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Bloodright Page 25

by Karin Tabke

  Sadly, she shook her head. “I would not dishonor you or Lucien that way again.” She looked regretfully into his eyes but stepped back. “It was just a dream, Rafa, nothing more.” She sucked in a long breath.

  He reached out to her but pulled back. She smiled and took his hand and placed it against her heart. Her breasts trembled in remembered passion. Rafe hissed in a long breath. “I will always love you.” She moved into him and on her tiptoes, kissed his lips. “Good-bye, Rafe,” she said softly.

  He groaned and slipped his arm around her waist, pulling her into his lips. Deepening the kiss. Her body washed warm with passion. With love. With more regret than most people lived with, in ten lifetimes. Tears stung her eyes as she pulled away from him. “I am Lucien’s now. I will not betray him with more than a farewell kiss, Rafa.” She moved past him, but he caught her hand and pulled her back into his arms.

  “I have lived my entire life by a self-imposed honor code. It has brought me nothing but heartache.” He grit his teeth, pressing her tighter to him. “I vowed on your life, Falon, not to touch you again.” He closed his eyes, and she could see him fighting his desire to say fuck it all again. “And I failed us both. For that I am deeply sorry.”

  Gently but firmly she unwrapped his arms from around her. “Rafa, I wish with all my heart things could be different. But a wish is just that, a wish.” She moved past him and looked to the edge of the tree line to see a snowy white she-wolf waiting in the mist. And behind her, Lucien’s flashing golden eyes.

  Falon scooped up her dress and quickly donned it, then grabbed her moccasins. She did not look back at Rafa. If she did, she would fall apart, and she would not do that to him. But mostly she would not do it to Lucien. He deserved more from her. Much more. And she would give it.

  But her chosen one was not going to make it easy for her. His fury reverberated off the trees like harnessed lightning bolts in a jar.

  She watched the she-wolf shift into a beautiful woman. Proudly she walked past Falon to Rafael.

  She spoke to him in a low husky voice in a language Falon did not understand. When Rafe answered in the same language, in an equally husky voice, she felt as if she had just been kicked in the solar plexus. She froze, unable to take another step. When she turned, they disappeared into the mist. Her eyes rose to Lucien’s.

  Angrily he strode toward her.

  Anger and hurt rose up in her chest. Anger that Lucien followed her, and hurt that Rafa had so obviously moved on. But there was also guilt. She took it out on the one she loved. “Did you follow me?” she accused.


  “Do you think so little of me that you have to skulk around in the night and spy on me?”

  “I came after you out of concern for your safety, but it seems there was another reason for me to skulk about. I find you naked in my brother’s arms!”

  Falon flung her arms in the air. “It wasn’t what it seemed.”

  “Do I look like a fool, Falon?” he yelled, getting in her face. “I saw it with my own eyes. You were kissing him! You told him you wished things were different!” He jammed his fingers through his hair, and then shook his long mane. His eyes narrowed dangerously. “You want things different?”

  “I wish—”

  “Consider them different, Falon!” He flung his hands in the air. “I release you!” He lowered his head and said it again, “I release you! You are free to go after my brother. Hurry before he marks the beautiful Anja! Lord only knows you would never stand down if Rafe loved another!”

  “You are an ass, Lucien!” she screamed. “By wanting things different, I meant that I wished no one would be hurt!”

  His teeth flashed in the moonlight. “Are you hurt?”

  “Yes! Are you?”

  He swiped his hand across his face. “I am hurt every time I imagine you with Rafael! I had visions of the two of you fucking! So you’re damn straight I came looking for you. And what do I find? You naked and in his arms just now!”

  “I told him good-bye, Luca. I told him I would not disrespect you by being with him.”

  He shook his head, blowing hot, frustrated breaths. “I love you above my life, Falon. I could not stand it if you were unhappy with me. I meant what I said.”

  “What?” she asked, fearing the answer.

  His smoldering eyes caught and held hers. “I release you.” His voice cracked with emotion, but he stood unwavering. His simple declaration despite his anger and his palpable pain shut her down. She didn’t want to fight with him anymore.

