Trapped Between Heaven and Hell

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Trapped Between Heaven and Hell Page 7

by M. Skye

  “Yeah, he is, but I don’t want you to think about that. All of it was beyond your control, but what happens next is all up to you.”


  “You know what I’m talking about. It’s about time you forgave Tyree.”

  “I don’t blame him anymore for what happened to Kyan. I know it could have happened with either one of us, but it changes nothing. I stand by my decision to leave him. Everything between us was a game. The only part that’s real is our son.”

  “You can’t mean that. That boy was crazy about you for years, and when Richmond finally figured out what was going on between the two of you, he threatened to—”

  “Rick, stop,” she interjected, cutting him off. “None of this matters. We are not together, and we never will be again. Just drop it.” She knew he was about to get into it when she looked back with a tearful gaze. “Please don’t make me do this with you. I don’t want to discuss Tyree anymore, and I wish you wouldn’t keep bringing him up. It’s done, and I just want us both to move on.”

  Rick looked to her with a saddened expression and shook his head in agreement, watching as she paced the floor and eyed the door. Nodding, he silently acknowledged her desire to leave, and he watched as she walked out the door.

  Grateful that he had dropped the conversation, Mia got into her car and shed a steady flow of tears that she thought would never end.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Son, I know what Rick said, but I would like for you to look into it one more time. We have to be sure that Richmond is in no way affiliated with our business.”

  “Dad,” Tyree huffed, “if Rick says it’s taken care of, then trust him. God, why did you let us take over the business if you weren’t going to trust our judgment? We have things under control. Just go home.”

  Tyree, Asha, and Miguel had spent the better half of the day contending with John about the business. Asha and Miguel voiced their input but, ultimately, it was Tyree who was the most combative. He always was when it came to John. The two were like oil and water.

  “Tyree, you will not speak to me that way. I put my life into this company, and I won’t have you run it into the ground by being oblivious to what’s really going on.”

  “What, Dad? You mean oblivious like you were? Wasn’t it you who allowed him access to our business in the first place? As far as I’m concerned, it’s all your fault we ever had to deal with the slimy son of a bitch.”

  “You stop right there.” John slammed his fist on the desk. “You know nothing about my dealings with him.”

  “Is that still what you think? I know more than you give me credit for. I know all about you and your sordid past with Richmond.”

  “Dad, what is he talking about?” Asha asked quietly.

  John looked at his daughter apologetically, and Tyree looked on, waiting to see how much of the story he would actually tell. After all, they were adults now, and they deserved the truth even if it showed him in a not-so-good light. Tyree was already privy to the dirty details, and it fueled his resistance to his father.

  “Listen,” John sighed. “I’m not proud of what I have to say, but I might as well level with you. I don’t want any lies among us.”

  Tyree laughed and crossed his arms over his chest. “Now, this I have to hear.”

  “Tyree, let him talk,” Asha reasoned.

  “In the early years of the business, we were doing okay, but we needed more revenue, more acquisitions. I met Richmond when Tyree was one, and we formed a friendship. At that point, neither of us had much, just our dreams. Years later, we partnered up, and he assisted me in acquiring several new properties. The money began to pour in, and I was grateful. I was finally able to pay my father back and take care of you children the way you deserved and, with Akio’s help, we took off internationally.”

  “So, what’s the problem here?” Miguel asked. “It sounds like getting his help was a sound decision. If it made you money, then I say it’s a win.”

  “Not all money is good money,” John supplied. “I never knew that when we were taking over these companies we were wiping them out. People lost their homes, their livelihood, and some even lost their lives when they wouldn’t bend to his will. Once I found out, I took steps to end our involvement.”

  “So, you never knew? He stole people’s companies like he did with Livingston?” Miguel had shock written all over his face.

  “He robbed those people. I was ashamed when I found out. I went and confronted him about the deals, and he didn’t even bother to lie. He sat there with this smug look and told me everything. I was livid, but there was nothing I could do. He had me cornered; and when Tyree wanted to marry Mia, things got even worse.”

