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Devotion Page 5

by Alexa Riley

He talked to me in a way no one ever has—dirty things about me wanting people to watch me, that I craved that attention. I didn’t know how right he was until the words passed his lips.

  I craved attention. First from my mom, thinking she’d love how good I dance and would praise me for once. That she would want to be around me, love me. When I didn’t get it there, I fought to be the best in my dance classes, wanting everyone’s approval. He was right. I craved attention. But now the only attention I want is his, and he doesn’t belong to me. I only have a year here. If that.

  Who knows what will happen when he wakes up and we face what we did today. Will he still look at me like he did when he’d taken me over and over? As if he wouldn’t get enough of me. He couldn’t get deep enough inside me to sate his need.

  Or was I just a toy like I heard that woman say? Just one of many. For all I know, he teaches a new girl every year. If that’s even what he’s doing. He hasn’t taught me anything about dance. In fact, I’ve never even heard him talk about it other than to tell me to do what I wanted. I don’t even know if he knows anything about training, the more I think on it.

  The house is completely silent as I make my way through it. I know where I’m going. The one place I know Noah spends all his time. His office. As I walk, I think about how I don’t recall Elina ever pointing out a bedroom for him.

  When I get to the thick black doors, I turn the knob and it opens. I gasp at how pretty it is. A giant black desk sits in front for the three large windows overlooking the water. Both walls to the right and left are covered in flat-screen TVs. Who needs this many TVs? I walk over to one of the shelves next to the TV monitors and see rows and rows of DVD cases with my name on them. I pull one out and see a date scrawled on the cover. I start pulling more and more off the shelves and see each are dated, every day in order, going back to two months ago.

  “What the hell?” I grab one and walk over to the TVs and try to turn one on. I hit a button and all of them come on at once. The screens fill up with various security feeds, each panel showing a different area of the house. One screen shows a feed of the area outside my bedroom, and most of the others show different angles of the dance studio.

  I turn around to look at the other wall and see video clips of me dancing on them. I’m on all of them. I drop the DVD in my hand. I don’t know what to make of this. I’m surrounded by images of myself on a loop, playing over and over. I start to shake.

  “Little star, I don’t like when you leave our bed when I’m still in it.”

  I turn to look at Noah, who’s standing in the doorway to his office. His eyes are trained on me. It’s as if he doesn’t see what I’m seeing. He’s standing there in only a pair of boxer briefs. Maybe he doesn’t notice because he’s used to this. Maybe I’m always on the monitors.

  “What is this? Is this…” I stumble, trying to think why he would have all this. “Is this because you study me so you can teach me to dance better or something? Like football players who watch their games?” As if finally noticing the monitors, he turns his head to look at them.

  “No, little star. This was so I could breathe,” he says softly, making his way toward me. I take a step back, and his eyes narrow. “What did I say about running from me?”

  I don’t want to run. I really don’t. “Tell me what’s happening.”

  “Come back to bed. I’ll make us something to eat and we’ll lie together and watch a movie. Your pick.” He pulls me to him, and I melt into him. My body does as it pleases even though my mind is trying to rebel. My heart and body are winning the war.

  “You always do that,” I mutter.

  “What, little star?” He’s genuinely confused as he looks down at me.

  “You don’t answer when I ask a question. You just say something else.”

  “I’m sorry, I’m just trying—”

  This time I cut him off. “It’s okay. I’m used to it. It’s nothing new to me. I know to do as I’m told,” I say, pulling from his arms and heading back to my room.

  Chapter Twelve


  I turn around and use my arm to shove everything off my desk, clearing it in one motion. Papers, files, and everything else crashes to the ground in a loud clatter.

  Aurora turns around and puts her hands to her mouth at the sound. I reach out and grab her arm and pick her up, bringing her down on top of the desk.

  I grip the front of her shirt and rip it, exposing her naked body.

  “Noah!” she shouts as I kick off my boxer briefs and my hard cock points right at her pussy.

  “How many times do I have to tell you to stop running from me?”

  I push open her legs and lick my fingers before running them up and down her pussy. I want to make sure she’s wet, but she already is. She’s got cum spread all over her from what I’ve already done to her today. But it’s time for her to take another load.

  “You love to defy me,” I say, bringing her ass to the edge of the desk and thrusting into her in one hard stroke. She says my name again, but this time it’s a moan. “You love seeing me lose control. You want to push me to react. I see it.”

  Her tits bounce while my cock pushes into her, her tight cunt gripping me.

  “Grab the desk.” I growl. She lifts her hands over her head and does as I say. “Is this what you want? You want to get fucked in the middle of my office surrounded by pictures of yourself?”

  “Yes,” she breathes, and raises her hips.

  “You love it. Having me balls deep in your sweet little pussy while I tell you how much I can’t stand it. How much I need you. How fucking hard I am for you every time I get even a hint of what’s between your legs. You’re so greedy for it.”

  “Yes,” she moans again and spreads her legs wider.

  “You make every cock that sees you stand up straight, and it’s not enough. I’ve got to cum in you every ten minutes or something is wrong. How could I possibly want you more? After all I’ve done to have you?”

