Vanished: What Would You Do If The Love Of Your Life Disappeared Without A Trace? (Nadine's quest to unravel the truth Book 1)

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Vanished: What Would You Do If The Love Of Your Life Disappeared Without A Trace? (Nadine's quest to unravel the truth Book 1) Page 20

by D. D. Goordin

  “You’re turning me on you know that.”

  We were still kissing each other through midsentence.

  “Tell me when did you become so fearless? You clearly have no idea what you may be up against.”

  “And your point being?”

  “Nadine I am not messing around. These people know what they are doing. They happen to be masters of their art.”


  “Just that they pretend to be someone that they are not; look I have had enough of talking about this. Let’s go out.”

  I allowed him to lead me out of his house closing the door behind me. I couldn’t help but wonder where he was contemplating on taking me.

  “I am not expecting us to walk there.”

  He made his way to his car, that plush Mercedes Amg. He opened the passenger door for me whilst I sat down on the heated seats whilst he firmly slammed the passenger car door and joined me. I watched him with an ease buckling the seat belt.

  “I can feel you watching me.”

  “You know every time I look at you I can’t believe my fortune.”

  “You best believe it.”

  Just at that moment I heard the purr of the car starting up and already he was driving. The places were a blur but I had realised a certain road he had parked up on. He had not even drove far distance. I knew that we were on my road. I was puzzled.

  “What are we doing here?”

  “I thought it would be easier to park up on your road so that we could go to Holland Park for a stroll maybe. We haven’t done that since we got together.”

  “Hmmm, come to think of it all the time I had lived here not once did I visit the park.”

  “Take the opportunity now plus you happen to be in the best company as you’re with me.”

  I watched him park up on Holland mews every now and then glancing at his profile.

  “You’re doing it again aren’t you? I can feel those pretty brown chocolate eyes on me. Eyeing me up.”

  “Ahem, not exactly eyeing you up but merely undressing you with my eyes.” I gave him the most seductive look. I had never been so open sexually with that many guys but Blake had been undoing me from the get go.

  “Undressing me with your eyes eh? Liking what you see?” He winked.

  “You don’t need me to tell you, surely you must know. I am loving every single minute of it believe me. I cannot wait for the moment whereby you won’t stop me from getting intimate with you.”

  “You always find a way to distract me. Come on lets go for a stroll then you can entertain me with your thoughts.”

  I opened the passenger door reaching up to close it and stood outside wrapping my jacket tightly around me. Blake had locked his car door taking my hand in his.

  We walked all the way to Holland park despite he knew that my mind were on other matters such as what was for dessert. I hadn’t heard him laugh in so long that when he did break out in laughter I had felt consumed with more love for him. I had somehow managed to bring more light in his life. I hadn’t felt at this much ease with anyone before and it was still refreshing every time we had spent time together. I had never visited a park as I didn’t really grasp the concept of why anyone would go but then had come to realise that it was nice to get some fresh air and doing things that I have not explored before. On entering the park it was huge, so much land and so much space to walk. He had a glint in his eyes.

  “Something is telling me that you may have been here before Mr Saunders.”

  “I may have been told to visit the place but thought it best to bring someone who was worthwhile.”

  “Hmmm worthwhile eh?”

  “More than worthwhile but someone special and that happens to be you. I remember someone telling me there happens to be a small opera house where a live band would play music and that there is a nice garden with a pond. Just like you this happens to be my first time too.”

  “I really like the sounds of going to the opera house within the park.”

  “That’s where I intended to visit first surely once we hear the music playing we would be able to know that we are heading in the right direction.”

  “ That makes logical sense.”

  We were walking towards the opera house when someone had deliberately barged pass us. I no longer had a hold on Blake’s hand let alone could see him. So many people were around and this park had reminded me of a maze. I tried to scan the area to find him but I had lost sight of him. The fear was gnawing at me. They wouldn’t give up till they finished him off that’s what he had said. They wouldn’t give up until he was dead. I had to be brave and remain strong and keep believing that nothing would happen to him. Thankful that I had my phone on me, I felt it vibrating just then to see an unknown caller. I answered on the third ring.

  “Hello? Blake is that you?”


  “Hello? Who is this?”

  “Listen to me very carefully, if you want to know where Blake is you better follow the instructions I am about to give to you.”

  “I am listening.”

  “Make your way to the opposite exit which is on the other side of the park. You shall see a few benches and a path way which leads to the exit nearest to Holland Park Underground tube station. You then should see another pathway leading to another exist which you shall come to some steps. Walk up to the steps and you will see a black iron gate. Jump over it and that’s where you will see Blake.”

