Trapped Between Heaven and Hell

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Trapped Between Heaven and Hell Page 1

by M. Skye

  Trapped Between Heaven and Hell

  M. Skye

  All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Chapter Thirty-four

  Chapter Thirty-five

  Urban Books, LLC

  300 Farmingdale Road, NY-Route 109

  Farmingdale, NY 11735

  Trapped Between Heaven and Hell Copyright © 2018 M.Skye

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, except brief quotes used in reviews.

  ISBN: 978-1-6228-6667-0

  First Trade Paperback Printing January 2018

  This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.

  Distributed by Kensington Publishing Corp.

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  Chapter One

  Tyree sat on the balcony, contemplating the next chapter of his life as he tossed a handful of leaves pulled from a nearby tree. He had been standing there for twenty minutes, slipping off from yet another boring business event. The glamorous party scene was getting old to him, considering he had been doing it since he was seventeen.

  Tyree Johnston was hand-picked, “the chosen one,” to take over the family business, Johnston Incorporated. After years of grooming, he reluctantly agreed to run it just as his father wished. He had just celebrated his thirtieth birthday and was now about to embark upon his second marriage. The first marriage had taken its toll on him, and all he had to show for it was a beautiful seven-year-old son. After ten years, he only had him as a reminder of the incredible love they once shared.

  He met his ex-wife, Mia, when they were children; and he was in love from the moment he heard her laugh and saw her smile. It took him years to gather his courage and finally admit the love he felt for her. They spent most of their childhood together—along with his brother, Miguel, his sister, Asha, her little sister, Janelle, her brother Rick, when he was home, and her cousin, Milan—but it wasn’t until they were teenagers that he professed his love. Against the wishes of her father, Richmond, they were married the day after graduation, and they stayed married ten years before splitting. The split was Mia’s idea, of course.

  Now here he was, sitting on the balcony that held so many memories for him, all of which included Mia. The party he was attending was at the house he had spent so much time in over the years: her house. Well, her brother’s house. Mia had relocated two years ago, and he hadn’t seen her since the divorce was final. They had been sharing custody of their son, Kyan. Even though she refused to see Tyree, Mia made sure he had his time with Kyan, sending her brother, Rick, and his wife, Cassandra, to handle the pickups and drop-offs between them. The whole thing made him angry, feeling like they were adults and should be able to meet to hand over their son.

  As he stood, still leaning over the edge, Tyree realized that as angry as he was with Mia for leaving him without an explanation, he couldn’t blame her. The truth was, he was irresponsible, and it cost him his wife. The whole situation they were in now stemmed back to one thing: the kidnapping. His son had gotten taken on his watch, and Mia never got over it, not even after Tyree dropped everything to look for him.

  Upon returning home, Tyree quickly found out that his wife and child had moved on without him. As hard as he tried to reaffirm their love and win her trust back, Mia just wasn’t having it. She told him she had moved on and, after his repetitive pleas, she ultimately served him with divorce papers. After the divorce, she decided she needed a change of scenery and went off to head the branch of her family’s company, Livingston Enterprises, in Paris. Tyree was devastated by her rejection and went back into seclusion, only coming out for work until he met Renee.

  Renee came into his life and was a burst of positive energy. She was fun and exciting, everything he needed in his frame of mind. She helped him to get reintegrated into the world. She brought him out of the darkness and helped him find his way back to what was left of his family. He fell for her hard and fast, proposing after a year of dating; and he finally felt like everything was back on track until he learned of the business deal that set this whole night in motion.

  Miguel and Asha were both vital parts of Johnston Incorporated; and, despite the failed marriage between Mia and Tyree, their families were still very much intertwined. Not only did they share Kyan, but they also shared an import and export business together, which, up until a few months ago, was small. When Miguel noticed the potential business they could bring in from overseas by expanding, he consulted with Rick, thus making their dealings that much more frequent. This particular party was a celebration of the fact that they had tripled revenue from last year’s numbers.

  Tyree was ecstatic about the business, but he knew the more time he spent in this house, the more he would drift back into memories of something that no longer belonged to him. He cared for Renee, she was a great woman, but no one would replace Mia. A piece of him would always belong to her.

  It had been two years, and he could still smell her perfume. Maybe it was his imagination, but he swore it was getting closer. Sniffing the air, Tyree knew it wasn’t his imagination, it was really there, but he couldn’t help the smile that crept across his face. When he jerked around hoping to find her there, he displayed a light, disappointed smile, finding Cassandra walking toward him.

  “What’s wrong? Already tired of seeing me this summer?” She let her neatly curled hair bounce on her shoulders. Cassandra was stunningly beautiful and, even at the age of forty, she had a youthful presence. As he scanned her appearance, everything about her screamed perfection. From her golden skin to her bright brown eyes, she was amazing.

