Trapped Between Heaven and Hell

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Trapped Between Heaven and Hell Page 5

by M. Skye

  Mia looked up over at him, and a tear fell down her cheek. “None of that matters; it wasn’t real. It was just two kids making an impulsive decision. We rushed into marriage and having our son, and we got comfortable. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t regret anything about him. He’s the most important thing in my life, but he was the reason we made it so long, Tyree.”

  Tyree sank down on the floor and moved his hand from her cheek. Her words stung more than he ever imagined and, before she could utter another word, he got up and took his place on the other side of the bed. He lay there staring at the ceiling until she spoke again.

  “It was a dream, right?”


  “Kyan, his screaming. No one was there, right? I mean, there’s security all over, and no one could get in unless they knew this place intimately. They would have to know the grounds, as well as one of us. Right?”

  Tyree huffed, tossing it around in his mind; then he threw his hands behind his head. “I guess it’s possible. Maybe being here is making him a little on edge. I know he loves this house, but maybe it just made everything come crashing back.” The day Kyan was kidnapped had been playing in his head from the moment he stepped through the door, and he knew it had to be affecting her too. “You know I’m sorry, right?”

  “About just now? Don’t be. We got caught up in a moment. No harm done.”

  “Yeah, about that, but about everything else, too. I feel like this is my fault. I never got to say these things to you before. I just feel like if I had maybe—”

  “I still would have left. Things just started to become evident about us.”

  “What things?”

  “We weren’t right anymore. There were so many secrets, so many lies, and that made things hard.”

  “I never lied to you.”

  “If you believe that, then you’re lying to yourself. There was nothing honest about us. We began sneaking around, and we ended because of those same deceptive tendencies.”

  “It was never like that, Mia.”

  “Tyree,” she whispered. He could hear the pain in her voice. “Can we not do this? I want to drop it. It’s over and done with. Our son is the only thing that matters.”

  “Okay, but know one thing, Mia.”


  “I loved you. I always did.”

  She didn’t reply. She just put her hand over his and rubbed it. He only wished she could believe him. Everything in him wanted her to, but maybe too much damage had been done. They just had to get past this and possibly be friends as well as parents. With everything floating through his head about what was wrong, he was shocked that she still hadn’t let go of his hand.

  Tyree didn’t know what this meant, but he felt like maybe he was getting through to her. The way she was caressing his hand said that she might be shedding some of the protective layers she had when it came to him. He needed her to if they were going to be what Kyan needed.

  * * *

  Tyree woke up, after sleeping better than he had in weeks, to find Mia staring out the bedroom window blankly. She was in her own little trance, and when she heard him moving behind her, she turned, and he saw all those walls he tore down flying back around her. He knew last night was a display of her vulnerability, but today she had it in check and was on the defense. When he walked over and touched her shoulder, she sidestepped him and walked toward the door. He sat there baffled until she spoke.

  “I made breakfast, and Ky is in the dining room with your mother. She came over early. Apparently, everyone has been looking for you and Renee was kind enough to direct them here.”

  “Look, I’m sorry about—”

  “About what? She’s your fiancée; I would expect her to know where you are. I just hope she doesn’t think anything is going on here, because that would be a bad assumption.”

  “I explained that everything I’m doing is for him. No one means more than he does.” He tossed his shirt on and walked in to find Karen sitting with Kyan, telling him a story about her hiking up a mountain with John. He was laughing thinking of her on an adventure. Karen seemed like a prissy type of woman, but the more you got to know her, the more you saw her rugged interior.

  “You see, your grandfather never liked the mountains much, but I had been climbing before.” Karen grinned.

  “Really?” Kyan beamed. “Who took you? Mama and Daddy would never take me. Mama thinks I’m a baby.”

  “Your great-grandfather Akio took me. And you too little? That’s nonsense. You’re my oldest and bravest grandson.”

  “I’m your only grandson. Granny, what was your dad like? Aunt Asha says Dad is like him. Is that true?”

  “He was an engineer in Japan.” Scratching her chin, she let out a glorious smile. “Yeah, I guess your dad is like him. He was smart, and he helped Grandpa John start up the company.”

  “Wow. Did he like Grandpa? Dad says he didn’t.”

  Not really wanting to get into the past bad blood between John and Akio, Tyree interjected, bringing their conversation to a halt. “Little man, it’s time for you to get dressed.”

  When Karen looked up from her story with Kyan, she offered Tyree a bright smile, and he greeted her with an equally pleasant grin. Over the years, Tyree had his share of difficulties with his family, but his mother was always one he could count on. They were probably the most alike in the whole family.

  “Okay, Dad.” Standing, Kyan leaned down to hug Karen’s neck. “Will you finish your story?”

  “Some other time.” She ran a hand over his head.

  “Mom, what’s up?” Tyree pulled her into a loose embrace.

  “Well, your dad and brother were looking for you. They hadn’t heard anything back from you regarding the papers Miguel dropped off, and you know how he is.”

  Tyree ran his hand over his short hair. “I thought I told Miguel not to mention it to him. God, now I’m never going to hear the end of it. I swear sometimes I think that partnering up with them was a terrible idea. Too much history involved.”