  Before I could say anything the line went dead. I felt absolutely lost and had no idea where I was heading. I was walking but hadn’t a clue where I was going. I had not expected the day to turn out like this and was looking so forward to going to the opera house, I had felt deep inside that Blake and I should have remained inside, knowing that there were people on the loose who were determined to hunt him down. I asked a couple whether they knew where the exit was which was closer to Holland Park tube station and thankfully they had given me a sense of direction. I followed their direction and could see exactly what had been described by the unknown caller. I tried to remember how he sounded but I knew I had not recognised his voice. I had a sense that the person who had called had managed to change his voice by using a synchroniser so that I would not be able to recall his voice. I was determined to found out who was behind trying to kill Blake. I manage to locate the steps and had seen the black Iron Gate in front of me. I knew I had to jump over, I managed to get one leg over whilst I pushed the weight to my other leg to jump. I was over the gate and I had been expecting to see Blake but there was no one. Just then I had heard the bushes rustling. My curiosity had gotten the better of me. I remained where I was standing inching closer when I saw Blake crippled out of the bushes with duct tape over his mouth. I ran to him to see that there was duct tape that had tied both his hands and feet together. His eyes were wide trying to alert me of something. I was on my hands and knees trying to untie his feet. I could hear him making muffling sounds but I couldn’t make out what he was saying. Without warning I saw the red beam light on Blake. I tried with all my might to shove him out of eye sight but it was too late. It was all in slow motion, he had been shot. His blood had splattered everywhere on me, his body tumbling to the ground.

  “NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! YOU COWARDS SHOW YOURSELF!!”” I had shouted so loud.

  I huddled beside Blake applying all his weight on my lap. I managed to pull off the duct tape on his mouth.

  “Oh God please don’t die on me.”

  “I tried to warn you but you didn’t listen.”

  “Blake I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  “Please tell me who are they?”

  His speech had become somehow unclear as he was trying to tell me who they were.



  I had noticed then he was staring at nothing, the tears were coming thick and fast. He had gone. I knew it then. My hands were trembling as I closed his eyes shut. Not again I thought.

Why!!!! I bellowed.

  But no one had answered the question I had asked in vain. I then realised it was all a trap. The place was beyond isolated that no one would find us here even if I had screamed as loud as my lungs would allow me to but what good would it do? No one would be able to revive the one person I had given my heart to. I held onto him and could see that there was a lot of dust gathering around us. I didn’t want to let go and held onto him much tighter. Remembering how I had held onto his hand like my life had depended on him not that long ago my heart was in pieces. I kissed him one final time rocking back and forth with him in my arms. As much as I was holding on so tight his body had turned into dust and had been carried away by the wind. My vision had become fragment and could feel myself trembling, felt myself being shaken. My eyes had opened where I had felt I had been crying and holding my pillow. I had noticed a slight movement and could see that Christina was watching over me.

  Chapter 19

  “What is it Chrissie?”

  “You don’t know how loud you were screaming. You were crying literally that I tried to wake you up as much as I could but nothing was working. I knew instantly you must have been having another nightmare. I am really worried about you.”

  “Now do you realise how bad it is? It always the same dream regarding Blake.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “Maybe later by the way what time is it?”

  “Just gone past 9am. But your screaming had awoken me from 8:45 and I had to check on you. I didn’t expect you to be sobbing in your sleep. I didn’t even think it was possible to cry in ones sleep. But clearly you have just demonstrated that.”

  I could feel that my pillows were damp and guessed that it was from the tears I had cried. I felt the need to have a shower.

  “I am sorry to have scared you like that Chrissie honestly I wish I could control my dreams if it were possible.”

  “Don’t be daft I know that you cannot control it, go and have a shower whilst I make breakfast.”

  I watched Chrissie walk out of my room, bewildered at my own behaviour during sleeping. She knew how bad I had suffered from the nightmares and they clearly weren’t getting much easier to deal with. I decided to change the bed spread as well as the pillow cases following the ordeal Chrissie had witnessed. I went to the wardrobe to find a spare duvet set and changed it. I then headed to the bathroom and peeled of the pyjamas that were still damp from my perspiration. I turned on the shower allowing the water to skim over me lathering up my hair and body at the same time. The memory of the dream was still there and maybe when I headed downstairs I could tell Chrissie about it. I towel wrapped my hair as well as drying myself and headed to my bedroom. I had to remember to wear something comfortable especially when I’ll be flying out. I glanced at the clothes that were still left intact and decided on wearing jeans with an oversized jumper which was off the shoulder. The aroma of pancakes had filled the air and I decided to head downstairs to join Chrissie. I joined her in the kitchen and could see that there was a plate full of pancakes with a bowl of fruits and cream.

  “You have gone to town haven’t you?”

  “Thought I’d make a start on breakfast for you considering the morning you must have had.”

  “That’s very considerate of you Chrissie.”

  “I have to pull my weight so thought I would be useful. You can have some if you wish, I’m making the last batch of them so that if you get peckish you can have some before you leave to go to the airport.”

  “I think I may just do that.”

  I took two pancakes and added some cream and fruit. This was a definitely healthy option. I was content and hadn’t had pancakes in what felt like a long time. They were so tasty that I ended up having more.

  “Were they tasty Nadine?”