  “So, you’re telling me that you tried to keep me from marrying the woman I love because of the damn business? Does our happiness mean anything to you?” Tyree snapped.

  “Your, your brother’s, and your sister’s happiness means everything to me. I just felt you weren’t ready. You know I love Mia, and I am so proud of my grandson, but I thought you needed to live a little before making such a huge decision. I just wanted the best for you.”

  “You almost destroyed me! Do you know what I went through? The things I had to do, the lies I had to tell to the one person I loved most. It almost tore me apart.”

  “The fact that you had to lie meant maybe you two weren’t ready.”

  “Don’t you dare! She is the love of my life. I needed her; we needed each other. You don’t know what a monster Richmond was. I needed to get her away from him before he ruined her like he did Helen.”

  “Tyree,” Miguel whispered quietly, “I need to talk to you. Privately, please.” He nodded at Asha and John and waited for the room to be free before he began again. “You want to tell me what that was all about? What was all that ‘love of your life’ stuff?”

  Tyree looked at the door and then back at his brother’s concerned face. “It’s stuff none of us should have had to endure. I just wish they would let us lead our own lives. I just wanted her. All I ever needed was her.”

  “What happened? What did he do to you?”

  “I don’t want you involved. This is between him and me.”

  “Tyree, trust me. Maybe I can help.”

  “You can’t, and it’s no longer important. Mia and I are done. She will never know what I did, and I never plan to tell her. She never needs to know anything, and you promise me you will never bring this conversation up.”

  “How could I? I don’t know anything. You won’t tell me what it is that you’ve done. This whole thing with Dad is crazy, but that’s not the most important thing here.”

  “What is? What are you talking about?”

  “In the middle of all your ranting, did you realize that you called Mia the love of your life?”

  “She was; you know that. She meant the world to me. Everyone knows that.”

  “You said ‘is,’ not ‘was.’ I told you I would stay out of it, but I can’t let you do this. You can’t marry Renee if you’re still in love with Mia.”

  “Of course, I love Mia. She is the mother of my son, and it will never die, but it’s not the same as being in love.”

  “I just don’t see it with Renee.”

  “I know, and I really fucked up today.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I told her I loved her, and I’m not sure I do.”

  Miguel ran his hand down his face. “Man, how do you feel about the girl? You either love her, or you don’t. You may have love for her, but you’re not in love with her. I can tell you that.”

  “I’m not even sure I love her at all. I thought I did, but today, looking at her, I realized I feel so conflicted about getting married. I don’t even know why I asked her. I think I was still hurt over Mia. Now, I can’t even get my head together when I’m around her. I know I should be a better man to Renee, but Mia is still an obstacle.”

  Miguel put his hands on the desk and closed his eyes, and Tyree
knew he was trying to take it all in. “Tyree, what are you doing? Why are you playing these games with that girl? I might not be her biggest fan, but no one deserves to be jerked around. Why don’t you just come out and tell her how you feel? Maybe she will help you make a decision. No one likes to be second best.”

  “She’s not. I mean, maybe she is. I just don’t know. Me saying anything to her is only going to make things worse. This morning was unreal. I got home after staying out all night, and she was cooking. Who does that? You know how women are, and the fact that I was with my wife—”

  “Ex-wife,” Miguel corrected him. “Mia’s the ex.”

  “Yeah, whatever, but she was acting like everything was all good. It threw me off. Then, if that weren’t crazy enough, she comes into the shower and gives me this crazy sex, and I was into it. I was way into it until I remembered what happened last night. Well, at least I think it happened.”

  Miguel’s expression changed and his eyes bucked. “What happened? Did you and Mia have sex?”

  “No. Kyan was in the bed with us, but I think she kissed me.”

  “You think?” He threw his hands up. “Wait, you slept in the bed with Mia, but you didn’t have sex? Man, there was a time you couldn’t keep your hands off her, and you had the chance and didn’t? You let her kiss you, and you did nothing?”

