Sons of Zeus: Risky Business

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Sons of Zeus: Risky Business Page 4

by Amanda McIntyre

  Given the environment, her sexy business-like attire, and the scent of her skin. Eros was already aroused.

  "I want to know what it takes to turn you on, Psyche". He purposely leaned in close, the netting of her cap skirting the tip of his nose. His lips had to be less than an inch or so from hers. It would take very little to lean forward and nibble them until she parted for him, willing—

  "Turns me on?"

  Eros' reigned in his lust. "Yes, Psyche. What kind of things…arouse you?" He whispered the words as he nuzzled the warmth below her ear. He heard her swallow, a very good sign. He was rattling Ms. Rainbo's prim little cage.

  "Well, being assaulted in the bathroom is not my idea of a turn-on."

  Judging from the rapid pulse along the sweet, supple curve of her neck, she was lying through her teeth. "Really? Your pulse indicates otherwise."

  "What if someone comes in?"

  "The door is locked and the repair sign is out front. They will think you went to the second floor.

  "It seems you thought of everything."

  Technically, she was right. Everything except the way his body responded to hers this close.

  "You're avoiding my question."

  She shifted against him and his body came alive. The sudden spontaneous combustion of his flesh confused him. He was usually the one who worked the woman into a heated frenzy. Never before had simply being near a woman affected him this way.

  Eros brow frowned as he considered his options. He wanted to kiss her, and badly, of that he was certain. Perhaps it was the idea that he bet his life that she harbored a busload of repressed desire, but more than that, he just wanted to taste those lips he'd been watching all night.

  "I've never thought about it much."

  That remark surprised him, causing him to straighten and when he did, his groin pressed against her lower belly.

  A muffled whimper escaped her lips.

  "I made a promise to you, Psyche. I won't touch you." Every pore on his body wanted to absorb her essence. So fresh, her innocent beauty, but something more radiated like a beacon to his male senses—desire.

  With most of the women he knew, by now he'd have their panties around their ankles, going at it, both seeking a sweaty release to their mindless passion.

  Psyche was special and Eros sensed it. Making love to her would be a mind-blowing experience he could almost taste.

  His hands left the counter, pausing just long enough to consider the ramifications of what his senses tuned him into. "You tell me to stop and I will." He covered the tops of her hands. Her skin was soft and smooth just as he'd imagined. For all the talk about being a Plain Jane, Psychedelic Rainbo was anything but. Eros licked his lips taking a shot in the dark. Something about the stillness of her body puzzled him. No woman had ever been able to resist him.

  "Do you want me to kiss you?" Eros frowned, unsure why the hell he had to ask. Truth was, he wanted her to ask, preferably beg him, to kiss her. But he had a strong suspicion she wasn't about to do that.

  Her response again was silence. That confused him even more.

  "Do you want me to—"

  "No. I mean, yes…"

  Eros blinked, tipping his head, unsure if he'd heard her whispered request clearly. This time, he swallowed and hard. He hadn't planned on this. He'd only meant to intimidate her a little. Rattle her cage. Not be rattled by her.

  Her perfume, made all the more intoxicating by the close proximity of their bodies wafted around Eros. He brushed the pad of his thumb over her pouty lower lip, its supple softness responding to his gentle exploration. He licked his lips, sensing by his touch that she wore a glossy lipstick, aware that his lips were dry as pavement on a summer day.

  Eros had made love to plenty of women in the dark; what made her so different?

  "I'm not sure that I'll be able to stop at one." The admission surprised him even as a part of him was comforted that he wasn't just giving her a line.

  By the gods, he meant every word.

  "Then, I guess that means we'll have to meet again," she whispered.

  Eros zeroed in on her mouth, her sentence finishing seconds before their mouths fused.

  His heart beat erratically, pounding against his skull as she offered delicate moans of pleasure. Her arms stayed at her sides, as did his, pressing her palms against the cool marble countertop.

