Rogue the Redeemer

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Rogue the Redeemer Page 5

by Rhiannon Neeley

  Kaitlyn jerked her hand away, clenching it into a fist. Backing away from him, her eyes narrowed. “What were you going to do, Rogue—feed on me?”

  “Lord, no,” he said, reaching for her.

  She raised a hand. “Stop. Don’t … come any closer.”

  He froze in his tracks. She feared him. Why? “Kaitlyn, please. We need to talk about this.”

  “What’s to talk about?” She raised her arms in the air then let them drop to her sides, defeated. “We’re both monsters. Freaks of nature.” Shuffling to the bed, she collapsed onto it, settling on the edge, her head in her hands. “We’ve evil, Rogue.”

  He moved to her side and carefully sat down beside her. “There’s no way that you are anything even in the neighborhood of evil.” Rogue wanted to hold her but was afraid she’d pull away if he tried to touch her right now. Her flame red hair fell forward, her hands covering her face.

  “How can you say I’m not evil? I drink blood,” she said, her voice muffled by her hands. “Human blood.”

  Rogue sighed. How could he convince her? What a mess this was turning out to be. Finally he had found a woman that he connected with on the most basic level, one he wanted by his side, and she turned out to be the exact thing he had vowed to destroy. But evil, she wasn’t.

  He reached over and stroked her hair. “Let’s throw some clothes on and go downstairs and talk. What do you say?”

  Kaitlyn let out a shuddering breath. “Alright, but I don’t see what there is to talk about.” She stood and found her robe. Slipping it on, she turned to him. “There’s only two ways I see this,” she said, her eyes burning into him. “We either have no future at all or—we have eternity. It’s just a question of which is the best way to deal with what we’ve become—predators.”

  * * * *

  Downstairs in the living room, they each sat on one end of the couch, legs intertwined, facing each other.

  Rogue sipped a glass of water while Kaitlyn watched him intently.

  “You can drink something other than blood?” she asked.

  Rogue weighed his answer. “Yes. It’s a matter of teaching your body to accept it.” He set the glass on the coffee table. “I take it that you can’t.”

  She shook her head. “At first I could, but I felt nauseous.” She ran a hand through her hair. “Want to hear something funny? At first, after that night with Nicolas, I thought I might be pregnant. Isn’t that a hoot?”

  Rogue felt the fire of jealousy lick at him. “Nicolas. Is he the one that attacked you?”

  “I wouldn’t say ‘attacked.’” Kaitlyn sighed and picked at her robe. “I guess I asked for it.”

  “Tell me. Tell me who turned you and when. I want to know what happened.” Rogue wanted details. He felt the “good-ole-boy” rearing his head inside him, aching for a fight. He’d destroy whoever did this to her even if he had to do it himself.

  “Okay. But you may not like what I say. It was my own fault.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Just tell me.”

  “I went to New York a couple of weeks ago,” she began. “I needed a vacation. I needed to get away from this little town.” She let out a laugh. “I wanted to go somewhere where no one knew me because I wanted just one night—one—to get a little wild.”

  Rogue watched her face as she spoke. He could see an independence in her, a true raw spirit. That’s what had drawn him to her. She was like him. Raw and free at heart. Hating to be caged.

  “You can’t really let yourself go around here,” she continued with a wave of her hand. “People talk. I didn’t want to get a reputation, you know.”

  He nodded.

  “So, I went to the city, promising myself a night on the darker side.” She sat up a little straighter. “I just wanted to see what it was all about. The Goth clubs and secret societies. I wanted to be a little wicked.”

  “I found this club. It was an underground place. I think the name of the place was Chained. I think. There are parts of that night that are sort of foggy in my mind.” She shook her head. “But I remember him.

  “Nicolas oozed wickedness. As soon as I walked through the door of that club I saw him.” Her face grew intense. “He was standing at the bar and when our eyes met it was like he had me by the throat,” She placed her hand to her throat. “I had to go to him. Had to have him.

  “He took me to a room in the back. It was down in some lower cellar place. There was a bedroom of sorts, all black velvet.”

  She looked away for a moment, then back at Rogue. “We had sex, over and over. I couldn’t get enough of him. It was as if he drugged me, but I didn’t want it to end. And he was ready for me—all night long. I swear, the man never lost his hard-on.

