Welcome to New Haven

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Welcome to New Haven Page 43

by Dawn Doyle

Holly’s breathing became heavy and she was biting her lip to keep herself from crying out. Alex felt her legs tighten around him as he kissed her more and more. He was about to press his lips to her skin when he had an overwhelming urge to taste her.

  He parted his lips and ran the tip of his tongue, gently, back across her collarbone to her shoulder. Holly’s hands shot up into his hair and for a moment he thought she wanted him to stop.

  “Oh my God!” She squeaked and he pressed featherlight kisses across her shoulder.

  His hand on her thigh slowly caressed up, over her hip, to her waist. Her top had ridden up, and his fingertips grazed her smooth flesh.

  “Alex!” She cried out in a whisper.

  He continued his unhurried ascent of the side her body.

  He paused high up on her ribcage.

  If he moved his hand inwards, he would be overstepping, surely. Alex lifted his head to capture her lips again. Holly’s fingers tangled in his hair, their lips sucking and nipping each other.

  Alex was about to burst.

  His pulse was racing, breathing erratic and his body on fire. The hardness in his pants against Holly’s own heated area and was wanting, desperately, to break free from its restrictions.

  He felt Holly’s hand cover his own, and he thought he’d gone too far, until she started to move his hand inwards towards her perfect feminine mounds. He could feel the outer curve, and then his fingers were underneath as his thumb moved up the side of her beautiful breast.

  She wasn’t stopping.

  “Holly? Alex?” A knock at the door and they froze.

  Their mouths parted quickly, and they stared at each other, suddenly realizing what they were doing, and had come very close to doing.

  “Oh crap” Alex whispered as another knock sounded.

  They sat up, quickly, and adjusted their clothing. Alex had to position himself so as not to show evidence of what they had been up to.

  “Holly? Alex? Are you ok? Can I come in?” It was Dev.

  How long had they been up there? It had felt like only five minutes.

  “Hang on!” Said Holly and she lifted her hands to fix Alex’s hair. She ran her fingers through his dark, silky strands and she bit her lip as she did.

  God, she loved his hair.

  Holly felt Alex’s hands on her waist and as she looked into his eyes, he was smiling at her with humour.

  “What?” She whispered, smiling back.

  “Down girl.” He said. Holly opened her mouth I’m playful surprise.

  “Speak for yourself!”

  “Guys…I’m coming in.” Said Dev and she slowly opened the bedroom door.

  Dev’s eyes scanned their faces and the ruffled covers on the bed.

  Dev’s expression turned from concerned to shock. Holly understood what Dev had thought, and she shook her head.

  “No. We didn’t!”

  “Oh my God, Dev!” Said Alex. “You know we wouldn’t.”

  Dev narrowed her eyes a little and then released her breath.

  “Ok, But you’ve been up here for almost an hour.”

  Alex and Holly’s eyes snapped to each other.

  “The police called…” Dev continued. “…They’ve got something they need to tell us.”

  Chapter 22

  They made their way downstairs, and all eyes were on them as they walked onto the lounge.

  Holly didn’t miss Evie raising an eyebrow at them, to which Alex gave a small shake of his head. Evie looked relieved.

  I need to ask about that.

  Officers Dixon, and Jones, were sitting on the sofa with an iPad.

  “What’s happened?” Holly asked as she and Alex sat down together.

  “How much do you know about Miss. Scutter?” asked Dixon.

  Alex told them all he knew was that she’d moved from San Francisco, two years ago, with her mother. She’d started their school and had been a thorn in his side ever since.

  Holly frowned, questioningly, at Dixon.

  “There’s more to it isn’t there?” she asked.

  “I’m afraid so.” He replied.

  “Miss Scutter didn’t leave San Francisco for new opportunities, she was ordered to leave by the courts.”

  “What?” Dev whispered in disbelief. Alex and Holly were stunned.

  “Due to her age, documents were sealed until she turned eighteen. Other technicalities prevented us from telling you sooner.”