  She was a myriad of delight, tasting just as he imagined, sweet, fresh, soft, sexy—willing. She moved with him, riding the crest of each kiss, their mouths gliding over one another, jockeying for a better angle. When she parted her lips, responding with a passion of surrender, it made his knees weak and his head a royal mess.

  Forget about his dick.

  Lips moist with passion, their tongues mated in ritualistic lust, seeking reprieve from the desire burning him alive. God he was reaching the point where screams were going to be heard, but of an entirely different nature.

  "You are nothing like I thought you'd be," he whispered against her lips before capturing their sensual sweetness again.

  "Is that a good thing?" Her breathing was shallow, attacking his mouth with a fervor that equaled his own.

  "I don't care, I don’t want to think. I just want to taste you again." Eros satisfied his desire, pausing just long enough to lift her veil over her hat. She leaned forward nibbling at his chin, searching for his mouth, which he readily offered, as he clung to his promise not to touch her unless she asked. And a kiss was as far as she'd made a move toward so far.

  "I don't want this to end."

  Her words pushed past the fury of yet another kiss.

  Her admission nearly brought him to his knees.

  Not that that would have been a bad thing.

  "Tell me what you want, Psyche." Eros trailed heated kisses down her slender throat, his lips touching where her pulse beat rapidly against her warm flesh.

  "More," she sighed quietly.

  Eros fists clenched against the counter.

  "But I'll contact you," she sighed, turning her head to give him greater freedom to her neck. "Leave your number with the store clerk."

  Eros grinned, nibbling kisses along the slender slope of her neck. He wanted to eat her alive, his hunger increasing by the moment. Pushed by his desire, he closed his lips over her soft flesh, sucking and teasing with his tongue, mimicking what he wanted to do with each sumptuous breast.

  She grabbed his hand, shoving it against her breast in wanton desire.

  Her breath caught, followed by a throaty sigh.

  "Clever girl," he mumbled against her neck delighting in the perfect way she fit in his palm. He squeezed, using the confinement of her clothing to heighten her arousal. In a clouded haze of passion, he nearly forgot why he was there. "Then she'd be able to describe me to you, wouldn't she?"

  "What did you do to my neck?" her voice trailed off in seduced splendor. "And when can we meet again?"

  Eros waited a moment, pleased that he had a desired effect over her. It would make his assignment easier, if not more pleasurable. "That’s a hicky, Ms. Rainbo and I want to do the same to other places on that sweet body of yours. But, I'll contact you, and you tell me where to meet you."

  She nodded and he fought hard not to touch her. He wanted nothing more than to bunch that conservative skirt around her waist, run his hands over her silky thighs, and pump into her, watching her face as she pushed over the edge. It was killing him to know what kind of underwear she wore. Eros moaned as his tongue laced with hers.

  Both of his hands cradled her breasts beneath her suit.

  "I must go."

  The obvious disappointment in her voice quickened his heart. An unusual occurrence for him, when it came to women. Generally speaking, his heart had very little to do with his pleasure, or theirs, for that matter.

  "You wouldn't have to, just yet." Eros stepped back just enough to allow her to lunge into his arms if she wanted. He waited, his breathing pronounced as it waited for her to give him permission to spin
her world out of control. In the name of Venus, he wanted her, his erection strained against his pants.

  When she didn't, he knew she meant business. For some reason, Dr. Rainbo had an agenda and though he wasn't sure of what it was, the fact that it involved him was enough incentive. She pushed a small card into his palm.

  "You wait here until I'm gone." His lips burned to capture hers once more before he left, but he steeled himself from pushing the envelope. She wanted to meet again.

  "I have only one request."

  Her voice tickled his ear as he reached for the door.

  "We can meet only under cover of darkness."

  Eros hesitated, his brow twitching at the silly notion that she had no desire to see his face.

  "Are we agreed?"

  If by darkness was the only way he could meet with her again, so be it. "Whatever the lady wishes. Now, I have a request."

  A moment ticked by.

  "What is that?"

  "That when we meet, you wear what you have on today."

