Winds Of The Apocalypse

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Winds Of The Apocalypse Page 20

by Novak, Karina

  Casey nodded. "I know you will, but on one condition, I'll teach you only when you are back in your body."

  “No problem.” Morgan agreed quickly. 'I hope.' He added in his mind, looking down at the floor.

  Chapter thirteen: May

  About an hour later both Colin and Toby had already send their text messages to Casey saying that they were also interrogated by the nosy police woman and Casey suggested meeting in her and Morgan's room after night fall of that same day.

  Jon had left a little after the interrogation fiasco, back to the hospital to do some damage control by spying on their mother and Casey used the rest of the day to watch Morgan as he rested in his bed.

  A few minutes past eleven there was another knock on the door and Colin along with Toby and Jon walked in, Toby was carrying his lap top and Colin and Jon were carrying two big boxes of pizza and a bottle of coca kola that Colin had stolen from the cafeteria.

  None of the guys had anything to eat all day, none of them really craved to sit at lunch and get stared at by the rest of the school.

  Of course, the news about Morgan's disappearance had spread like wild fire and more and more parents were taking their kids out of the summer school, leaving no more than three or four size classes' worth of children behind but that still was enough to make the gang feel annoyed by their staring presence.

  “Hi Casey.” Colin smiled as they walked in through the door and Casey jumped up to greet them.

  "Oh my god! You’re a live savior! You just read my mind! I'm starving!" Casey joked, grabbing one of the pizza boxes and opening it on the bed Morgan was lying on.

  "Me too!" Morgan smiled, reaching his hand for a pizza slice and stuffing nearly half of it into his mouth, chewing it, delighted. Colin looked at him with a crooked expression spread over his face.

  "You're a ghost, Morgan. How could you be hungry?" He asked, grabbing himself a slice and Morgan shrugged.

  "Fuck if I know, but I am, so don’t be a bitch, or ill eat it all myself and leave you nothing."

  “You just try.” Colin threatened, shoving the rest of his slice into his already full mouth.

  “Do you want some too?” Casey asked Jon after Toby had taken his share and set in a chair by the table.

  “No, Casey.” Jon said almost sadly. “It’s been so long since I tasted human food...I don't really crave it. The monsters did something to my body so I don't really need it anyway...”

  Casey frowned slightly, deciding to change the subject.

  “Oh, so how was at the hospital? Was mom there?” She asked, picturing her annoying mother.

  “Oh yes, she was.” Jon smiled. “Screaming her lungs out at the cops for not doing their job,” He shook his head. "Watching mom freak out is fun. Best time I had in a long while."

  "Hope she'll have a heart attack and get into a coma so I will be able to unplug her."

  Casey grinned dreamingly.

  "Casey!” Morgan laughed.

  ”You're evil." Toby stated, finishing his slice off and settling his paper plate down on the floor, flipping the lap top he had brought with him open.

  “And your evil plan won’t work anyway.”

  “Why?’ Casey frowned. “It’s so perfect!”

  “Because you are a minor.” Toby reminded her. “They will not let you make that decisions, it will be up to your step farther.”

  “Well, he can get a heart attack too.” Casey mumbled.

  “Casey!” Morgan shimmed disapprovingly.

  ”Fine…”Casey growled. “He can live. But not for too long.”

  “Oh joy.” Toby shook his head, looking down at the lap top. “Now, if you finished with your evil plotting…"

  Casey opened her mouth to protest but Toby ignored her. "Look over here you guys; I want to show you something.” Toby said, clicking a few buttons and then turning the lap top to them.

  "Did you find a map?" Casey asked, sliding off the bed and crawling closer to the computer after she had shoved a huge chunk of pizza into her mouth, swallowing it whole without even bothering to chew it first.

  "Jizz Casey! Chew first!" Toby exhaled, amused at the amount of food Casey's tiny body could consume in one sitting. “And don't get your greasy hands over my computer!”

  He yanked the lap top away.

  "Sorry." Casey choked, coughing out a tiny fragment of grilled cheese.

