Welcome to New Haven

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Welcome to New Haven Page 31

by Dawn Doyle

  Dev laughed louder and Oli winked at Holly and pointed at Alex.

  “Let’s. Just. Go.” Said Holly as she grabbed both Alex’s and Dev’s hands and walked out of the kitchen into the hallway.

  “I am so sorry.” She said as she stopped and turned to face them.

  “That’s…uh…ok” Alex looked like he was still in shock. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

  “Yeah, me neither.” Holly led them to her own hangout room.

  “Ooh this is nice!” Dev said as they walked in. “So this is what was happening when you were having work done.?”

  “Yep.” Said Holly. “Take a seat.”

  Holly loved the room. The walls were bright white with a purple border around the top. The floor was oak with under floor heating, keeping her feet toasty warm.

  She had a mini fridge and snack cupboard on the far right for when she was watching movies.

  The sofa was big enough to fit four people. The kind that felt like a bed when you sat down. It had soft, black fabric that made you want to cuddle into it. Purple and lilac throw pillows at either end, and a silver framed, glass coffee table in front. That sat on a black and silver specked rug.

  To the right of the couch was a huge round love seat, or cuddle chair, designed for two people to snuggle together. On the wall hung a huge sixty-inch flat screen TV.

  “Instead of having a ridiculously huge garage, we had half made into this.”

  “It’s awesome.” Said Alex as he looked around.

  “Thanks” smiled Holly. “Anybody want a drink or something to eat?” she asked them as she walked to the snack cupboard. “I’ve got water, fizzy lemonade, orange, or apple juice.”

  “Lemo for me.” Said Dev, using Holly’s slang word.

  “Just water, thanks.”

  “Okey dokey.” Holly said as she grabbed their bottles. She opened the cupboard and brought out sweet popcorn, tortilla chips and dip. She knew Dev loved the stuff and had stocked up.

  “Oh you are a lifesaver!” Said Dev excitedly. “Seriously, Hol. How can you not like this stuff?” She said grabbing the chips and dip.

  “I really don’t like it. Just Em. That girl’s a human bin, I swear.”

  Alex loved Holly more relaxed. Maybe she had been so shy because she liked him and didn’t know he liked her back? That’s how he felt anyway. He felt relaxed himself, knowing that Holly had feelings for him too. He didn’t have to worry about slipping up and embarrassing himself.

  “Would you like something else?” Holly asked him. “Dev told me you don’t like salsa either.”

  “No thanks. Popcorn’s my thing.”

  Holly passed him a tub of popcorn and got one for herself and sat on her cuddle seat. Alex wanted her to sit next to him, or on his lap…

  “Should we watch a movie?” asked Dev.

  “Or you could work on your Algebra.” Said Holly as she raised an eyebrow. “That’s what we were supposed to be doing today anyway.”

  “I vote no.” Said Dev. Folding her arms in protest.

  “Actually…” Said Alex. “I could use some help too. If that’s ok.” He smiled at Holly.

  He would daydream about her tutoring him. Then at the end of the lesson, she would let her hair down, take off her jacket and start to unzip her skirt…

  “Uh, Alex?” Said Dev.

  “What?” He was embarrassed about being caught in his Holly haze for the second time that day. Ok, so maybe he would still get embarrassed for a little while… Holly was still looking at him and she had her lower lip between her teeth. Had she just been in an ‘Alex fog’ as he heard the other’s say?

  “I said you’re boring. Besides, we don’t have our books because we didn’t have algebra today and we haven’t been home yet.” Dev looked pleased with herself because she’d gotten out of studying.

  “Ok then, if you want to watch a movie…that’s ok, I guess.” Holly said mostly to Alex.

  “A movie would be great.” Not that he’d be paying attention to it with Holly in the room. She was so beautiful he could barely concentrate on anything else.

  Holly got up to get the remote for her media server.

