions but nothing seemed to work on the stubborn teenager, Casey was worst then a mule that won't budge from his place.


  "No!" She repeated, "You can stop trying, nothing you can say or do will convince me.” Casey growled, annoyed. "Just go away and leave me alone.” She ordered her words as hard as if they were set in stone.

  Toby exhaled irritated. "Oh! Enough already!" He groaned, looking at Casey as if she was his worst enemy. "You are going to come with us one way or another," He stated harshly, and before Din or Colin could react fast enough to stop him, Toby launched forward and grabbed Casey by the wrist, yanking her forcefully to her feet.

  Casey yelped in surprise, her hand flying away from Morgan's, she screamed by the loss of contact with her brother and tried to resist her friend but Toby was much bigger in size and a lot stronger than Casey and he wasn't having any trouble in forcing Casey to obey their request.

  “No! Let go!” Casey protested but Toby had already turned her, with unbelievable strength and
accuracy Toby punched Casey across the head, knocking her right out, causing her to fall silent, unconscious to the floor.

  "What?" He asked his shocked friends as he picked Casey's limb body up, letting the young girl's head rest on his shoulder; he turned to his friends and gestured towards the door with his head, already walking out through it.

  “What the hell was that?!” Din yelped, nearly falling as he tried to catch up with Toby’s fast passing.

  “Yeah!” Colin cried in a high pitched sound. “What did you do that for?!” Toby let out a sigh, adjusting Casey’s body to a more comfortable position as they reached the end of the hall to wait for the elevator.

  "Your way wasn't working," Toby explained, entering the arriving elevator with his friends following closely behind him. "And it wouldn't have, and you know it." He stated. "Now let's go."

  Colin shook his head. "Morgan will have a fit when he sees what you did to Casey."

  "Yes, he will have your head for hurting her." Din said as he fallowed Toby out of the hospital and to the waiting cab that stood in the parking lot.

  Toby let out a sigh. "Morgan will have to thank me for bringing this stubborn thing back to him." He said, hoping to god that Morgan won't kill him, can ghosts even kill people? He hoped that they did not.

  Colin frowned, bending to open the back sit door of the cab to let Toby slide in with Casey still unconscious in his arms. They sat her between Toby and Colin with Din hoping into the shot gun sit to let the driver know where they were headed to.

  The cab driver didn't even flinch at the sight of the passed out kid with the bruise forming on her pale forehead as if it was a completely normal every day event for him to drive around unconscious kids, who knows, maybe it was.

  Din and Colin, who pulled Casey to him, to lay Casey's head on his shoulder, exchanged worried looks of concern between them but there was nothing they could do at that moment, the did was already done.

  Din groaned, sitting back in his sit and staring out the window, 'Toby was right' he shrugged to himself. His way, as rough as it was, worked, and that was all they needed at this point, he just hoped that Morgan would understand.


  "God!! You fucking lunatic!! What the fuck did you that for?! I will never forgive you for that!" Casey screamed at Toby as the latter dragged her to Din's room, ignoring her cries. "Stop it! Let me go! I want to go back to Morgan!" Casey pleaded but Toby shook his head. "No, first you will come to see what we wanted to show you."

  Casey let out a shuddered breath. "Why won't you let me go?" She asked, her voice cracking in panic, she wanted to go back so bad.

  Toby let out a sigh. "Well, you refused to come willingly. So I had no choice. I still have no choice, you wouldn't stop objecting and we need you to see something, just trust us."

  Toby explained calmly, still holding firmly to Casey's arm. "Ok?"

  "No!" Casey struggled against his iron grip. "Not ok!" She protested.

  "Now. Let. Me. Go!!!" She yelled, making another attempt to escape her capturer.

  "Casey, please, stop fighting us." Colin asked quietly, coming from the other side of Casey, glancing around them for anyone that might have seen them go up the stairs to Din's dorm room.

  "Trust me; you will thank me in a minute." Toby said, pushing Casey up in front of him, nearly slamming the teenage girl into Din's bedroom door.

  Jon raised his head at the sound of the high pitched screaming that came from the other side of the white painted door. "What the…?" He looked at Morgan. "Is that…?"

  Morgan nodded. "And that would be Casey." Morgan smiled at his brother as he too heard his sister's loud screams coming from the hall.

  Jon laughed. "God, she is just like I remembered her." He smiled. "Only a lot louder."

  He added and Morgan laughed as well.

  "So…" Jon stood up from the bed he was sitting on. "I will be off to the bathroom now." Morgan raised his eyebrow. "Do ghosts need to pee?" Jon laughed and shook his head for 'no'; he put his right hand on his hip and looked at Morgan.

  "No, it's not it, I was just thinking, you know, we better do it one ghost at a time, don't you think?"

  Morgan nodded, putting his thumbs up.

  "Yes, you are right, I think that we should prepare her for this or else we will have three bodies on our hands. I almost didn't know how to handle one ghost and I am one so…"

  Jon smiled. "So I will go hide in the bathroom…Boy, did that sound wrong…Well, good luck. See you hopefully in a minute or two…"

  "Yes, brace yourself for any abnormal high pitched screaming." Morgan warned and Jon nodded.

