Vanished: What Would You Do If The Love Of Your Life Disappeared Without A Trace? (Nadine's quest to unravel the truth Book 1)

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Vanished: What Would You Do If The Love Of Your Life Disappeared Without A Trace? (Nadine's quest to unravel the truth Book 1) Page 14

by D. D. Goordin

  Chapter 14

  I decided to turn off my laptop as it had served the purpose of managing to do my research and I can honestly say I had learned so much about medical terms that I didn’t have any knowledge on. Just then my phone had flashed and I knew I had received a message which was from Daniel. The message had read: Hey Nadine, you’ll be starting work with me tomorrow and we’ll be starting work at about 9:45am to be precise. Just to keep you in the know, we’ll be travelling quite a bit so be prepared and bring comfy shoes, preferably if you own flats or what do most women call it? Oh yeah they are also called pumps. Will call you at around 8:00am which should give you more than enough time to get ready and make your way to Victoria. I’ll drop you the address where I’ll be at or will meet you outside Victoria station. Looking forward to working with you partner ;) Dan.

  The guy clearly had kept his word when he told me he would drop me a message as to when I would be starting work. My eyes were so tired that I toppled into bed slightly nervous about what tomorrow would bring.

  I knew that I could smell him anywhere, his smile was so distinctive. I could smell him on my jacket when he had hugged me goodbye, it had gone just over two hours when I last saw him. Already I was missing him, just then I heard my phone ringing and noticed that the number was of an unknown number. I had answered it on the third ring.


  “Am I speaking with Nadine?

  “Speaking its she.”

  “We want you to know that we have abducted Mr Saunders.”

  “Excuse me? What did you say?”

  “You heard, surely you may not have any idea what we are talking about, just listen very carefully.”

  I listened and heard Blake’s voice. I could barely hear him but I knew he was calling out my name.

  “Was that enough? To get your precious Blake back, we want a ransom. Pay up or he dies.”

  “How much I asked cutting to the chase.”

  “£35,000.00 all in cash.”

  “If I had agreed where would you like to meet?”

  “There’s a block of flats at Heygate estate on Walworth road, located in elephant and castle. Just be there where the red garage doors are. Remember no money he dies. You have 4 hours to get here.

  I had heard Blake in the background saying something familiar to number four. Maybe he was trying to tell me where I could find him.

  The phone had gone dead. I knew that I did not have that kind of money, but I had a plan to get Blake out of there without him being killed. I decided to get a cab there to elephant and castle. I called the cab and booked it instantly to take me there. I have given the postcode which was Se17 1NA. The cab operator had informed that the driver will shortly be outside my house. I decided to keep what I was wearing which was all black attire. Surely whoever had abducted him would not be able to see me. I was hoping on a miracle and heard a car honking outside. Surely that had to be my cab. I grabbed my black fur jacket and headed out into the night. As I sat down in the back seat, I had no idea how to brace myself for what the evening had held but I was determined to save Blake again, I have saved him once before and I intended to do it again. The cab journey took much longer than I had anticipated as I was coming from Holland Park, west London all the way to south London. Thankful that it had not started raining I was hoping that the weather remained as a dry night. Glad that there was hardly any traffic on the road we reached just after 45 minutes. The entire location looked like extremely run down and knew that the crime rates in south London was far more than west. I handed the cab driver more money and told him to wait for me, if he didn’t see me after an hour to call the police. He looked petrified but I pleaded with him that someone who I was in love with was in grave danger. He made a hmm sound and agreed with the terms I had told him. I reiterated to wait for me and if I had not showed up to call the police as soon as possible and to turn off his headlights, the last thing I wanted was for him to get caught up in this mess. He listened to me and agreed. I thanked him immensely. As I headed out of the cab, I managed to shut the car door quietly and mouthed a thank you as the cab driver was co operating with me by turning off his headlights. I was tiptoeing to the block of flats and decided to try and blend in with the community, my hood was on surely people would think that I was from the hood. I walked up to the estate feeling uncomfortable like someone was watching my every move. I glanced up thinking that someone was watching me from the second floor. I listened for any signs of shouting, or someone in pain but there was nothing. I decided to walk past the block of flats heading to number 4. I was surprised to see the door had been ajar. I crept in silently and could tell that someone was in sheer pain. The adrenaline was coursing through me, silently praying that no one would spot me. I noticed that there was a pen knife on the floor. I had not been the type to be good with any kind of tools but when it came to the crunch I would do whatever I could to save the one I loved. I would risk my life for him no one and nothing else had mattered. I had waited to hear any more sound and instantly I had someone coughing uncontrollably. The other door had been locked where I could hear another person. Hoping I had managed to find Blake in time. I used the pen knife to try and unlock the door. I was not experienced at being a good door picker but somehow had managed to do enough damage to look through the hole of the door. I could see Blake, his hands were tied with rope, and he looked black and blue. I had to move fast before the people who had abducted him would know that I was there. I saw another object in the same corner as the door, a fire extinguisher and a saw. One of the two would surely aid me to reach him. I grabbed the fire extinguisher and threw it with as much strength I could muster, the door had slightly pushed open. I looked in an saw that he was either beaten so badly that he was unconscious or he was resting his eyes. I knew in that instant I had to get to him, whether I was going to die in the process. I managed to fit in the tight cab to reach him and took the extinguisher with me. As soon as I was in the enclosed room I could smell a strong odour and knew it was paraffin. Who ever had abducted him would have killed him regardless of whether they managed to get the money from me. I shoved the fire extinguisher to trap the door where I managed to get to Blake.