  Her heart shuddered in her chest. Suddenly she was very cold. And afraid. “Where would I go if I were not with you?”

  “To Rafe,” he said stiffly.

  “Then I would long to be with you.”

  “I don’t want to be your default chosen one,” he said roughly, turning away from her.

  She grabbed his shoulder, turning him back to face her, then took his hands into hers and pressed one between her breasts, while she pressed her hand to his heart. “Don’t you feel it, Luca? This is no ordinary love we share.” She kissed his fingers. “I want you. I choose you. I cannot say it any plainer.”

  His body was tight. Everything about him was tight. Controlled. Protective. Every part of him screamed that his pride would not love a woman who loved another man. Most especially his brother. That realization terrified her. The sudden real possibility of losing Lucien pounded into her reality.

  She would not let Lucien go. She could not live without him.

  Her fingers tightened around his. “Luca,” she quietly pleaded. “Do not cast me aside. I could not bear it.”

  He closed his eyes. When he opened them, she gasped. They glowed a preternatural red. Barely controlled, his beast lurked just beneath the surface. Frightened, she moved away from him. He snarled and yanked her to him.

  For the first time, Falon feared Lucien’s beast would hurt her. Her beast rose in her defense. Lucien snarled again. “Do you acknowledge I am your one and only alpha?”

  “Yes,” she said with no hesitation.

  “Will you submit all to me, Falon?” he roughly demanded.

  She swallowed. “Yes.”

  “Do you swear on my brother’s life you will never lay with him again?”

  “Yes.” Falon squeezed her eyes shut. Her body trembled violently as she prayed she would never have a dream like she just had.

  Lucien pushed away from her and stripped off his clothes, then shifted. His big, black wolf circled her as if she were a snared rabbit and he was deciding what part of her he would tear off and eat first.

  Falon stood rigid but ready to shift if he made a move to hurt her. He walked behind her and pressed his warm nose to the back of her knees and sniffed. She shivered as his nose moved up her thigh to her buttocks. Falon stiffened. Guilt over her dream infected her. She swallowed hard in response to his low snarls. He moved around to the front of her and snapped at the hem of her dress, ripping it from her. She cried out, shielding herself from his blazing wolf eyes. He sniffed her feet, then her calves. As his nose rose, he snarled as he sensed where Rafe had been. His nose pressed against her fingers, she used them to shield her core from him.

  She was still wet and warm. Getting wetter, warmer. He pawed her hands away. Her thighs trembled. What was he doing? Why was he doing this? Was it some form of primal reaffirmation? Would they have to start over? Part of her wanted to walk away from his bullying tactics, but the calm part of her realized that whatever he was doing, he had to do it. For him. For her. To prove something she was unsure of. And she had to allow him that.

  No longer afraid, she raised her chin, straightening her back. Her breasts rose, her aching nipples speared the cool night air. Lucien’s wolf licked her thigh. Then her hip, her belly, just below her breasts. Her body thrummed with heat. Her primal core had never been hungrier for him as it was now. Was it because she was fertile? Was it because of how tender and giving he had been with her in her dream? Was it because the primal par
t of her longed to submit completely to his alpha?

  Whatever the reasons, she did not move one muscle. He would do what he would do. And she would let him. From there, they would rebuild.

  He growled low as he came around to her back. He rose on his haunches and with his great paws forced her down on all fours. Falon closed her eyes. When she opened them, she stared into Lucien’s golden wolf eyes. His wolf grin was not laughing and playful. It was hungry. Primal.

  “Lucien,” she whispered. “Tell me what you want.”

  He snarled and shook his head.

  Falon swallowed hard, unsure what to do. They stood at the edge of an emotional precipice. He was pushing her to the edge on purpose. To see if she would take the leap of faith with him. Proof that she trusted him. Closing her eyes, Falon held her breath for a long moment. She trusted Lucien with her life. How could she not? He was the other half of her soul.

  He sniffed her neck, where Rafe had marked her. Guilt caused her to tremble. He sniffed the breast Rafa had suckled. He snarled. She gasped for air. He knew his vision had been the truth! But did he not see himself there, too?


