Hearts on Fire 7: Claiming Catalina (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Hearts on Fire 7: Claiming Catalina (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  * * * *

  Cooper was across the walkway with a group of firefighters, training them on better procedures and safety measures while Don was having the firefighters do some physical conditioning and training to stay fit and increase their tolerance for high-cardio workouts. There were numerous stations set up, but the one that seemed to be gathering the most attention was a timed competition. They each had to carry over a hundred pounds of fire hose on their shoulder up ten flights of stairs and then use a fire extinguisher to put out a fire on the top floor.

  Once the fire was out, they hooked up their ropes to descend down the side of the building and swing into the second floor, where they ran back up the staircase then down the side using the same ten flights they took to the top floor. As soon as they ran across the parking lot and past the orange cones, time was up. It was a very intense and difficult contest, and many of the firefighters failed to beat the top ten best times.

  As Don stood by the next set of events, he chuckled as he heard four rookies getting ranked on by the more seasoned firefighters. They started talking trash, and then Cody heard a bunch of yelling and someone saying to “cool it” and “put that down.” As Cody turned, he saw one rookie, who had been nothing but a wiseass from the start, swinging around his Halligan tool like some sword fighter. It was too late when he realized the kid had lost his grip. The tool went flying, hitting Don in the leg.

  “What the fuck!” he roared as he grabbed his leg, the blood already seeping through his camo pocket pants.

  “You stupid asshole. Get him the fuck out of here,” one of the fire chiefs yelled as Cooper came running over, as did the other firefighters and their friends.

  “Shit, Don,” Ice said as he helped him to sit down. The guys were already over him, cutting his pants and looking at the damage to his leg.

  “You need fucking stitches,” Cooper said, but Don had known immediately he did.

  “Fuck. What’s wrong with those four fucking rookies? They think this is a goddamn joke? How the fuck did they pass the academy?” Don roared in anger, the pain now getting worse. His leg looked a mess.

  “Let’s apply pressure and wrap it up. We can get one of the guys over here with an ambulance. They’re parked down the way,” Bull said to him.

  “Fuck that. Cooper will take me to the emergency room.”

  Cooper pointed at Ice and Bull. “You two take those fucking four asshole rookies and make them regret fooling around here. Tomorrow morning, I’m taking a look at their files and talking to the chiefs. I’m going to recommend they be re-evaluated and reinstated into the academy. The Halligan tool is not a fucking toy.” Cooper then helped Don to get up.

  Don couldn’t believe this had happened, and at a fire training facility, no less. What the hell?

  * * * *

  Catalina was standing by the main desk when she got the call from Bull and Ice that Don had been hurt during training at the fire center. She was immediately concerned as he explained what had happened over the phone.

  She got the attending physician to wait with her as Cooper and Don arrived. She could see the coloring in his face wasn’t good. He was losing blood, and the shock of it all was hitting him.

  “Lie down and relax, Don. This is Dr. Anders,” Catalina told him as she placed her hand on his shoulder.

  “Hey, Doc,” Cooper said, but remained watching Catalina. She was so worried, she felt her heart racing. Even though it wasn’t a life-threatening wound, Don would still need stitches.

  “Hi, Catalina. I was hoping you would be here,” Don admitted and gave her a wink.

  She cleared her throat and looked at Dr. Anders, who smirked, and she tried to act professional.

  “We missed you,” Cooper said, flirting as the doctor looked at the damage and cleaned up the wound with Catalina’s help.

  She locked gazes with Don.

  “There are better ways to visit then getting hit with a Halligan tool,” she replied.

  “How did you know it was a Halligan?” Don asked her.

  “Bull and Ice called me and gave the heads-up.”

  Don smiled.

  She shook her head at him and needed to remain professional here, despite how sexy and charming he looked. The fact that his friends had called her about the accident probably indicated to him that other people were thinking they were already in a relationship.

  “We’re still on for tonight, right, Catalina?” Don asked and looked at the doctor, who seemed surprised, and then got serious.