  "Will do, good luck again." He winked at his brother before he walked out into the bathroom, leaving Morgan to face Casey on his own.

  "Well, here we go."

  Morgan thought to himself as the screams finally died out, he figured Casey was convinced by his friends to come in and then the door finally opened and Casey herself, shaking walked in, her cheeks streaked with tears and her eyes staring right at him.

  "Hello Casey."

  Morgan said with a soft smile, standing still in his place in fear of scaring his sister.

  Casey didn't respond, she just stood there, staring at him blankly, her mouth slightly open and her fists tightly bound. Morgan gulped, this heavy silence had made him feel really uncomfortable, and he hoped that he hadn't shocked Casey to death.

  "Mmm... Casey?" Morgan screeched silently, his throat as dry as a grave.

  "Casey…Are you ok?" He asked carefully as Casey blinked twice, and then suddenly turned to her waiting friends, her expression utterly enraged.

  "Well?" She asked impatiently.

  Din looked back at her, confused, he, like Colin and Toby were standing, holding their breath for apparent screaming, this, they did not expect.

  "Well, what?" He asked confused, looking back at Morgan who shrugged, he too, didn't know what was going on here. "Well, what the hell did you bring me here for?! What did you want to show me?"

  Casey crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at her friends.

  "What…What do you mean?" Colin looked at Morgan's wide eyes and then back at Casey. "Casey…Can't you…Can't you see him?"

  Colin questioned after he had turned to Toby, seeing that he had definitely saw Morgan as well. "Toby?"

  "I see him." The teen confirmed, smiling faintly at Morgan.

  "See who?!" Casey gestured at the place where Morgan was standing.

  "There is no one here but you three assholes!" She yelled. "What did you drag me here for?!" She demanded, ready to snap.

  "Casey." Morgan repeated, gasping the words out. "Casey, why can't you see me?"

  He asked, taking a step closer.

  "Why won't she see me?" He asked his friends. "What's going on?"

  Din shrugged, looking seemingly lost. "I don’t know man…I really have no idea.…"

  "Maybe she doesn't believe in ghosts?" Toby suggested and Casey glared at them, her friends sounded completely crazy, standing there and talking to air.

  "Who are you talking to?" Casey spat out the words.

  "Morgan." Din replied simply, not a bit of a joking hint in his voice, like there was nothing to it at all.

  "What?" Casey breathed in, willing her tears and anger away before she would lose control over them. ”What did you just say?”

  “We are talking to Morgan.” Din repeated. “Your brother, he is standing right there Casey and…”

  “STOP THIS!!! Just stop please!” Casey stumbled back further into the room.

  "Please! This is not funny! Why are you doing this?! This is a stupid joke and I want it to stop right now guys, I…"

  "This is not a joke!" Colin interrupted her.

  “Yes! Yes it is!” Casey shook her head. “I don’t know what I did to make you want to torture me but I am sorry now please, please just stop and let me go!”

  "But Morgan is here! He is standing right there!" Colin pointed at Morgan, refusing to give u
p that quickly. “He is as upset as you are and you just can’t see it but…”

  "Enough!" Casey screamed, letting her tears spill freely, she didn't care anymore that she was standing in front of her friends, crying her heart out. "Stop it! Why are you doing this?! Morgan is in the hospital! You saw him there yourself!” Her heart clenched as she felt again how her hand was ripped away from Morgan’s. “Now, I don’t know what is going on here, or what did you all take but I just don’t care anymore! I am going back to be with my brother! And don’t you dare coming over there again! I don’t want to see any of you right now! Now goodbye!"

  She huffed and took a bold step forward, beginning to determinedly walking towards the door, she was almost there but Toby sprang out and caught her, forcefully turning her to face Morgan again. “Let me go Toby.” Casey growled lowly. “This game is over, I am done with this.”

  “No,” Toby shook his head. “You are not done until you see him.”


  "No, listen to me, please Casey; you know that I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you. You have to believe me, Morgan is here, Casey, and we all can see him. You just have to trust us and believe."

  There was a moment of silence, the guys all thought that Casey had finally decided to listen to them but then suddenly, Casey screamed and nearly ripped herself away from an unsuspecting Toby.

  ”No! Let me go!" Casey struggled against him and strong as he was Toby was having a bit of a trouble holding on to her.

  "Casey! Calm down!" Toby asked her, tightening his grip on Casey’s arms.

  ”Casey, stop it!”

  "No!” The teen continued to struggle. “Not until you let me go!”

  "Stop it!” Toby threatened, nearly losing his footing. “Cut it out now or I'll…"

  "You'll what?" Casey sharply halted her erratic movement, twisting her neck around to face him. "You'll what Toby? You’ll hit me again? Knock me out? Go ahead. You will be doing me a favor. I prefer being out cold then to stand here with you, maybe then at least I won't have to stand looking at your ugly faces any longer."


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