  “What technicalities?” asked Evie, angrily. She was becoming visibly unsettled that Stacey was already known to the police.

  “Unless Miss. Scutter broke any terms of her order, we weren’t made aware of her previous arrests. We only knew she had an order in place, but details were kept confidential until she was a legal adult. We never needed to look into it until yesterday, when she damaged Miss. Edwards’ car.”

  “What was the order? What did she do?” asked Rami, angrily.

  Dixon explained that, for over a year, Stacey had terrorized a family that lived near her. She had taken a liking to the husband and pursued him relentlessly. She’d even broken into their house and stole some of his personal items. Toothbrush, underwear, and some photographs of him, and had gone to his wife to show her the items she’d taken as ‘proof’ of his infidelity. Stacey had even approached his children and told them, in explicit detail, how she’d seduced their father. The family went to the local police.

  They’d searched Stacey’s home and found photo’s that she’s taken of herself in the family’s home. Some explicit ones, in their bedroom, and a note that she was planning to send to the husband.

  Her thought was, if he were forced from his family, he would be hers…’like he wanted’.

  The family had a protection order against her and she was ordered to stay at least two hundred yards away from them and no communication in any form.

  Two days later, she set their house on fire in retaliation. She had to undergo psychiatric treatment for three months, and she and her family had to leave the state.

  “What the fuck!” shouted Ben. “You mean to say that a convicted psycho was allowed into our school to harass somebody else? What if she’d gone further and tried to hurt someone? What if she hurt them? What if she hurt Dev?”

  Ben was raging with anger.

  “Our hands were tied.” Said Dixon. “We knew she was moved, however, we didn’t know of the extent until we asked to see her records after yesterday’s stunt. They came through after she’d been released with the EPO.”

  “Yeah, cos that totally worked!” Shouted Ben, sarcastically.

  Alex and Holly sat in silence. Horrified that Stacey had done this before and that they were now on the receiving end of her psychopathy.

  “Ben, calm down.” Said Dev gently.

  Ben was pacing up and down the lounge, Alex and Holly in shock, and all of the parents terrified of what that girl could have done to their children.

  Holly stared at the floor, breathing deeply to calm herself.

  “I can’t calm down, Dev.” Ben said. “That…slut…was in your house! What if Alex and I hadn’t checked out the house? What if you…?”

  He ran his hands through his hair and down his face in frustration.

  “She wouldn’t have done anything. Not then anyway, but Ben…she’s in custody.” Said Dev and she stood to place her hands on his arms.

  Alex was holding onto Holly, and he was rubbing up and down her back.

  “Let me get this straight…” He said with an icy calmness. The initial shock subsiding.

  “A girl goes crazy, stalks a married guy, breaks into his house, confronts his kids, tells his wife lies and, once actually getting arrested, commutes arson. She has a few months therapy, moves state, and school, then starts all over again. Can you please explain to me how that was ok? Who actually thought it was appropriate to let a fucking psycho into a school when she thought nothing of attacking a whole fucking family?!”

  Alex was getting irate. His blood was like lava i
n his veins.

  “Who the fuck thinks this shit is ok? Did the principal know? Oh no, wait, she was a minor and records were sealed. “He said sarcastically. “So Mr. Lawson unknowingly allowed a crazy bitch to roam the school to have her pick of victims? She approached me the day she started!

  I’ve had to put up with her shit for two fucking years! Do you have any idea what that’s like? To have somebody constantly tracking you down and violating your personal space, putting their skanky hands on you and saying disgusting things to you?! Even the teachers told her to back off, and she didn’t. I had to hide from her. Janitor’s closets, storerooms, bathrooms even my car! She followed my friends, and I to our hang out and then we couldn’t even go there anymore. She. Made. My. Life. Miserable.

  I was always looking over my shoulder!”

  Evie was openly crying and Kim had her shaking hand over her mouth in shock at hearing what Alex had gone through at the hands of Stacey.

