Rogue the Redeemer

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Rogue the Redeemer Page 9

by Rhiannon Neeley

  Rogue took her by the waist and lifted her off of him, setting her to his side. Then he stood and shed his clothes in front of her.

  Kaitlyn’s mouth watered anew at the sight of his swollen cock. She sat forward, reaching.

  Rogue stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. “Greedy, aren’t you?” he asked, moving her back. “I told you, young lady, this boy is hungry too.” He shoved the coffee table back and knelt in front of her.

  Kaitlyn settled back onto the couch, her pussy already wet, ready for his any desire. She spread her legs, opening for him.

  Rogue growled deep in his throat and moved between them. He took the edges of her robe and pulled, baring her aching breasts to his hot gaze.

  Kaitlyn arched her back, offering herself to him. Rogue leaned forward, flicking his tongue across one peaked nipple. She drew in a sharp breath. Running her fingers through the blond silk of his hair, she pulled him to her. Rogue captured her nipple in his mouth. When he nipped, his fangs grazing her skin, Kaitlyn cried out. “Oh God, Rogue.” Hot lava of lust pooled low in her belly as he released her nipple and burned a hot, wet trail with his tongue between her breasts and down, down until he reached her passionate heat at her center. He didn’t hesitate. Spreading her velvet folds with his fingers, his tongue went to work, lapping up her juices. Kaitlyn tangled her fingers in his hair, her muscles beginning to jerk, hinting at the release soon to explode. “Ahhh…” she sighed, thrashing her head back and forth … so close, hovering on the edge of oblivion. Rogue circled her swollen clit then closed his lips over the sensitive bud. Kaitlyn jerked, a shock coursing through her. Then he began to suck, gently at first, then more demanding. His fingers pressed into her thighs. Rogue groaned against her, the vibration echoing through her body. “Oh—oh, God,” she screamed, exploding her cream into his hungry mouth, hands tangled in his hair, holding him to her as she bucked against him. Lights flashed behind her eyelids, the orgasm rolling over her in a tidal wave of sensation.

  The wave drew back, slowly dissipating.

  Still, Rogue kept on.

  “Rogue,” she choked, “Rogue, let me … rest just a minute.”

  He shook his head no, then began to ease her back toward oblivion, laving her core, taking every drop of her cream until she convulsed again, shooting up to the sky, a rocket of pure passion.

  When Kaitlyn floated back to earth, she opened her eyes to find him watching her, a soft smile on his face.

  Shakily, she rose up and held his face in her hands. “You have no idea how attached to you I am,” she said.

  Rogue’s smile widened. He took her wrists in his hands, then lay on his back on the floor, drawing her down with him. Kaitlyn straddled him on his stomach. She felt the press of his erection, hard as steel, against the cleft of her bottom.

  Rogue reached up and stroked her breasts, tweaking the still pebbled nipples. “Show me how attached you are,” he said, his voice low.

  Kaitlyn pursed her lips and rose up, bracing her hand on his shoulders. Tilting her hips, she moved until she was in position.

  Then—in one sudden movement—she impaled herself on his thick rod. A shiver ran up her spine as the head of him crushed against her cervix. Rogue bit his lip, groaning at her onslaught.

  Kaitlyn began to move, up and down, pulling all the way up until there was but an inch of him inside, then shoving back down as hard as she could. He filled her so completely, so perfectly, that there was only a twinge of pain at the down stroke. Just enough to throw a shock through her. It didn’t take long before she herself was on the verge of yet another orgasmic ride to the moon.

  She quickened her pace, her pussy pulling at him, beginning their wondrous dance toward release. With each downward movement, Kaitlyn let out a soft “oh,” an accompaniment to Rogue’s groans.

  Rogue grabbed her by the hips and lunged deep, almost throwing her off as his seed burst inside her. Kaitlyn joined him, quivering shudders racing throughout her body as she screamed his name.

  Too soon, they came back down. Kaitlyn’s arms gave out and she crumpled onto his chest. Rogue curled his arms around her, hugging her tenderly. Kaitlyn smiled, eyes closed, cheek resting just above his heart. She felt herself drifting off into satisfied, blissful sleep—until realization plucked her out of sleep’s beckoning arms.

