The Claiming (The Pack Claims a Mate)

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The Claiming (The Pack Claims a Mate) Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “Is this why you’ve given yourself to us?” Tom asked.

  She bit her lip. “Partly. I’ve been alone for a long time. I mean, it’s crazy right, but none of you scare me at all. The thought of being with you all excites me. I’m not terrified when I’m around you.” She pressed little circles into his shirt as she spoke. “You must think I’m crazy for agreeing to this.”

  “I don’t think you’re crazy for agreeing, Kitty. I want to make sure you want this and don’t feel pressured into doing something you’ll regret.”

  “You mean being kidnapped wasn’t being pressured?” she asked, looking up and smiling.

  “I didn’t act right. I shouldn’t have taken you against your will.” He stroked her cheek.

  “I know, but I don’t regret what you did, Tom. If you hadn’t have taken me when you did, I’d still be travelling from place to place not finding anywhere to settle down. I’m being a little selfish. I was abandoned by my own father when the going got tough. With six men, there’s no risk of being left alone.”

  “Hey, don’t you ever worry about him again. He’ll never hurt you or be part of your life. We’ll take care of you.”

  Before she could say anything, his lips were covering hers. She moaned, opening up beneath him. Tom made her feel so special when she was in his company. Touching his arm, she tried to get closer, but he kept her away from him. Kitty fought to get close to him.

  Tom kept her at arm’s length.

  “Why?” she asked, pulling away.

  His eyes were dark with a hint of amber. A growl erupted out of his throat. The sound turned her on, and she couldn’t help but lick her lips, trying to taste him on her mouth.

  “You’re a fucking menace,” he said.

  “Please, Tom, I want this. I’m ready.”

  “I can’t.” The words came out through gritted teeth.

  “He can’t claim you until the full moon,” Roy said. She looked over Tom’s shoulder to see all the men looking at her. The heat in their eyes couldn’t be mistaken for anything other than pure sex.

  “If you’re sure we’ll be more than happy to mate with you,” Guy said, smiling at her.

  “Yes, I’m sure. If you all want me then I’d be more than happy to be with you all.”

  Each man nodded. Even Mark nodded, which surprised her. Out of all of the brothers he was the one who didn’t voice or show any desire for her.

  The full moon couldn’t come fast enough. She hoped she was ready for what they all had in store. The next few months were going to be the longest of her life.

  Chapter Four

  The Claiming

  Tom stared up at the full moon. He was stood outside in his backyard looking up at the moon, wearing a bathrobe so he wouldn’t scare Kitty. There was nothing else for him to do other than wait for Kitty to come to him. His other five brothers were standing in the same style bathrobe, talking and waiting.

  He’d removed his watch in order to stop himself glancing down at the time. It didn’t matter what time he started the claiming, only that he started it this night. Once the sun rose then he was in trouble. He’d have to wait another month before he started the claiming. Stupid werewolf rules.

  “She’ll come,” Roy said.

  “Have you decided who is going to start the first month?” Tom asked, trying to distract himself.

  “You’ll wait and see.” Roy left his side and started to walk away. Tom reached out to stop him. “What?”

  Taking a deep breath, Tom tried to get himself together before he asked his question. “Do you think I acted rashly?” It was the first time he’d ever doubted his decision.

  Roy chuckled. “You’re doubting yourself now when we’ve got moments before Kitty comes to us?”

  “This is important to me. Bringing Kitty home is different from mating with her.”

  Roy took a step closer and put a hand on his shoulder.

  “You’re the alpha. You’ve got senses none of us are ever going to understand. I did think you acted rashly at first, but the more time I spend with Kitty, I see what you see. Your wolf is an amazing judge of character.” Roy smiled. “I hope she is our future. There is no other person I’d rather be with.”

  While Roy walked away, Tom took his time to look at his brothers. Joey and Mark were arguing over something while Guy was typing on his phone. He was probably playing on one of those internet games that he loved so much.

