by Monroe, Mallory

  But Roman held firm. “I understand your loyalty, Gina. I get it. But we also need to understand that this is a business. A not-for-profit business, yes, but it’s a business. And I run my law firm the same way I run this place or any other organization I’ve been associated with. And those people I fired just didn’t fit the bill.”

  Dutch continued to stare at Gina. Would she accept that explanation and move on? Or would she be the woman he loved, and fight for those poor people who were there for her when nobody else was?

  She fought.

  “I want a list of all of the people you let go,” Gina said. “And I don’t want one name left off of that list. I will personally call and ask them to return, so make room for them.”

  Roman was offended by her lack of faith in his judgment, but Dutch couldn’t have been prouder of Gina.

  Roman gave a perfunctory bow of the head. “As you wish,” he said.

  And as Roman and Gina continued to talk about organizational issues and whatever else Gina wished to discuss, Dutch continued to look around. And the more he looked, the less comfortable he felt. He knew he could leave her here today without a second thought. The media was pretty much camped out around this place, hoping for a comment from the president or First Lady, so there should be no issues. But what about after his resignation was final, and the media moved on to the next hot topic of conversation? Could he, in good conscious, allow Gina to come to a place like this and not worry sick about her then? That, to him, was the question he had to answer.

  “What I never would have imagined,” Roman said as Dutch began to move toward them, “was that the president himself would make an appearance at BBR.”

  Gina smiled. “I wouldn’t have imagined it, either, to be honest with you. But after we made. . .,” she began, prompting Dutch to cut a look at her. He realized and she realized that she was just about to blurt out the fact that they had made love this morning. And that after they had made love, he decided to come.

  “After we discussed it,” she said, instead, “he decided to come.”

  “I see,” Roman said, although he knew exactly what she was about to say. The biggest mistake of his life happened long ago, when he cheated on Gina and ended their budding romance. Now Dutch had the honor of her sweet vagina every morning.

  “So,” Gina said, moving on. “What’s the plan?”

  Dutch sat down beside her. He was curious about this plan, too. He crossed one leg over his knee and placed his hands behind his head.

  It felt almost surreal to Roman to have Dutch Harber, soon-to-be former president of the United States, seated in this small office in Newark, New Jersey. “The plan,” he said, “is for you to take over as executive director, and for me to relinquish that role and run the legal department, instead. My law firm will handle the more difficult cases, and let the staff handle the others.”

  Gina smiled. “All of our cases are difficult, Roman,” she said. “Trust me on that.”

  “I agree,” Roman said, “so I’ll remain a very busy man. But you’ll run the day to day again.”

  Dutch, however, seemed less agreeable. He knew she would continue to have Secret Service protection, although to a lesser extent, but that didn’t ease his anxiety. All it took was some disgruntled ex-con or gangbanger, who was a client and therefore had every right to be in the building, targeting her.

  But he also knew that Gina wouldn’t view it that way. She would view herself as helping the downtrodden and the least among us, and would wear that risk as a badge of honor. But Dutch couldn’t afford to be so honorable. His number one job, as he saw it, was to keep his wife and child safe. It was his intention, even if he had to battle Gina every step of the way, to be superior at it.

  “Let’s not make that decision yet,” he said.

  Roman looked at Gina. Gina looked at Dutch. “What do you mean?” she asked him.

  “Roman should continue to run BBR for now,” Dutch said.

  “And what will Regina do?” asked a now confused Roman.

  “That’s to be determined,” Dutch replied.

  “What’s to be determined?” Gina wanted to know. “There’s nothing to be determined! I’m returning to run the place. Why else would I come back to the organization I founded if I wasn’t going to oversee it? That’s been understood from the beginning, Dutch.”

  “Understood by whom?” Dutch asked. “Certainly not by me.”

  “But, Dutch,” Gina said, genuinely surprised, “you knew I was coming back.”

  “I knew you had some interest in coming back here, yes. But that was before I saw what you were coming back to.”

  “What’s wrong with it? Just because it’s in the hood?”

  “This isn’t in the hood,” Dutch clarified. “Saying this place is in the hood would be too generous. This place is on a practically deserted, dead-end street with a gang presence just across the street.”

  “That’s because our clients are gang bangers and prostitutes and ex-cons, Dutch. We operate in their world. We can’t pack up and leave these people just because I’m your wife now. The entire premise of Block By Block Raiders is that we are visible in the communities we serve. We stay where the people who need us most live. They always have to know that they can walk a few blocks and come here whenever their lives get so low that they need to make a change. We’ve got to stay where the people are who need us most.”

  Dutch didn’t say anything. He just continued in what Gina often called his quiet broodiness. But he knew what he believed. And Gina was out of her mind if she thought he was going to allow her to work in an area like this.

  “If I may speak plain, sir?” Roman asked him.

  Dutch hesitated. “Go on,” he said.

  “Gina will be fine here, I can assure you of that. This community loves and respects her. And besides, she’s more than capable of taking care of herself.”

  Dutch was somewhat irritated with the idea of some other man telling him what his own wife was capable of, but Roman couldn’t tell that he was irritated at all. Gina, however, could.