  Her eyes shot open. Kaitlyn froze, hoping she was just hearing things.

  But she wasn’t.

  Fear gripped her as she listened to the steady thump of Rogue’s heartbeat beneath her ear. Each beat seemed to grow louder, stronger, more jarring until it became a resounding bass drum inside her head.

  Kaitlyn sprang off of Rogue and out of his arms like cat with its tail on fire. She landed directly on her feet, standing over him. “You—you’re…” She couldn’t even speak. Filled with fear, confusion and anger, Kaitlyn’s throat worked but nothing came out of her mouth.

  Rogue propped himself up on his elbows. “What is wrong?”

  Kaitlyn stepped backward, putting distance between them. She felt like her world had been ripped to shreds. She pointed at him, her finger shaking. “You have … a heartbeat.”

  Rogue’s brows drew together. He got to his feet. “And that made you jump off of me like that? What gives?”

  “What gives?!” Kaitlyn stepped toward him. “You’re not what you say you are. You’re not like me. You are not a vampire.”

  Rogue sucked in his breath. “Let me explain…”

  “There is no explanation,” she interrupted. “Here.” She grabbed his hand and placed it over her heart. “What do you feel, Rogue?”

  He frowned deeper. “Nothing. I feel nothing.”

  “Exactly.” Kaitlyn’s released his hand, letting it drop. Sadness was filling her. She loved this man who stood in front of her. Had hoped that somehow, God would smile down on them and grant them some kind of future. But now—he had lied. “If you’re not a vampire, then what are you?”

  “Kaitlyn…” He reached for her.

  She took a step back and raised her hand in a stop position. “Answer my question, Rogue. Who are you and why are you really here?”


  Rogue’s heart was close to breaking.

  There were tears glistening in Kaitlyn’s eyes. She looked so unbelievably hurt and it was tearing him apart. There was only one thing to do—tell her.

  “Please,” he said, “sit down and let me explain.”

  She laughed and crossed her arms, tightly closing the robe she still wore. “Why—so you can lie to me some more?”

  “For Christ’s sake, no.” He took her by the upper arms. “Just listen.”

  She flung his hands off like she was flicking off a fly. “Don’t touch me right now, Rogue. I’m not in the best mood and I’m not sure just what I’m capable of.” Her eyes flashed fire behind the shine of unshed tears.

  “Okay.” Rogue grabbed his pants from the floor and slipped them on. Then he sat down on the end of the couch. He watched her, careful not to pressure her. He knew from past experience how powerful a vampire could be. Rogue hoped that her emotions stayed tamed.

  Kaitlyn stomped her foot, angrily. But there was also hurt and confusion on her face. Rogue’s heart wrenched when her lower lip began to tremble. He wanted to gather her into his arms, tell her that everything would be all right, but he didn’t dare. Not yet.

  Finally, she plopped don on the other end of the couch. Arms still crossed, she drew her knees up like a barricade. “What are you?” she asked, a slight tremble in her voice.

  “I’m human.”

  “Why the fangs?” She wagged a finger at him.

  “They come with the job.”

  Her eyes narrowed threateningly. “What sort of job?”

  Rogue took a deep breath. “First, let me say that my job will not affect you.”

  “That statement tells me that it does.”

  Rogue sighed. She wasn’t making this any easier. “This is it; I hunt vampires.”

n tilted her chin down. “And what do you do when you catch them?”

  Rogue ran a hand through his hair. “We—I…” He didn’t want to say it but there was no other way. “I destroy them.”

  Kaitlyn raised her hand and parked two fingers on her chin. She nodded her head. “Uh-huh. Okay. Well, I can see where you’d want to have fangs then. To blend in. Sorta sneak up on them.” She scrunched up her nose at him. “But what I’d like to know is this—were you hunting me?”


  “Mmhmm. Direct and to the point.” She tapped her chin. “So, are you planning a stake through the heart, or maybe the holy water shower?”

  Rogue didn’t like where this conversation was going. He leaned forward. “Kaitlyn, I want to help you. I think I can.”