  “Once again, I said I think she kissed me, and it wasn’t like that. She had been crying, and Ky was there. A lot was going on.”

  “Damn, that means she wants you too.”

  “Too? I’m confused about her, but I never said I wanted her. I’m just . . . I don’t know what I am. These women just have me tripping.”

  “You know what I think?”

  “I’m sure you’re going to tell me.”

  “I think you need to take a day off and spend time with your son. He seems to be the only one you’re sure about right now. I don’t think anyone else can help you.”

  “Miguel, I know you, Asha, Terence, and Mom are always there. I never doubt you guys. I just need to figure out how to get a handle on it.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  Tyree sat quietly debating, and he knew Miguel was waiting for him to come up with a solution. “Business as usual. I need to focus on how to be the man for Renee.” He knew it wasn’t the decision Miguel expected, and his expression was less than enthused. “I need you to get Terence down here.”

  “What can he do?”

  “Have him draw up a prenup. I’ve decided: Renee is who I choose. Mia had her shot and, now, I need to focus on Renee.”

  “Tyree, can you marry her when you’re not sure about Mia?”

  “I want a fresh start. With Renee, I have that. It’s just too complicated with Mia. Yes, I have feelings for her and I’m sure, with time, it will pass. I know I can find a way to love Renee. I just have to try harder.”

  “You shouldn’t have to try. You should just feel it. So, you can just sit back and let Mia slip through your fingers again?”

  “Yes,” he replied harshly. “I need to find myself, and I feel like, with Renee, I can do that.”

  “I can appreciate that, but while you’re on a quest to self-discovery, some other man is loving on your woman. You might be mad or hurt right now, but she is still very much yours. Not everyone gets a second chance.”

  Miguel walked out, leaving Tyree sitting at the table with his arms crossed over his chest. He knew there was some truth to what Miguel was saying, and every time he thought about Mia with Jake, it made his stomach turn. She was supposed to be his. Even with all the confusion, he longed to feel her touch. He knew he needed to stop thinking about her; and, when he finally decided to do so and focus on work, the door opened and there she was.

  Mia stood with the door halfway open until he motioned for her to come in and close it. She shuffled nervously and finally came in, shutting the door, and she took a seat in the chair farthest from him. She looked like she had something on her mind, and he studied her, trying to read her expression. She was staring at him blankly until he cleared his throat, breaking her trance.

  “What’s going on, Mia? What brings you by?”

  “I wanted to talk to you about what happened between us.”

  Tyree began to laugh harshly, and her head snapped to the side, signaling that she was in no mood for his attitude. When she crossed her arms over her chest, he knew he was in for it. “What is it, Mia? You left here without so much as a good-bye, and now I’m supposed to be interested in your explanation?”

  “My explanation? You are the one who should be explaining things. You ruined us, not me.”

  “Here we go again. Dammit, I said I was sorry so many times. I’m a horrible father. I should have been watching him better. I know this, and no one has beaten me up more than myself. I’ve apologized, but what I won’t do is sit here and let you make me feel even worse about it.”

  Mia’s eyes blazed red with fury, and she stood looking ready to walk out the door. “I knew talking to you was a bad idea. This was not about him or that. I needed to talk to the man I once loved about where we went wrong, but I see he isn’t here. God, how could I have been so stupid?”

  She walked over, put her hand on the doorknob, and froze. “I thought maybe I made a mistake, but I see I was right about you these past two years. I’m just glad I figured it out before I did something stupid like saying I still love you.”

  “No, Mia, it wasn’t you who was wrong; it was me. I thought we had something real, and when you took my son, I realized we didn’t. I loved you with everything I had, and for you to pack up and leave was low.”

  “And using me wasn’t?”

