Love's Sacrifice

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Love's Sacrifice Page 3

by Ancelli

  “Who are you here to see, Sir?”

  “Commander Roberts,” Barkley answered.

  “Give me one minute, Sir.” He picked up the office phone. “I’ll call him down to escort you in.”

  “Come on, you can’t let us in.” Barkley tested him. “I’m a Lieutenant.”

  “Sorry, Sir.” The sailor stood his ground. “You have to wait until Commander Roberts comes down.” He hit the button, turning off the speaker.

  “A plus for security.” Cody scanned the area. There were two chairs along the wall, so the visitors can sit as they waited for their escort. Three big signs hung on the glass door, which read, “100% ID CHECK.”

  A female Chief entered the building. “Good morning, Sir,” she said as she swiped her ID in front of the small box next to the double doors inside the waiting area.

  “Good morning, Chief,” Cody answered back, as Barkley checked her out. There was a buzz, and the doors opened. She entered and then pulled it shut until it clicked close, making sure the barrier secured after she walked in. They watched her through the glass.

  “Barkley, don’t go looking for trouble.” Cody chuckled. “She’s a Chief.”

  “Whoever came up with that fucking fraternization policy should get shot.” They both started laughing. “There are some fine enlisted women out there.”

  “You don’t want to lose your career over some ass,” Cody pointed out as the door opened.

  “Mitchell and Barkley,” Commander Roberts shook their hands. “Good morning and welcome.”

  They followed the commander into the Quarter Deck, and the sailor issued them a temporary visitor’s pass. They signed into the visitor’s log. Before they turned to leave, Cody added, “Great job, Petty Officer Hampton. Keep it up.” Then Cody followed the others to the elevator.

  “Barkley, I’ll take you to the department you’ll be inspecting first, and then Mitchell, I’ll introduce you to my Senior Chief who’s over the security in this building.”



  “Michele!” Shon raised her voice, speaking on her office phone as she tapped her feet on the floor. “I said, no!”

  “But…” Michele sang.

  “But nothing, tell Devon to bring you here.” Shon closed her eyes, inhaling then exhaling. Michele could be a hand full when she wanted to be. She must have taken after her father.

  There was a knock on her door. She covered the mouthpiece of the phone with her hand. “Come in.” She turned, glowering out the window. “Michele, I wont repeat myself.” Shon’s voice was stern.

  “Senior Chief,” her commander called.

  Without another word, Shon placed the phone on its cradle and twisted around. “Oh God.” She covered her mouth with her hand. She was in shock as she glanced between Cody’s face and then his rank. He wasn’t enlisted; he was an officer.

  Cody returned her stare. He peered at her face and then at her collar device; he must be thinking the same thing. His eyes were wide, and she could see the surprised look on his face.

  “Do you know Lieutenant Commander Mitchell?” Commander Roberts asked, gazing at her through narrowed eyes.

  Cody was about to say something, but she spoke first. “No, I’m sorry for my out burst. I didn’t like the answer I was given to my question on the phone.”

  “Senior Chief Blake, this is Lieutenant Commander Mitchell.” Cody just stared at her, making her more nervous than she was. “He’ll be inspecting your department this week.”

  She moved from behind her desk and extended her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  Cody glared at her palm for a couple of seconds and then shook it. “The pleasure is all mine, Senior Chief Blake.” He squeezed her hand tightly.

  She yanked her hand from his grip.

  “Mitchell, if you need anything, I’m down the hall.” Commander Robert’s walked to the door and grabbed the knob. “I leave you in good hands.” He strolled out and closed the door behind him.

  “You’re a Lieutenant Commander?” she spoke first. “How?”

  “What do you mean, how? I put in a packet to Officer Candidate School and was accepted into the program.” He combed his fingers through his hair. “I thought you were going to do the same. I took this route,” he touched his rank on his sleeve, “Because you said you were. What the hell happened? I thought you would at least be Lieutenant by now.”

  Shon retreated behind her desk, placed her palms on the surface, and glared at him. “Life happened. Unlike you, I had to make some sacrifices.”

  “What fucking sacrifices?” He raised his voice. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  She sat in her leather chair. “I can’t believe I slept with an officer. If anyone finds out, my career is over.”

  “Is that all you care about, your career?” He rushed over to her desk and faced her. His eyes were a shade darker. “I don’t fucking care about fraternization right now. Our relationship started thirteen years ago, when we were both seamen.”

  “Really, Cody… I mean, Lieutenant Commander Mitchell,” she spat. “If all I cared about was my career, I wouldn’t have…” There was a knock on her door. Shon was on the verge of crying. “Come in!” she yelled.

