The Court of Souls? - Volume 1

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The Court of Souls? - Volume 1 Page 19

by Andur

  Oooh, I want to do so many more things but I can't lose control over my perverted powers. Well, maybe I can tug just a little at his lust and his need for me?

  Suddenly his arms are around me, pressing our bodies together. He pushes me to the ground and we wrestle with each other for the top position.

  My whole body is on fire as his hands wander over it. I want to rip his cloth-

  “Elona!” Doreen's screeching voice shatters the moment.

  “Shade!” Tisha's voice adds to the fiasco.

  I look up and find our ancestors looking at us with shocked expressions. Then our lips part and I whisper, “it seems like the first date doesn't get beyond the kissing scene.”

  “Date?” He whispers back.

  “Don't forget to visit the clan meeting. I'll be there.” I give him a wink and get to my feet with slightly wobbly knees. My wings are luckily hiding the weakness.

  Finally I correct my dress and Shade does the same with his own clothes. He has an irked expression on his face. “Talk about inopportune moments.”

  “Grandma! Are you already done with the finer details? I suppose all that's left to do is go home.” I smile and stride past Doreen and Tisha who are looking at me as if we did something forbidden.

  On the corridor I find Mom with Quianna. Chloe is the only one who actually smiles. As if I had finally taken flight as a seductress. “Only two hours. How did he taste? Is he the one?”

  My smug expression drops upon remembering that I am supposed to have a soul partner. But how should I find my soul partner? Then I remember the kiss and I can't help but smile again.

  “He was... delicious!”

  23. ~Two.~

  “In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang describes how opposite or contrary forces are actually complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another. Many tangible dualities (such as light and dark, fire and water, expanding and contracting) are thought of as physical manifestations of the duality symbolized by yin and yang.”

  The Journey to the Afterlife

  Dedessia, the Sea of Souls, Inanimatum


  I sit on the palace's balcony and watch the new building projects throughout the city. The battle, which ended Enwick's rule, destroyed large parts of the city.

  Since we lost more than half of the city's population, there is more than enough living space right now. So I ordered the damaged buildings to be taken down. We can use the resources for something useful.

  The slave facility was turned into an asylum and school for the powerless, mainly orphans.

  There are so many ideas in my head of what we could build to make this a better place, but there are not enough resources. We lack in every department. The people barely manage to uphold the little comfort they have with what is available.

  If this world had no magic we would dwell in caves.

  Inanimatum had a little above ten thousand members when I started our revolt. Now we are down to three thousand nine hundred, with eighteen higher immortals. In other words, we are lacking numbers. This safe zone is able to support nine to ten thousand people. If another clan decides to swoop in, we will have a hard time in stopping them. On top of that, I'll need the support of a clan if I want to go after Enwick, once I know where he is.

  No matter what I decide to do, I have to do something. And fast. The main reason why we are so low in numbers is that many of the slaves left to rejoin their former clans. So many potential enemies already know what happened here. And soon everyone will know that we aren't in a good position.

  “Still moping over your girlfriend?” Tisha steps onto the balcony with pen and paper in her hands.

  I look at her and answer, “She isn't my girlfriend.”

  Then I take a sip from the bad booze which one of the harem-girls conjured up for me. They don't have anywhere to go and since they seem to be friends with Tisha, they are staying as maids at the palace. I have the feeling that they actually belong to Tisha's old resistance network, so I am inclined to be careful around them.

  “But she really had you pinned down and was about to unbutton your shirt. You do realize that she is a succubus? Don't let your guard down around her. We need you to secure us a good alliance at the clan meeting. You can't fall for a potential enemy!”

  At last Tisha stops her tirade and offers me the paper and the pen. “Here, the draft for our new clan. We decided to call ourselves Semper Fidelis. You are the leader.”

  What gives her the right to argue with whom I should jump into bed? I am twenty-five and that woman flipped all my switches. She is smart, seemed to share my goals and has a nice body. If it hadn't been for the stupid interruption I would have nailed her right then and there.

  It's not like living in that tundra left me without any idea of how it is to bed a woman. I had flashbacks of my past personae doing it.

  And then Tisha organized that torture session with her friends. I was so close to jumping up and doing all eight women who were in the room... err... okay... maybe not my mother. Though the redhead was my type and the rest seemed like fair game at that moment.

  Just imagine the worst case scenario. What if all of them had gotten pregnant? Jesus, that would have been a royal fuck up for my plans of revenge.

  And how many years do they have on me? They are surely older.

  “I think I'll shag whomever I want, thank you for the advice.” And I'll surely try my best if I ever get a second chance with that girl. That kiss was...

  “Okay, I am just afraid that you may fall too fast for the first woman who shows some interest in you.” Tisha gestures at the document. “If you would sign that paper? It's just to register us at the clan meeting.”

  “Of course.” I sign and hand it back to her. “But I would really like to know what happened between you and Ishaan. Why did you hit Moonray? It struck me as odd.”

  “That's kind of complicated and would take time.” Tisha tries to evade the question, but I don't allow it.

  “I don't like secrets and dark pasts. To my knowledge secrets are only kept for one's own benefit.” I turn to stare at Tisha.