  * * *

  Psyche leaned her butt against the cold marble countertop, her panties damp from her indiscretion. A powerful ache, unsatisfied, but delicious throbbed deep inside her. Inhaling deep, she sought to find her equilibrium, still able to taste him on her tongue, feel the power with which he commanded his mouth to make love to hers. The scent of his cologne engulfed her. Strange and mysterious, just like the man. Whoever he was.

  His essence clung to her clothing, his sensuality yet lingered on her flesh, causing chill bumps to chase up her arms.

  A flash of light blinded her momentarily and she blinked to focus her pupils adjusting to the brilliant light. She glanced around the room, looking for a shred of evidence that she'd not blacked out and dreamt all that had happened.

  A bit of red on the floor at her feet caught her eye and she stooped down to pick it up. Soft and spry, it was a tiny piece of feather, deep red in hue, but it gave her no clue to the man who'd turned her insides to jelly moments before.

  Psyche turned toward her reflection and saw clearly the pinkish flush in her cheeks. Further evidence that the occurrence was no dream. She straightened her skirt, and wiggled her bra back over her breasts, aching still from his hands. She adjusted her hat. "You still have books to sign." She muttered at the reflection of the woman whose lips were yet swollen from passionate kisses.

  The thought of what magic his hands might contain given the performance of his lips made her nipples pucker with anticipation.

  "I'll contact you."

  His whispered words in her ear caused a shiver to run up her spine. Psyche wondered if she would be able to handle the wait.

  Chapter Four

  "Ms. Rainbo, you have a call on line three."

  Eros waited patiently, scanning the array of tailor made suits lined in his walk-in closet. He wanted the clothing for his special weekend with Psyche to be stellar, though he hoped there would be little need of proper attire.

  "Hello, this is Ms. Rainbo, may I help you?"

  Her voice melted over him. Unlike the stern business-like tone of his mother, Psyche's was sensual, with an earthy quality he found extremely attractive. "How's your day going?" It was a standard line he used on most women, a tested measure of immediate intimacy on his part. The implied concern placed him high on the compassionate scale, more often than not.

  "Who is this?"

  Well, it worked on all the other business women he knew.

  With minimal effort, Eros recovered nicely and lowered his voice an octave, imagining he was whispering in her ear. "We met the other night at the bookstore. Do you remember, Ms. Rainbo?" His ear picked up on the slight hitch in her breathing.

  She remembered.

  Eros smiled. It was amazing, if not an absolute mystery, how he seemed to sense her thoughts.

  "I remember."

  The faint nervousness in her response pleased him. Solid indication that her memory of him was a pleasant one. He rubbed his palm over his chest, his nipples sensitive to the slight brush of his fingers over them. He was turned on and he hadn't even had sex with her yet. "I'm glad to hear that. Have you considered our conversation?" He didn’t want to pressure her to the point of her backing out. By the gods, no, he was going to give her as much slack as she needed. Eros had a strong feeling that this woman was a wildcat in bed.

  There was a brief silence before she spoke, "Yes."

  Something this side of relief sighed in Eros chest.

  "You are familiar with the Pathenos Lodge?" Her voice quivered slightly.

  He was not about to let her be jangled by a sudden case of nerves. "I am. Where shall we meet?" He flipped through the more than a dozen dress shirts of every describable color of the rainbow. Eros grinned at the irony as he awaited her reply.

  "Bungalow 235. Come after sunset. You will honor my previous request?"

  Again with the lights. He had hoped she'd forgotten. What he'd give to be able to see her sweet pink rosebud nipples peak at the touch of his tongue.

  "As you wish. Friday night then?"

  "And you must leave by morning's light."

  Eros stopped his search, his arm dropping against his side. What was this new rule?

  "You want me to leave? Just as we're getting to know each other? I thought maybe a sumptuous made to order breakfast, a mimosa or three and then a little mid-morning study session might be in order. So we could get to know each other better?"

  Maybe that was wishful thinking.

  "I'm sorry. It has to be this way. We can do whatever we like under cover of darkness, but I cannot know who you are by the light of day."

