dragon archives 03 - loved by a dragon

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dragon archives 03 - loved by a dragon Page 14

by Linda K Hopkins

  After a while the buildings began to change, growing larger as they rose more evenly from the ground. Roads instead of alleys led from the main artery, wide and elegant. The clothes worn by the men changed, too. Practical tunics of browns and blues were less in evidence in this section of the city, replaced by two-toned hose, doublets that reached no further than the waist, and shoes with points that left Anna gaping. She glanced across at Keira, smiling when she saw that her eyes seemed just as large as her own.

  “How does it feel to be back, Aaron?” Max said, turning to look at his Master as they walked.

  “I didn’t think I would feel this way,” Aaron said, “but it actually feels good to be back. Like I’m returning home after a long trip away.”

  Max nodded. “I feel that way every time,” he said.

  Anna felt a stab of envy. She wished that she too could call this huge, exciting city home. She glanced at Keira, wondering whether she felt the same, and was startled to see a strange, sad expression in her eyes. It was gone when Aaron turned to look at her, replaced with her usual, calm smile. Anna wondered what it meant, until she gave a mental shrug. Whatever it was, it was not her concern. As Max had said, Keira and Aaron would figure it out.

  They walked along for a little further, until Thomas turned the party into one of the wide roads that led from the main artery, stopping outside a large house. The timber beams of the house were black with age, while whitewashed walls glimmered in the sun. The second storey of the house overhung the street, creating a roof over the front door. Thomas dismounted from his horse and rapped on the wooden door, as Anna slid down from her mount, ignoring Max’s proffered hand. The door swung open and a woman in her thirties stood at the threshold.

  “Thomas!” she said with a smile. “Milord Drake, Master Brant.”

  “Hannah,” Thomas said. “Why are you opening the door? Where is Harry?”

  “Heaven only knows,” she said. She looked at the two women, and Thomas turned to introduce them.

  “This is Milord’s wife, Mistress Keira, and her sister, Mistress Anna.”

  Hannah dropped a quick curtsey, then stepped back, gesturing into the house. “Welcome to Drake House. Mistress Cathryn sent word to prepare for you.”

  “Hello, Hannah,” Aaron said, stepping aside to allow Keira and Anna to walk ahead. The front door opened into a large hall, from which Anna could see various doorways along the one length. Hannah turned to Thomas.

  “I’ll just go call a boy to help with the horses, and will be back in a moment.” As she disappeared through one of the exits, Max turned to Aaron.

  “I will take my leave now, Aaron. You know where to find me if you need me.”

  Aaron nodded. “I’ll keep you apprised of any new developments,” he said.

  Anna looked away at Max’s words. Of course he would not be staying with them at Drake House, since he had his own apartments in the city, but somehow this fact had escaped her till now. She was relieved, naturally. Max was far too annoying for comfort. She looked up at Max, meeting his gaze.

  “At long last there will be peace and quiet,” she said.

  Max laughed, a humorless snort. “Oh, Anna, don’t hold out too much hope. This city may seem very big to you, but it is not so big that you will avoid seeing me. And,” he added with a glint, “I will be frequently at Drake House.” He took her hand and brought it to his lips as Aaron and Keira looked on. She was embarrassed, but as his lips touched her skin, all else was forgotten. She stared into his eyes as his hands held hers. She felt like he was searing her, burning his touch into her skin.

  At the sound of Aaron clearing his throat, she pulled her hand away as though she had touched a flame and took a step back.

  “Not too frequently, I hope,” she said, but even she could hear that her voice lacked conviction.

  Max grinned sardonically, turning once more to Aaron.

  “Master,” he said, raising his fist in a dragon salute of fealty, then nodding at Keira, turned and walked out the door.

  Chapter 26

  Hannah led Keira and Aaron to a chamber that looked out over a small courtyard. There were stables at the far end, although the horses that had brought them into the city were being stabled down the road. Keira looked out the window for a few minutes before turning to face Aaron.

  “What is the plan, now that we are here?”

  “I’ve asked Thomas to send a message to the prince, letting him know that we have arrived. In the meantime I need to find where Jack is hiding himself, and what he is up to.”

  “How are you going to do that?”

  “Favian and Owain have already told me what they know –”

  “Which is what?” Keira interrupted.

  “That Jack has been hunting within the city.”

  “He’s been hunting?” Keira’s faced reflected her horror. “Why?”

  “To force my hand. Favian says that he’s heard Jack plans to challenge me as Master.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I cannot allow Jack to become Master of the clan. I will find him and kill him.” Aaron paused. “Word travels fast in the city. Max is not the only dragon that lives here. Jack will already know I am here.”

  “Are the other dragons in league with Jack?”

  “I dare say some of them are. Favian cautioned me against a few of them.”

  “But they are all part of your clan?”

  “Yes. But no clan is without its intrigues. Not all dragons like being restrained in their hunting. Jack may have promised them free rein in the city.”

  “But that’s … terrible!”

  “Only for humans,” he said wryly. He turned towards the door. “I’m going out for a while.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “I thought I would take a walk. See what new information I can discover.”

  “Can I come with you?”