  Finally my mother launches into an explanation. “We four were friends. Ishaan and I led the clan Semper Fidelis. Moonray and Doreen were in charge of Carissimi. We were idealists and worked for a better future in this region. The clan meeting which we will visit for the next week was actually something we founded...”

  Tisha continues to explain the various ways in which they tried to make the clans work together. But there were those who fought and didn't want to change their ways. Parle and Inanimatum were first among them. When all attempts at diplomacy failed, Tisha and the others organized a raid to take down the leadership of those clans. It was a decision which was made by all the clans.

  But a few nights before their forces were supposed to strike, Moonray visited Semper Fidelis. He was always a player and trying to persuade Tisha into being something more than friends.

  “...I let my guard down and he kissed me. As a sex demon I always have the urge to please men. I don't make any excuses, it is my nature and that day I lost it. Ishaan walked in on us. We didn't even do anything. I am blaming Moonray for taking it too far. And he knew that Ishaan would return any moment.”

  “He knew?” I ask.

  “Very likely. And I already was pregnant with you. But I hadn't told Ishaan. He said that he would be away for just a few minutes. Your Dad is a very honest and loyal person, so finding us in a compromising position made him snap. I always tried to control myself while I was with Ishaan, but it wasn't supposed to last. Ishaan stormed out and left before I had a chance to stop him. I threw Moonray out afterwards.

  “A few days later Semper Fidelis was attacked by Parle's and Inanimatum's combined forces. There was no chance to defend, even with Ishaan it would have been hard. So I am glad that he wasn't there, he would have probably fought to the death.”

nbsp; In the end Semper Fidelis was completely destroyed and Tisha went into slavery. Together with a big part of her clan. I learn that the harem-girls are actually Tisha's former clan members. The clan's destruction served as a symbol of what would happen to other small clans if they band together. Some were frightened and left the alliance. Others were bought by the slavers. Within a week the alliance was no more.

  Finally my mother ends her tale with a last advice. “So even if you get involved with that succubus, try not to get too attached to her? That means unless you don't have anything against an open minded relationship? I am just trying to look out for you.”

  I thank her for the history lesson and Tisha leaves to make some last arrangements. I keep brooding while watching the city. Elona is Doreen's granddaughter. Maybe I should ask her to question Doreen on her point of view.

  My eyes fall closed and I give in to my exhaustion. The recent days of being a clan's leader took a toll on me. Though it doesn't feel like leading a clan. More like organizing a random bunch of misfits.

  One of the harem-girl's wakes me up a few hours later. She informs me that Tisha is done with her preparations and wants me to know that we can depart.

  I waste no time and hurry to get dressed. Then I hurry to meet Tisha, Aswang and Manti in the courtyard. There wasn't much time to familiarize myself with them.

  We had a lot to do and they are largely keeping to themselves. Tisha is the one who they talk to most of the time. I will have to change that in the future and have a long discussion with them. Having people, whom I essentially know nothing about, under my roof is too much of a risk.

  Tisha reveals a piece of chalk and starts outlining the rune system for a portal. It will take us to the meeting place since travelling there by normal means would be too time consuming.

  “How are the designs for the portal inhibitors coming along?” I ask.

  “They are in the process of being made from stone. Without an energy source we will need someone who supplies them with mana at all times. But if they work as you promised, then keeping them up and running is worth the effort,” Manticore informs me.

  I nod in relief. The inhibitors are magical constructs which should stop or at least divert any portals which are opened in their vicinity. Once they are in place we will need to know the exact signature of our inhibitors to open a portal in our town. Ever since Elona explained about the attack on Carissimi, it is my greatest fear that the slavers get their act together and return in force. They must have many more higher immortals than us.

  Tisha finishes her wobbly rune system and opens the portal. Then we step through as fast as possible and close the portal behind us. No need to give anyone a chance to get a good reading on the energy signature.

  I find myself in a courtyard which is similar to ours. And a few feet away is the entrance to a large building. It is guarded by two guards and a guy who looks like an accountant. Inside is something like a ballroom. It's hard to judge from the outside.

  “This is Nurien, a small safe zone to the north-east of our city.” Tisha produces the letter she had me sign earlier. “From now on we will have a week to keep our eyes and ears open. Try to befriend the people from clans in our vicinity.”

  She walks towards the accountant and gives him the letter. “Four persons, please.”

  He eyes the letter and writes something into his book. “Four persons, Semper Fidelis. You are required to pay the fee in resources within the month.”

  We walk past him and I hurry to catch up to Tisha. “We have to pay to be here?”

  “Of course. Nothing in this world is for free. Everyone has to pay for his expenses. But on the other hand we have everything all inclusive while we stay here. Don't forget to use it to the fullest. And no violence, or we are thrown out.” Tisha steps into a huge ballroom and we follow her.

  She instructs me one last time to forge some alliances and runs off after some random clan leader whom I don't know. Aswang and Manti excuse themselves too and I am left standing there, alone.

