Vanished: What Would You Do If The Love Of Your Life Disappeared Without A Trace? (Nadine's quest to unravel the truth Book 1)

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Vanished: What Would You Do If The Love Of Your Life Disappeared Without A Trace? (Nadine's quest to unravel the truth Book 1) Page 22

by D. D. Goordin

  I pulled my handbag off from my shoulders and handed it to her. She placed a tag around the strap of my bag.

  “That’s it all done you have to go through security which is right in front of you to get onto airside. Have a safe flight.”

  I had debated to look around the shops but decided I would rather go through to security. I check the time and could see that it was already approaching 6:30pm. I decided to go straight through to security. I had to take off my shoes and place my bag and shoes in a black tray whilst it had been scanned. There were only a handful of people in front of me and slowly but surely I had walked through the metallic scanner. I was thankful that it had not beeped. My bag and my shoes had already been scanned. I quickly got the tray with the rest of my belongings and placed my shoes back on carrying my handbag. Heathrow airport was much more bigger than Gatwick by far. I went straight to world duty free where there was jewellery. I had browsed most of the items but nothing had caught my eye. I went into a few more other shops the likes of Bulgari, Burberry, Cartier. I was trying to pass time when I felt my phone vibrating. I reached down into my handbag and checked the caller display to see that it was Chrissie. I had answered after the forth ring.


  “Hey Nadine, I was worried about you. You did not inform me that you had reached the airport.”

  “I only reached not that long ago.”

  “How come? What was the hold up?”

  “Honestly Christina, it was sheer chaos.”

  I turned my voice to a whisper trying not to attract attention to myself.

  “Well whilst I was making my way here, my cab had been followed and the worst part of it who ever had tried to kill off Blake made it known that they had been after me.”

  “What?! Are you ok?” Were you harmed?”

  “Thankfully I wasn’t but the cab driver didn’t get away, he was killed. Whoever they were had fired countless of times. I don’t know how but Dane had called me at the right time because soon after within seconds I heard gun shots behind me.”

  “That is crazy!”

  “I was just thankful that Dane had been on duty and had remained on the phone when all that commotion had been going on. I was shouting where I had been heading and he had someway found me.”

  “You really ought to be careful.”

  “Don’t you think I know that?”

  “But anyways Dane thought it best to drop me off here instead at the airport and also to let him know when I will be back in London so that he would be able to pick me up.”

  “He really must care about your well being.”

  “Chrissie he was only doing his job.”

  “I know I know. Anyways the reason why I had called had been to inform you about what I had managed to dig up.”

  “Go on I am listening.”

  “Well I searched for the name Blake Saunders in the database and it seems to me that our cop has managed to declare that he is now deceased. I then typed in Hayden Reeves but there was no one by that name within the UK, not one single person but there were a few results.”


  “They happen to be in America.”

  “America?” I reiterated.


  “But Chrissie you do know that Blake Saunders is an American name. How about his surname, did you find any hits?”

  “I found only one with the link to Saunders but I wouldn’t know if that person may be a relative or any way related to him.”

  “So you say that Hayden Reeves will be in America right?”


  “Which state?”

  “There’s a handful in New York where you’re heading and I will drop you a text with all their details as well as the other person who shared their surname with Blake.”

  “Do you think that could be one of his relatives?”

  “Honestly Nadine I don’t have a clue but it is worth a shot.”

  “Thank you Chrissie for doing that for me.”

  “You’re welcome. I will drop you a text with all their details shortly.”

  “I’ll keep check on my phone.”

  “Love you Nadz.”

  “Love you too Chrissie.”

  I placed my phone back in my bag. I had started feeling peckish and decided to have a look around as to what I could eat. There were many coffee shops so I opted to buy a sandwich and a latte from Eat. I found seats that were looking out to the run way. Already it was dark. I had always loved to watch the planes landing and taking off but being here and knowing that I would be flying out felt like a dream come true. I still couldn’t quite what had taken place not that long ago. That poor young cab driver had lost his life and here I was going away to travel for work. I thought I would have been required to give another statement but Dane had taken care of everything for me. I would be forever grateful to him. Just then a customer service advisor from Eat had brought my order over. I slowly tucked into the food that was in front of me but there had been a sour after taste. I had ate as much as I could stomach and washed it down with the latte. I remain seated for a while thinking about everything that had taken place from the time I was working at Gatwick to the fact everything had changed since the day I had found Blake. I had not anticipated so many things to change so quickly and even knowing that both Christina and I had taken separate directions. I was happy to know that she had moved in with me. I hoped that nothing would happen to her but as she had reassured me that she could take care of herself I had to try and stop worrying. I felt my phone vibrate again and could see that she had kept her word. There was a long detailed text message that she had sent with the addresses of Hayden Reeves and also the other person who had shared the same surname as Blake. I had no idea how she managed to get this much information, she had not been lying when she said she had known contacts. I was also thankful to her. She had been a support when I had needed it and not once had she ever failed. I had sat in the seat looking out to the run way, I had reflected on everything I had been through. I glanced at the clock and it was nearing to 7:30pm. I chucked the rubbish in the bin the carton cup that my latte was in. I decided to quickly go the ladies and head towards the gate. I glanced up to see which gate I had to go to and it had stated gate number A18. As I was making my way towards the gate I had seen someone who I had thought I recognised. Surely it couldn’t be him I had seen a glimpse of a man who had looked very similar to Blake. His profile was near enough identical. Maybe it had been my mind playing tricks. I couldn’t afford to miss my flight. Just then I had heard the tanoy make an announcement.