  "So did you find it?" She asked, looking down at the screen in front of her.

  ”Christ Casey…If it wasn't for the boobs I would have thought that you are one of your brothers.” Toby frowned but nodded ignoring both Morgan’s and Jon’s protective glares at him.

  "Yes, I did, believe me; it wasn't easy. But first tell us what the police woman asked you.

  I and Colin were with her for like two or three minutes each but we saw she was stuck in your room for much longer than that."

  Casey frowned. "She got on my nerve, that’s why she was stuck in here for so damn long. She asked me if I have an alibi for last night."

  "Fuck! She suspects you?!" Colin nearly fell back in his place on Casey's bed.

  Casey shook her head.

  "Don’t think so, I put on quite a show. Even if she did suspect me she can't really prove anything."

  "Yes.” Morgan chuckled. "And Casey gave a really convincing performance."

  These statements along with Jon's reassuring nod seem to calm Colin's nerves a bit but he still didn't look very happy.

  "If someone saw our getaway car, I'm doomed." He stated and Casey looked at him, confused.


  "Cuss it's my dad's car." Colin reminded her.

  "Oh." Casey nodded, felling like an idiot. "Right, but don’t worry Colin, I don’t think anyone got a clear enough view of the car to identify it. The only one that saw it was that guard and it was too dark for him too see any plate numbers and besides, the police woman didn't mention the car at all, just the fact that there were a few of us.

  So I guess the only one that gave any real her information was the nurse and no one would take her words seriously, she said she saw three identical kids and if they try to prove that mom will simply say that it is impossible. She thinks Jon is dead. At least that bitch is good for something after all." She said bitterly.

  “Finally something mom is good for.” Morgan agreed almost at the same time and Casey nodded, turning back to Toby.

  "So what did you find?"

  “Well, “Toby began, pointing at the small picture that was displayed at the top of the page. "It looks like during the years of its existence this building was renovated at least four times.” He cleared his throat.

  “One, and I don’t know when, the year wasn't mentioned, sometime during world war one it was turned from a private home to an orphanage for the refuge kids that came here from different parts of the country, a 'safe house'. Later, at the end of the second war it was turned into a hospital, then, after the last bombing on the area the government purchased it and after the last descendent of the owners family died it was converted into a School.

  The last time it was touched was about five years ago after the big fire that nearly consumed it to the ground."

  He paused.

  "Not a lot of people are aware of this but every time they did a renovation on this building some parts were added over the main existing structure. It created a real maze of tunnels underneath the school along with the ones that were built by the original family for some reason and during the time the house served as a hospital those tunnels were used to hide or clear out the patients during the bombing.” He looked up at his friends. “Finding Din will be a nightmare..."

  "So how are we going to find him?" Casey frowned, crossing her arms over her chest.

  "We will never find him in this maze and we still have to go and face the monsters cuss they probably have Morgan's body now so..."

  “Look, let’s take things one at a time.” Jon said, “Morgan is feeling fine for now so my guess is that they are h
olding his body in the same state they are holding mine so we have nothing to worry about at the moment .I say we go rescue Din and then think about getting both mine and Morgan's bodies back, ok?”

  “But Jon...” Casey whined. “We don't even know if we can find Din down there...

  We have nothing to go by to locate him...”

  "Actually, we do." Toby smiled and his friends looked at him questionable.

  “What? How?” Casey asked, looking again at the computer screen Toby was pointing at.

  "Well, luckily for us some of us were listening when Din was talking and I found, by his description of the place he was brought to that most of the renovations after the first war were done with concrete.

  The only section of the maze that was done with the original breaks is the one that is lying right underneath us, in the basement. This one."

  Toby pointed at the left side of the map, where a few squares of the design were painted in red.

  "This is the only original break wall left, it has to be it, and there is just no other place like it. And get this, it was the only place not damaged in the fire five years ago.

  There has to be something really special about it, don't you think?"

  Casey looked at Morgan who seemed to space out for a bit, looking up at the ceiling as Toby was explaining to them about the structure of the building.