  He knew Karen could tell by his tone that things weren’t going well between him and Mia. Only she could get him so rattled that he would question a multimillion-dollar decision. He knew as well as she did that the business was a sound idea then and even better now given the numbers. Even with all the backlash from Richmond’s dirty deeds, they were still making a fortune after settling some embarrassing suits filed against the company.

  “Son,” Karen said, looking at Kyan, “how about you come with me? We can sit and discuss the business elsewhere.”

  Tyree too looked at his impressionable son, and he shook his head slowly. “Yeah, you’re right. Just let me tell Mia I’m leaving.”

  Tyree walked into the bedroom, found her standing in the same place, and called out to her, but she never turned around. When he told her he was going, she nodded her head subtly without facing him.

  After Tyree left, Mia felt like she could finally relax. She had been standing in front of the window telling her heart what her head already knew: they wouldn’t work. She just needed to believe it because last night, after he fell asleep, she found herself leaning over placing sweet kisses on his lips. He never stirred, she was sure he never felt it, but she couldn’t get it out of her head. She wanted him more than she was willing to admit, and it scared her. After everything they had been through, she couldn’t go back there, not with him.

  Mia looked at the door wanting to run after Tyree and tell him that she still loved him and everything she said was a mistake, but she knew she needed to be strong. Instead, she grabbed her phone and proceeded to text the only person who could make sense of things for her. After sending the first text, she sighed, waiting for a reply; and she almost fell over when it came. She reread her text and smiled.

  I need you. Please come.

  I’m so glad to hear from you. I wanted to give you your space. I hoped everything was fine, but I can see that it’s not. I have some things to wrap up, and I’ll see you in
a week. Is that soon enough?

  A week is perfect, although I wish it could be sooner. I miss you like crazy.

  I miss you too, and I have something for you.

  I can’t wait. God, I love you.

  And I love you. See you soon.

  Chapter Nine

  “Okay, so do you want to tell me what’s going on or do I need to guess?” Karen looked at Tyree, and he knew he looked like a wounded puppy. She had him follow her home to talk about whatever was on his mind. He knew she was ready to let him vent.

  “Nothing, Mom. We had a setback with Kyan; he had a bad dream.”

  “I know all about my grandson. I’m asking about his mother and father. What was going on when I arrived?”

  “I was asleep when you arrived.” He laughed, trying to bring some humor into the situation.

  “Tyree Akio Johnston, lying to your mother is not wise. You know I see through you. Now tell me what happened that has you so irritated.”

  “It’s still early. Do we really have to get into this? Could we just go upstairs and let Dad yell at me about Richmond?” he joked.

  “I know it’s serious for you to request an argument with your father. Is Mia planning on cutting Kyan’s trip short or something?”

  “I don’t think so, not just yet. We have to talk to him about us, but it’s not that.”

  “Well, don’t keep me in suspense. And what is this ‘us’ business? Did something happen between you two?”

  “Of course. We fought. It seems to be our norm. And the best part is she told me we meant nothing. Apparently, if it weren’t for Kyan our ten years would have been much shorter.”

  Karen pulled him to her, rocking him in an embrace. “I’m sorry. I know it must hurt to hear her say that, and I know she doesn’t mean it.”

  “Oh, she meant it. I just don’t know what went wrong. She was everything to me at one point, and to say it means nothing is bull . . . it’s ridiculous,” he cut himself off, remembering who he was talking to.

  “Honestly, you could have finished the word.” She chuckled. “I know how you feel, and it is bullshit. She loved you more than anything. You weren’t here to see how that girl fell apart when both you and Kyan were missing. She really went off the deep end for a while. She would only talk to Asha, Cassie, and Milan. Asha and Milan went over there and sat with her for weeks until that snake showed up.”

  “Mom, everyone else raves about how great Jake is, but not you. Why do you think he’s a bad guy?”

  “He stole my boy’s family. I don’t give a damn how much other people like him. He took what’s yours, and I just don’t trust anyone who would do that. He could never be as great as you.”

  “You know you’re crazy, right? Nevertheless, I love you for it. I swear you always have my back.”

  “Of course I do. You’re my first born, and I love you. Just so you know, your sister was your biggest cheerleader when you were gone. She tried to stop what was going on, but it was just a dark time. I know you have this whole other life, but sometimes people break away from each other just to find their way back. I think it’s the case with you two.”

  “I think that ship has sailed. How can I even want a woman who would run out on me when things get tough? You know what I went through for her.”

  “You both went through things, and you will work it out. I’m sure of it.”

  “How can you be so optimistic? I mean, look at who you’re married to.”

  “Your father is a soul I just happen to understand.”

  “He almost cost you your family.” Grabbing her hand, Tyree hated the look that formed after his statement. “I’m not trying to upset you. I just know how hard it was for you, and he’s not exactly husband of the year. I know how close you and Grandfather were.”

  “We were and, yes, we never quite got it back, but he loved you kids. If I had married the man they wanted, I wouldn’t have my beautiful children.”