  “Some things never change.” Cody backed away, crossing his arms over his chest. He looked so damn sexy in his desert camouflage uniform. She should be mad at him for not telling her he was an officer, but who was she to throw stones at his glass house when she was living in a crystal mansion. He put them in a tough situation; nonetheless, their relationship did happen when both of them were enlisted.

  “Shon, don’t be angry at her.” Devon, her ex-husband, walked into her office. This day couldn’t get any better. God blessed her with some fine men in her life. However, Devon also thought he was God’s gift to women. He didn’t know how to keep it in his pants. He was built of the finest chocolate, but he didn’t compare to Cody in the muscle department. Cody was always in her heart.

  “Where is she?” She glared at him.

  “She’s in the bathroom.” Devon glanced over to his right. “Oh, I’m sorry, Sir. Were you in a meeting?”

  “No.” She looked out her office. “Chief Collins, this is Lieutenant Commander Mitchell, he’s here to do the assessment.”

  “Nice to meet you, Sir,” Devon said from afar. He must have seen the anger in Cody’s eyes. “Sorry for interrupting your discussion, but her daughter…”

  “Daughter?” Cody’s eyes widen. “I didn’t know the Senior Chief had kids.”

  Devon chuckled. “Yes, she does. A very energetic, speak-her-mind, little girl.”

  Shon saw the emotions flit across Cody’s face. She wanted to tell him she had a daughter, but every time she tried, something would come up.

  “Thank you for bringing her,” she sighed. “I’ve told you to please keep your distance.”

  “She called me,” her ex stated.

  “I understand. I’ll have another talk with her.” Shon covered her face with her hands.

  “Honey.” He glanced over at Cody. “I mean, Senior Chief, just because I’m re-married doesn’t mean I care any less for her.”

  “Devon.” She sized him up. “Once again, thank you.”

  “If you need me.” He peered at her and then turned to Cody. “Have a nice day.”

  “You too.” Cody’s voice sounded harsh.

  Shon’s ex stepped out of her office.

  “So, you have a daughter?”

  “Yes, Cody…” she whispered. “I have a daughter.”

  “When were you going tell me that?” he huffed.

  “I tried, but you said it could wait.”

  “A child, you should’ve told me.” He sat in the chair in the far corner. “When did you start listening to me?” He pinched the bridge of his nose.

  “Is my having a child a problem? Does it make you see me any differently?” Shon studied him.

  “What kind of stupid questions is that?” He shot her a dirty star
e. “I guess you were right. We don’t know each other anymore.”

  Shon’s eyes watered. She didn’t feel like defending herself. No matter what, she could’ve told him. She wanted Cody to succeed in life, and not hold himself back because he was a father. Shon had every intention on telling him, but time just flew by, and every time she got up the nerve to tell him, something happened. “You know me better than anyone.”

  “I use to believe that.”

  She was hurt.

  “Mom.” Michele swung the door open.


  Cody squint his eyes at the young lady entering the office. It was evident she was biracial. There was no way she was a product of Shon’s last marriage. She resembled her mother a bit; her tight brown curls were up into a ponytail, her complexion reminded him of toffee candy. She turned his way, surprised to see him.

  “Oops. Sorry, Sir,” she said respectfully. “I didn’t mean to interrupt. I’ll come back, Mom.” She went to turn.

  “Wait. You’re not interrupting.” Cody stood, moving closer to the child, staring into the strangest color eyes he’d ever seen. They were baby blue with streaks of brown.

  She smiled, and Cody had to step back. His breath caught in his chest; no, it couldn’t be possible. Shon would never keep anything like that from him. Without thinking, he asked, “How old are you?”

  Cody saw the panic in Shon’s eyes. She appeared at least fifteen.

  “Twelve, Sir.”

  “Twelve.” He started doing the math in his head. His heart began to race. His breathing was out of control, and he was having a panic attack. “What’s your name, sweet heart?”

  “Cody, please.” Shon gazed at him. “Not now.”

  “Your name?” he lovingly stared at the little girl.

  She stared at her mother, confused. “Michele.”

  His lips finally lifted, and he smiled. “Nice to meet you, Michele.” He extended his hand, and she gently shook it.

  “Nice to meet you too, Sir,” she looked up. “How tall are you?”

  She made him chuckle. “Six-foot-two”

  “Michele, can you wait outside?” Shon spoke.

  “But Mom, you wanted to see me,” she voiced.

  “Michele, outside now!”

  “Yeeks…” She gave her mom a weird face. “Okay, calm down. I’ll be down by the vending machines.” She twisted around and then back. “Can I have some change?”

