Welcome to New Haven

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Welcome to New Haven Page 52

by Dawn Doyle

  “Down girl.” He whispered as he gripped her again.

  She cupped his cheek and brought their lips together.

  His fingers tangled in her hair, and he sucked her bottom lip before exploring her mouth with his tongue.

  Holly felt a twitch underneath her and it caused further flash of arousal to hit her already overheated lady parts. Alex was touching her at just the right time so bring her back up to the peak of combustion. When she could focus again, he would be touch, kiss and whisper to her.

  “Mmmm.” Alex sighed a rumbling moan as he slowly pulled away. They had company and he knew if he and Holly were alone, they’d be doing a lot more. Ryan and Riss were also devouring each other over the other side of the huge curved couch.

  “We have it in stereo now!” Complained Kyle, but with humour in his tone.

  “Oh, so what? Give them a break.” Said Kayla. “They’re in love, so of course they’re prone to spontaneous make out sessions.”

  “Is that what it’s like with your crush?” He asked with a hint of jealousy in his voice.

  “I haven’t made out with him.” She said with a blush, all eyes turning to them now.

  First, Ben and Dev bickering, now it seemed Kyle and Kayla were going to start.

  “Well, maybe you should. Yeah, you should go and ‘make out’ with him.” Said Kyle, holding his fingers up in emphasis.

  Kayla cocked her head to the side and narrowed her eyes at him.

  Holly held Alex’s hand and squeezed, and they glanced at each other with a secret smile.

  “You know what? Maybe I will. Do you think he’ll mind?” Kayla said, and Riss’ hand flew to her mouth in a reaction that showed she knew exactly who Kayla was talking about.

  “Why would he mind? I’m sure he’d be fucking ecstatic!” Kyle said as he threw his hands up in the air.

  “That’s a relief.” Kayla blew out a dramatic breath. “Because you know what? I think I will.”

  “Huh?” Kyle looked surprised by Kayla’s response.

  She turned fully to him, cupped her hands to his cheeks and brought her lips to his. It only took Kyle a second to respond, and he kissed her back.

  “Holy shit!” Said Dev under the hand that was over her mouth. Alex pulled Holly tightly. They’d known Kyle had liked Kayla for a while, but Kayla was a little better at hiding her feelings, but not from the girls.

  Kayla pulled away from a very stunned Kyle.

  “So, is your crush ecstatic?” Riss asked, aiming the question at Kyle.

  “Fuck yeah!” He almost shouted in joy.

  They lost interest in the game after that.

  Kyle and Kayla were interested in something else and Ben was in a worse mood than before.

  “I’m hungry, let’s have lunch.” Dev said, with a shaky voice and walked out of the room. Everybody else got up to follow, but Alex held Holly back.

  “I want you alone for a minute.” He said before pulling her close and moulded his lips to hers, seeking out her tongue, fingers in her hair, and cupping her ass.

  He felt desperate for her.

  Not close enough even though their bodies were touching.

  He felt Holly’s hand lift under his T-shirt and stroke across his body as his pants strained under the pressure of his growing excitement.

  He loved her hands on him, especially when they touched his bare skin. It would excite him further, causing more pain in his groin, but the feeling of their skin together was worth it.

  “Fuck!” He whispered as he felt her other hand reach down to squeeze his ass. He took a deep breath before attacking her succulent mouth again.

  He couldn’t get enough.

  “Ahem. Sorry to disturb you guys, what do you want for lunch?” Dev asked.

  “I really don’t care” Alex said as he pulled Holly in tighter.

  “Whatever Alex is having.”

  “Ok, I’ll leave you two um… ok” Dev left the room and closed the door.

  Alex wasted no time in consuming Holly’s mouth again.

  Holly’s other hand joined in the fondling of Alex’s hard, chiseled, torso.

  Both hands running over his abs, moving out to the sides over his obliques and then over his solid, square pecs.

  His skin was hot, and Holly could feel his heart beating rapidly beneath her fingers.

  Holy fuck.