  “Can Mr Reeves come to the customer service desk” They had announced this twice. I had frozen when I realised the surname. Surely it couldn’t be. From what Christina had told me there was no one by that name in this country....or unless that surname was known within the UK was something I wasn’t too sure on. I quickly ran to the customer service desk trying to see whether it had been Blake. I was out of breath and running like a headless chicken. I had no clue where the customer service desk was located and saw a member of British airways staff.

  “Excuse me excuse me can you tell me where the customer service desk was located?”

  “ There central customer service desk is located opposite Dixons.”

  “Thank you.”

  I made a dash towards the shop that she had mentioned and saw the customer service desk in front of me. There were two members of staff animatedly chatting and in deep conversation with another.

  “Excuse me!!!”

  I could tell that they had not heard me.

  “Excuse me!!!!” I shouted.


  “Sorry to intrude on your conversation, but the person who was called on the tanoy do you have any idea which flight he happens to be on?”

  “The 8pm flight to New York to JFK.”

  Before they had even finished the sentence I was running back to the gate just in case I had missed my flight. I had reached and could see that
people were boarding the flight. I joined the queue and took out my passport from my bag which also had the boarding pass. I handed it over to the british airways staff. An idea had come my to mind.

  “Excuse me I hope you won’t mind but my colleague and I are meant to be travelling together but I think that we are not sitting besides each other for the duration of flight. He’s name is Mr Reeves. I would be grateful if you could tell me which seat he was allocated.”

  “I think it was one of the window seats, bare with us whilst we have a look.”

  I waited for a second or two.

  “He’s seat number is 34c.”

  “Thank you.”

  I couldn’t quite believe that maybe Blake was on the same plane as me and also for the first I would be travelling leaving behind Christina. It was bitter sweet. I motioned towards the jetway leading to the aeroplane. My palms had been slightly clammy wondering whether I would be allowed to check the seats that the British airways staff had mentioned to me. As I showed the boarding pass with my flight number I was only sitting a few aisles down as I my seat was also located on the window row at 59c. As I was moving down I was counting the numbers trying to seek out where Mr Reeves may have been sitting but there was so many people placing their luggage in the top cabins that had blocked my view.

  I heard the captain of the flight announcing that we were due for takeoff and that we were required to remain seated until further notice. I complied with the instructions and so did everyone else who was on board. I sat down on my seat looking out of the window. It was night time and could hardly see much other than the lights illuminating the night sky. We were all told to turn our mobile phones off, I quickly felt the inside of my bag to locate my phone and had seen that I had missed a call from a private number. That was strange. How comes I didn’t feel my phone vibrating? I checked to see whether I had received a voicemail but there was none. I turned off the phone but I couldn’t help but wonder who would call my number on private. I could feel the plane was about to take off. It was weird sensation to feel us taking off considering that I had not been on a flight instantly I had felt the plane lifting off. I held on to the arm rest and could see that in front of me there was a portable screen on the back of each chair stating the altitude. It was increasing and knew that we were already high enough. There was also a time which was estimated we would possibly reach New York. I rummaged in the pockets of the seat in front of me to find headphones that could connect to the television before me so that I could keep myself entertained for the rest of the flight.

  The captain had made another announcement stating that we could get out of our seats if needed more so for those who were willing to go to the toilets. I took a quick opportunity to find the row that Mr Reeves was meant to be sitting on. I had to excuse myself from the other two people who were sitting to the left so that I could head towards 34c. I manoeuvred myself and manage to get out. I was walking slowly but as I was approaching his row I walked to the seats realising that there was no one there. Surely this had to be a mistake but the person who happened to be sitting beside 34c looked up at me.

  “Were you expecting to see someone?”

  “No no. Just a question had anyone occupied that seat beside you?” I asked pointing at the supposed seat Mr Reeves was meant to be.

  “I think the person had missed the flight.”

  “Thank you.”

  I retreated back to my seat thinking how in the world had that been possible? I hadn’t imagined it. I couldn’t help wonder whether Mr Reeves could have been Blake. Could it have been possible? That was one thing I would never know. I managed to get back to my seat knowing that this trip had not been in vain. Despite the fact that I was travelling to New York regarding work but Doctor Lawson would certainly be attending this charity function and I would know for certain what could have happened to Blake Saunders and hopefully know of his whereabouts, I will not give up the search to find out what happened to the man who had stirred emotions within me just yet. I would be willing to find out everything even it if killed me.