  “Blake! Open your eyes!”

  “Please open your eyes!”

  I still had the pen knife which I had placed in my pocket. I took it out to cut the ropes that had tied his hands. Clearly this person had been skilled. I kept on using my strength which I knew was running thin.

  “Nadine? Is that you?”

  “I am here, I won’t ever leave you, try not to die on me!”

  “I won’t, I promise.”

  “Don’t make promises you may not be able to keep.”

  “I need to find a way to get you out of here as soon as possible. Where did those thugs go?”

  “They are not thugs Nadine; they were the same people who had tried to kill me on that night we had initially met. They vanished from what I am aware but I am sure they’ll come back.”

  I kept on cutting until the rope came undone. I worked on the other rope immediately; knowing that I did not have much time.

  The rope had loosened and Blake’s hand became undone. He stumbled.


  I went over to him. I had to support him as much as I could otherwise there would be no way out.

  “Can you walk? If I smashed this window do you have any idea where it may lead?”

  “Your guess would be as good as mine, I think I can walk ever so slightly but you would have to help me.”

  “I am just hoping if I did smash it, it would lead to the car park. You know that you can lean on me anytime. I need to get moving, the longer we stay here the more likely we’ll get caught.”

  “Stand back!!” I ordered Blake. He head was resting on my back; it took a lot of strength considering Blake had turned to dead weight.

  I grabbed the fire extinguisher that was already in an unfit shape and chucked it right through to the window. The glass had
smashed everywhere leaving tiny fragments of glass all over the floor and I knew our time was limited.

  “We need to hurry!” I shouted.

  I shoved Blake outside into the cold air with my hand pushing him, I could hear who ever had abducted him was coming back with a vengeance. I hurried outside; Blake was resting his arms around me. Clearly whoever they were, they had given him a good beating. I managed to carry him round a corner and was thankful that we had managed to escape. I was fearful or stalling or turning back, I had to keep pushing on. I was so glad to have seen the garage right in front of me where my cab had parked and was grateful he had in fact listened. We reached the vehicle and I was tapping uncontrollably to indicate to unlock the door, a millisecond we heard a gunshot, the cab driver had unlocked his car door, I opened the car door with Blake hanging on to me, I shoved him in front of me in the back seat of the cab and jumped in.

  “Drive!!!” I shouted at the cab driver. Instantly he had put his foot on the accelerator turning on his headlights once we were out of the estate.

  I didn’t bother turning back not once, I could hear Blake panting and he had my attention in an instant.

  “That was a pretty close call”

  “Tell me about it, how are you? I had not realized how bad you were injured.”

  “Honestly it’s nothing, only a few minor bruises here and there.”

  I told the driver to take us back to a secluded area, and not to head back to Holland Park. I didn’t care how far we were heading but I was keen to get as far away from London as possible.

  “Would you mind driving to Suffolk, leading to Aldeburgh road, the main destination would be Chase’s Lane and the exact postcode is IP17 1PJ, its called shoe maker’s cottage. I got out my phone knowing that I had saved a number, linked to this location. I dialled the number and spoke to someone. I had informed them that I would be staying there for a few nights and if someone could be there to take the money from me as normally I would have had to book it online. I had apologised for the short notice and if I had caused any inconvenience and hung up. I would pay over £200 or more if that was what was required.

  “Just drive us as far away as possible please.”