  “About an hour into it, he bit me. It felt so … erotic at the time. I didn’t know until the next morning that each place he’d bitten me, he’d actually broken the skin. I thought he was just playing at being a vampire. I didn’t know he really was one.”

  Rogue was confused. He had been told that three bites from a vampire turned you and that the vampire almost completely drained the victim before making the victim drink the vampire’s own blood to finish the transformation. Never did the victim just wake up the next morning. “Wait a minute,” he said, “did you take blood from him?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Did you drink his blood?”

  She shook her head. “Not that I recall. Nicolas was the one being the ‘vampire.’”

  “And you just woke up the next morning?”

  “Well, it wasn’t really morning. It was about one o’clock in the afternoon.” She tilted her head. “Why?”

  Rogue rubbed a hand across his chin. “Are you telling me that after spending the night with a vampire, who bit you more than once, you woke up in the early afternoon and went outside—in the full daylight?”

  She nodded. “Yes. That first day it just seemed too bright. You know, like after a night out partying, daylight gives you a headache. It wasn’t until a few days later that it felt like I was getting a sunburn whenever I went out.”

  “What about now? Can you go out in the sun now?”

  “No. It hurts. Like touching a hot iron.” She hugged herself and shuddered.

  Rogue frowned. It didn’t make sense. “And you could eat food—right after, I mean?”

  “Uh huh. But now I can’t. I throw it right back up. It took me a while to realize what my body was craving. Once I faced up to the fact that vampirism was real and that I needed blood instead of food, I started feeling, well, better.”

  “So it was gradual thing then.”

  “Yes.” Kaitlyn sighed. “I’ve been doing tests on my blood—when I have enough to test. There’s something going on in my body. Almost as if I’ve contracted a virus.”

  Rogue considered her words. He hadn’t heard of a vampire turning gradually. Of course, he was new at this game. If only he could ask John—a feeling of foreboding settled over him. No—John would want Kaitlyn destroyed as soon as he found out about her. Rogue was going to have to wait, to figure something out before he approached any of the Ravens about Kaitlyn.

  He gazed across the couch at her, wondering how he was going to save her.

  “Rogue,” she said softly, a tremor in her voice, “are you going to feed from me?”

  Her question cut him like a knife. He reached out his hand, beckoning. “No, babe, I’m not going to feed from you. Come here.”

  Kaitlyn rose and crawled up his body until she could settle into his arms on top of him. Rogue held her tightly, aware of the slight twitching that was running through her muscles. “I want to help you,” he said. “Not use you for food.”

  “Do you think you can help?” she asked, raising her head from his chest to look him in the eye. “You’re the same as me. You evidently haven’t found anything that will change you back to human.”

  She had him there. He scrambled in his mind to come up with an answer. There was only one he knew of. “I know som
eone who is doing research. She’s trying to find a vaccine, an antidote.”

  “Can we go to her?” Kaitlyn’s eyes brightened. “I know blood. I know all of the tests. If we work together…”

  “—No. I can’t take you to her. Not yet.”

  “Why?” Her voice was pleading.

  Rogue felt the tremors in her body increase. “There’s something I have to do first.” He pushed back her hair and searched her face. Her skin was pale, her eyes wide and luminous. “You’re hungry, aren’t you?”

  “I haven’t—we didn’t go to work. I couldn’t get a pint of blood.” Tears welled up in her eyes. “God, Rogue—I hate this.”

  Rogue couldn’t stand to see her in pain. “I could take you to the hospital now.”

  She shook her head. “It’s getting late. We wouldn’t make it back in time. Besides, there’d be questions. Why was I late and so on.”

  “Then, feed on me. Take my blood.” For her, he would risk it. If she needed his blood, he would give it and worry about the consequences later. He ran a thumb over her bottom lip. “I won’t let you go hungry.”

  “I-I don’t know if I can.”

  He cupped the nape of her neck in his hand. “You’ve never drank from a person?”

  “No. Just the pints of blood from the hospital.”

  “Well, here’s your chance, babe.” He smiled widely at her. “You can’t do any more damage to me that hasn’t already been done.”

  Kaitlyn bit her lip. “There’s another way…,” she said, her voice trailing off.