  She turned, and he saw the tears falling from her eyes, and he rushed over to comfort her. He pulled her to him, and she let him engulf her in a hug. She had her head on his chest as he caressed her hair and her neck, and then finally he ran his hand down her cheek.

  “I would never use you. You infuriate the hell out of me, and I want to hate you for taking my son and leaving, but the truth is I love you. I can’t stop loving you. Believe me; I’ve tried.”

  “You don’t love me. You never did.”

  “If you believe that, then why did you kiss me?”

  Her eyes bucked, and she blushed, and he knew it wasn’t a dream. He had been right all along.

  “Yeah, I thought it was a dream but, as the day wore on, it all became clearer, and I know it happened. Now, the question is, why? Why would you kiss me if you think all I did was use you, and where did you get a ridiculous idea like that?”

  “I . . . Just because you feel nothing doesn’t mean I don’t feel anything. I have feelings for you against my better judgment. I know that nothing could ever come of it, but I was weak. Last night, you being there for me and Kyan almost felt like old times when we could depend on each other.”

  “And we can again. I swear I’ve never wanted anything but to love you, and I do.”

  “You love me so much, yet you got engaged to the first woman you slept with after me. You know, Jake has asked me to marry him several times, and I just can’t say yes. He is great, and I should be jumping at the chance to marry him, but I’m stuck on stupid wanting you. I don’t want to want you. I want to be free, but you have a hold on me.”

  “Baby, it’s you who has the hold on me. When I asked her to marry me, I was convinced I would never see you again. I was drowning, and she pulled me up. I mistook my gratitude for love. I don’t love her, Mia. I love you.”

  “Stop with the lies, Tyree. I’m done playing this game with you. When I go back home, I’m going to marry Jake and be happy. I can’t keep waiting for you to be something you can’t.”

  “You won’t marry him. You love me. I know you do.”

  “I can’t trust you.”

  “Trust me? You were the one who shacked up with him in my house while we were still married. I came home to find him sleeping in my bed, fucking my woman, and living the life that was supposed to be mine,
Mia. Do you know how much that messed me up? I wanted to kill him. I thought about killing you.” He chuckled. “I just . . . I lost it for a while.”

  Mia looked to him with sympathetic eyes. “He was never in our bed. You just don’t understand.”

  “Maybe not while I was here, but I know you slept with him. I don’t care what room he was in. I just know you had him in my house. Make me understand. I loved you so much. You could never understand the pain I felt coming home to find him there.”

  She walked over and brushed her lips across his, and he pulled her in, deepening the kiss. She stiffened, pulling back. Tyree reached for her, and she held her hand out to stop him. “Stop. You drove me to it. I was never more to you than a business deal.”

  “A business deal? What are you talking about?”

  “You know what? Just forget I said anything. Until you can tell me everything, we have nothing to discuss.”

  “What everything, Mia? I don’t know what you mean.” She kept her distance, and he grew impatient. “Mia! You’re not going to keep doing this to me. Come back here and tell me what I did.”

  “That’s the sad part, Tyree. You’ve been lying to me for so long even you think it’s the truth.”

  She left him in the room with a stunned expression, and he sat back down at the table. She couldn’t possibly know everything, she just couldn’t; and, if she did, how did she figure it out? Only two people knew the full truth, he and Richmond, and there was no way in hell Richmond would tell about their deal without damaging himself.

  It was all too much, and he knew he needed to make things right. It was time he broke the promise he made to himself and came clean, telling her everything, because witnessing the pain in her eyes and her believing this botched version was painful for him. He would tell her everything, and then he could go back to hating her, or at least trying to.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Mia found herself on the elevator, trying to no avail to stop the tears that were cascading down her cheeks. When the door of the elevator opened, she wanted to kick herself for how she must have looked the first time she saw her. She didn’t even need Renee to introduce herself. From all the stories Cassandra had relayed, she knew her at first glance. She was beautiful, which made it even harder to be facing the woman who had the man of her dreams. Mia looked her over for a few more seconds before Renee acknowledged her.


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