  Aaron looked at her for a moment before answering. “Yes. Of course,” he finally said. “Make sure you dress warmly.”

  Keira flung a cloak around her shoulders and followed him to the door.

  “Where are we going?” she asked as they stepped onto the street.

  “For now we will just take a walk. Show ourselves, just in case news hasn’t spread to all corners of the city. Later tonight I will visit a few other places.” He caught her expectant look. “Places too uncouth and uncivilized for a woman to be seen in,” he added.

  “Does Max live far from here?’

  “About ten minutes away. Most dragons tend to live within this area.” They walked down the road a short distance before Aaron led her into a much narrower street. It was late afternoon and the sun was already low in the sky, casting long shadows on the ground. The noises of the city seemed strangely distant on this street. Keira shivered and Aaron put his hand on her back, drawing her closer. There was only one other person on the empty street, walking towards them. He was shorter than Aaron, and his plain clothes were not enough to hide his well-built frame. For a moment he watched Aaron, then turned his gaze back to the road, his face looking straight ahead. It was only when he was a few feet away that his eyes flicked back to Aaron and he gave the tiniest of nods. His arms came up and crossed his chest, but as he drew parallel, Keira saw his right hand inch slightly higher while his fingers curled slightly. A salute to the Master. Keira looked up at Aaron, but before she should could say anything, he shook his head. Not now.

  They reached the end of the road and turned the corner, and up ahead Keira could see the main road, filled with people as a city should be. They had just turned into the crowds when Keira heard a voice calling from behind.


  Another man approached them. At a glance, he looked to be in his forties, but Keira could see the glow that marked him as a dragon, which meant he was probably around two hundred years old, or even more. His dark brown eyes were creased with laugh lines, but his expression looked somber now.

  “Oliver Calder,”
Aaron said. “What are you doing in the city?”

  “I’ve heard rumors of a dragon disturbance. You will probably find many more clan members congregating within these city walls.” He paused a moment, then placed his fist over his heart. “Master.” Aaron nodded, and the man turned to look at Keira.

  “Oliver, this is my wife, Keira.”

  “Mistress Keira.” Oliver smiled. “I’m sorry I wasn’t able to attend the binding ceremony. We had given up hope for Aaron, so it is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the clan.”

  “Thank you, Master Calder.”

  Oliver looked back at Aaron, his expression growing serious again.

  “I heard what happened at the binding, Aaron.” He flicked a glance at Keira. “Not that I can blame Jack,” he said, a slight grin tugging at his mouth. It was gone a moment later when he caught Aaron’s look. “Er, well, it seems Jack is eager to see you gone. And although most of us see the folly of his cause, there are some who have been enticed to his side by promises of freedom in their hunting both within the city and beyond once you are dead.”

  Aaron nodded his head. “I thought as much.”

  “He has also killed two dragons who would not take up his cause.” Aaron’s eyebrows shot up at this piece of news.

  “He’s grown in strength, then. Who were they?”

  “His cousins Hillary and Benjamin.” Aaron turned and gazed into the distance, his face troubled. Oliver watched him for a moment. “Aaron,” he said finally, “you need to know that rumors have been spreading about you.”

  “What kind of rumors?”

  Oliver shifted uncomfortably. “Some dragons are saying that you have given your blood to humans, binding them to you.” Aaron shot a glance at Keira before replying.

  “Just one. Keira’s father was mortally wounded when trying to reason with his neighbors about their plan to kill me. I gave him my blood to save his life.” Aaron ran his hand through his hair. “I cannot regret it, and despite his desire to serve me, I have made no demands of him.”

  “And he was the only one?”


  Oliver nodded. “Given that it was your father-in-law, I can understand your actions. But there is more. A tale has been spreading amongst humans about a golden dragon that not only talks intelligently, but has a human wife.”

  Aaron ran a hand over his eyes with a groan. “That was a mistake.” He dropped his hand and looked at Oliver. “After we left Storbrook we ran into a young man determined to save Keira from the beast that held her captive. He was very determined, and I’m afraid I lost patience.”

  “Ah! Well, it is not my place to judge your actions, Aaron, but if I have heard of this, chances are Jack has too. He is probably using this information to make clan members question your leadership.”

  Aaron nodded. “Of course he is. Do you have any idea where Jack has made his lair?”

  “No. But I don’t think it is within the city.”

  “Where can I find you?”

  “I’m staying on River Row,” he replied. “Number ten.”

  “Very well. I will be in touch. And if you discover anything more, let me know. You can find us at Drake House.”

  “Yes, Master,” he said. He briefly touched a fist to his chest once more, then turned away, walking briskly in the opposite direction.

  “A member of the clan?” Keira said as she watched the retreating figure.

  “Hmm? Yes. A clan member.”

  “And the other person?”

  “Also a clan member. We were being followed, and he didn’t want our interaction observed. If Jack is hunting dragons who have turned against him, then I cannot blame his desire for secrecy.” Aaron led Keira to the other side of the street. “We’re still being watched, so let’s keep going.”

  The rest of the walk passed without incident, and soon Aaron was opening the door to Drake House. They had just entered the hall when Thomas came in from another doorway.

  “Milord,” he said, walking towards them.