  “More, Noah. More.” Her eyes close and her head rolls back as I give her what she wants.

  “I’ll give you more. But I want more from you.”

  I hold myself inside her as I fill her up again. Her unprotected pussy is coated in my seed, and I growl as I empty myself once again to impregnate her.

  Looking down, I see I’m covered in cream, and she’s ready to cum. I pull my cock out, and she mewls, wanting me back in.

  “Shhh,” I say, pushing her legs up and exposing her pretty pink asshole. I press the tip of my cum-covered cock to it, smearing it and lubing it up. “You’ll give me every place on your body I can fuck. Because I want to own all of you, Aurora.”

  I stare into her blue eyes as I penetrate her tight ring. She tenses, and I reach down, rubbing her hard clit.

  “You’ll learn to love it, little star. You’ll love it so much you’ll bend over and tease me with it. Like you do your innocent little pussy now. But I won’t take you here all the time,” I say, sliding forward a few inches. “This will be your special treat when you’ve gotten yourself so worked up there’s no other way to calm you down except getting in your ass.”

  “Oh God, Noah.”

  “I’ll always want your cunt first, but when you act like this, I’ll bring you in this office and treat you just like this.” I push all the way and feel my balls press against her. “That it, little star. Balls deep in your ass on the first try. Such a good girl.”

  “I’m close,” she whispers as I slowly strum her clit.

  “Feels good, doesn’t it? I’ve got you trussed up, and I’m holding all the power. You’ve got my full attention, and you’re getting told how special you are. This is what you want, right? You want praise?”

  “Yes.” Her eyes are closed tight, and I see her body start to shake.

  I thrust in and out of her ass slowly, letting her feel the drag of my cock. “You’re doing so good. I’m harder than I’ve ever been and it’s all because of you. You make it so easy to fuck yo

  Her body tenses as her orgasm approaches.

  “You make it so easy to love you, Aurora.”

  I lean down and take her mouth as I fuck her ass, and she cums so hard that her body quakes with it. She cries out my name as I rub her clit and help her ride the wave. Her ass is so tight it’s almost like her virgin cunt, and I can’t hold myself back.

  I fill her up again, but this time I don’t pull out. I wrap her boneless arms and legs around me and carry her from the room.

  “Let’s go have a shower, and I can clean you up,” I say, kissing her neck and sucking it so hard I leave a mark.

  She makes a squawk of protest, but I smack her ass. “I told you, I’m marking all of you.”

  “My butt hurts,” she says, and then laughs.

  “You don’t seem to mind my dick in it, little star. But don’t worry. I’ve got kisses to make it better.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  I wake to morning sun pouring in the window. I roll over to see the plates from our dinner still sitting on the floor next to the bed. I was half-asleep last night when Noah woke me up and made me eat, before I passed back out again with his mouth between my legs. This seems to be the story of our lives. I want to know something and Noah makes love to me or distracts me until I pass out. He’s hiding something, and I know I need to face it, even if I don’t want to. I’m falling in love with him. Or maybe I already am in love with him. Another thing I’m not sure I want to face yet.

  I love how he makes me feel. I’m alive for the first time. Parts of me that were hidden deep down have been brought to the surface. He’s waking me up, and the more he does it, the harder I’m going to fall when I find out what’s really happening here. I don’t want to shatter this perfect illusion that’s been built, but I know it’s not as it seems.

  I roll from the bed. Seeing one of Noah’s shirts on the ground, I pick it up and slide it over my head. I wonder where Elina is. In fact, I haven’t seen anyone since Noah took me on the floor of the dance studio. The island seems deserted now.

  I make my way to find Noah, knowing I need answers. I know there’s something more between us. I can feel it. I can’t believe that sex feels this way for everyone. It can’t. Something about what we share is different and has to be a once-in-a-lifetime thing. He seems to know the deepest darkest thoughts inside my head and lays them out for me to see. Things I would never voice, he brings them to life. He calls to a dark part of me that I try to keep hidden, but nothing is out of his reach.

  I walk to his office, and a feeling of déjà vu hits me. I hear a woman’s voice once again, and the pit in my stomach forms. I pause for a moment, unsure what to do. Then anger starts to take over as jealousy burns its way to the surface. I’ve had enough of being pushed around my entire life. It’s time I finally stand up for myself. I shove open the doors of his office, letting them fling open and smack against the walls. The woman jumps, and Noah stands up from behind his desk. The office is still a mess. Things are flung all over the floor from where he cleared it off to make love to me.

  I glance over at the woman who looks to be in her thirties. Her blonde hair frames her face. She’s pretty. No, she’s more than pretty. She has curves like you see in magazines. Her bright green eyes narrow on me. She looks like the opposite of me in every way.

  “Leave,” Noah growls, and I look over at him. He’s got his eyes trained on the woman. I can see the anger written on his face. “Step foot here again and you’ll have bigger problems than you already have now.”

  I look back over at her, and I can tell she wants to say something. She shakes her head and stomps from the office, leaving us alone. Noah leans down, picking a phone up from off the floor and hitting some numbers.