  “Or maybe you’re planning the chopping off the head ceremony. That one is always nice.”

  “Kaitlyn, listen to me…”

  “Oh,” she said, her eyes widening, “I almost forgot. How about staking me out in the sun and letting me fry? I could use a tan,” she said, looking at the pale skin of her arm.

  “You’re acting crazy,” Rogue said. This had gotten completely out of control.

  “Am I?” She dropped her legs down, then started crawling across the couch toward him. “I probably am crazy, Rogue. I mean, who would have a better reason than me? I sleep with a guy and wake up, not knowing that I’m actually dead.” She was almost in his lap now. “Who would have a better reason to go off the deep end, huh?”

  Rogue had to lean back against the arm of the couch. Kaitlyn hovered over him.

  “Here’s another question for you, sweetheart,” she said. “What makes you think I won’t destroy you?”


  Eric Raven drove through the darkness like a bat out of hell.

  There hadn’t been time for explanations. He had just gotten dressed, kissed Lydia, and thrown his tools in the truck, then left.

  “Dammit,” he said, hitting his palm against the steering wheel. One thing that did not sit well with any of the Ravens was when one of them was in danger of going over—of being turned. Eric pushed down harder on the accelerator, the headlights of the pickup punching holes in the dark.

  Eric had argued with John over Rogue. Eric rarely stood up to his brother with harsh words but he’d had a feeling about this. Rogue was young and inexperienced. He’d only been on one assignment and that was with Holt and Colin. Eric had to admit that Rogue handled himself well according to Holt. Rogue had even lost a bit of his orneriness. Eric attributed it to finally seeing what they had been telling him. Real vampires were much more vicious and cunning than anything you see in the movies.

  The biggest problem Eric had was that he was itching to get back out into the conflict. He’d been sequestered at Ravencrest for too long. Spending time with Lydia though was the most enjoyable thing he’d ever experienced. Eric was so much in love with her he couldn’t see straight. If it hadn’t been for her and his little brother Dirk, Eric wouldn’t have made it out of Maine alive. Soon Lydia would be his wife. As far as he was concerned it couldn’t be soon enough.

  Yesterday had been such a great day.

  Lydia had finally isolated something in Ramsey’s blood and was anxious to try the antidote she had created from it. But she had no one to try it on. She wanted to try it on a vampire. Either that or vaccinate someone, then let a vampire bite them enough times to turn them.

  Eric shook his head. He had no clue just what Lydia did with her blood testing. She was a biologist but when Eric had brought her home to Ravencrest, she had begun to focus on what it was in the blood that made a vampire.

  Lydia had been so excited, acting like it was Christmas. Since she didn’t have anyone to try her antidote out on, she had released her pent-up energy on Eric in bed.

  Eric smiled, remembering how energetic she had been.

  He sped toward Indiana, his mind drifting back to Rogue.

  John had said that he thought this assignment dealt with a lone vampire. If it did, they should have solved this thing by now.

  Eric blew out a harsh breath. He told John that he should have been the one to go with him. Rogue was a good kid and they had taken him into the clan with open arms when he had arrived with Grace and their cousin Drake, but Rogue had shown himself to be exactly like his name—a rogue. He was a wild card in a dangerous game.

  John had made the decision to take Rogue this time and Rogue had soberly accepted the challenge. Eric hoped that Rogue had kept his sober attitude, but it didn’t sound like it.

  John wouldn’t have called if he had.

  Eric wished he were there already. He hoped that Rogue wasn’t in too deep. He liked Rogue. He really did. He just thought he wasn’t ready to slay vampires just yet.

  * * * *

  John strode though the hospital. He didn’t bother with his priest costume. It was too far gone for that. John had the distinct feeling that Rogue had found the vampire. Or the vampire had found Rogue.

  Either way, the fact that blood was missing and Rogue had been in that room was troubling. Especially now since Rogue too was missing.

  John walked into Haines’ office without knocking.