  Alex moved away from Dev and patted the seat between them for Holly. Right on cue, she blushed and then took the seat. Dev chose and decided on The Amazing Spiderman.

  “I’ve wanted to see this movie for a long time.” Said Dev. “I was sick when the gang went. Have you seen it?”

  “Yeah me and Em watched it a while ago. Back in the UK.”

  “Who went with you?”

  “Just us. Em had split up with her, then, boyfriend and she’d already bought the tickets the week before so…”

  “We can watch something else.”

  “I don’t mind. I like Marvel movies. Unless you want to watch something else.” Holly said, turning to Alex.

  “No. I like this one.” He knew he wouldn’t be watching it anyway, so it didn’t matter what was on. He would be too focused on Holly sitting next to him. Right next to him.

  In her house, in the dark.

  So far, so good

  Holly turned off the lights with the remote. Her whole body was alight with being in such close proximity to Alex. Ever since he patted the seat next to him, she knew she would definitely have no way of concentrating on anything on the screen.

  She was trying hard to relax.

  She had finally gotten more control over her speech when talking to him, and she thought that it was due to the fact that now she knew he liked her too. It certainly helped knowing she couldn’t have somebody embarrassing her by telling him, if he already knew.

  As they were eating their popcorn, Holly felt a tickle on the back of her hand, moving up and down her wrist. She looked down to her hand, which was resting on her thigh as it held her tub.

  Alex was stroking her hand with the back of his left index finger as he was watching the movie. He’d tucked his popcorn between his knees and was eating with his right hand.

  Holly noticed that he saw her looking at his hand, and he smiled, shyly. Both, as if they had the same thought at that moment, took each other’s hand. Alex ran his thumb along Holly’s index finger. She adjusted so that they were interlocking their fingers. Alex moved his upper body. A little closer to her and Holly held her breath for a second before slowly releasing.

  She didn’t know whether Dev had noticed nor did she care. The only thing Holly was aware of was how crazy sexy this guy was, sitting next to her.

  Holding her hand.

  Stroking her skin.

  Liking her back.

  The buzz she could feel between their hands was sending all kinds of tingling feelings throughout her body. She could feel it right down to her ‘other’ parts too and wondered if it were affecting Alex in the same way when she heard him take a very controlled, deep, breath.

  Yes. He’s affected too.

  Thank goodness Dev was in the room. Things were heating up quite a lot from simple handholding. Alex was nervous. He’d never been nervous with a girl before in his life. Maybe because they never put the thoughts in his head like the ones Holly did.

  Very naughty thoughts indeed. Ones that he’d promised his parents he wouldn’t entertain until he was eighteen.

  It was his birthday in just over a week and Holly the week after. Not that he assumed anything. He loved Holly, and he would wait forever for her.

  I love Holly.

  He froze.

  I really do!

  He couldn’t imagine being without her. After only a few weeks of meeting her, he had fallen in love and was thinking about what was to come. They hadn’t even kissed! The top of her head during a panic attack didn’t count, even though he had loved it.

  That’s it. I need to kiss her.

  He moved his popcorn to the table and sat back.

  Holly was feeling strange. A mixture of excitement, nervousness, and a little bit of panic. She didn’t know why. All she knew was that she wasn’t watching the movie.
/>   She was paying attention to Alex. He seemed…troubled, somehow. Like he was making a decision about something. He wasn’t watching the movie either. He was watching their hands, intertwined, thumbs caressing each other.

  Alex looked from their hands to Holly. She looked so beautiful, so…perfect.

  So mine.

  His eyes dropped to her lips, which were parted and glistening in the light of the TV. His own lips parted. Before he knew it, he was reaching for her with his right hand, never breaking the hold they already had. He placed his hand across her cheek so that his fingers could sink into her hair. Holly moved the same time he did. She placed her hand on the forearm that reached for her. They moved closer towards each other.

  There was a knock and then the door opened.

  Alex and Holly quickly moved back to where they were.