  “Thomas. Did you deliver my message?”

  “I did, Milord. The prince has asked that you be in attendance at court tomorrow morning. With Mistress Keira.” Aaron looked at Thomas in surprise.

  “With Mistress Keira?”

  “Yes.” Aaron turned a speculative look on Keira, then nodded his head.

  “Very well. And did you discover anything else?”

  “People are saying that a large black dragon has been killing and eating people on the street.”

  “How many?”

  “Over a dozen. Men. Women. He even killed a man while his son looked on. The boy had been injured, but for some reason, the dragon let him go free.”

  Aaron raised his eyebrows in surprise. “He allowed a child to go free?”

  “Yes. But not before he, uh, disposed of the father’s body.”

  Aaron turned and slammed his hand against the wall with a growl, sending shards of whitewashed stone tumbling to the floor. “He wants to instill as much fear as possible. He’s provoking me into an attack, rather than attacking me first.”

  “What are you going to do?” Keira asked.

  “First I need to find him. But I will fight him on my terms, not his.”

  “Didn’t you say his father died because he refused to eat human flesh?”

  Aaron turned to look at her. “Yes. You are right. This is just as much about his father as it is about me. And he’s not going to stop until I stop him.”

  Chapter 27

  Keira tied the laces of her chemise as Hannah waited behind her with hairbrush in hand. Hannah had been Cathryn’s lady’s maid for many years, she explained, since before Favian.

  “Usually I return with her to Drake Manor,” Hannah said, “but Mistress Cathryn knows I’ve met someone here in the city.”

  “So she lets you remain here so you can be with your beau?”

  Hannah blushed, but return Keira’s gaze steadily.

  “That’s right.”

  “Well, I’m glad you are here, Hannah, as I have no idea what to wear before a prince.”

  “A prince isn’t that different from any other man,” Hannah said. “He just thinks he is. Now let’s see. This one, I think.” She pulled out a gown of dark crimson velvet, trimmed in gold. She slipped it over Keira’s outstretched arms. “Perfect. Now sit down while I do your hair.”

  Half an hour later Keira left the room and went in search of Aaron, finding him pacing the hall.

  “Come,” he said. “Let’s get this over with.” They stepped out onto the road, turning in the direction opposite to the one taken the previous day. As they walked, Aaron instructed Keira on how to greet the prince.

  “The prince has no inkling of who, or what I am,” Aaron explained. “If he did, then he would be showing me fealty, rather than the other way around. But we enter his court as subjects, and as such we will give him the respect required of his subjects. However, since he calls me friend, and you are my wife, one shallow curtsey will do.”

  Aaron led Keira to the river, where he tossed a ferryman a coin. “To the palace,” he said. The ferry was a long, flat-bottomed boat with planks that spanned the width of the craft, serving as seats. Thin cushions lay on the planks, offering a small comfort to the traveler. Aaron held Keira’s hand as she stepped into the rocking boat, while the ferryman jumped with ease into the back, his nimble feet barely rocking the craft. Aaron settled next to Keira as the ferryman thrust his long pole into the water, pushing them away from the bank. The noise of the city disappeared as the boat slipped down the river, carried along by the current, and as they glided around a bend the palace suddenly came into view. A wide swath of lawn stretched from the edge of the water to the red-brick palace that rose from the countryside. Chimneys and spires competed with each other as they reached into the sky, while huge windows filled with leaded glass made the building glitter in the sunlight. Open fields stretched in all directions beyond the palace, dotted with grazing sheep, hudd
led together for warmth. Their noisy bleats, which drowned out all other sounds, spoke of their displeasure at being left in the cold. An area of wilderness had been carefully cultivated beyond the formal gardens that lay on the other side of the palace, while in the distance Keira could see a dark stretch of forest with hills rising behind it. The ferryman deftly maneuvered the boat to a wooden platform where Aaron jumped out, reaching back to steady Keira. She turned to look at the enormous building towering above her. Directly ahead of them was a huge archway, through which Keira could see the courtyard bustling with activity.

  “Come along, my sweet,” Aaron said. “A human prince is not nearly as terrifying as a dragon master.”

  “Spoken like a true dragon,” Keira said. She turned to look at Aaron. “I feel like such a country maid,” she said. “I don’t want to shame you.”

  “You could never do that,” Aaron replied. He took her hand into his and gave it a gentle squeeze, before pulling it through his arm and starting down the path that led through the arched entryway. The palace surrounded the courtyard on all four sides, with numerous doorways leading into the building. Another archway was built on the opposite side, and on either side of these were elaborate doorways. Aaron led Keira without hesitation to one of these doorways, where a liveried footman silently opened the door for them to enter. Once inside, they were in a long passage that stretched the length of the building, while directly ahead of them was a large staircase to which Aaron headed. They had just climbed the first stair when a voice trilled behind them.

  “Aaron Drake, is that you?”

  Keira felt the muscles in Aaron’s arm tense, but he turned to the voice with a smile.

  “Madame Pritchard. Delighted, I’m sure. Now if you will excuse us –”

  “Why, Milord Drake, surely you can spare a few minutes? Elise will be delighted –”


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