  Eros frowned. This was supposed to be his gig. When had he lost control? His options mulled in his head, each one making him crazier than the one before. "Fine,” he replied distinctly upset that she was calling the shots.

  "It's not what you think."

  His brow quirked. "And what am I thinking?"

  Her quiet sigh tickled his ear.

  "That I like the power. You know the domination thing."

  "I can handle that, Psyche if that’s what you like. Just tell me up front before we go any further."

  "N-no, it's not like that."

  "Did you want to experiment a little?" Eros knew he pressed her.

  "Not…with that, necessarily."

  Eros blinked at her honest reply. He sat down in a club chair situated in the middle of the dressing area. This woman was layer-after-layer of sweet surprise. "So, you don't mind trying new things?" The silence on the phone was all the answer he required. "Leave it to me, Psyche." He leaned back in his chair and ran his hand through his mass of unruly curls. This whole little affair was beginning to exceed even his best fantasy. To meet a woman who wants to experiment and wants—no insists, on not building a relationship. This wasn't the image he had of Psychedelic Rainbo at all.

  "No drugs of any kind." She spoke through a strained voice.

  Eros grinned. "I never use them. Besides, where I'm taking you sweetheart, you won't find anything that will get you higher, I make you that promise."

  A small whimper cracked over the phone.

  "And you will wear what you had on the night we met. I want to show you what I wanted to do to you, Psyche." The mere thought sent a current of excitement to Eros groin. "See you—" he paused considering that it was his other senses that would be in touch with her. "Until we meet Friday, bungalow 235."

  * * *

  Psyche squirmed in her chair aware once again that her underwear was soaked. How did that man do this to her with just his voice? Unsure what more she should do to prepare for her rendezvous, she fidgeted a few moments, mentally scanning the clothes she had in her closet. A few moments later she leaned forward, tapping the intercom button to her secretary. "Lydia, I've got a few errands to run, hold my calls."

  "Yes, Dr.Rainbo. Will you be back this afternoon?"

  Psyche's finger hovered over the intercom button. "Probably, no wait, maybe not." She envisi
oned a good pedicure and maybe she'd get her hair done.

  "Is there somewhere I can reach you in the event of an emergency?"

  Her secretary's voice sounded suddenly drone-like, ordinary…boring.

  Psyche wanted to scream that this was an emergency. That she was about to get laid for the very first time and she didn't have a clue how to dress, or not, for it.

  "Damn it." Psyche muttered in frustration. Second, then third thoughts attached to her reason at every angle. She could of course, trace the last call. Find out just who her mystery man was. She could take preventative measures to squelch the spontaneity and passion of the entire affair, not to mention scratch the possibility of getting laid. No, she was going to go through with this no matter what the practical side of her cautioned.

  "Dr. Rainbo, I'm sorry, did you say da—"

  "Never mind, Lydia. I have some urgent matters that have come up and I must deal with them this afternoon. Please make the necessary changes in my schedule."

  There was a hesitation as though Lydia wasn't quite certain she heard right.


  "Yes, Dr. Rainbo. You will be gone and you are not to be disturbed, correct?"

  Psyche nodded. "Correct and thank you, Lydia."

  * * *

  Psyche pulled her coat tighter around her as she gazed up at the storefront. She wore a wide brimmed hat and dark sunglasses and still felt conspicuous. With a deep breath, she told herself it was now or never and never seemed like a very long time to wait for this opportunity again. She could almost feel her sisters' spirits shoving her through the beveled glass front door. A bell tinkled above her head, merrily announcing her entrance and Psyche glanced around to be sure that no one noticed her as she ducked behind a rack of see-through negligees. She raked her teeth over her lower lip. If her readers could see her now, cowering behind the feather boas of Aphrodite's Pleasures intimate apparel.

  "May I help you?" A tall, slim woman appeared at her shoulder. She was dressed in a form fitting crocheted dress. Psyche was grateful her dark lens covered the surprise in her eyes.


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