  Holly was ready to kill. She’d sat in silence, tears rolling down her face as she listened to every disgusting detail. She knew she would normally have a panic attack, but she was far too enraged for any sort of anxiety to take hold of her.

  Her hand curled into a fist, and she clenched her jaw. Her breathing was heavy.

  Alex held her other hand, with his arm around her shoulder.

  He pulled her closer to his side, sensing her distress.

  “We’re sorry, Mr. Valencia.” We were not aware of the details of Miss. Scutters’ offences until earlier today. As we said, we only knew she had been moved and her files were sealed.”

  “That’s not good enough.” Said Holly. Coldly. “She was a known danger. Yet, she was allowed in school after committing arson as a ‘retaliation’. What then?

  If the principal was made aware of the order, would she have been arrested when she started to harass Alex? Even after he complained about her?”

  Officer Jones answered and Holly could see he knew they were fighting a losing battle.

  “We don’t know miss.”

  Holly wasn’t happy with that answer and was ready to make her displeasure known.

  “Bullshit! She would have been! Dad?”

  She knew Oli would be able to let them know exactly what would have been done.

  “Yes, she would, honey. If the faculty were aware, she would have been picked up and, because it was so soon after her previous conviction, she may have even faced a prison sentence.”

  The officers turned to Oli with concern.

  “I’m a lawyer.” He said with a scowl. “I’ve listened to everything you have told us, and it’s clear, to me that the police department and courts responsible for the girls’ release, and subsequent concealment of her files, have placed a great number of minors at risk.

  Regardless of the details of her actions, you will only need to read over other cases to see how quickly an attack of this level can escalate to something of greater magnitude.

  In my professional opinion, there has been a great deal of gross mishandling on behalf of the courts.” Oli stayed calm and professional during his lawyeresque rant and Kim was holding his hand for support.

  “We understand your position here, officers, and you being kept in the dark also, but you must understand that our children have been placed in danger.”

  “We do understand Mr. Charles.” Said Jones. “But, according to the files Miss. Scutters’ psych evaluation, after three months treatment, cleared her for social integration.”

  “Well they were wrong.” Said Rami. “My son could’ve been attacked. My daughter, their friends. They’ve all been affected by this girl. She should never have been allowed in school.” He snarled.

  “We’ll be looking into it, sir.” Said Dixon.

  “I hope they pay for what they did.” Said Holly. “She could’ve done anything…anytime…nobody knew!”

  Alex pulled her into his chest as more tears fell down her cheeks. She wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “If they let her go again…”

  “They won’t miss. She’ll be held in custody, due to today’s events and breaking the order.” Said Jones.

  The officers explained that they were waiting on a warrant to search Stacey’s home to check for any personal items or photographs of Alex. Like she had of the husband during her previous conviction. The officers would inform them if they found anything.

  The parents wanted something done about whomever ordered the details to be kept from the principal, and that those responsible would be held accountable for what had been allowed to happen.

  “If you want to file a complaint, Rami, I will be more than happy to take the case on for you, as well as ours. As for the prosecution of the girl, I will personally look into getting the finest lawyers of my company. Due to it being personal, I’m unable to do it myself. However, I can sure as hell assist with the research.

  "Evie and Rami were leaving, and Alex was reluctant to go with them.

  “I don’t want to leave you.” Alex said to Holly, pressing his forehead to hers.

  “I don’t want to either.” She replied as she fisted her hands in his T-shirt.

  “It’s too early. We could go somewhere…shopping for a new bed, clothes, just…don’t go home.”

  “That’s a great idea.” Said Alex, brightening up. He was overjoyed that he didn’t have to part from Holly so soon, but he also didn’t want to dismiss his sister or best friend.

  “Dev and Ben too?” Holly asked, as if sensing what he was thinking. He smiled, gazing into her beautiful green eyes.

  “Is that ok?” He whispered.

  “Definitely. We’re not leaving them out.”

  Alex pressed his lips to hers before turning to his brave sister, and his best friend.