  “Ok. I can tell how urgent it was to get out of there and I can understand that. Not to worry I will make sure that you reach there.”

  “I apologise to get you caught up in this honestly it was not my intention.”

  “Miss there’s no need to apologise. I knew how urgent it must have been and had not known how much danger you had been until I heard the gun fire.”

  “I will pay you double the money, my way of showing gratitude to you. I can’t thank you enough.”

  The driver remained silent for the rest of the journey. I had no idea what time it was but I could feel Blake resting his head against my shoulder.

  “Are you alright?”I whispered in Blake’s ear. I was very much concerned about his wellbeing and how those men had tortured him. I could still smell the stench of the paraffin.

  I could not even imagine what they had done to him but I certainly was keen to find out how they had abducted him.

  “Hmmm I am alright knowing that you are here, what will I do without you?”

  I could hear his voice mangled with sorrow. I put my hand on his head and stroked his hair. He clearly was traumatised.

  “I won’t ever allow anyone to harm you.”

  I could feel him falling into a deep sleep. I remained awake throughout the journey to Suffolk. I had felt very sympathetic for the cab driver. I glanced out the window and could see that snow had started falling lightly. After what seemed like a lifetime, the cab driver had informed me that we had reached. I had brought over a £1000 with me just in case I had come face to face with the men that had abducted Blake.

  I had to wake Blake up, he eyes had opened, curious as to where we were.

  “Blake we’ve reached.”

  He managed to manoeuvre himself out of the vehicle whilst I hand the cab driver over £200. I thanked him for bringing us here and waiting for me at that estate back in Elephant and Castle. I approached the cottage thankful that someone else was here. A young lady had greeted me and had asked whether I was the person who had booked this place for a few nights with which I told her it was an urgent requirement. Blake was still leaning on the vehicle for mere support. I handed over £500 for the cottage for the night. Clearly the young lady could tell how urgent I had sounded, especially when she saw the state Blake was in. The snow was falling much harder now. She handed me the keys to the cottage and told me that there was wood just in case I was keen to have the fireplace running and other necessities, such as a low supply of food, a first aid box and appliances that I was free to use. I thanked her and had to get Blake inside the cottage so that the cab driver could get back to his office. Blake was very much in the same state. His arms were around my shoulders whilst my other hands were around his waist. Slowly but surely we made it inside the cottage where it was extremely homely. I closed the door behind him despite still helping Blake. There was a nice couch and thankfully the fire place has just been lit. Surely the young lady had been anticipating our arrival. I had to sit Blake down first; I wanted to see what those men had done to him. I could see that his eye looked bruised and were on the verge of closing and knew that he had been punched. His hands were still marked where the ropes had been tied. He looked completely dishevelled; he had the same clothes on just before we had parted ways. Still in his suit which was in tatters. He’s Blazer was half torn, his shirt had a few blotches of blood and his trousers looked dusty and dirty but I couldn’t tell how much he had suffered and I was keen to see all the injuries he had suffered at their hands. His head had half dropped.

  “Blake, you’ll need to allow me to see how they injured you and where.”

  “Please be gentle, I feel like I have gone many knock out rounds with a boxer.” I know he was trying to make me laugh but at a time like this he shouldn’t even be thinking about joking.

  “I’ll be gentle I promise. Just try and keep your eyes open for me.”

  “I’ll try my very best.”

  I went straight to a room located off the living room as it was open planned and knew it was kitchen. I opened a few draws to see a first aid box. I grabbed the box and took it with me.

  “Hey, how are you holding up?” I needed to try and keep him alert as much as possible.

  “I feel sore.”

  “I would need to remove your clothes which I hope you won’t oblige to.”

  “Just make the pain stop.”

  I firstly removed his blazer and took a look at the marks on his wrist thankful that they had not cut into his wrist. I gently stroke the marks away. His arm had a few cuts which looked like someone had used the same pen knife on him. I opened the first aid box and took out the antiseptic fluid with a small cotton bud and dabbed it ever so gently.

  I heard him hiss instantly.

  “Keep still.” I told him sternly.

  He obeyed and remained still despite hissing whenever I had noticed another wound of a cut and applying the antiseptic. Thankfully the cuts were not as deep as I had expected. I managed to unbutton his shirt, and noticed the scar mark on his abdomen where I had guessed that was when he had the bullet removed. There was a slash right above it clearly they must have known where they had aimed before when they shot him. I dabbed more antiseptic very carefully trying not to cause him any more pain. I was so close to him, trying to heal him and clean him up after what he had suffered.


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