  Her nipples tightened, and she was burning deep in her centre.

  Burning for Alex.

  Burning for him to touch her…to take her…

  They both came up for air, panting.

  “I’m sorry, I really can’t help myself with you.” Alex said as he pressed his forehead to hers, closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around her, holding her close.

  “I don’t want you to.” She replied trying to steady her own breath.

  Alex groaned.

  “God, I want you so much.” He whispered.

  “Babe, the feeling is more than mutual.” Holly kissed him quickly before pulling back.

  “I think we better leave though, before we kinda forget about your other guests being here.” She winked as she led a pained Alex from the room.

  Chapter 25

  “Look who decided to show!” said a now very happy Kyle with his arm draped around Kayla’s shoulders.

  Ben, even more miserable than before, sat quietly.

  “Here’s a thought…” said Ryan with a wicked grin. “We’ve all paired up now, and the only ones left are Ben and Dev.” He snickered. “So how’s about it, you two?”

  “What?!” Said Ben, raising his voice. “Why the fuck would you say that?”

  “Uh…I” Ryan was surprised at Ben’s outburst, as they all were.

  “What the fuck is your problem?” said Dev, with a scowl. “Ryan was making a joke. I don’t think he actually meant anything by it. God knows everyone is aware I’m ‘like a sister’ to you.” Dev held up her fingers in quotation.

  “What’s your problem Devon? You don’t say Jack shit to me all afternoon and then Ryan here…” He held out his hand towards him, “…says something and you jump down my throat!”

  “I didn’t say anything to you? I said thanks for moving up on the sofa. You never said anything back. So excuse me for not carrying on the fucking Ben time conversation. I have other friends to talk to, not just you. So don’t blame me for your pissy mood…ass!”

  Everybody sat frozen, heads turning back and forth between Ben and Dev. Their argument exploding suddenly, and out of proportion, for two people who were supposed to be friends.

  “Ass?! Ass?! I’m the ass? Really…Devon? You only try to cause an argument with me, and I’m getting tired of it!”

  “I cause an argument? Ha! Everything you say to me is to get a reaction. So it should be me that’s tired of it, and do you know what…Benjamin?…” Dev over emphasized his name as he had done to hers. “…I am. Tired. I’m done.”

  “Done? What’s that supposed to mean…Done?” He asked.

  Dev’s eyes were welling up. She looked ready to cry, or to hurt Ben physically.

  “Ben. Stop it. Now.” Said Alex, warning in his tone. Even though he now knew why they fought, he couldn’t stand by and watch his sister hurting.

  “Done!” she screamed. “Hecho!” She said, and Alex and Holly both knew it was bad when Dev started to speak Spanish.

  From being friends for so long, Ben obviously knew too.

  “Ya he terminado con usted. Vete y déjame en paz! Maldito idiota!” Dev stormed out of the dining room as her tears began to fall.

  Ben looked saddened as he turned to Alex.

  “What did she say?” He asked, quietly, as he cleared his throat. “I couldn’t catch everything.”

  “Um…” Alex didn’t want to tell him in front of everyone.

  “Alex, we should get going. Let us know what you guys need, ok?” Said Ryan as he led Riss to the door.

  “Yeah, uh, thanks for having us over.” Said Kyle as he led Kayla out of the roo
m and the house.

  Alex held onto Holly so she wouldn’t leave.

  “I’m not going anywhere, babe.” She said. “But I do need to see Dev.”

  Alex loosened his grip, and Holly glared at Ben as she walked past him.

  “Ben…” Alex said gently. “…I know there’s something going on, and I’m not trying to press you to tell me, but man, you’ve upset Dev…again.”

  “I know. I’m sorry, Alex.” Ben looked close to tears himself.

  “You need to fix it because, from what she just said, she’s done with everything.”

  “What did she say, Alex?”

  Alex paused. Waiting to make sure that Ben really wanted to know. The expression on his face showed that he did.

  “She said, and I quote, ‘I’m done with you. Go away and leave me alone, you fucking idiot.”