  Before Shon could get her purse, Cody dug in his pocket and handed her a twenty-dollar bill.

  “I don’t think the machines take twenty’s.” Michele looked at the bill.

  Cody laughed. “You’re right. Here, sweetheart.” He handed her four ones. “You can keep the twenty.”

  Her face lit up. “Thank you, Sir.” She rushed out of the door, slamming it behind her.

  Cody walked up to her desk, placing his hands on the wooden surface. “I’m going ask you once.”

  Shon peered at him with a tear rolling down her cheek.

  “Is Michele my daughter?”


  Chapter Four

  Cody punched her desk, making the items on the surface shake and putting a dent in the mahogany. “Why?” was the only word he could manage.

  “Cody…” she softly voiced, wiping her tears away.

  He couldn’t think right. His throat became dry glaring at her. Cody was crushed. “Shon, how could you do this to me?” His body ached with hurt. Heartbroken again by the woman he would do anything for. His whole world crashed in a matter of seconds. He had a child and didn’t even know it. He missed out on her childhood. “You robbed me of twelve years with my daughter.”

  “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “What the fuck do you mean, you didn’t mean to hurt me?” Cody pushed off her desk. “You gave birth to my child, and you didn’t think I should know.”

  “Please, calm down.” Shon rushed over to the door, making sure it was closed.

  “You think I give a fuck who hears me and where we are?” He raised his voice. “You kept her from me.” He clenched his jaw. “Where you ever going to tell me?”

  “Cody.” She held up her hands. “Yes… I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t want to hinder you with a baby.”

  “Hinder me!”

  “Yes, you had dreams.” She glanced at his collar. “And I knew the moment I told you I was pregnant, you would do everything possible to be with me, including getting out the Navy. You would have given up so much.”

  “Shon, you should’ve left that up to me.” He combed his fingers through his hair. “You’re right. I would’ve moved mountains to be with you and Michele.” He spun around and leaned his hips on her desk.

  “I’m sorry…”

  “Your apologies won’t cut it this time, Shon.” Cody took a deep breath. “You took everything I wanted, without even knowing it.”

  Shon wiped at her cheeks. “I wanted to tell you.” She swallowed. “I was going to tell you, but the time just flew by, and then it turned into years. I was afraid of the way you would react.” Tears ran down her face. “I was a coward.”

  “You took our family…” He straightened. “We could’ve had everything.” He huffed. “Married, a house full of kids, and our careers.”

  “I’m sorry…”

  “I can’t be your inspector. I’ll have Lieutenant Barkley do the assessment.” He moved toward the door.

  “Why can’t you do it?”

  “Because if I pass your program or not, the command will question my intentions,” he spoke softly.

  “No one knows.”

  “They will now.” He grabbed the knob. “Shon, I loved you with all that I was, and you betrayed me.”

  “I didn’t want to burden you.”

  Cody glared back at her. “I will get to know my daughter. Don’t stand in my way.”

  “Cody, she doesn’t know who you are.”

  “I’m going change that.” He opened the door, and slammed it. Her junior sailors all looked at him with fear. They must have heard them yelling.


  Cody searched for Michele, and found her in the break area, eating. She had a chocolate chip cookie in one hand, her cell phone in the other, and a milk container in front of her.

  “Hey, beautiful.” He pointed at the chair beside her. “Do you mind if I sit with you?”

  She placed her cell down and covered her mouth. “No.”

  Cody sat, smiling when he could see himself in her. Her smile, dimples, and even her fingers, they were long like his.

  “Is my mom calm now?” Michele asked, chewing on a piece of cookie.

  “She needs some time alone, but she’ll be okay.” He studied his daughter.

  “Work really gets to her.”

  “Does it?” He was curious.

  “Yes.” Michele watched him suspiciously. “Sometimes I wish my mom wasn’t in the military.” She bit her cookie.


  “She works all the time, and when she was stationed on a ship, I hardly saw her. My grandma came down to live with us for three years.” She sighed. “My mom likes it though.”

  “Have you told your mom how you feel?”

  “Yes.” She took a gulp of her milk. “She says it’s what puts food on our table.”

  “She’s right.” He touched her arm, and she pulled back. “Sorry.”

  “My mom said no one should touch me,” she clarified in a stern voice. “And I shouldn’t be talking to you anyways.”

  “She’s right, you should never let a stranger touch you.” He wanted to tell her, I’m not a stranger. I’m your father.

  She glared at him and tapped her chin. “Why are you asking me so many questions?”

  “Just trying to get to know you.”

  “Why?” She grabbed her gadget securely in her hand and moved back away from his reach. “Are you some kind of a child molester?”


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