  He snarled viciously and moved around to her backside. He nipped her right butt cheek. She yelped in surprised pain. But following hard on its heels was spearing pleasure. She moaned and rocked her hips toward him. She was dripping wet. And on fire.

  How dare you fuck my brother behind my back!

  It was a dream!

  Fucking is fucking.

  Luca! You were there, too! Both of you.

  You’re fertile, Falon. I can smell your essence for miles. No alpha can resist it. That is why, despite his vow, Rafe came to you. I will kill him for that.

  “No, Lucien! It was a dream!” she screamed.

  He snarled and nipped her again. Instead of soothing the pain, he nipped her a third time. His rage was surpassed only by his lust. He panted heavily, his musky wolven scent strong. Dominant. Dangerous. Electrical currents shivered through her body, sparking every erogenous zone she possessed. Her nipples hurt they were so tight. Her womb clenched and unclenched; thick moistness slickened her thighs.

  Falon arched her back and made a low keening sound. Her body had caught Lucien’s fire. She wanted to shift and feel his wolf inside of her. He growled, pressing his head against her bottom as if he struggled for control. She moved against him. “Take me,” she begged. Great wracking sobs of emotion clogged her chest making it difficult to breathe. “Take me, damn it! Mark me, Lucien. Mark me for the last time,” she pleaded.

  He growled again and pushed her until she rocked back and forth, begging him with her body.

  He mounted her. Falon caught her breath. “Lucien,” she cried in shock. He would not. It was—With his nose, he swept the hair from her neck. He licked her jugular where Rafael had bit her. His sharp teeth nipped at her tender skin. She yipped in pain. His long, soothing tongue took the sting away.

  He growled, his big, warm body possessively covering hers. Her knees and elbows trembled.

  You will accept my wolf.


  Will you?

  Yes. God help her. I will!

  He entered her. Not giving her a second to change her mind. The shock of what he did registered at the same time the taboo pleasure hit her, gut deep.


  LUCIEN LOST CONTROL of his beast. Anger, frustration, and pain tore through him, the hurt no less than if Falon had reached into his chest and ripped out his beating heart. It had reduced him to his most primal self. He’d seen them together in his visions. Felt the love between them. The energy. His heart took a devastating blow. But when he’d seen with his own eyes, her naked in Rafe’s arms, smelled their sex scent wafting throughout the forest, shouting to the world she was fertile, he saw only red. Bloodred. He still did not understand how he prevented his beast from tearing them both apart.

  Maybe, just maybe it was the part of him that understood just how torn Falon was. That same wicked, jealous, dishonorable part of him that had gone uninvited into her and Rafe’s bed and tormented her with lascivious thoughts and caresses, even when she’d begged him to stop.

  Even now, as she accepted his beast’s body inside her. Because she said she loved him. She. Loved. Him. She might love Rafe, but she chose to stay with him.

  Why couldn’t he accept her love for him? Was he that much of a coward? She was his, damn it! In all the ways that mattered. In body, heart, and soul. She proved that now. She accepted all of him. Even now, his beast at its most volatile. Her body trembled beneath his. But not in fear… His body trembled in response. Gods, she was amazing. But this was not the circumstance he wanted his wolf to meet her woman. He was behaving like an animal.

  He snarled, snapping the air, furious with his behavior. Furious he had sunk to such a dastardly low, when all he wanted was her love. The red haze of his beast receded. He shifted to human and abruptly withdrew from her.

  Falon’s sweaty, writhing body collapsed beneath his. Still on all fours, Lucien’s body jerked and twitched, his passion far from subsiding. His fury and self-hatred barely under control, he sucked in deep gulps of air, wanting to take her into his arms, beg for her forgiveness, and swear he would never question her love for him again.

  Reaching out, he touched her hip with a trembling hand. Her body flinched. She turned tear-swollen eyes toward him. Her dark hair was a wild mess around her beautiful face. He had caused her so much pain and heartache with his jealousy and hatred. He did not deserve her. Someone like his brother did.