  “Hey guys.” It was Oli. “Pardon my interruption. I was wondering if you’d like to stay for dinner?” He asked.

  “Thanks, Oli.” Said Dev “But our Mom’s already done ours. She told us to be back by five.”

  “Well, alright then. It’s almost twenty-to-five now, though.” Oli looked towards Alex and saw his and Holly’s interlocked fingers. He smiled a very knowing smile at Holly.

  “We’ll have to make plans for another day. Maybe this weekend?” He said as he started to leave.

  “Yeah, thanks.” Said Dev.

  As Oli closed the door, Dev turned to them and Alex had no doubt what she saw. Guilty expressions.

  “Almost busted!” She giggled.

  “We didn’t do anything!” Said Holly. More pissed off about it than defensive.

  “Bummer.” Dev said as she caught the end of the movie. Holly and Alex stared at each other. Both knowing they had been about to have their first kiss.

  “That was awesome!” Said Dev as she used the remote to turn the lights back on. It was one of those automation thingies that controlled how fast, and which, lights came on.

  “Thank you for that, but we have to go now before Mom starts calling.” Dev said as she rolled her eyes.

  When their Mom said dinner’s at five, it was at five.

  Alex and Holly released their hands as they stood and tidied away the tubs.

  “I’m sorry.” Alex whispered as they walked out of the room to the front door.

  “What for?” He hadn’t done anything wrong, that she knew of.

  “Before your Dad walked in.” Holly was confused. Did he think she was mad because they’d almost kissed…again?

  “Why are you sorry?” She asked as they stepped outside of the front door.

  “Um…not for…you know…” He said with a flush in his cheeks. He was lost for words this time! “It’s just…in your house, and your parents there."

  “Bye Dev.” Kim said as she and Oli entered the hallway.

  “Bye guys!” Dev called back.

  “Bye Alex. It was lovely to meet you.” Kim said with a warm smile.

  “You too. Bye.”

  “Bye Hols.” Dev said as she hugged her. “I’ll text you later.”

  Alex looked at Holly. He wanted so much to hug her too. Hell, he wanted to kiss her and just forget where he was for a while. Oli cleared his throat.

  “Bye Hol.” Alex said, and he quickly glanced at Oli and Kim, then to Holly. “Text you later.” He said quietly.

  Dev had already gotten into the car and Alex opened his door.

  “Alex, wait!” Said Holly. He paused to watch her quickly walk towards him. She had her lip between her teeth as she went. As she reached him, she threw her hands around the back of his head, stood on her tiptoes and pulled his lips to hers.

  He. Was. Stunned!

  All at once, there was an explosion of emotions, hormones, sensations…he wasn’t sure, but as soon as Holly’s lips touched his he felt a bomb go off in his chest.

  Her lips were warm and soft and so incredibly sexy. She tasted like sunshine and apples.

  His arms automatically came around to hold her close to him. One hand rose higher to thread his fingers into her hair underneath her loose ponytail. Holly pulled back slightly. She parted her lips, just as Alex did, and their lips melted together again.

  Alex tilted his head to deepen the kiss, and he gently stroked his tongue into her mouth, exploring hers. He did what felt natural to him, natural to do with Holly, and it felt right.

  He held her tighter.

  Holly’s fingers tangled in his hair as her other hand lowered across his shoulders and neck, pulling him to her. All the while their tongues caressed each other as they kissed.

  Holly let out a light moan, as did he. Alex’s lips were everything and more than Holly had dreamt of. Soft, yet strong, and so…so… She couldn’t describe the perfection that was his mouth.

  Where their bodies met, she was on fire. She could feel tingling all over her from her head right down to her toes. Her breasts were pressed to Alex’s chest and she knew her nipples were standing to attention. The pain, she only associated with when she was cold, was there yet it felt different.

  She liked it.

  Her stomach had a thousand butterflies dancing around and her lady parts…well they were somehow begging for attention. Holly could feel herself getting so turned on from Alex’s kisses; she wondered if she would combust if they ‘did it’.