  "Morgan.” Casey got up from the floor and came closer to her brother.

  “A penny for your thoughts." Casey sat beside him, snapping Morgan back to reality.

  "Oh." Morgan laughed. "I rather have a million.” He said, looking up at Casey.

  “My thoughts are voluble, you know." He smiled.

  Casey smirked. "Well?"

  "Well…" Morgan shrugged. "I was just thinking about this whole thing, about Jon and about the Apocalypse and I think that we should break into the base of the creatures…Again." Colin cracked a smile.

  "Well, you see, that’s the problem when you think. You shouldn’t do it, you're blond."

  Morgan ignored him and instead looked at Toby who stared at him with his mouth open, clearly in shock.

  "Are you insane?!" He practically screamed when he had finally regained his strength to form a coherent sentence. "They already have Jon and Din, not to mention, your body!

  Do you want us all to become ghosts too?!"

  Morgan shook his head.

  "Look, one way or another we will have to get our bodies back to be alive again, right?”

  He asked and as no one answered he sigh.

  “So I suggest we just go to their lair and take back what was taken from us." He looked at his friends.

  "You know we don’t have a choice, don’t you?" All of them but Toby nodded, he was still upset about them going off the course of rescuing Din again.

  ”Toby,” Morgan said, seeing his friends’ dismay at the change of subject.

  “I know I'm being kind of selfish now but we can't be sure that the apocalypse will keep mine and Jon's body where they are ones we get Din back.

  They can't move the room so we can always find him. Even if they get his body out of there it would just be better for us, easier for us to save him so...”

  "So what's the plan?" Toby sigh, giving in to his friends' reasoning.

  "Well,” Morgan said, his tone suggested that he was going to say something else Toby was not going to like. “Since you are the only one who knows where the apocalypse's lair is…"

  He winked at Toby.

  “Don’t say it.” Toby warned.

  "You will lead us there." Morgan concluded.

  “Shit.” Toby growled. “I told you not to say it.” He moaned as Morgan pulled himself up on his elbow and looked down at his watch.

  "We will go as soon as the sun comes up. They won't chase us back to the school in pure daylight."

  ”You hope.” Toby mumbled, shutting his computer as his friends sat silent, none of them was completely up for the idea of facing the creatures again or ever.

  They spend the rest of the night planning, trying to figure out how exactly they were going to do it and make it out of there alive.

  With Toby explaining to them how the lair looked and where was the entrance Morgan suggested the direct approach to their first rescue mission.

  It included, among other insane things barging in, screaming and kicking, grabbing the bodies and hopefully managing to get out in the same way.

  It was bold and stupid and whatever other word you might want to use to describe it but it was just stupid enough to actually work.


  “Casey?” Morgan gently shook his sister awake as the clock on the wall bit six times, bringing with it the sound of morning.

  “Casey, wake up, it's time to go.” He whispered as his sister groggily opened her eyes and rose from the bed. With eyes still half closed she dragged herself to the bathroom to splash some cold water on herself and after she was dressed she and Morgan left the room to join her already awake friends that were waiting for them in the lobby.

  The morning breeze played with their hair as the teens crept along the garden to the winter cellar where the apocalypse's lair lay.

  "Everyone's ready?" Toby asked, reaching his hand and unlocking the secret passageway that Din had discovered.

  “No...” Casey whispered as they made their way inside, crouching down behind the big barrels that Toby and Din had used to hide behind last time he was there.

  "Wait for it…" Morgan whispered as the wall slid all the way out.

  "Now! Now! Go!"

  Jon grabbed Casey's arm and together they ran into the middle of the room to the pyramid like machine, luring the apocalypses away from Jon's visibly unconscious body in the far end wall.

  It still lay exactly in the same place that it had been in the last time Toby had been there.

  As predicted, the apocalypse hadn't moved it but they did not add to it either, it appeared that Morgan’s body wasn't there at all.