  Here’s a preview of the second book. Nadine’s search for Blake continues in....


  A Prelude

  I had felt a sharp pain in my left arm and could barely open my eyes. I heard voices from afar. They had seemed faint that I had to try and listen harder.

  “Have you managed to do the task I had set out for you?”

  “Can’t you see?”

  “So what do you intend to do with him?”

  “I have not decided yet.”

  I heard the footsteps drift off. I was in and out of consciousness. I heard a male voice addressing a female but didn’t seem to understand what was being said. I could feel that the pain that I felt in my left arm had subsided.

  “You’re free to leave.”

  It had sounded like a whisper to my ear. My brain had partially registered what had been said to me. I tested out my legs despite still being in paralyzed state. I had walked past a few people and not having a clue where I was heading and had somehow find a way out of this building. I had barely registered that some of the people had stethoscopes around the neck. I had not known that all I had on was barely a fabric on me but as soon as I had stepped out and realised that it was dark the wind had picked up leaving me bitterly cold. I had somehow crossed the road in an entranced state without knowing how I had managed that. A few cars had passed me by and I could see part of my own reflection. My skin had looked rugged and unclean and my hair was dishevelled. I had a glimpse of what I had been wearing and that was of a hospital gown, my eyes had looked haunted, the green eyes were staring right back at me. I felt an overbearing weight but all I could feel was sheer numbness. I had felt somewhat alienated from everything like a part of me had been lost to all time. I had stopped when I had seen a few people gawking at me.

  “WHAT!!!!” I had shouted.

  The people had retreated away from me. I was glancing down from a height and could see that there was a river below me. I had a fleeting moment of wanting to jump but I had felt someone place their hands on my shoulders. I glanced back to see an old man with Hispanic features.

  “Are you ok?” he had asked with a hint of a South American accent.

  I remained silent.

  “It’s not worth jumping.”

  I continued to remain silent.

  “My name is Carlos Franco.”

  “Nice to meet you Carlos.”

  I was trying to find a way to deter this man from having a conversation with me. He continued to ask further questions.

  “What’s your name young man?”

  I had tried to remember so hard but nothing had come to mind.

  “I don’t know.” I heard myself saying.

  “Do you have a place to live?”

  Again the questions that he had been asking nothing had come to mind. Why could I not remember a thing? What had happened to me?

  “I don’t know.”

  “I am trying to help you, the reason that people were gawking at you not so long ago is because you are hardly dressed. All you have on is a hospital gown on with socks. People would think you are a mental patient. Allow me to take you a place where by I can help. I can give you a place to stay. I wouldn’t want you to be out on the streets. You won’t last a minute. Please allow me to aid you.”

  I felt like I had no choice.

  “Ok.” I had agreed.

  I felt like I had no other options. I had still felt like I was in a trance but I had somehow manage to phrase sentences together. I followed Carlos. A Part of me had not wanted to trust him but he had seemed fairly genuine. We had to cross the road again and I had to walk passed the building I had come from. I had glanced up at it.

  “I am guessing this was where you came from? St Thomas hospital?”

  “I think so.”

  Everything had seemed to be a blur. We continued to walk around and could see that he was walking towards
a car park. I followed but again a part of me didn’t understand anything.

  We were walking towards cars which had led to Carlos’s vehicle. I decided to sit in the back seat. I had to admit I was still on edge.

  “Where are we going?”


  “Is that where the hostel is?”

  “I wouldn’t say hostel but it happens to be a lodge.”

  I remained silent throughout the duration of the journey.

  “Do you mind me asking but do you have family?” Carlos had inquired.

  I had to think long and hard. My family? The thought of that word seemed to bring a sense of sadness which I couldn’t quite fathom.

  He could see that I had looked lost.

  “I’m guessing even that you have no recollection off.”

  No matter how hard I had tried to think, why could I not remember anything? I had no clue who I was. My entire thought process was in a state confusion. I tried to remember the things he had mentioned about family or even my name but there was nothing but the more I had tried hard enough my brain had started to hurt.

  “Arghhhh my head hurts.” I could feel that my head was on the point of combusting. I had felt partially sick with nausea and could feel my heart palpitating.

  “Just breathe slowly.”

  Somehow I had listened and acted upon what he had told me and felt into a state of slumber. The next time I had opened my eyes we had reached. It had been still dark. I glanced through the windows and noticed the building. It had resembled a bungalow of some sort as it was all on the same level.

  “Here we are this is the castle lodge.”

  I heard Carlos turn off the engine of his car and headed out. I stepped out of the warm vehicle into the cold and walked into the reception. The building was light and felt welcoming. Carlos had been speaking with another member of the staff. I was taking everything in. I had no idea what time it was or what day it was. Carlos then returned his attention on me.

  “Come, let me take you to a room.”

  I followed willingly as I did not have any choice. I watched him turn on the lights in the room.


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