Welcome to New Haven

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Welcome to New Haven Page 74

by Dawn Doyle

  “What if she’s hurt? What if Stacey has done something to her? I don’t know what I’ll do. I can’t lose her; I’ve only just got her!” Alex’s chest was burning with pain.

  Dev was holding onto him as she cried uncontrollably.

  “Please be Ok, Holly” Dev said into the air.

  “I love her. I love her so much” Alex whispered as he rocked back and forth.

  He felt as though his insides were turning inside out.

  His heart was constricting in agony, and he was losing his mind with fear.

  He wouldn’t be able to cope if she were gone.

  After they’d first met, he knew Holly was everything to him and he was hers completely. Regardless of how many days they’d ‘officially’ been together, she was his life and the thought of her being hurt, in any way, was unbearable. It felt like his life was being torn from him, and he was helpless to stop it.

  “Tracks… here” an officer said and they moved through the trees. Jones indicated for the others to spread out.

  Alex, holding onto his Dad, and his family walked behind the officers. Oli held Kim tight as they moved.

  They came to the clearing of the old farm, and the officers drew their weapons.

  Dixon was further ahead and he, and another officer, was approaching the brick shed. They moved a couple of feet when he signalled for everybody to stop.

  “Stay back” He whispered to Alex and the others. “I heard voices”

  Voices? Plural? Holly was there!

  With a new found strength, Alex walked further, without his Dad.

  “Alex…” Said Evie, nervously. “We need to stay back. We don’t know what’s happening.” She said.

  Alex walked slowly forwards.

  “I’m not going to risk Holly.” He said, reassuring her.

  Kim and Oli had walked over too. Kim’s face was pale and fearful. Tear stained cheeks, eyes puffy and red from crying.

  “She’s got my baby.” She said as she wept in Oli’s arms.

  “They heard both voices.” Said Rami.

  Kim put a hand over her mouth and gasped with relief. She turned into Oli’s chest and sobbed.

  Eyes glued and focused on the brown door of the brick shed, Alex moved further forward until he was just behind the police.

  Eight officers in total.

  Alex knew the officers considered Stacey a threat, because of the number of them present.

  It’s about fucking time!

  They hadn’t seemed to take her craziness seriously.

  How did they? They’d released her…twice!

  The officers must’ve expected something serious to happen. Dixon put his hand up to ensure everyone was silent.

  “You can do whatever to me, but you’re not going to hurt Alex!”

  Holly! Her voice was music to his ears, but what was she doing?

  “You won’t get near him. You’re going to go to hell before you touch one single hair on his head!”

  No! Holly was still trying to protect him. Even when faced with, what looked like no way out.

  Baby, no! Holly, I love you!

  Alex fought the urge to scream out.

  “Even if I don’t. Neither will you. Ever, ever, again”

  Alex’s skin crawled as he heard Stacey’s sadistic voice, and his breath caught in his throat, in terror, at her words.

  The police were moving, slowly, forward towards the shed, in silence.

  “Alex, I love you!” Holly said loudly, and then the sound of a single gunshot rang in Alex’s ears.

  Chapter 31

  “No!!!” Alex screamed as he fell to his knees in despair. “Holly!…No!…Holly!” Alex was hysterical. Tears flowing down his face, throat closing over in horror.

  He could hear Kim’s and Dev’s screams as they were being held back.

  “Baby, no.” He shook uncontrollably. “Aaarrgh! He roared. The pain he felt was overpowering.

  He couldn’t breathe.

  He looked to the door as the officers, who had rushed forwards and pulled it open, aimed their guns inside. The light from the shed lit up the space and he saw…

  “Holly.” He whispered in disbelief.

  There she was, above Stacey, pummeling down on her with her fists.

  “I’ll kill ya! I’ll kill ya!” She was growling.

  Alex immediately found his legs and stood.

  He ran as the police pulled Holly off of Stacey. She was kicking and screaming as she struggled to attack Stacey some more.

  “Put me down!” she screamed loudly. “Alex!…Alex!”

  “Holly!” He shouted, and as she heard him, her head snapped to his direction.

  “Alex.” She wept in relief. The officers brought her further away from the door as the others had barged in to detain Stacey.

  “Holy fuck!” An officer shouted.

  Alex reached Holly, and the officers let go just in time for his arms to wrap tightly around her with so much joy and relief that she was Ok.

  “Holly’s ok!” Dev shouted, happily.

  Alex and Holly both wept as they dropped to the floor, holding each other tight.

  Their families ran to them.

  “Baby girl!” Kim said as she threw herself down and held her daughter. Oli joined in and it quickly escalated into a full group hug.

  “I knew you’d come.” Holly said. “I knew it.”

  “Always.” Alex replied. He slightly pulled back to look into her eyes, and his heart jumped. “Blood!” He said in shock.

  “It’s not mine.” She assured him and looked towards the shed as Stacey was brought out on a stretcher, screaming wildly.

  “My fucking arm!” She yelled. The sounds coming from her were as if she were talking with food in her mouth.

  “Your arm’s the least of your problems.” Spat Dixon as the paramedics loaded her into the ambulance. He pulled out his phone and pressed the screen.