  Morgan, Colin and Toby, using the apocalypses focus on Casey’s and Jon’s appearance made their way in that moment to that cell divided wall with the intension of taking the body but, unexpectedly, Colin had just stopped in the middle of their sprint from behind the barrels and turned to the right, his eyes wide and frightened and his jaw hanging agape.

  "Oh my god! Look!"

  Colin screamed to his friends as he turned completely in that direction, leading them away from their designated task because there, right in front of them, a tall ugly apocalypse stood, keeping a firm grip on a terrified blond girl's arm.

  "That's May! She's in our class!!" Toby gasped. “Morgan!” He looked at his dilemma struck friend. “We have to help her!” He pleaded, knowing that he was making the most unfair request he could have ever made.

  Morgan stood, his eyes flickering from his brother’s body in the wall to the frightened girl that seemed to have no idea what she exactly was in the middle of and then he didn't have to decide anymore as the apocalypse blocked their path to Jon’s body, making the decision for them.

  "Change of plans, guys!" Colin screamed as the three of them ran straight into the overgrown ugly apocalypse, knocking it off its feet, making it grunt in a shrieking furry and most importantly release the now shock struck girl.

  "C'mon!" Colin grabbed May's hand and pulled her after him towards the exit, noticing straight away that she was in a no condition of walking. Too scared out of her mind, he gathered as the monsters began to close in on them.

  “Run!” Colin screamed, lifting the mute girl off the ground and cradling her in his arms, he ran after his already departing friends with Morgan turning just at the exit to search for his absent siblings.

  "Jon!! Casey!" Morgan screamed as he stumbled over the earlier knocked down barrels.

  "Casey!!!" Morgan screamed again, seeing the apocalypses closing in on his younger siblings on the other side of the lair.

  "Get out of here! I'll take care of her!" Jon yelled at Morgan, turning
Casey away from the advancing monsters and hugging her tightly.

  "I'm sorry." Jon whispered.

  "For what?" Casey asked astonished, bounding her hands around her brother.

  "For this." Jon whispered as he closed his eyes, letting his head fall on Casey’s shoulder as he held her tighter, “don’t let go.” Jon warned her.

  “Whatever you feel, just don’t let go of me.” He said although he knew that it was a huge risk taking Casey with him. Jon wasn't sure that his baby sister's body could even survive this trip or that he could even do with a full human but he didn't have a choice.

  “Hold on.” He whispered and then they disappeared in a flash of bright light with Casey’s barely audible cry echoing in the distant, drowned by the monster’s enraged shrieks.

  Morgan watched the two disappear from sigh and he couldn't help but to sigh in relive. “Morgan!” Toby grabbed his arm and pulled him through the stone opening.

  "Let’s go! Let's go! Let's go!" He yelled as they ran through the abandoned gardens, away from the retched winter cellar and back into the semi protective walls of the old eerie looking mansion.

  Colin was still carrying the blond girl as they ran up the stairs to Morgan’s and Casey’s dorm room. A few students looked at them suspiciously as they ran past them but they were all far too busy with their own affairs to give the sweaty boys much attention as they left them behind.

  “Finally!” Morgan breathed out as they entered his bedroom.

  “Oh my god!” Morgan stopped dead in his tracks as soon as his eyes focused on the sigh before him.

  “Casey!” He growled, his eyes narrowing as he looked down at his siblings sitting together on the floor.

  Jon was sitting on the carpet, his legs spread as if he had fell on them, with Casey half lying in his lap, her bleeding form held by her older brother.

  Crimson painted Casey’s mouth, her arms looked as if her veins were on the verge of bursting open, red little prickles of blood were visible on them and bloody tears ran down her porcelain white cheeks from her half open brown eyes.

  “Morgan…”Casey mumbled, struggling to open her eyes wider but failing to do so on her first attempt.

  "What the hell happened?!" Morgan asked anger in his voice as he took a few steps into the room and leaned over Casey, laying his hand on Casey’s trembling arms and looking up at Jon. “What happened?” He asked again lowly, the sound of his threatening voice making all present in the room to go silent, nobody moved, not even Morgan.


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