  Rolling his eyes, Tom saw Stuart was reading a book again. When would his brother ever get out of a book? He’d have to warn Stuart about what was expected of him at the full moon when it was his turn.

  Suddenly quiet settled over them all. He saw they were all looking over his shoulder. Tom turned and froze as the beauty headed toward them startled him. Kitty wore a sheer white nightgown. The fabric didn’t cover her body at all, yet it covered enough to make him wish for it to disappear.

  His cock hardened at the sight. Tom wanted to rid himself of their clothing and feast upon her body.

  She walked toward him. Her hair was bound above her head, the golden locks cascading down her body. He loved her hair. It was so silken to the touch.

  The scent of her nerves came to him. Stepping closer he closed the distance between them.

  “You’re nervous.”

  “Can you blame me? Six men surround me, and not once have you seen me naked.” She rubbed her hands down her thighs, nibbling her lip. Kitty didn’t look away from him. Her blue eyes sparkled in the moon light.

  Reaching toward her, he lifted her face to the moon. “We’ll all be touching you this night, but I’ll be the only one doing the claiming,” he said.

  She nodded, letting out a breath. “Okay, I’m ready.”

  Taking her hand, he led her toward his brothers.

  When they were near them, he let her go allowing his brothers to move closer. Mark got to her first. Tom watched his brother band an arm around her waist and pull her close.

  “I didn’t think you liked me,” Kitty said. Her voice sounded incredulous.

  “I was never going to get attached to a woman who wasn’t sticking around,” Mark said. Seconds later, Tom watched as Mark kissed her. The kiss wasn’t gentle but a possession of lips. His young brother really did want Kitty.

  Smiling, he saw the approval in the rest of his brothers.

  “I never get my hopes up to have them dashed away.” Mark stroked her nose and face with his finger. “When it’s our moon I’ll treat you like a goddess. You’ll have no doubt about my feelings. I promise you.”

  Tom had no doubt about Mark’s feelings, and he was thankful to know that all of his brothers wanted this before he finally claimed her.

  Next, Joey came forward. This was part of their ceremony. Each of his brothers had to accept her within their fold.

  “On our moon I’ll give you everything your heart desires. There will be nothing you want as I’ll give you all.” Joey brushed his lips against hers. He leaned forward to whisper in her ear. If it wasn’t for Tom’s good hearing he wouldn’t have a clue what Joey whispered. “Distance makes the heart grow fonder, and by the time you’re with me, I’ll have you screaming my name.”

  Kitty gasped but couldn’t say anything as Joey moved away. Guy simply kissed her deeply, stroking her body before moving away.

  Roy moved forward and held her close, stroking up and down her body. With each passing minute, Kitty relaxed, and she’d be ready for them.

  Stuart finally approached. Tom was shocked to see his brother without a book in his hands.

  “I’ll worship you, Kitty.” Stuart got to his knees before her. “You’ll never be afraid in this world again.” He kissed her hand and stepped back.

  It was time for Tom. He moved closer. She turned to him with a smile on her face.

  “Is it time for me to be your woman?”


  She nodded. “I’m ready. I’m more than ready to become your woman.”

  He wrapped an arm aroun
d her waist and spun her to face his brothers. Pushing some of her hair off her face, he kissed her neck.

  “Tom?” The nerves were back.

  “Baby, look at each of them. They’re watching you, hoping to wait their turn in claiming you.” Stroking a hand down her hip, he settled his hand on her stomach, caressing the rounded curves. “Do you see the lust in their eyes?”

  “Yes,” she said, sighing.

  “Never be afraid of what we can give you. I love you, Kitty,” he said, voicing his feelings.

  Her head jerked toward him. “Do you lie?”

  “No, I’d never lie to you.” He kissed her cheek. “Are you ready to become our mate?”

  “Yes, please, Tom, make me your mate.”