  Ben’s head dropped as he looked down. Pain evident on his face.

  “I’m sorry Alex.” He said. “I can’t help it. She drives me crazy. All of the time”

  “I know.” Alex replied.

  “She constantly hits a nerve.”

  “I know.” Alex was trying to hide a smile.

  “She pushes my buttons as if on purpose.”

  “I know.”

  “Why do you keep saying that?” Ben asked, confused.

  “Because of all the things, you told me…I know.”

  “My head is kinda messed up, so I’m going to go. I’ll text you later.” Ben turned to leave but only went a few feet before he paused.

  Come on Ben, just say it.

  He wanted Ben to admit, more to himself, what he actually felt.

  Ben turned and walked back.

  “Look, Alex. I’m sorry, I can’t do this anymore. It’s killing me. I know she’s your sister, dude, but…I can’t help it…”

  Alex walked upstairs, after Ben left, to see his sister.

  He went into the room and saw her lying down on her bad; her face turned into her pillow. Holly sat next to her stroking her hair.

  Alex sat on the other side of Holly.

  Dev’s cries had quietened to hiccups, and he stroked her head.

  “Your friends’ an ass.” She said between sniffles.

  “I know.” He replied.

  “He gets on my nerves.”

  “I know.” He replied again as he looked to Holly.

  “He drives me crazy enough to shout in Spanish, like Mom.”

  "I know.” He chuckled.

  Holly was beaming at Alex as she squeezed his hand.

  “Dev, I know you like Ben. You’ve liked him for a while and, yeah I didn’t like it at first, but I don’t want to keep you from being happy. If Ben is the one that makes you happy then I’m happy.”

  “Really? But, we keep fighting!”

  “Yes really, and I’m sure if you both actually talk to each other, the fighting will stop.” Alex stroked her hair again as she looked up at him, her eyes red from sobbing.

  “But I told him I’m done with him.”

  “I don’t think that’ll matter, honey.” Added Holly. “You’ve both gotten under each other’s skin enough to say some things to piss each other off. Just wait and see what tomorrow brings, ok? I’m sure it will work out.”

  “Thanks guys.” Dev sniffled again. “You’re right. Hopefully, he won’t try to piss me off on my birthday.” She snorted a laugh as she sat up to hug them both. “Anyway, enough with me, you two need to get ready for you date, so you better get going.”

  So Holly and Alex left an upset, but getting better, Dev so Alex could drop her home.

  Holly remembered her new underwear and collected the bags from the trunk of the car.

  “A little peak?” Alex asked with a cheeky smile.

  “Nope. You’ll just have to wait and see.” She said and laughed as Alex dropped his head back and groaned.

  “I’ll pick you up at five thirty. My Mum said I can use her car.”

  “You sure? I could come and get you.”

  “Nope. I’m taking you out so I’m picking you up.” She said as he walked her to the door.

  “I can’t wait.” He brushed the loose hairs back from her face and rubbed his thumbs across her cheekbones.

  “I love you, Holly.” He said as he looked right into her eyes, causing Holly’s heart to skip a beat.

  “I love you too, Alex.”

  They shared a tender kiss, and then he left, but not before sneaking a pinch of her butt.

  “See you soon.”

  Holly pulled up to Alex’s house and Dev opened the door.

  “Wow! Holly you look fucktastic! Are you trying to give Alex a heart attack?” Dev asked as she let Holly in.

  Alex walked through from the living room, and Holly gasped.

  His hair was mussed all sexily, just the way she liked it. He was wearing a navy blue, long sleeved T-shirt that fitted him flawlessly and showing his sculpted body without being too tight.

  Fuck! Does he know how to wear his clothes or what?!

  His black, worn denim jeans hugged… Holly swallowed hard as she knew she was drooling over him. His entire lower half was dripping with so much heat he gave her very, very lustful thoughts.

  Holly bit her lip as she imaging him removing his clothing…

  “Oh my God.” Alex whispered.