  Haines sat at his desk, a young woman sitting in the chair in front of him, sniffling. John sized up Haines’ demeanor. Haines had a scowl on his face, the sleeves of his pristine white shirt rolled up to the elbows. He looked like an interrogator and it was immediately evident that was exactly what he had been doing.

  “Mr. Raven,” Haines said without rising. “Good of you to come. Please sit down.” He waved a hand at the unoccupied chair beside the crying woman.

  John sat, glancing at the woman.

  She was cute by any standards but at the moment her eyes were red-rimmed and swollen, her nose rosy from crying. She met his eyes then quickly looked down at her hands, which were in her lap, shredding a tissue into tiny pieces. John looked at Haines. “Anything?”

  “This is Rachel.” Haines nodded toward the woman. “She thinks she may have an idea where your colleague may be.”

  John turned to her and raised an eyebrow. “Do you feel up to telling me?”

  She took a shuddering breath and tried a weak smile. “Yes. I can talk.” She swiped at her nose with the mangled tissue. “Rogue and Kaitlyn…” she stopped, clearing her throat. “Sorry. Rogue and Kaitlyn seemed to … have a thing for each other. She didn’t come into work tonight so I’m thinking that maybe he’s with her.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  Rachel barked a laugh. “You should see them together. I’m surprised the sprinkler system didn’t go off when I saw them making out in the hallway floor.” She ripped another piece of the tissue and crushed it in her hand. “He said it was me he was attracted to.” Then the sniffling began again.

  John felt sorry for the girl. But Rogue was sometimes … a rogue. He looked back to Haines. “Could we discuss this further? Privately?”

  Haines nodded. To Rachel he said, “You can go home, Rachel. Crystal will fill in for you.”

  “Thank you.” She rose from her chair and walked to the door. “I’m really sorry, Mr. Haines,” she said. Then she slid through the door and closed it behind her.

  John lit up a cigarette, not bothering to ask Haines’ permission. “Tell me about his Kaitlyn.”

  “I have her file right here.” Haines pulled a manila file toward him and opened it. “Kaitlyn Gale. She transferred here from the main hospital when we opened. She’s twenty-four years old and single. Her position here is lab technician. She does all of the testing for us on night shift.”

  “So she also has access to the blood storage.”

  “Yes.” Haines shook his head. “I find it hard to believe that she’s involved in this.”

  “Strange things happen these days.” John looked for something to flick his ash in. Haines shoved a Styrofoam cup toward him on the desktop. It had the cold dregs of coffee in the bottom. John flicked his cigarette and leaned bac
k. “Has this Kaitlyn been acting strange lately?”

  “Not that I’ve noticed.” Haines frowned. “She has been looking a little pale since she came back from vacation. Like she may be anemic.”

  John leaned forward. This was something. “Where did she go on vacation?”

  “New York City, I believe. Why?”

  John shrugged. “Just curious.” He filed that information away. He’d give Dirk a call later, after this was finished, to do a search and see if any activity was happening on the dark side in New York City. John dropped the butt of his cigarette into the cup. It sizzled angrily. “Do you have Ms. Gale’s address?”

  Chapter Eight

  Kaitlyn shook. She was desperately trying to hold herself back.

  She looked into Rogue’s eyes as he lay beneath her. Deep pools of blue, shining with hurt and love.

  But there was something coursing through her. A primal sense of self-preservation that urged her to attack.

  “Kaitlyn,” Rogue said softly. “I love you. I would never hurt you.”

  She bit her lips, drawing blood with her fangs. Instinctively, her tongue swiped it from her lips, her body reacting on its own to any loss of the precious liquid. She closed her eyes, fighting a battle inside.

  Then she felt his hands on her face. Warm hands. Gentle hands.

  “Kaitlyn, look at me.”

  She opened her eyes.

  “I want to be with you. I want to share my life with you…”

  A laugh escaped her. He was asking for a miracle.

  “Don’t laugh. I’m serious.” His face was stern. “I can help you. All you have to do is listen to what I have to tell you. Listen to what the Unkindness of Ravens does.”

  “What? Unkindness of Ravens?”

  “Yes.” He smoothed her hair back. “Look, if it will prove to you how serious I am, feed from me.”


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