  “You guys are coming too right?” He asked.

  “Yay!” Dev squealed and she hugged them both tightly. Ben snorted a laugh.

  “Of course. Someone needs to keep her out of trouble.” He motioned to Dev who narrowed her eyes and pulled a face at him.

  Back to normal now.

  Alex thought. The incident was over, and they were back to their hostile behavior towards each other.

  “I thought you’d want to be alone.” Said Dev. “Not that I’m complaining though.” She added quickly with her hands up, as if they’d change their minds.

  “I’m not going without my ‘BFF’.” Said Holly as she squeezed Dev and whispered in her ear. “Besides’…alone’ could be dangerous.” And Dev laughed.

  “Let’s go then! Come on!” Dev said and she grabbed Ben’s arm and dragged him out to the car.

  “Love. Keep me posted where you are ok? I’ll be going out of my mind here.” Said Kim.

  “We’ll be fine Mum, she’s gone, but I’ll text you.” Holly replied as they turned to leave.

  “You too, kids.” Said Evie. “Constant updates.” Rami gave Alex his debit card to buy whatever he wanted.

  “It’s ok, Dad. I’ve got my own.” He said. Not wanting his Dad to pay for everything.

  “I know son, but…just let me this once. Ok?”

  Evie and Rami hugged their children before they left.

  Alex turned to talk to everyone when they got in the car. He didn’t want the mornings’ events to ruin their day.

  “Guys, could we not mention anything about what happened today? I don’t want any thoughts or talk about her to keep us from having a good afternoon. That’s what she wants and it’s not happening."

  “Fine by me.” Said Ben.

  “Not. A. Problem.” Said Dev.

  Holly squeezed his hand.

  “She’s not taking anything away from us.” Alex whispered as he leant over and kissed her.

  “But…we’d like to go now though, guys. I can’t wait another hour.” Said Dev.

  Ben laughed loudly.

  “Yeah. What were you doing for so long?” He chuckled.

  Alex and Holly both flushed pink.

  “Um…we’ve just s
aid not to talk about it.” Said Holly.

  “Yeah, whatever.” Teased Dev.

  Holly was trying to hide a smile as Alex looked the other way to hide his red face.

  They drove to Northgate, where Alex had previously bought his clothes from. He’d found that the sizes and fit were more suitable for him. He liked his jeans loose fitting. Not like the skin tight ones a lot of guys wore. Because he liked to work out, fitted jeans weren’t suitable for an athletic person. He and Ben shopped at the stores there most of the time, or the online version, and even had Ryan and Kyle favoring them too.

  They went into Alex’s favorite store. ‘Guy’. They had his favorite jeans and T-shirts. He picked out six pairs of jeans and noticed Holly looking appreciatively at them.

  “You like these?” He asked.

  “I like the way they fit you.” She replied, and he smiled knowingly at her, causing her to blush…again.

  Alex picked up a number of T-shirts and went o the cashier’s desk.

  “Is that all you’re getting?” asked Dev. “You’re gonna need more options than that! I mean, you can’t just have jeans and T-shirts. What about shorts? Sweaters? Shirts? We should go to Romey’s next…”

  Dev was rambling on about different style choices and combinations and Alex snookered.

  “Your sister can shop!” Said Ben, quietly. “How did I forget that?”

  “I think I should have just let her go for me.” Said Alex. “But then I’d be afraid of what she’d bring back.”

  “Oooh! There’s a great store around here, let’s go there!” Said Dev excitedly.

  The guys groaned, and Holly laughed at Dev’s enthusiasm.

  As they got to the store Dev wanted to go in, Alex and Ben were a little apprehensive.

  “Underwear?” asked Ben. “Seriously Dev…You want us to go into an underwear store? A girls’ underwear store?”

  “Why not?” she asked. “They have guys stuff too. Anyway, what’s the problem? We all wear it so…” She trailed off as she walked in, dragging Holly behind her who dragged Alex in as she still had a hold of his hand.


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