  Rogue raised an eyebrow. A vampire feeding on something other than blood. “You said you can’t stomach real food. What other way is there?”

  Kaitlyn’s eyes flashed heatedly. “I’ll show you,” she said, sliding down his body until she was even with the zipper on his pants. She began to work it open, her fingers on his zipper, her eyes on his face. “Blood is basically protein,” she said. “Apparently, it’s the protein in the blood that my body is really craving.” His zipper was down now and she was working her fingers into the waistband of his pants, trying to slide them down. “Even if it’s not the protein,” she continued, “I’m still not sure, you see, but I’ve found out recently that there is a certain body fluid that does seem to satisfy my hunger.”

  Rogue had no clue what she was talking about when it came to body fluids and protein and what not. All he knew was that her fingers working their way into his pants and the fiery way she was looking at him was causing his heartbeat to hitch and his cock to twitch and if she was talking about what he thought she was talking about, Kaitlyn was a whole new breed of vampire. One he would have no problem feeding.

  Kaitlyn tugged his pants down over his hips, freeing his swelling member. She encircled it in her elegant fingers. “I don’t know if you’re aware of it,” she said, her hand tightening on him, “but semen is a concentrated form of protein. It also contains all of the elements of human blood.” She slid lower, positioning herself so that he now felt her breath wafting over the head of his dick.

  Rogue bit back a groan as she dipped down and ran her tongue over the head of his cock. She closed her eyes for a second. “Mmm,” she murmured. Opening her eyes, she pinned him with her look. “Come in my mouth, Rogue,” she said, huskily. “Feed me.”

  Then she went down on him, pulling him all the way to the back of her throat. Rogue threw his head back and gripped the back of the couch with one hand.

  Her mouth worked at him, so wet and so demanding. Rogue looked down at her through half-closed eyes.

  Kaitlyn crouched over him, her long silky hair draped over his hips, her head moving slowly up and down as her lips caressed his shaft. She was again the beautiful, wicked angel, cooing softly deep in her tight throat, sending vibrations all the way to his spine as she took him all the way to the root. Her tongue massaged him on the up-stroke, making his blood pulse hard through his veins.

  He strained not to ram his hips up, his balls tight and ready to explode. Her sharp little teeth grazed the taut skin of his cock, adding a spike of pain to the pleasure that she was inflicting on him.

  Kaitlyn began to move faster. With every deep stroke, she swallowed, her throat milking him.

  “Aw damn, baby,” Rogue growled just before he exploded. As soon as his orgasm hit, Kaitlyn dove down on him and drank, his cock buried in her mouth. Rogue convulsed, his hips jerking up to her lips, his mind reeling in the stars.

  Rogue gasped a moment later, coming back to reality. Kaitlyn rose up, licking her full rosy lips.

  Her eyes flashed, the silver in the blue turning molten. “I need you, Rogue,” she said, her voice almost a purr as she moved upward toward his face.

  “You’ve already got me, Kaitlyn,” he said, loving the feel of her as she moved up his body. “You’ve had me several times.” Though he was spent for the moment, Rogue couldn’t resist the swell of her breasts, her cleavage peeking from her robe. He pulled at the collar, opening it to her waist. Cupping her full, round breasts, Rogue palmed her nipples. They were hard, tiny pebbles begging for attention and attention they would get.

  Rogue slid one hand down and cupped her ass. “Move up, babe,” he said, urging her higher. She obliged easily, bracing her hands on the arm of the couch. Kaitlyn arched her back, offering her taut nipples freely to him. Rogue didn’t hesitate.

  He caught one nipple in his mouth and sucked hard while he tweaked and rolled the other. Kaitlyn moaned and pressed into him. She tasted so good, a hit of salt on her skin. Rogue growled deep in his throat, laving her breast with his tongue roughly. He slid his fingers into the cleft of her ass. She bowed her body, her beautiful ass pressing into his probing hand.

  He laughed, hearing her whimper while she squirmed.

  “Please, Rogue,” she said, her voice breathless. “I need.”

  Rogue slid his hand down her ass, rubbing the tiny pucker that hid there, before going on. Reaching, he dipped two fingers into her dripping pussy.