  That was why, when Dutch stood up, she wasn’t the least surprised. She looked up at him. Roman stood to his feet, too.

  “Since Gina hasn’t been back here in years, I know you guys have a lot to talk about,” Dutch said. “I’ve got some conference calls later today, so I’ll head on back.”

  “Yes, sir,” Roman said, relieved that he was leaving. “Thank-you for paying us a visit.”

  Dutch knew how insincere that thanks was. He looked down at Gina. Her big eyes and earnest look caused his heart to melt. And he knew Roman was right. Gina was more than capable of taking care of herself. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to look out for her best interest. They could say whatever they wanted to say, but he wasn’t yet sold on the idea of his wife working in this area day in and day out after the media was long gone. The Secret Service would have a presence, and he understood that, but their presence would be minimal and nothing like it would have been had he remained president. It would be risky still.

  But it still didn’t make him rethink his decision to resign his presidency. Eventually they had to go on with their lives. Now was as good a time as any, and Gina was so ready to be away from Washington and the land of any politics that it wasn’t even an issue to her anymore. But that didn’t mean their new life didn’t pose its own challenges. Which made Dutch regret that he ever brought Gina and innocent Little Walt into his world. But there was nothing he could do about that now.

  He looked down at Gina and kissed her on the mouth. “Take care of yourself,” he said.

  “Will do,” Gina replied, and then Dutch was gone.

  Roman looked at Gina and smiled. “How do you stand it?” he asked her.

  Gina looked at him. “How do I stand what?”

  “His smothering ways. That’s one controlling dude, Gina, now come on. Admit it.”

  But Gina wasn’t about to admit any such thing. “He loves his wife and he sho
ws it. If that makes him controlling, then so be it. Now,” she said, leaning forward, “let’s review those cases again. Especially the ones on the appeals docket this month.”

  Roman knew she wouldn’t go along with any criticism he might have of Dutch, but he still had to try. Because he believed, in his heart of hearts, that it was just a matter of time before he made inroads with her. Just a matter of time.

  The Ford Focus drove up across the street from the ma and pop diner in Cherryvale, Massachusetts. Amir Alzahabi sat on the front seat, with Max Brennan on the passenger seat. Kareem, who was standing outside of the diner, tossed his cigarette, buttoned his jacket, and made his way to the car. Amir didn’t look his way until he had sat in the backseat and closed the door.

  Amir looked at him through the rearview mirror. “It’s a go?” he asked him.

  “It’s a go,” Kareem said. “Jacarta tells me that all subjects and their packages are in place and will deliver on time as promised.”

  Amir smiled. “That’s good to know, Mr. Smoker.” Kareem knew Amir disapproved of his smoking, but it was a bad habit by now and he didn’t care.

  But Max wasn’t satisfied by any of it. “Are you sure Jacarta understands that no-one is to do anything until I say the time is right?”

  “He understands,” Amir said. “What do you think? We’re doing this for our health? We’re doing this in the name of our religion? We’re doing this for the money. Make no mistake about that. And you, my friend, is the money man. Or, at least, the money man’s go-between.”

  “Don’t you worry about where the money is coming from. Just know that it’s coming.”

  “Oh, it had better come,” Amir warned. “Or there won’t be a place on this earth too deep for you to hide.”

  Then Amir looked at Kareem. “How is Jacarta managing being a dishwasher in a diner in this forsaken place?”

  “He laughs, says it only proves that he will do anything for a buck.”

  Amir laughed too. “The ignorant ones have no idea who they hired to wash their dishes. But because he presents as a sweet Indian boy and they now see sweet Indian boys on their television programs, then they feel he is harmless and worthy of their confidence.”

  Kareem snorted. “Harmless, they think.”

  “But we digress,” Amir said. “What does Jacarta say on readiness? Are they all ready? One coward and the entire operation fails. Are they all ready?”

  “Jacarta assures me they are all ready, trained, and determined to be the heroes they were born to be.”

  Amir nodded. “Good. That’s good.”

  “Jacarta also asks about the president,” Kareem said. “He doesn’t understand what this has to do with the president.”

  “I’ll worry about the president,” Amir said. “Tell Jacarta to keep his people at the ready, that’s all he has to do.” Then Amir looked at Max. “Or should I say former president?” he asked.

  “He’s still the president,” Max said.

  “They are saying on the broadcast news programs,” Kareem said, “that he is not ex until the Speaker of the House of Representatives personally receives the written resignation. They say it must be done that way because the constitution of the United States demands it.”

  “Ah, such fools!” Amir said with hatred and bitterness in his voice. “They worship a piece of paper that carries no more significance than the paper is it written on, yet they can’t see the signs of the times. They have thousands of spies looking for any activity in New York, in L.A., in Boston, in all of the big metropolitan cities. But these small little hick towns here, where the real Americans supposedly live, they have no discernible presence at all.

  “But they will,” Amir added with a smile, and with a confident nod of his head. “They will. Because these small towns, my friends, shall become ground zero. So you tell Jacarta to keep doing what he’s doing and to not worry about the president or anybody else. Because when it is all said and done there, and we are done everywhere else, America, that lying land of broken promises and rich white devils, will never be the same again. And I mean never!”