  “Falon,” he breathed, afraid to touch her. Afraid she would reject him. Afraid it would do him in.

  Like a child who had cried too hard for too long, her chest vibrated with emotion. Her lips parted, she struggled to speak, but only a hoarse whisper emerged. Slowly she rose to her knees. Childlike, she swiped at her tears with the back of her hand. His heart melted as all of the love he had hoarded poured out of it.

  “I am a colossal ass, Falon. I don’t deserve you. I don’t deserve anything but your contempt.” He swallowed hard, reaching out, catching her teardrops on his fingertips. “I’m sorry for hurting you just now. I’m sorry for taking you from Rafe.” He dropped his hand from her and moved back from her. “I love you too much to force you to stay with me.” The hot sting of his own tears pricked his eyes. “I truly release you, Falon. You are free to return to Rafe. I will not stand in your way.”

  Unable to bear to see the joy in her eyes when it finally registered she was free to go, Lucien hung his head in humble submission, offering all of himself to her if by some miracle she would choose to stay with him, but refusing to make it more difficult for her to walk out of his life if she chose to.

  Time stood still. His heart stopped beating; his breath stilled in his lungs.

  Soft fingers slid through his hair. His heart lurched. Warm hands cupped his face, tilting it upward. Breath rushed from his chest. Deep blue eyes glistening with tears caught and held his. He swallowed hard, afraid to move, waiting for her to say good-bye. She moved closer. So close her sweet, warm breath puffed against his lips. Her hands tightened as she brought his lips to hers.

  He wanted to melt into her lips, to gently lay her back on the soft loamy ground and make love to her. But he held back. Afraid he was misreading her signals. Because how could she love him after all he had done to her?

  “You are a cad. A bully and a beast. You are jealous and vengeful. Impatient and petulant.” She inhaled softly, then exhaled. “But you are my choice, Lucien. Not by default. Not by chance. And not by anyone’s mandate except my own.” She brushed her lips across his. “You are my alpha, Lucien Mondragon. I am yours. I submit to you as you submit to me now. In all things we are equal.” She pulled him to her as she lay back onto the moss. “Except one.”

  His body trembled as he followed hers to the ground. He swallowed hard before he asked, “What exception is that?”

  A ghost of a smile tugged her lips.
“That you never deny me.”

  He smiled widely. “I live to serve you, oh, great and beautiful alpha.”

  As his hips pressed to hers, she raised her legs and wrapped them around his hips. “My time is at hand,” she breathed. “I can feel it. Tonight we begin the next generation.”

  He trembled above her, afraid he was dreaming. Afraid he would wake up and it would all be gone.

  “Now, Luca. My body is on fire for you.”

  Her wild, feral scent was intoxicating. Her sensuality simmered hotly, on the verge of boiling over. He slid into her slick heat, not stopping until he touched the tip of her womb. She moaned, arching into him. Her deep blue eyes softened with emotion. Bracing over her on his elbows and knees, he cupped her face in his hands.

  The velvet lining of her vagina hugged him tightly, lovingly, wantonly. He felt her heartbeat thrum through her, to his cock, to his balls, to his own frantic heartbeat. “I love you,” he whispered. “With all my heart, I love you.”

  It began slow and unhurried. Two bodies reverently worshipping the other. But the flame burned too hotly within them for slow. Their tempo increased. Their breaths shortened, as their bodies struggled with a wild, roller-coaster give and take.

  Lucien’s lips claimed hers in a wild, deep, soul-stealing kiss. His heart, body, and soul reached for hers. And hers answered without hesitation.

  As the sun broke through the sleepy haze of night, they made love. They mated as nature intended. They became one, and then shattered into thousands of tiny pieces of love, hope, and renewal.

  FROM THE EDGE of the Amorak camp, Rafael stood unmoving as he watched his brother make love to the only woman Rafe would ever love. Rage. Fear. Lust. And a deep abiding love for the woman who called his brother’s name as she climaxed mixed in a deadly cocktail.

  His beast snarled for release. The Eye of Fenrir flared with vengeful heat on his hand.


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