  “This is officer Dixon…” He began. “…The suspect has been apprehended and detained. On the way to hospital. Some injuries caused by the victim in self defence. Weapon involved…a nine millimetre glock. We need the forensic team to collect and tag the evidence.

  As he ended the call, he walked over to the group and spoke to Holly.

  “Miss. Edwards, we know this is not a good time; however, we need to take a statement from you as soon as possible, after we have you checked out at the hospital."

  “I’m fine” Holly replied. “She didn’t get a chance to hurt me”

  “Thank goodness!” Kim cried out as Alex held Holly tight.

  “You have blood on you” Dixon pointed out.

  “Not mine” she shook her head.

  “Still, you need to be checked over for shock.” He added.


  “Please just let them check you over.” Kim pleaded.

  Alex saw the worry in Kim’s eyes, and he had to agree with her.

  “Please, babe.” He said, gently.

  “Ok” Holly agreed and they exhaled in relief.

  “What will happen now?” asked Evie. “Will that girl be taken care of… for good this time?”

  “Definitely.” Said Dixon. “Kidnap with intent will make sure that Miss. Scutter will be locked away for a long time. She’ll have her wounds treated, and then she’ll be held in custody until she’s sentenced."

  “For real this time? Or will she be let out, again?” Asked Dev.

  They’d gone through enough and his sister needed to know they were safe.

  So did he. Alex wouldn’t let Holly out of his sight if he thought there was a chance Stacey could get out again.

  “She’s not getting out, Miss. You have my word.” Promised Dixon. “We need to get you checked out now and then talk when you’re ready” Dixon said to Holly.

  She nodded her head. They all got up off the floor and Dixon steered them to the other ambulance.

  Holly sat on the ambulance steps, and Alex sat next to her. She never let go of him and
held him tighter when the paramedic approached her. She didn’t want to let him go. She turned her head into his shoulder and breathed him in.

  He was really there. He had come to get her.

  Her heart was aching with the feelings she had for Alex. So much, her breath caught. Alex kissed the top go her head.

  “I love you.” She whispered. Alex held her tighter.

  “I love you too, babe.” He replied as he stroked her hair.

  The paramedic cleaned the blood from Holly’s hands and face. She checked for injuries and was satisfied Holly wasn’t suffering from cuts or breaks.

  There was a slight swelling in her right wrist and knuckles, from hitting Stacey, so the paramedic applied a support bandage and an icepack.

  Holly was aware of the conversations going on around her, but everything was a blur. She couldn’t pay attention to what the paramedic and police were saying. All she could think about was the photographs all over the walls in the shed. The things Stacey had told her he’d done and what she’d planned to do.

  Holly caught the words ‘shock’ and ‘psychologist’ as they were talking to Evie and Rami. She felt fine and just wanted to leave.

  “I just want to go home. I’m fine.” She said. As Evie and Rami were both doctors, the paramedic was content that Holly was in good care. Oli kissed Holly’s forehead and told Kim he would take Holly’s car home. Holly wasn’t going to drive that thing again.

  The forensic team arrived, and some officers got in the cars to take the families home. Holly was nestled between Alex and her Mum in the back of the car. Alex held her hand as his arm was tucked around her shoulders. Kim had her other hand.

  The police got them home, and they went inside. It was four am, and the sun was starting to come up. Everything had happened in just over four hours. It was unbelievable to even think what could’ve happened if they hadn’t found her. She could’ve still been there; she could’ve been shot.

  Holly’s pulse was pounding, and she could feel her legs shaking.

  “Babe, you’re safe now” Alex said as he held her face. “I won’t let anything happen to you.” He whispered into her hair as he pulled her close.

  Holly tightened her grip on him too. She didn’t know what she would’ve done if she’d lost him. Just the thought made her nauseous.

  “Would you like a drink? Something to eat? Anything? Baby girl, can I do, or get anything for you?” Kim asked frantically, fussing over Holly.

  “No thanks, Mum” Holly replied as Oli walked in.

  “Princess.” He said, and Alex released her so Oli could hug her, Kim hugging her too.

  “I love you both so much” Holly said. “But right now, I just want to shower and sleep.” Holly released her parents, took Alex’s hand and led him upstairs.

  Holly went into her bathroom to shower, and Alex quickly went into the other one to brush his teeth. She finished in her shower, dressed into her PJ’s and walked out.

  Alex was lying on her bed, and he held his arms out to her. Holly climbed into Alex’s embrace.

  “I was so scared.” She said into his chest. “She got into the car when we were at the door.”

  “Holly.” Alex whispered into her hair, closing his eyes.

  “I knew you’d call me.” She continued.

  Alex listened whilst Holly told him everything that had happened over the past few hours. How Stacey’s mood had gone up and down in a split second. How she’d said she would have ‘ended’ Alex if Holly hadn't had been around. Holly described the inside of the shed and the photos of them on the walls.

  “She’d been watching me almost straight away” she added before telling him about the defaced photographs, the vial of liquid and how Stacey had told her about giving something to Jake, making sure it was enough to keep his equipment working.