  “Can’t you tell I have practically scoffed 4 already.”

  “You can have more you know.”

  “I am starting to feel stuffed in all fairness. Want a cuppa tea?”

  “If you’re making tea I wouldn’t say no to one.”

  “You can have your share of your breakfast whilst I clean up then I’ll make the tea.”

  “Sounds like a great plan.”

  I washed the plates and the bowl that Christina had used to make the pancake mix and also the bowl that had the fruits and cream. I then turned my attention to making the tea. It was silent and I could see that something was playing up on Chrissie’s mind.

  “You ok?”

  “Yeah I am just was thinking that I won’t be seeing you till after a week now. Promise me one thing that you will keep in contact whilst you’re in New York even if there’s a major time difference.”

  “Oh Chrissie, course I’ll remain in contact even if I do call at crazy hours but I would be inclined to send text messages instead. I’ll be worried when I have left here concerning the fact that you are residing in my house. Just make sure when you get back to lock up everywhere.”

  “You are worrying unnecessarily you do know that right. I have been able to fend for myself from the time I was young. By the way have you packed everything that you need? I have placed a padlock on your beside for you to use with your suitcase knowing that you would have forgotten to invest in one.”

  “I have packed everything, thank you so much, you’re a life saver you know that. Even still please be careful.”

  “ You’re welcome Nadz. Surely though who ever happens to be after you; should be able to tell the difference between the both of us to know that you are not me and I am not you.”

  “I just don’t want you to be dragged into something that did not concern you.”

  “Put it this way, I am willing to help so technically I am already involved.”

  I couldn’t argue back with the last statement because without Christina’s input last night I would be back to square one.

  “Are you going to tell me about your nightmare?”

  “I was going to mention it but honestly it was pretty much the same thing,but this time when I was with Blake we were in a different location. Holland Park to be exact and someone had managed to trap us. They shot him and he died but he managed to say a name or something which had sounded like will.”

  “Will?” Christina had echoed the same thing.”

  “Yeah Will was what he had said but even still I did not quite understand it.”

  “Maybe he could be meaning a name of some sort.”

  I thought for a bit until I sussed it out.

  “Will happens to be a shorter version of the name William right?”

  “Correct, maybe the person who is behind it happens to be called William or will per say. You know Nadine eventually we will be able to figure it all out but when you do go on holiday try not to think too much about it.”

  “I will try and take heed of what you said but remember that I will be attending that function where Doctor Lawson may be attending.”

  “Did you still have the leaflet?”

  “I do, I intend to take it with me so that I would know where the function is being held but then again I am sure that Daniel mentioned that there is a charity function that I would need to attend which I had thought would be the same one.”

  “May be before you fly out give him a call and ask to confirm it.”

  “I think you are right and I will do so. I know I have to be at the airport 3 hours before I fly out so I best get moving.”

  “What are your plans today Chrissie.”

  “I may stock up on food and then attend my classes and do a bit of research on the name Hayden Reeves.”

  “I can’t thank you enough for doing this for me despite you have your own things to do.”

  “Trust me Nadine it is helping with regards to my course; there are certain elements where I am required to learn about. The ethical hacking plays a big part plus forensics are also included.”

  “I know I know, it’s just that I wouldn’t want it to get in the way of your studies.”

nbsp; “Believe me it won’t get in the way. Trust me.”

  “Anyways Chrissie I need to make sure that I have most of my things that I need to take before I call the cab to Heathrow airport.”

  “I might as well give you a hug now then as it is nearing 12pm. Have a safe trip and a safe flight and don’t forget to keep in contact.”

  “I can’t believe how quick the weeks have passed by, I didn’t think that I would be travelling at all let alone this quick.”

  I gave Christina a long hug trying not to get tearful.

  “No more tears Nadz. I have had to witness you having a meltdown in your dream for Christ’s sakes.”

  “I know I know.”

  Christina always had a way to try and cheer me up even when she was being sarcastic.

  “Take care of yourself Chrissie I will definitely be back in a week’s time.”

  “I know right I need to head off otherwise if I stay much longer we would both be in tears.”

  Chrissie had hugged me one last time before she had left the house. I had not realised that she was already dressed and set to leave. I watched her getting her jacket and bag heading out the door; before she had closed the door behind her she blew me a kiss.

  “Love you Nadine and check your phone throughout the day as I may have found out a few things.” She shouted.

  “Love you too Christina and I will.”

  The door had closed and I was left alone with my own devices. I washed the two cups and headed straight upstairs. I double checked my suitcase and got a few more necessities from the bathroom including my toothbrush, toothpaste and my shower gel with shampoo. I had already taken out my cosmetic bag to place them into it. Once I was happy with everything, I closed the suitcase and locked it with a padlock that I had noticed was on my bedside. I knew Chrissie was the one who had invested in one and had provided me with it as she knew I had not been prepared to travel. I had carried my handbag as my hand luggage and made sure I had carried my passport, my phone charger and also the leaflet regarding the charity event.


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