  The situation isn't exactly against my wishes. I can listen around and search for Elona while I am at it. I don't get to do much strolling. Soon after I've stuffed myself at the buffet a woman approaches me. She has magenta coloured hair and long, pointy ears. Otherwise she looks human.

  If she had given me the chance, I would have avoided her and listened in on one of the conversations at the tables. But she bars my way, leaving me no choice but to acknowledge her.

  “Hi, I am Takea from Soistaat. We've heard a lot about you.” She winks at me.

  “Yes? Who do you think I am?” I certainly have no intention of revealing anything to her, so I decide to answer short and precise.

  Her smile cracks after a few seconds of silence. “You are Shade. The new leader of Inanimatum.”

  I smile back at her. “We call ourselves Semper Fidelis.” Then I walk around her and start wandering the ballroom, surveying the faces of the people. Takea follows me and tries to keep a conversation going. I allow her attempts at gaining my favour, but her way of talking hints that she wants to know how my clan is doing.

  I deflect her questions as politely as I can while I try to gain information for myself. Our interaction is quite taxing, to say the least. Even though she is from a small clan, I can't bring myself to trust her. She may be just a pawn of others. Or she may draw me into the conflict between Soistaat and Equilibrium. If I remember correctly, they have some kind of blood feud going on.

  After an hour of searching for Elona I give up and sit down on a nearby bench. Maybe she didn't make it? What a let down.

  Takea decides to use my lap instead of the bench. When we first met I wouldn't have allowed her to be that intimate, but on my way through the ballroom I noticed the glances of several people. They seemed very interested, but Takea's presence didn't let them approach me.

  So driving her away would surely just allow another serpent to make her entrance. I put up a brave front and try to ignore her while I listen to the conversations around us. My sense of hearing is good enough to spy on casual conversations which take place a good distance away from me.

  The situation gets unbearable when three other girls join Takea in her attempts to woo me. I notice my own face turning from indifferent to grumpy, and then downright annoyed.

  But Tisha said that this is an important event, so I try not to alienate anyone.

  When Elona emerges from the crowd my mood lightens a little, but not much since she is accompanied by the fellow who poked his hand through my chest. Elona wears a red, two piece dress which supports her black, leather skirt and hair colour. It is the same skirt as when we first met. Does she like it that much? Though the reflections of the scales are cool.

  Her expression seems unusually tense upon reaching me. “Hi, Shade.”

  I smile. “Hi, Elona. I hoped that you would come.”

  “Who is that?” Takea asks from my lap.

  “Elona, we shouldn't associate ourselves with someone like him. Come, let us take a look at the water sculptures in the yard.” The guy who accompanies her reaches for her arm, but she sidesteps him.

  “Looks like you are having fun?” she asks me with a strained voice.

  That's when I realize how I must look like with Takea on my lap and her two friends clinging to my arms. I have to save the situation. “Not at all. If I interpret your relationship with your friend correctly, then you wouldn't be wrong to put my companions in the same category.” There, that's the best I can do without outright insulting someone.

  Her expression brightens immediately. “Then should we try to find somewhere to talk?”

  “Count me in!” I shoot to attention, ignoring the fact that Takea is still on my lap. She bumps to the ground and I step over her, offering my arm to Elona.

  “Sorry.” I offer Takea a dishonest apology.

  “Nothing happened.” She gets to her feet and I can almost see the sparks flying between her and Elona.

  “Good, th
en I will excuse myself.” I nod at her and at Elona's escort.

  Elona turns to wave at her friend. “Lirian, it was soooo nice to listen to you. But now that I found my date, you aren't needed to protect my chastity.”

  Lirian turns red with anger, but says nothing. Both Elona and I turn in unison to flee the scene. It's as if we already trained our retreat hundreds of time.

  “So, how is your investigation going?” I ask as soon as we are out of earshot.

  “Unfortunately my investigation stalled a little because our clan is in a predicament,” she answers contritely.

  “Oh?” I guide her through the crowd to cut off any possible pursuers.

  “Yes. And even though my grandmother is fighting it, I think that I have the perfect solution.” She edges closer and whispers, “any chance to hide in one of the private lounges?”

  “There are private lounges?” I ask.

  “Of course. There are many reasons for two or more people to be alone. The lounges are also warded against prying ears,” she whispers.

  Elona guides me to another part of the ballroom. I was already here, but I didn't pay much attention to the long corridor which leads out of the hall. There are a lot of doors to the left and right, all are equipped with signal plates. Elona takes the first room with a green signal plate and turns it around to the red side. Once inside she closes the door and locks it.

  The room seems like a normal living room with two couches and a table. There is a chessboard and five decks of cards on the table. I grin upon noticing the chessboard and sit down to align the figures. “So what do you want to talk about?”

  Elona takes the seat across from me. “I'll be blunt. Our clan is in trouble. We are lacking people and food. Those slavers damaged Yggdrasil too much and he needs a nice place to heal up. My grandmother thinks that an offer from Moonray is our only solution.”

  I lick over my lips and nod. “Who is Yggdrasil? And the offer?”

  “Yggdrasil is the tree we live in. And the offer is to fuse our clan with Draconis. They have the resources to supply us until Yggdrasil gets better,” she answers.


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