  “I think you’ll be in bed resting, Don. Just relax and we’ll take care of everything,” she reprimanded him, and Dr. Anders chuckled.

  “You’re going to need a good amount of stitches. If you’d been hit any harder, there would be serious tendon damage,” the doctor told him.

  “He jumped out of the way pretty quickly. He knows it could have been a lot worse, and we’ll be taking care of those rookie firefighters tomorrow morning,” Cooper told the doctor.

  Catalina could see how angry Cooper was. She couldn’t help but want to touch him, caress his arm, and give him a reassuring smile so he knew it was okay, but he just stared at Don as the doctor explained what he was going to do.

  Dr. Anders asked her for several things, and when she got the tetanus shot, she reached out and held Don’s arm.

  “This might hurt a bit,” Dr. Anders said to him, and Cooper cringed, but she felt Don’s hand caress her outer thigh and then he didn’t even flinch as the doctor injected the shot into the cut to ensure he didn’t get an infection. She couldn’t believe he didn’t feel a thing. She held his gaze, his eyes completely focused on her.

  “When do you get off work?” Don asked, and the doctor chuckled.

  “When Dr. Anders says so.” She turned toward the doctor and gathered the things needed to begin stitching up Don’s leg.

  “Cat, can you hold his thigh here so I can get these stitches nice and tight?” the doctor asked, and Catalina nodded and then ran her hand over Don’s thigh and pressed where he told her.

  “Sweet Jesus.” Don exhaled, and she glanced at him and then at Cooper, who had his arms crossed and was chuckling.

  As the doctor worked on the numerous stitches to Don’s leg, she caught sight of something moving to the left and saw Bear and Ice peak around the large curtain separating them from the rest of the patients.

  “Hey, you guys didn’t have to come down,” Cooper said, but then Jeremy and Cody walked in behind them, looking concerned.

  “You guys had some visitors show up at the training facility. Thought we’d follow them over,” Ice said and winked.

  “Hey, Catalina. Got the best nurse in the place and the best doctor, huh?” Bear teased as he came next to the side of the bed and gave Don’s shoulder a squeeze.

  “Sure did,” Don said and caressed Catalina’s hip.

  Catalina saw Cody’s and Jeremy’s expressions as they witnessed their brother caressing her hip, and she couldn’t help but feel interested and excited. They were all here in one room. Jeremy and Cody were in town. What the hell was she going to do?

  * * * *

  Cody knew something was up. He couldn’t take his eyes off of Catalina, and he saw the expression in Don’s eyes as he caressed her hip and looked at Cody, then Jeremy. Catalina wasn’t pulling away, and she looked a little flushed.

  Jeremy moved closer and brushed by Catalina’s side. Cody saw her expression and her cheeks turn a nice shade of pink.

  “There we go. I’ll just let Catalina clean this all up for you and then get everything you need,” Dr. Anders said.

  “We’re going to head out. Take care of yourself and rest up tonight, Don. That was a good hit to the leg, and thirty stitches is a lot,” Ice said and shook everyone’s hand, along with Bear.

  “Later, Cat,” Bear said, and she waved.

  They both exited the room, and then Cooper shook the doctor’s hand as Dr. Anders brushed by Catalina, placing his hands on her hips to pass by her. Cody was
instantly jealous.

  As the doctor left the room, Cody and Jeremy greeted Cooper then Don.

  “We meant to surprise you by showing up unannounced, but it seems you surprised us,” Cody said to Cooper as he gave a hug and slap to Cooper’s shoulder. They chuckled.

  “This is fucking crazy, and all from some rookie firefighter?” Jeremy asked, but didn’t take his eyes off Catalina.

  “Yeah, well, it’s over, and I’m fine, especially with my number-one nurse taking care of me. She was waiting on standby,” he teased.

  “You were there waiting for them? How did you know?” Jeremy asked her as he stepped closer.

  “Ice called me. Let me finish this up and then get your release papers, Don, and also some instructions to follow to keep this clean.”

  Cooper took her hand to stop her.

  “We’re still on for tonight. Can’t you help him with those instructions tonight?” Cooper asked and pulled her close.