  “No, I could never get tired of you, Cassie.” He reached out to hug her, inhaling the scent that drove him crazy. “I just thought . . . well, never mind.”

  “You thought I was her, didn’t you? She sent this perfume to me in Kyan’s bag some time ago. I hardly ever wear it, but I just felt like dabbing a little on for tonight. It’s a wonderful scent.”

  “I actually thought you might be Renee coming to join me,” he lied.

  “Okay, whatever you say. Anyways, what are you doing out here all alone? In case you mis
sed it, there is a party going on in there for you.”

  “I know. This is more Miguel and Asha’s scene than mine. I’ll let them soak it up with Rick.”

  “Always the man behind the scenes. You know you’re only thirty, right?”

  He grinned and put his arm around her shoulders. “Yes, and I know where this is going. No need to lecture me tonight. I’m happy; I really am. I’m about to marry a beautiful woman, my son is here with me, and the company is flourishing. I’m living the American dream.”

  “Yeah, you are, except that you really aren’t. Let’s not forget, I’ve known you since you were in diapers, and I know when you’re lying.”

  “That only means you’re old, Cassie,” he joked, trying to throw off the conversation.

  “I may be older, but I’m wiser, too. I’m just saying, it’s never too late to have it all.”

  “I have it all.”

  “Not everything.” She turned and left him mumbling to himself.

  “I’m happy, dammit.” He sighed, slapping his hand to his forehead. Stepping back into the foyer, he looked himself up and down in a full-length mirror. He had frown lines that weren’t there before, and he ran his fingers over his semi-wavy fade.

  He had always been described as a fairly good-looking man with his chiseled physique, creamy golden skin, and warm brown eyes; but he was feeling like a shell of his old self. He felt like he was way beyond his thirty years and he was desperate to feel some semblance of how he used to. His body was still at its optimum prime, but his face now held wrinkles that made him look a little older.

  Tyree sighed, watching Renee walk across the room in her red strapless gown. She hadn’t spotted him yet, but he watched her as she scanned the room, undoubtedly looking for him. She had been off with Asha and her husband, Terence, for most of the party, but he knew it would only be a matter of time before she sought him out. Unlike him, she enjoyed these events. She loved the attention.

  Renee was a very impressive woman to look at. She was gorgeous, standing five feet six, with creamy caramel skin, bone-straight brown hair, and dark brown eyes. She had the body of a goddess: long legs, thin waist, with a round, supple bottom that he couldn’t seem to keep his hands off of. Guys usually fawned over her, but he didn’t mind. Really, he didn’t. Who wanted someone who couldn’t turn heads? Renee was definitely a head turner. She was often the life of the party, and he liked it that way.

  Renee continued to scan the room, and when she finally spotted him, she smirked proudly, making her way over. Tyree was leaning against the wall when she approached, reaching out to touch him. Graciously accepting, he pulled her in for a kiss to her temple.

  “You about ready to go?” he whispered in her ear.

  “Not really. I was hoping you would come and dance with me. I got a few offers along the way, but I was hoping my fiancé would spare the time.”

  “Babe,” he exhaled, “you know I don’t dance. It’s not my thing.”

  “You don’t dance, huh? Well, what is that?” She pointed to a picture of him and Mia on the wall. Why Rick still had it on display was baffling, but the picture was taken one night at an event like this. Tyree was dipping Mia, and she had the biggest grin on her face. For a second, nostalgia washed over him, and he drifted into that moment only to look up and see the pain all over Renee’s face.

  “Renee, come on now. It wasn’t my thing then, and it isn’t now. That was all Mia. She’s the one who loved to dance. I was just her prop.” He was trying to get her to crack a smile.

  She didn’t. Instead, she propped her arms on her waist, staring him down. “Why?”

  “Why what? I’m not sure what you’re asking me.”

  “Why are you with me if all you think about is her? Anything she ever asked, you did without question. I can’t even get something as simple as a dance. I think you just like the fact that I’m there anytime you want to get laid. It’s convenient for you.”

  And there it was: round two.

  They had been having these arguments over the past week about Mia, but Tyree was sure it had everything to do with the fact that Kyan was with them over the summer. He was a great kid, very polite, quiet and, most importantly, respectful. Tyree had always had him for holidays and special breaks but this summer he was keeping him for over a month. Mia had never trusted him enough to allow him so much time, and now here he was with his favorite boy for two months. Because of her generosity, he sensed a thaw in their relationship and so did Renee.