  “Make sure she’s off the island and never comes back,” is all he says, before he tosses the phone back on the floor. He lets out a deep breath, and I can see he’s trying to get his anger under control.

  “Is she your wife?” The words leave my mouth, and I pray that I’m wrong. If he’s married, we’ve been having an affair, no matter if they’re separated. And I didn’t like the way he so easily dismissed a woman he once loved, even if they aren’t together any longer.

  “Come here,” he says softly. I pause for a moment, but my feet do as he commands and I find myself walking toward him. The anger that was on his face is gone as he picks me up by my hips, sitting me on his desk.

  “I’ve never been married,” he admits. “Never been in love before this.”

  “Noah, please.” I want more. I need more.

  There are too many questions floating around in my head, and I think he just said he loves me. A part of me doesn’t want the answers, because I know something isn’t right here. I think it’s why I’ve been letting him take over and haven’t been pushing for more. I get lost in him because I know something is coming. This perfect little world I’ve fallen into is going to crumble. Nothing this good can be true.

  He drops his forehead to mine. “It’s not that I don’t want to tell you things, little star. I want to give you everything you could ever want and more.”

  “I don’t understand.” I wrap my arms around his neck, needing to touch him. The hands on my hips grip me tighter, and he lifts me up. I wrap my legs around him as he makes his way out of the office and down the hall. He takes me back into our bedroom and sits down on the bed, with me straddling him.

  “Anna works for me. Worked for me,” he corrects. “She wanted me to come back to our offices in New York, but I have no plans of going anywhere you’re not.” His hands grip me possessively, as if I might disappear. “There is nothing, and there has never been, anything between Anna and me. She’s a workaholic who can get carried away. Before you, I didn’t care, because I was on that same page. She worked well as my assistant, but now I’m here on the island. With you.”

  “You’re not a dance instructor, are you?” I search his dark eyes. He leans up, taking my mouth in a slow, soft kiss before he answers me.

  “The only dance I know is yours.”

  “Am I some toy?” I ask, recalling what Anna had said before. I don’t want to be someone’s plaything. I don’t want to be something for someone to show off like my mother always did with me, but then neglect and resent me when I’m not shiny and new anymore.

  He releases his grip on my hips and cups my face with gentle hands. “No, Aurora. You’re my everything. I brought you here to let you blossom. To watch you become whatever woman you want to be. To be free.”

  “Am I free?” I lean in, looking into his eyes. “Have I just gone from one cage to another?”

  “If you want to leave the island, we will leave.” He smiles at me and strokes my cheek. “You are free to go anywhere you want.”

  My heart aches at the thought of leaving the island.

  Something flashes in his eyes, and I see a dark promise. “But you will never be free of me.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  “I need to tell you the truth about how you came to be here, Aurora.”

  She nods, and I see trepidation on her face.

  “I tried the traditional way of getting to you.” I smile, thinking of how desperate my attempts were. “After the first time I saw you on stage, I was done. One look at you and I was a goner.”

  Her features soften, and I feel her hands rubbing against my chest.

  “I sent flowers to you at every show. But eventually I found out that your mother intercepted them. I tried sneaking backstage, but after the flowers, she spoke to the director and had security tightened.” I shake my head, remembering how impossible she was to get past. “Eventually I knew that if I was able to get close to you, she would somehow keep me away. So I created this elaborate way to have you. A year alone in a secluded place to have you all to myself. To make you fall in love with me.”

  “Noah, I—”

  “To make sure you could never leave me,” I say.

hing down, I rub her lower belly and then look into her eyes.

  “By any means necessary.”

  Her cheeks flush, and then she bites her lip. “We never used any protection.”

  “I know. You may already be bred with my baby. At least, that’s what I hope. I want you pregnant as soon as possible.”

  “But why? Why did you do all this for me?” There’s no trace of fear in her question, only hope.

  “Because you’re my one. I love you, Aurora, and I will never let you go.”

  “I love you, too, Noah. I don’t know how this can all happen so fast, but I’ve never felt this before.”

  I see the truth in her eyes as she clings to me. I wrap my arms around her and flip us so that she’s on her back on the bed and I’m hovering over her.

  “Forever, Aurora. No matter where we live or what we do. You’re mine forever.”

  “Yours,” she answers, and I lean down, pressing my lips to hers.

  Reaching down, I pull off the shirt she’s wearing and then strip off my clothes.

  “I need you bare,” I grit out as I stare between her legs at her wet cunt. “And you need attention.”

  I kneel down between her thighs and bury my face in her pussy.

  “Noah,” she moans, and I feel her hands in my hair.

  “I bet you got so jealous seeing another woman in there with me. You wanted to walk in there and sit on my desk, didn’t you? Spread your legs and show her how I react when I see this sweet little cunt? I bet you’d have loved seeing how pissed she would have been.”

  “Oh God.”

  “You would have had such a smug look on your face seeing me fall to my knees. Eating this ripe pussy right in front of her. Not caring there was someone else in the room, completely focused on you.”

  I suck her clit and feel her shake as I push two fingers into her tight opening and then one in her ass.


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