  “Cooper. I’m at work. We’ll talk later.”

  “Okay. You remember my brothers, right?” he asked, holding her hand and then reaching up to caress her cheek.

  She glanced at Cody and Jeremy. Cody looked her over in that nurse’s uniform and white medical coat she had on. She looked so sexy.

  “Of course I do.”

  “Good. I’ll pick you up at your place around seven.” He leaned forward and kissed her lips.

  Cody felt his cock harden and couldn’t take his eyes off of Catalina. He could feel the sexual chemistry in the room. He had a bunch of questions for his brothers. Holy crap, he couldn’t believe how affected he was at seeing her. Was she seeing Cooper and Don, and for how long?

  Were they seeing her? How long had they been? Why hadn’t they told him and Jeremy? Did this have to do with why they’d asked him and Jeremy to visit? Would she be interested in all of them? Were they sleeping with her?

  His expression must have been super serious, and the same with Jeremy, because as Catalina stepped away and headed toward the door, she looked scared.

  The second the curtain closed, Jeremy spoke before Cody had a chance to.

  “What the hell is going on? You’re seeing her?” Jeremy asked.

  Cooper smiled as he leaned against the examining table where Cody still lay waiting. He smiled, too.

  “We just started seeing her,” Cooper told them.

  “Is it serious?” Cody asked, moving closer and watching his brothers.

  “We’re going to take that new job. Does that answer your question?” Don asked.

  Cody swallowed hard. Why hadn’t they told them over the phone? Did they want to share her or keep her for themselves, and why did that question make him feel sick and utterly disappointed?

  The curtain to the bay opened and in came Catalina. She was carrying some papers and a pen. She avoided eye contact with Cody and Jeremy and went to Don.

  “Okay, Dr. Anders said you need to follow these instructions to the T, or else. Just sign here and I can get things moving quickly so you can head home to rest.”

  Don signed the papers. “Not rest entirely. You’re coming over for dinner.”

  She glanced around the bay.

  “We can do that another time. Your brothers came into town to surprise you.”

  “It appears we’re the ones who are surprised. You three get together, and we’ll fend for ourselves tonight,” Jeremy said.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. You come over to our place and stay with us. We rented a house a few blocks from the beach. There’s plenty of room for all of us,” Cooper stated.

  “All of us?” Cody asked and eyed over Catalina.

  “Definitely,” Don replied and then handed her the paperwork.

  She placed the documents down on the small table and then handed Don’s copies to Cooper. She started to help Don to sit up, and he totally took advantage of the opportunity to grab onto her. She caressed his shoulder, and Cody watched how sincere and caring she was, as Don looked a little peaky.

  “That dizziness will pass.”

  She caressed his cheek, and he turned his face and kissed her palm.

  “I may need a bedside nurse tonight, Catalina.”

  She chuckled as she placed her hands on his hips and held his gaze.

  “You’ll need those painkillers and lots of rest.”

  “I’m fine, baby. I was looking forward to seeing you all day today.”

  She smiled at him. “Then let me wrap things up here. I’ll see you later.”

  “I’ll pick you up at seven,” Cooper stated firmly, and she nodded and headed out of the room.

  * * * *

  They all sat in the living room with Don as he lay on the couch.

  “So you saw her at the Station and started talking to her, and then ask her to come home with you?” Jeremy repeated and shook his head. He wanted to know all the details. His brothers looked so happy.

  “It was an intense moment, man. She looked so sexy and beautiful. I was overwhelmed with emotions and feeling so damn possessive. Man, even that day Don and I were headed to Sullivan’s and these guys were bothering her, I was so ready to tear them limb from limb.”

  “Me too,” Don added.

  “Did they try to hurt her?” Jeremy asked, sitting forward in his seat.

  “No, we got to her in time. It just pissed us the hell off. But then we had lunch, and we talked and made some plans. We only went out one other time, and again, it wasn’t planned. She had just finished her shift at work, and I was walking down the boardwalk, getting ready to meet Don. We bumped into her again and grabbed dinner. Ate on the boardwalk by the park.”