  Holly mentioned the party and Stacey giving Alex a drink. He tensed as he understood what Stacey had had in store for him that night.

  When Holly finished telling Alex every single detail, they were both openly crying.

  “I heard you.” He said, sniffling. “I was relieved when I heard your voice, and you were still trying to protect me, even though she pointed…” Alex couldn’t finish the sentence. “When I heard the shot, I thought…” Alex was reliving the terrifying moment he thought Holly had been killed.

  “I ran at her and beat her down” Holly said. “I couldn’t stop. Even when I heard the bones crack, I couldn’t stop”

  “Bones? Are you ok?” He asked quickly.

  “I think I broke her arm babe. And possibly something in her face.”

  Alex blew out a breath.

  “That’s why she was screaming about her arm,” Alex said.

  “I told you, Alex. Nothing and nobody will keep us apart. I love you so much” Holly said with emotion, her voice cracking.

  “Holly, I love you too.” Alex whispered as he brought their mouths together, like he would die right then if he didn’t.

  He clung to her as if she would disappear at any moment, swirling his tongue over hers, his kiss passionate and slow. Holly moaned and reached up to his hair.

  As they gently pulled apart, Alex, reluctantly covered Holly with her quilt.

  “I would like nothing more than to kiss you again and again but, baby, you need to try to get some rest. I’ll stay until you fall asleep.” He said.

  “You’re leaving?”

  “Just to the other room, my precious girl. I’ll text my parents to let them know.”

  They both lay down and Holly, slowly, fell asleep in his arms.

  Alex went into the spare room he had stayed in the week before, when Holly had had her nightmare.

  It was as if Holly had predicted what Stacey was going to do.

  He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself before he undressed and got into bed. He didn’t want to be there. He wanted to be with his Holly.

  The events of the night were running wildly through his mind. How terrified he felt, his own panic attack, and what Holly had been through. He felt sick once again, at the thought of Stacey taking her away. He was trying to hold back anger when he heard Holly crying out.

  “No! Don’t hurt him!”

  He quickly got out of bed, pulling on his sweats.

  Holly was tossing and turning.

  “Please leave him alone.” She cried. “Kill me instead.” Alex’s heart sank at her words.

  “Holly. It’s me. You’re having a nightmare.”

  Her eyes flew open, and she was breathing heavily.

  “Alex!” She pulled him into herself. There was no way he was leaving her again. He lifted the cover and slid in next to her.

  “I’m not going anywhere.” He said as Holly curled into him.

  Alex woke sometime later, tangled in Holly’s arms and legs. Her face was buried in his bare chest. She brought her hands up his torso and gently stroked from his chest and down onto his abs, moaning in appreciation.

  “Down girl.” He chuckled, and Holly gasped in surprise.

  “That’s a great feeling to wake up to.” He said as he pulled her in tight and kissed the top of her head. “How are you feeling?”

  After last night, he expected Holly to be withdrawn and quiet, but after waking up to her hands on his body…

  ”Actually I’m ok.” Holly replied whilst continuing to stroke his skin with her fingertips.

  The sensations were doing crazy things to his insides. Just Holly’s touch had his body on fire but now was certainly not the time to react, even though other parts were already wide awake and ready for action.

  ”After you came back…the nightmare stopped. You being next to me made them go away.” She added as she hooked her leg over the top of his.

  “If that’s what it takes for you to sleep, than that’s where I’ll be” He said, stroking up and down her back.

  “Holly, Alex, are you coming down for breakfast?” Kim asked as she knocked on the door. Holly groaned. Her Mom obviously knew Alex would ha
ve stayed with her.

  “In a minute” Holly called out.

  “I suppose we should get up.” Alex had loved waking up next to Holly.

  Her warm body entwined with his.

  Feeling her heartbeat close to his own.

  He wanted to stay there all day. Staying in bed together would be the perfect way to spend their time.

  As Holly went into her bathroom, he quickly went to the other to try to hide his ‘excitement’.

  They both exited the bedrooms at the same time and walked straight into each others’ arms. Alex pulled back to search her face, and he saw what he thought he’d seen as she walked towards him. She’d been crying.

  “I’m ok, really.” She said as she read his expression. Alex understood completely. Nobody could be fine so soon after an ordeal that she’d just had. In fact, most people would probably have a breakdown.

  Holly, his precious Holly, was so strong and brave. He gently pressed his lips to hers.

  “You’re everything to me, Holly. Everything.” Holly gazed up into his eyes.

  “You’re my all.” She said, her voice shaking.

  Alex cupped her face and kissed her softly, his heart aching for her.

  They walked, hand-in-hand, downstairs for breakfast.

  As soon as they walked into the kitchen, Kim rushed towards Holly and crushed her into a bear hug.

  “My baby, are you ok? How are you feeling? We were so worried!”

  “I’m ok Mum. I’m fine” Holly managed to say as her Mum squeezed her tight. Oli came through and joined in with the hug, kissing her head. Even though Holly knew her Mum and Dad were worried about her, she just wanted to relax. She was Ok. She didn’t want to be fussed over.

  “I’ve just got off the phone to officer Jones.” Oli told them. “They want to come over and talk to all of us this afternoon.”


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