  Tyree had heard the story of his parents’ meeting so many times growing up. It all sounded so fairytale like when he was a kid but, growing into an adult, he realized what she gave up for his ass of a father. Their grandfather was smart; he knew Karen could have done better than John and, consequently, so did Tyree. His mother was a smart and adventurous woman before she met his father, and Tyree felt her light had been dimmed by him. He didn’t even want her working, despite her college degree.

  As much as his father claimed the marriage to Karen was a love match, Tyree knew deep down that it was just a smart business decision on his behalf. It was his grandfather, Akio, and his influence that helped John get Johnston Incorporated off the ground. John had the backing from his father’s wealth, and Akio’s business sense helped them get established as an international powerhouse.

  Fifteen years into their business venture, Akio suffered a massive heart attack, leaving his claim to the company to Karen with the stipulation that the kids would someday take over. Tyree knew he was meant to take over, but it wasn’t a decision he made lightly. He had other dreams, but his loyalty to his family was something he couldn’t ignore and, with Mia gone, it didn’t seem to matter anymore. Much to John’s delight, once Tyree’s divorce was final and he was over the initial shock, he took his birthright and became CEO.

  “You think it was all worth it?”

  “What? Having you kids?”

  “And marrying Dad.” He sat back on the couch.

  “I don’t regret my life, and you shouldn’t regret yours either. We make mistakes to grow from them. You and Mia are unfinished.”

  “We have nothing left to go back to. I did all I could to hold on to her.”

  “I know, and I think at some point you both were wrong. You can only get back what you put in.”

  “I put in everything.”

  “So did she. She just doesn’t know that you did the same. Talk to her, again, without all the anger and resentment.”

  “I wasn’t angry.”

  “Drop the innocent act. I know you like the back of my hand. You let your anger come out, and she shut down. Give me some credit.”

  “Okay,” he conceded, standing from the chair he inhabited.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Home. Before I get into anything with Mia, I need to take care of my actual house. I need to put out the fire there.”

  “So you’re just going around pissing everyone off today, huh?”

  Tyree laughed and hugged her tight. “You know, to be such a lady, you sure have a foul mouth.”

  “I learned from the best,” she smirked, nodding toward the stairs where John was. “He taught me well.”

  “Good-bye, crazy woman,” Tyree yelled on his way out the door, heading to figure out his next step.

  Chapter Ten

  Tyree walked in to find the sweetest smell greeting him. For a second, he thought he had the wrong house. There was no way that, after the blowup and him staying out all night, she was up cooking for him. When he rounded the corner and found Renee in a lacy negligee stirring pancake batter, he rubbed his eyes and inhaled sharply, taking her all in. She didn’t turn around, but he could tell she knew he was there by the way she swayed her hips walking to the stove.

  “Rough morning?” she asked sweetly.

  “Rough day, night, and morning, but this makes it all worth it.”


  He walked over and placed his hands on the counter in front of her, trapping her body in between. “Coming home to find my delicious woman in the kitchen making me a king’s breakfast. I would say all the bull was worth it if I get to come home to you.”

  “Is that what you still want? I know you’ve been going down memory lane with your family all intact now.”

  “I just need my son. All that other stuff is irrelevant. You and Kyan are my family.”

  Renee smiled and, when she turned around, he saw the worry leaving her face.

  “You were upset. Did you think I had left you?” He lifted her chin.

  “I didn’t think that, but . . . I thought maybe you missed her. I get it: you have history, and it’s hard to erase.”

  “We have history, yes, but I’m only interested in the future right now. Our future.”

  Renee grinned and leaned in to kiss him, pulling his body into hers. After a few intense moments, she pushed him back, smirking. “Go.”

  “Go where?”

  “Upstairs. You should get a shower, and I laid some clothes out on the bed for you.”

  Tyree nodded and rushed up the stairs to find his favorite blue shirt and slacks on the bed. He wondered at that moment how he got so lucky. Sure, everyone thought Mia was the one; but he knew they were wrong. Renee was always doing things like this, and he felt shitty for the way he had been treating her. She deserved better.

  While Tyree was upstairs, Renee was still in the kitchen, putting the finishing touches on his breakfast when her phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and huffed, clutching the phone tightly in her hand before snatching it to her ear.

  “What do you want?”

  “Well, hello to you too,” a man’s voice replied. “I think you already know what I want, so what’s your progress?”

  “I’m right in the middle of something, and if you will excuse me, I can get started.”

  “You listen to me,” the man snapped. “You have one purpose for being there, and if you fuck me over, you’ll be pushing up dirt. Don’t think this is a game.”

  “I know. I’ve heard it all before. Are there any more threats you would like to relay before I slam this phone in your face?”

  “Yeah, one more. If he ever finds out I’m behind this, money will be the least of your worries. I’ll make sure to do to you what happened to the others. Don’t underestimate me, girl.”

  “I would never,” Renee hissed and tossed the phone on the countertop. She sucked in a deep breath and closed her eyes. She knew when she entered this ridiculous mess that she would regret it and, now, she was cornered. The worst part was, she actually felt something for Tyree now. It was no longer just about the money and power.


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