  Renee had been great in the time he was with her. He had no complaints and, believe it or not, he was happy. Their relationship was fun and spontaneous, and she made him laugh. It was just what he needed even though others were not convinced. Miguel and their father, John, were pleasant toward her, and his mother was in full support of them until just recently. Asha was somewhat indifferent and Terence, Tyree’s best friend, liked her, but he still had his opinion that Tyree was made to be with Mia, despite their many problems. Rick wasn’t overly fond of her, but he put on a good face; but he was an angel compared to Cassandra.

  Cassandra wasn’t one to hide her feelings, and she made it clear that she despised Renee. In Cassandra’s eyes, Renee was a social climber who latched on to Tyree to elevate herself in the world. When Tyree first presented Renee to his family and friends, because of their business dealings Miguel and Rick ran a background check on her to be sure she wasn’t dangerous. It came back clean but revealed a past of surviving off meager means. She had taken several different jobs to support herself, ultimately becoming a secretary at Johnston Incorporated, where she met Tyree. While most commended her ability to work toward something more, Cassandra labeled her as a gold digger and never looked back. Tyree knew, to her, there was only one woman for him: Mia.

  Mia was the little sister Cassandra never had, and she always looked out for her. No matter what it was, she always took Mia’s side, trying to shield her from the harsh realities of the world they lived in. It was never a secret that Richmond, was known for his shady business deals, and it often affected his family. Mia was usually the one who suffered the most from his ruthless nature. He just never seemed to be able to be the father she needed. Rick, although he was only her brother, tried to fill the void, without much success.

  Tyree had been so lost in his thoughts about how this all came to be, he missed that Renee had stomped off, leaving him with a faraway look on his face. Scanning the room, he didn’t see her, and he sighed. When he continued to search, he ran into Terence and Asha, pausing to ask if they knew where Renee had run off to. Terence pointed him to the balcony, and Tyree saw when Asha looked at the somber expression he developed. He was going to have to explain to Renee all the reasons he cared for her, in the very same spot he professed his love to Mia many years earlier. When his shoulders slumped and he began to walk over, Asha stopped him, pulling his arm.

  “Hey, why don’t you let me grab Renee, and you stand here with Terence? I promise I’ll only be a minute.”

  “Sis, I appreciate that, but I should do it myself. I have to clean this mess up before she locks me out of the room again.”

  “No, really, let me. Sometimes a woman’s touch is better in these situations.”

  Tyree contemplated this for a few seconds before smiling and leaning in to kiss her cheek. “Thank you. I really mean it. Thank you for everything. I know what you’re trying to do.”

  “It’s nothing, big brother.” She nodded and disappeared, leaving the two men to their conversation.

  “So,” Terence muttered, and Tyree already knew where this was heading. “What’s this argument about?”

  “Dancing,” he replied sharply.

  “Dancing, huh? Dancing aka Mia?”

  “Not just Mia. It’s about the things she used to talk me into. God, I used to do anything she ever wanted, and now that I’m finally putting my foot down, Renee acts like I’m cheating her in some way.”

  Terence held his hands up and sighed. “Now, you know I l
et your sister talk me into just about anything. I know how it is but, in a sense, you are cheating Renee. You’ve already given out that part of yourself. Don’t get me wrong, she makes you laugh and she’s a fun time, but what happens when that isn’t enough anymore?”

  “Man, come on now. Just say what you mean and quit beating around the bush.”

  “With Mia, you were that man. You were happy, and you laughed all the time. Hell, most of the time it was for no reason at all. You had your son with you, and it was just different. You were a better you.”

  “Maybe I was, and maybe I was happier with Mia, but I don’t remember it being my choice to end all that. She kind of made that decision when she started sleeping with Jake and offered me divorce papers,” Tyree growled angrily.

  “I know. She was wrong to ditch you, but you have to know ol’ boy played a role. Here he was, the one giving everything back that she thought you lost. Women need to be saved sometimes, and he just happened to be the one. That doesn’t mean she loves him; it just means he played the game right.”

  “It shouldn’t have been a game. She was mine, my wife, and she shouldn’t have left.”

  Terence shifted and folded his arms over his chest. “You see, if you were really ready to marry this girl, you wouldn’t be so upset right now. As your friend, I am asking you to call this wedding off. Call it off and work on getting your woman back.”

  “I don’t want her back.”

  “You do.”

  “How do you figure?”

  “Just then, you didn’t deny that she is still your woman. Now, I don’t agree with her just packing up and moving across the damn world, but I think that was to hide from the fact that she still loves you.”

  “I haven’t seen her in two years. There is nothing between us anymore. I am with Renee, and that is how it’s going to be. I’m marrying Renee.”

  “Well, prepare to be miserable in a few years.”

  “Why can’t you people just accept that I’m happy?”

  “Because you’re not.”


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