  They laughed, although Max found their joke distasteful. He saw the hatred in Amir’s coal-black eyes, and that look alone made him shudder. And made him wonder, once again, what in the world kind of people had he gotten himself involved with.


  The intercom on the nightstand buzzed and woke up Dutch. Gina, who was practically lying on top of him, remained asleep. Dutch reached lazily for the button and pressed it.

  “What?” he managed to ask, although his voice was husky with sleep.

  “Ms. Perry has arrived, sir,” Franklin, the house manager, announced.

  Dutch’s eyes opened, surprised that it would be that late, and then he pressed the button again.

  “She’s early, sir,” Franklin added.

  Dutch closed his eyes, then opened them again. “Take her to the library, Frank. Tell her I’ll see her in half an hour.”

  “Yes, sir,” Franklin said, and Dutch clicked off.

  Dutch eased Gina’s naked body off of him as he began to get his own naked body out of bed. By the time he peed, showered, and brushed his teeth, Gina was opening her eyes. By the time he made his way out of the bathroom, she was sitting up in bed. She looked at him, as he eyes moved from his face to his dangling penis.

  “There’s my sleeping beauty,” Dutch said as he headed for his underwear drawer.

  “Good morning,” Gina said, pushing the hair out of her face and still attempting to fully wake up. “What time is it?”

  “Still early enough,” he said as he looked at her. She removed the covers off of her and slid to the side of the bed. Dutch’s penis had an immediate reaction to her naked form, especially when her legs opened as she slid her body to the bed’s side. He looked at those brown breasts, and those solid thighs, and that sweetness between her legs, and he knew this wasn’t going to work. No way was he going to be able to deny himself that pleasure this morning.

  “I’ve got a meeting with those employees Roman fired today,” she said as she stood and made her way toward the bathroom. “I’ve got to convince them to come back to BBR.”

  “Despite Roman?”

  “Absolutely,” she said. “They should never have been fired to begin with.”

  Just as she was about to walk past her husband, however, Dutch grabbed her and pulled her back.

  “Not so fast,” he said as he held her from behind, his penis rammed against her bare ass. “Where do you think you’re going this fast?” He was kissing her neck, and her back.

  Gina smiled. She loved it when he couldn’t resist her. “I knew you wouldn’t let me get away from you unsoiled.”

  “Since you know so much,” he said as he continued to kiss her, “stop talking and bend your ass over.”

  Gina smiled and did as she was told. She placed her hands, palm down, on the dresser, bent over, and allowed Dutch to lubricate and then enter her. He was so hard already that they both knew it was going to be a quickie. Any time Dutch could see Gina’s juicy ass as he fucked her, it was usually going to be quick.

  And it was. Dutch could only manage to stroke her ten or so times before he was pouring into her. He fell against her as his body tightened in a hard release. It felt so good that the pulsations kept increasing, rather than diminishing.

  But even with his quick release he kept on pumping until Gina climaxed too. Although it would require more than ten strokes to get her off, his release did spur hers on. Because she came soon enough. Dutch knew that it was time because she began to stand on the tip of her toes and lift her ass higher. He rammed against her, giving her his deepest penetration, as she came.

  It took last than two minutes. It was their proverbial hit and run on purpose. They needed to have that fill up before the day began. If they had more time, it could have taken an hour. But they didn’t have more time.

  “Who’s Ms. Perry?” Gina asked as Dutch’s dick made its long
trek out of her. Even he was surprised at how deeply he had penetrated her. “Isn’t she waiting for you?”

  Dutch looked sideways at her. “I thought you were asleep when Franklin buzzed me.”

  “Not entirely,” she said as she headed for the bathroom. She could still feel the full effects of that penetration. “Who’s Ms. Perry?”

  Dutch followed her, but she knew the drill. She took a towel and sat on the dressing table bench inside the bathroom. Dutch wet a bath cloth and knelt down in front of her. Then he took her legs, opened them wide, and lifted them, placing them on either side of his shoulders.

  “She’s the CFO at Harber Industries,” he said as he began wiping Gina’s saturated vagina.

  “Your Chief Financial Officer?” Gina asked, surprised. “But Dutch, you just resigned yesterday! It’s not even fully official yet. But you’re already holding meetings with your employees? You said you were going to take some time off and get some rest.”

  “I’ve been resting for a month, Gina. I’ve been paying minimal attention to my duties in DC since that moment Marcus Rance booby-trapped that home and almost took you away from me.” Pain washed over Dutch’s face. Gina felt the sting, too.

  “But that’s not the same thing,” she said. “You waited on me hand and foot for that entire time. You didn’t sleep, you barely ate, you were a wreck, Dutch, so don’t even try that.”

  “Well, I’m just fine now,” he said, kissed her between her legs, and then stood erect and began cleaning his penis. “I need to know how my company, how our company, is faring.” He tossed the cloth into the dirty clothes chute.

  “But you’re still the President of the United States. Your financial holdings are supposed to be in a blind trust still. You can’t meet with your CFO right now.”


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