  Holly had worn her hair loose, with the front clipped back, away from her face. Her red scoop draped, sheer chiffon blouse had a v-neck that stopped right at the top of her twin peaks, showing only the tiniest amount of cleavage, but enough to make Alex’s blood boil. The material curved at the waistline with the fabric doubled to keep the front covered, but see-through everywhere else. Her hair hid the back.

  Holly teamed that with shiny black leggings that clung to every line and curve of her hips, scrumptious ass and toned legs. The black open toe sandal with cork wedges looked amazing on her too.

  Alex was still in shock and awe that this delectable creature was his.

  “Well are you two gonna stare at each other all night, or are you going to go out?” chuckled Dev.

  “You look…um…well…” Alex stuttered.

  “Thanks You too.” Holly just about whispered.

  Alex took the last few steps to reach her and held her face whilst he kissed her long and soft.

  ”You’re going to be late guys.” Dev spoke again. “Have a good time. Back before midnight, school night, blah blah. See you later!” She said, closing the door as they walked to Holly’s Mum’s car.

  Alex whistled.

  “Is that an Audi Q5?”

  “Yeah. Do you like it?”

  “Yeah, it’s cool!” He said as he looked over the gun metal grey car, with five-spoke alloy wheels.

  “Hang on.” Holly said as she reached for Alex’s door to open it for him, and he chuckled. “Hey, you open doors for me so…” she gestured for him to get in. “Besides…I get a great view.” She smiled, tongue between her teeth, which made Alex laugh even more.

  Alex watched as Holly walked around the front of the car, his jeans already tight, when a gust of wind blew against Holly, causing her blouse to press to her body. He could see her silhouette and wow was it red hot!

  He flinched as his groin ached. He stared as she got into the car.

  “You ok babe? You look little…flushed.” She asked as she shut the door.

  “Yeah just…you look…the wind caught your um…” He glanced towards the ‘ladies’.

  Holly snorted little laugh.

  “You had me worried for a second.”

  “I’m worried.” He said. “Worried I won’t be able to keep my hands off you.”

  That made Holly stop laughing and flush herself.

  They leaned into each other for a kiss, and Holly moaned.

  “We better get going, or we won’t make it away from the kerb.” She whispered.

  “Definitely.” Alex replied, running his hands over his face and through his hair.

  Holly pulled away from the
kerb, and they started talking about what had happened that day. About Dev and Ben, and how they hoped they would work things out between them. They knew from Ben’s reaction that he was Dev’s first kiss. They wanted to know the details and why they hadn’t said anything before. Ben might not have said anything because of Alex, and Dev had said he didn’t feel the same.

  No wonder they bickered!

  Ben just needed to pull his head out of his ass.

  They were happy that Kyle had finally gotten his girl and how surprised they were at Kayla, kissing him.

  It seemed the whole group were destined to be coupled, but it took Holly’s arrival to start them. Like she was the final piece to make everything work.

  As they drove through Seattle, and onto the I-90, Alex realized they were going to Mercer Island.

  Holly smiled.

  “A new place opened up over there. My Mum drove past last week and told me about it.”

  Alex laughed.

  “What?” she asked confused.

  “Oh, it’s just that we both needed our parents to think of places to go.”

  “Ha, yeah!” she giggled. “Hurray for parents.”

  After a few minutes, and sat nav directions, they pulled up outside ‘Garden Of Eden’.

  “Wait!” Holly said as she got out of the car to open Alex’s door, which made him laugh and shake his head.

  Holly loved his laugh. It was deep sounding and made butterflies dance in her stomach.

  They walked hand-in-hand to the door, and the doorman opened it for them.

  The outside of the restaurant had white curved awnings above the white framed Victorian arched windows. The wavy edges had the name of the restaurant piped in green cursive writing.

  As they walked through the door, they could hear the sounds of birds singing and rushing waterfalls. Round tables and chairs draped with white fabric that had green embroidery around the seams.

  In the centre of the building was an apple tree. It was real! Eden’s tree.


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