  Jeremy glanced at Cody, who sipped a bottle of Bud.

  “We’re happy for you guys,” he said, but felt his tone weaken.

  “We’re glad, but this is just the beginning,” Cooper told him. “We were kind of hoping that you both felt the same attraction to Catalina. It’s why we called and told you about the job offer, and to consider moving here. We’re tired of the way things were. Treasure Town is an amazing town filled with great people. You two would love it here. Maybe consider staying here with us. We’re supposed to look at some houses for sale this Sunday.”

  Jeremy exhaled as he stood up. He paced half the room.

  “Did you even discuss this with Catalina? I mean, she met the two of you, has an attraction to the both of you, but you can’t force this kind of relationship, Coop.”

  “Don’t you think we know that? We talked to her about it in the beginning. Her fear is that she doesn’t want to be a possession, an item.”

  “That’s understandable, but is she even interested in a ménage relationship with four men?” Cody asked.

  “She’s not dead set against it. Her friends are involved in them. We said we’d take things slow, and we have,” Cooper stated and looked at Don.

  “You sleep with her yet?” Jeremy asked.

  “No. It’s new. Your timing is perfect, Jeremy. She could be the woman we’ve been waiting for, the one that completes this family,” Cooper said to him.

  “But Cody and I don’t know what we’re doing about work yet. It wouldn’t be fair to try and have a long-distance relationship until we can figure shit out. It is bad timing,” he said, feeling insecure about the whole thing and not even knowing if Catalina was attracted to him and Cody, too.

  “Let’s just see how tonight goes. She’s really sweet and a damn good kisser,” Don stated and leaned back, placing his arms behind his head as he exhaled.

  “And she’ll probably cater to you all night as you pretend to be some invalid,” Cooper said and threw a pillow at his brother’s head.

  “Hey. I could have lost my fucking leg.”

  “But you didn’t.”

  Jeremy and Cody laughed.

  “I’m going to go pick up Catalina. One of you want to come with me?” Cooper asked Jeremy and Cody.”

  “You think that’s a good idea?” Cody asked.

  “If she’s going to get u
sed to all of us as a package deal and get to know you then, yes, it’s a good idea,” Cooper said.

  “You go, Jeremy. I’ll sit here with Don,” Cody said.

  “No, you go. Don and Coop stink at cooking. I can get the potatoes ready and sauté the vegetables while Don takes a little nap,” he teased, and they chuckled.

  Cody stood up and wiped his hands on his jeans. “I’ll be right back,” he said and exited the room.

  Jeremy looked at Cooper.

  “I don’t want to ruin this for you guys. I’m really not in the right frame of mind. I know we talked about being a family, following our parents’ tradition, but things have changed so much. I don’t even know what I want to do with my life. I’m not even sure I know if I can do anything different from being an undercover agent. I just feel out-of-sorts right now.”

  “It’s understandable, and there’s no pressure here. All we ask is that you’re honest about what you feel and, if you’re attracted to Catalina, that you take your time and you don’t fake anything. Don and I feel she’s the one. If you and Cody can’t love her and don’t feel it like we do, then don’t lie or pretend. Just move on because we’ll always be your brothers, no matter what.”

  Jeremy nodded as Cody came out smiling.

  “All good, Romeo?” Cooper teased.

  “Well, you had a first date with her. I don’t want to come across as an escort or third wheel, okay?”

  “So you want to kill her with cologne?” Cooper teased and waved his hand in front of his nose as if trying to get rid of the smell of men’s cologne.

  “No, I want her to win her heart with my sexy, masculine ways. You’re just jealous because I’m bigger,” Cody told Cooper and Jeremy, and Don chuckled.

  “Your head is bigger, that’s for sure. Let’s go.”

  “My head is bigger than all of yours, and not the one on my shoulders. Peace out, Don, Jeremy. We’ll be back with something sweet and sexy. Start cooking dinner,” Cody teased. Jeremy shook his head and Cooper chuckled.


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