  Kitty moaned as his lips brushed her cheek. All the men were watching her as Tom touched her. Closing her eyes, she allowed the feeling to settle over her. The nerves that had been inside her when approaching her men had slowly disappeared. No one could mistake the want in their eyes. They all wanted her, and it made her feel so happy. She didn’t know it was possible to be wanted by six men.

  “I’m going to make you my mate. I’m going to touch your body and have you screaming in pleasure, and then we’re never letting you go, baby. Would you like that?”

  “Yes.” She screamed the words for all of them to hear.

  His hands moved up to the top of her gown. She’d found the gown waiting for her on her bed after she’d taken a bath. This very gown was the reason she’d taken so long to come out. How could anyone leave the house with nothing to cover their nakedness?

  That was all about to change as Tom released her nightgown, button by button.

  Taking a deep breath, she opened her eyes, wondering what she’d see. His five brothers were watching her, but she didn’t see revulsion. She saw desire, lust, and a burning need.

  “I think our woman needs to see your reactions to her body,” Tom said. He’d released the top part of the gown and pushed it off her shoulders.

  One by one, his brothers removed their robes, and she saw exactly what their response was to her body. Each of them was rock hard. Guy gripped his flesh first, fisting the tip. Roy stared at her with a lazy curiosity.

  Licking her lips, she stared at him wondering what he was thinking about.

  “They all want you.”

  She could see that. Their gazes were focused on her as her tits were revealed to them. The cool air should have affected her. It didn’t. She felt hot, consumed by a burning fire that only each of her men could put out the flames.

  “I smell your cream. You’re getting wetter for me.”

  “Please, Tom, don’t keep me waiting too long.” He pushed her gown to the floor. She stepped out of it.

  He pulled her back against his body so she was still staring out at the brothers.

  “Isn’t she a thing of beauty?” Tom asked.

  “Her scent is driving me crazy. I feel my wolf is close,” Roy said.

  “She’s so fucking beautiful.” Guy growled the words at her.

  Each of them growled at her. The lust was clear to see on their faces. Tom was naked, pressing himself against her back. She whimpered at the feel of his thick cock pressing against her back.

  “Do you want this, baby?”

  “Yes, mate me, Tom.” She’d taken to begging, and she wasn’t used to begging to get what she wanted.

  “I’ll give you everything you ever wanted, and my brothers will watch. They’ll be part of the claiming.”

  “Will they be fucking me, too?” she asked.

  She heard several male moans surround them.

  “No, they won’t fuck you today. You’ll get your chance with each of them and me. I’m the alpha, and I’m the only one who can claim you.” Tom took her down to the ground. She looked up at him with the moon shining behind his back. The sight before her took her breath away.

  “It’s time, Kitty.”

  His words soothed her.

  “Thank you for giving me this second chance.” She didn’t know what he meant by that, but she was happy to be part of their world. There was nothing she wanted more than to be their mate.

  He leaned down brushing his lips against hers. The touch started out sweet, and when she opened her lips to make the kiss deeper, Tom took full advantage.

  She felt his hands all over her body, stroking and caressing but never actually touching her intimately. He was making it hard for her to want to do anything other than to attack him so he’d fuck her.

  Tom released her lips and kissed down her neck. He nibbled on her flesh before going down to the tops of her breasts. She cried out as his tongue circled the nubs and then bit down. He didn’t draw blood. The pleasure combined with the sharp bite of pain made her writhe underneath him.

  “You’re so wet.”

  She felt her cream leaking out of her cunt and dripping down to her anus.

  His fingers caressed up her inner thigh then landed onto her pussy. She stared into his eyes, unable to look away from him.

  He groaned. “She’s so wet.”

  A finger slid between her slit, stroking up then down. He circled her clit then moved down to thrust two fingers inside her. Two fingers were deep inside her, coated with her cream. Tom kissed his way down her body. His tongue dipped into her belly button. Her breathing went from steady to erratic as he stared at her from between her thighs.

  Tom opened her sex with his fingers and started to tongue her clit. She cried out, sinking her fingers into the grass to grip at something. Her hands were removed from the grass, and she saw Roy holding one hand as Guy held the other.