  Her hands lowered to his neck and slowly to his chest. Hard, sculpted…

  Oli coughed loudly to clear his throat.


  Alex and Holly slowly pulled back.

  Alex looked to Holly and her perfect lips, which were pink and swollen from their kiss.

  How long were we kissing? Not that long. Not long enough.

  He saw that Holly’s pupils were dilated. They made the green of her eyes look really dark because of the dark circles around her iris.

  Holly smiled up at Alex as she saw that his lips were swollen, and his pupils were dilated so much his eyes looked black. She knew he was affected just as much as she. She’d felt the ‘hard’ evidence against her stomach.

  “Oh my God!” Squealed Dev in shock.

  “Bye Alex.” Holly said, and she bit her lip as her cheeks flamed.

  Alex swallowed hard.

  “Bye Hol.” He smiled, and he got into his car.

  As Holly reached the front door, she lifted a hand as a stop sign.

  “Not. A. Word.” She said, and Oli made a zip and lock motion across his mouth. Kim just smiled at her ‘baby girl’.

  “I’m starving” Holly said as she walked into the house.

  “Holy shit!” Said Dev as Alex drove away from Holly’s.

  “I can’t believe what just happened.” Said Alex quietly.

  “I can.” Said Dev. “Holly was pissed that Oli interrupted and got tired of waiting.”


  “Yeah, you know… she’s liked you since day one, you get disturbed at lunch, in social studies, and then her Dad walks in.” Dev shook her head and snorted. “I guess she just wasn’t getting interrupted anymore.” She sighed and smiled. “So romantic. I am so happy for you Alex.” Dev said with tears in her eyes. “That was the most beautiful kiss I’ve ever seen. And that includes on TV.”

  Alex was still silent as Dev continued talking.

  ”I could almost feel how much you love each other. "Ahh” She sighed again as she wiped away a happy tear. “Very emotional.”

  “Holly kissed me.” He said suddenly. “She kissed me and her parents were there, and she didn’t care.” He said excitedly. Grinning like a cheshire cat.

  “No shit, Sherlock.” Giggled Dev.

  “Wait…did you say love each other?”

  “I did”

  “Did Holly say that to you?”

  “No, but that’s what I could feel from it.”

  “I kissed Holly.” He said as he ran his hand through his hair. “Oh my God.” He whispered as he blew out a long, calming breath. Not that the rest of his body had caught up with the need to relax. He
knew there was no way Holly didn’t feel that against her.

  As soon as they got home, Alex ran upstairs. He was running their kiss over and over in his mind. Holly’s lips, so soft and sweet. Perfectly formed just for him. Her fingers in his hair, arm around his shoulder and neck whilst their tongues were dancing together and lips sucking each other. Her breasts were pressed against him and he could feel her body heat through her clothing. Her hands running down his chest.

  Alex was burning all over. His heart beating frantically, his lungs trying to take in air. Certain body parts had gotten hard and were desperate to be used.

  “Oh fuck!” He said as he came out of his Holly haze. He was rock solid again.

  A cold shower might not be enough to cool this down.

  He was going to have to sort it out himself.

  He rushed into his bathroom, stripped down, and got into the cold water jets. Nothing was easing off. He didn’t think it would, considering Holly’s kiss, tongue, breasts, body…


  There was no way he could get rid with just the shower.

  He reached down to his hot, rock hard shaft and began to stroke himself backwards and forwards. He’d never needed to do this before he met her. Now, it was a recurring problem. He pictured Holly biting that sexy lip of hers, and he felt himself getting closer.

  “Aaghhh!” He tried to keep quiet as he came.

  “Holly.” He whispered as he leant his head against the wall. “What have you done to me?”

  He went downstairs for dinner and overheard Dev talking to their Mom.

  “It was so romantic. They looked so much in love I had tears running down my face, Mom.”


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