  “Ah, yes,” she purred, bucking back against his intrusion. Rogue nipped her breast with his fangs, thrusting his fingers deep into her tight pussy at the same time.

  “Ah!” Kaitlyn whipped her head back, her hair flying like flames. She began to rock, fucking his fingers, as his mouth sucked at her nipple, his teeth scraping her flesh.

  Rogue had died and went to the most erotic heaven he ever imagined. He couldn’t believe it, but his dick was beginning to come to life yet again. He’d never gotten a hard-on four times in one night but damn, Kaitlyn was the hottest thing this side of heaven. He didn’t care that she wasn’t quite human. No woman had ever affected him like this—in body or heart. She was his. Would always be his.

  He released her breast from his mouth and looked up at her.

  She was pure, white-hot passion. Her eyes on fire, lips slightly parted, her body dancing a wanton dance above him.

  He wanted to taste more of her. Now.

  Rogue reared up, grasping her by the waist and quickly changed positions. Now Kaitlyn sat on the couch, facing forward, while Rogue knelt at her feet.

  Her face had the flush of life, her eyes sparkling. Her robe fell down off her shoulders, draping perfectly beneath her heaving breasts. Her hair tumbled over her shoulders like a raging fire.

  Rogue grinned up at her. “Now,” he said, his hands on her knees. “Feed me.” He pressed her knees open and moved forward. Kaitlyn trembled in his hands, her muscles twitching. Spreading her wide, Rogue drew in a deep breath, her scent filling him. His mouth watered as his eyes raked her pussy, its petals open for him, her delicate bud swollen and glistening in her pink center, ripe for the plucking. “Mmm,” he said. “Gimme.”

  Then he leaned in and took one long swipe of his tongue over her damp folds.

  Kaitlyn groaned and thrust up to his mouth.

  Lord, she is delicious, he thought, thrusting his tongue into her tight sheath. She was so wet, her juice wetting his chin as he tongued her.

  Kaitlyn moane
d, her fingers burying themselves in his hair. “Rogue,” she breathed. “Oh … God.”

  Rogue grasped her thighs firmly, pressing them open as wide as they would go without hurting her. Her cream was thick and luscious. He drank, sucking at her vagina, wanting more. His cock hardened more with every soft moan that issued from her lips.

  “Rogue, I’m … I’m…” Her fingernails dug into his scalp.

  Rogue moved his attention to the swollen bud at her center. He latched his lips around her clit and pressed them together tightly. She jerked beneath him.

  “Yesss…” she hissed.

  Rogue groaned, the sound, the taste and the velvet feel of her smoothness against his mouth driving him to the brink of insanity. Voracious, feeling like a true sexual vampire, he captured her clit in his mouth and began to suck, flicking his tongue roughly over the tiny pearl of its center. Kaitlyn’s hips shot up, her body jerking, writhing, her hands clutching at him. Then she began to cry out, her passion bursting from her body, her juice filling his mouth, running down his chin. Rogue lapped it up, heat filling him, knowing that now this woman—Kaitlyn—would be the only one who would ever be able to satisfy his hunger.

  After licking her clean, Rogue cruised up her body, raining kisses until he reached her mouth. He kissed her deeply, delving his tongue past her dangerous teeth, melding them together as one. His cock, hard and wanting, brushed at her opening between her legs.

  “Are you still hungry, baby?” he whispered against her mouth.

  “Mmm, more,” she purred. Her eyes were a dreamy swirl, midnight-blue tinged with silver … hypnotizing.

  Rogue pushed away and stood, his dick at attention and pulsing, wanting the sensual suction of her mouth. “Come, Kaitlyn. Come have some dessert,” he said with a wicked grin.

  She scrambled to the edge of the couch, eagerly wetting her full lips. Rogue placed his hands on her head and directed her forward. Her lips slid over the swollen head, sending sparks shooting behind his eyelids. She continued up his shaft, sucking and licking as if he were a popsicle. Rogue felt sizzles of pleasure spread first in his loins, tightening his balls, then blanketing his body in hot crackly heat. He felt the swell of his seed thicken him as he thrust deep into her throat. She took him completely, never once faltering as he pistoned his cock into her wet, milking mouth, holding her head, his fingers tangled in her hair.


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