  Stuart stroked her hair while the twins caressed her thighs.

  Whimpering, she watched all of them as they devoted their time to her pleasure.

  The alpha’s tongue plunged inside her.

  She screamed, and Stuart claimed her lips swallowing her sounds.

  Hands stroked over her body, and all their touches were driving her closer and closer to orgasm.

  “Please, don’t stop,” she said, begging them.

  Kitty had never once felt like this. Every part of her body felt like it was burning alive. Her skin was a mass of pure sensation that only her men could deal with.

  “You’re our woman,” Roy said. “Your pleasure is our pleasure.”

  They all murmured.

  “Come for me, baby,” Tom said, stroking three fingers inside her cunt. His tongue caressed over her clit.

  Her orgasm consumed her, crashing over her wave after wave. All of her men held her through the pleasure.

  Through the slits of her eyes she watched as Joey took over caressing her clit for Tom to grip his cock.

  Now it was time, and she couldn’t wait to start.

  Chapter Five

  Tom fisted his cock watching her cream escape her cunt. His hands were shaking. This was the moment he thought would never come. Closing his eyes, he sent up a prayer to whoever was looking over him this month. Kitty was everything to him and his family. She’d be the mother of their children and the person to stabilize his family.

  Stroking his cock against her entrance, he took the time to look at all of his brothers. They were waiting, and the anticipation on their faces was alive within him. His wolf was close to the surface, loving the feel of their mate. Kitty was destined to be theirs, and her smell was amazing.

  Joey removed his hands from her pussy, and his brothers simply touched her skin as he plunged into her heat.

  Kitty screamed, and he held her down with his brothers. “Kitty Evans, my mate, my life.” Tom stopped to pull out of her heat. He stared into her eyes, feeling the power of the full moon on his back. “I take you as my mate. I claim you before the full moon in front of my brothers and all that is natural. The earth accepts you as do I.”

  His brothers answered to the call, accepting Kitty as their woman.

  Tom pounded inside her, feeling her tight heat surrounding him.

�Kitty, do you take us into your body and accept the claiming for the moons to come?”

  He stayed still within her waiting for her to respond. This was the hardest thing he’d ever done in his life. Her smell was so pure and fresh even though she wasn’t a virgin. The tight heat of her cunt was so welcoming, and he didn’t want to stop or to leave.

  “Yes, I accept you, Tom Snow, and your brothers. I’ll love you with all my heart, body, and soul.”

  “It’s time, Tom,” Roy said.

  Changing positions, Tom stayed inside her warmth and had her straddling his lap.

  “I bind you to me and to my pack, Kitty.” He exposed her neck and bit down with the fangs of his wolf. The alpha inside him roared to life, accepting her blood into his body. His fangs sank his wolf saliva into her body, mating her to him and to the pack.

  She cried out, pulling on his hair as he pumped into her body.

  Tom felt her second orgasm and tightened his hold on her hips as his own orgasm crashed over him. He pumped his seed into her tight warmth, growling as the mating was complete.

  The connection running between them was alive and had his body pulsing all over. He’d done it. He’d finally mated with his woman.

  “Yes, Tom, yes,” she said, whimpering.

  “I’ve got you, baby.” He stroked her back and nodded for Roy to come close. His brother licked at her neck and pierced the flesh once again.

  Each of his pack needed to taste her blood and add their saliva to initiate the claiming. After Roy, Guy came, then Stuart, until the twins took their turn one by one.

  “The mating has begun.”

  Pulling out of her tight heat, Tom lifted her up in his arms. “What happens now?” Kitty asked.

  “I give you to my brother.” He passed her to Roy. “The month is yours. Mate her, claim her, and bring her back to us in one piece.”

  Staring into Kitty’s eyes, Tom turned on his heel and walked away. This was the hardest thing he’d ever done, but as alpha this was his task to complete. Closing his eyes, he went toward the forest. The wolf took over as he turned into his monster.


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