Trapped Between Heaven and Hell

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Trapped Between Heaven and Hell Page 10

by M. Skye

  Tyree looked up slowly, not really surprised that she came to find him. Anytime they made love and she was out of his arms for longer than a few minutes, she couldn’t sleep. It was the reason he always made a habit of holding her the entire night. “Just some things I stuffed away. I guess there’s no point in hiding it from you now.” He held the documents out, and she looked at the papers, bucking her eyes in shock.

  “Where did you get these?”

  “Janelle, before she died.”

  “She was helping you?”

  “Yeah.” When she dropped the papers suddenly, he walked over, picking them up and lifting her eyes to his. “What is it?”

  “This report. This is not how the scene looked.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It says she was found with her arm tied. It wasn’t. There was just the needle lying beside her.”

  “Maybe it was just a mistake.”

  “She wasn’t like that. I saw her myself. The needle was lying beside her. Oh, God.” She paused for a second, gripping the papers tightly. “How did I not notice?”

  “Notice what?”

  “It was lying beside her right hand.”


  “Mom was left-handed, Tyree. She couldn’t do anything with her right hand.”

  Tyree knew it was something, but instead of worrying and stressing her out he decided to keep his suspicions to himself until he had more proof. “We’re just paranoid. It’s late, and our minds are running wild. Let’s get into bed. We need our rest to deal with everything and everyone tomorrow.”

  “Yeah.” She smiled weakly. “This has been a crazy day.”

  “Hey, don’t be like that.” He kissed her hand.

  “It’s not every day a man tells me he hates me and then makes love to me.”

  “I still hate you,” he said, smiling, “but you’re lucky I love you more.”

  “Such a romantic.”

  “I have my moments.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Mom, where are you?” Asha called out as she made her way through her parents’ house. Something about the previous night just felt strange for her, and when she thought back on how her mother had flipped the script on Renee, she knew there was something to it. The more she thought about it, the weirder she felt about everything.

  As she walked through, looking in every room, she heard Karen’s voice calling out to her. When she finally arrived in the den, she found Karen sitting alone with coffee and a breakfast tray. “Since when do you eat breakfast in the den?” She took a seat.

  “Since Dad had a boys’ trip I wasn’t invited to, and I have to dine alone.”

  “Where did he go?”

  “Some golfing expedition on a course they just had to see. I told him to have at it.” She chuckled. Asha let out a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes, and Karen picked up on it instantly. “What’s going on? I know you didn’t come over this early to discuss Dad’s trip. Is something wrong?”

  Asha didn’t know how to come out and ask about Renee without getting Karen angry, so she decided to just lead with something else. “How are you?”

  “Me? Well, you never ask me that, but I’m fine; just a little upset with your dad, but it’ll pass as long as he does what I say.”

  Asha’s ears perked up, and she was feeling more at ease. If Karen was already upset, then maybe she already knew something.

  Karen looked at her expression and ran a hand through her hair. “I feel as if you might already know why I’m angry. Don’t you?”

  Asha exhaled and nodded slowly. “I mean, I think I know, but I need you to fill in the blanks. What is the deal with Renee? I have a bad feeling about her, and you seem to share that opinion.”

  “What’s going on is your dad is an idiot. I told him if he doesn’t fix it, I’ll kill him. I mean it, too. Your brother has been through enough with women to let this tramp come in and benefit.”

  “So, you’re suspicious of her too? I wasn’t at first but, after last night, I feel that we don’t know the real her.”

  “You’re never going to know the real her. She’s always in character. That’s what actresses do.”

  “Actresses?” With that question, Asha saw that Karen had said something she didn’t mean to reveal; but there was no way to cover it up now. Asha just stared her down, waiting for a response.

  “Yes. Renee is or was acting at first. John met her before Tyree and thought she would be good to pull Tyree out of his depression. She was only supposed to do just that and then disappear, but she had other ideas. She got into Tyree’s head and convinced him she was something she wasn’t and, before we knew it, he proposed. I didn’t know until it was too late, or I would have put an end to this long ago.”

  “You two set him up?”

  “I had nothing to do with the setup. I only found out about it recently. I’m trying to end that silly engagement and get my son away from that horrid girl.”

  Asha felt like the air had been knocked out of her and she sat back on the couch. She had no idea the lengths her father would go to control their lives. She knew he wanted Tyree in the business, and she also knew he only came to join them after Renee. She must have influenced him on John’s orders. “That bitch!”

  “What? What are you talking about?”

  “No wonder she signed the prenup so easily. She was already getting paid by Dad.”

  “Your father isn’t paying her; at least, not with any of our accounts. I watch them daily, and if anything goes out, I know all about it.”

  Asha was replaying all the awkward moments in her head, and now they all made sense: the hushed conversations when she walked into a room they had been in; the guilty looks when certain things were brought up; and the obvious distance between Renee and Tyree. She was growing more and more agitated, until she thought about what she did the night before. When a smile crept over her face, Karen looked at her in confusion.

  “You know, what Dad did was wrong, but I don’t think we will have to worry about it much longer.”

  “Why, did you kill her last night?” Karen snickered.

  “No, but I think we have another contender.”

  “Mia? Did something happen? Did they make up? Tell me everything!”

  “I dropped him off at Mia’s last night. I didn’t get a call back, and I didn’t see him leave. He doesn’t know this, but I waited at the main gate for an hour before going home, and he was still there. I’m assuming things went well, but we will have to talk to him and confirm it.”

  “This is exactly what we needed to rid our family of that infestation.”

  “Don’t get your hopes up just yet. He was pretty loaded when I dropped him off. I just hope he didn’t pass out on the couch or make a fool of himself.”

  “Oh, goodness, I hope not.”

  “Well, I have to get going. I need to make an appearance at the office.”

  “Will you talk to Tyree?” Karen asked.

  “Of course.”

  “Great! Well, call me and tell me everything.”

  Asha hugged Karen and kissed her forehead before turning to leave. She had renewed belief that things would be okay, but she had to talk to her brother first. She hoped he had gone over and put everything on the table, leading to a new relationship with Mia, but she knew never to get her hopes up too much.

  Things always had a way of crumbling before their very eyes. She just hoped for it so she wouldn’t have to out her dad. What he was thinking by introducing Renee to Tyree, she would never know. It had to be on the list of the dumbest things he had ever done, and he was lucky to be on a trip, or he would be getting an earful from her. Maybe he still would. That’s what cell phones were made for.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Tyree found himself on top of the world, sitting on the edge of the bed getting dressed to head into work. He had reluctantly left Mia in the bed sleeping and came home to face the music and break things off with Renee. As much as he wanted to
be a good guy, he also wanted to keep the promises he made to Mia. They had been through so much together, and they needed each other. He hadn’t said anything more about Helen, but he was no longer convinced he was wrong before. He knew there was more, and he made up his mind he would find out what it was.

  Arriving home, Tyree had noticed Renee’s car missing; and, walking into the kitchen, he had found a note on the fridge. Apparently, Renee had taken a trip to her mother’s and wouldn’t be back for a few days. This definitely put a wrench in his plans. He wanted to get this over with so they could all move on, but you don’t end an engagement over the phone. He wouldn’t be that cruel. He wanted to be face-to-face when he severed things just to be sure she knew how serious he was about her not starting any shit with Mia. He knew Renee well enough to know she would want to cause a scene, and he wanted to head it off before it began.

  He could just see the looks on his family’s faces once he told them that Renee was out, and Mia was back in. He knew they would all be ecstatic. Hell, he was ecstatic. Things were finally going his way, and once he cleared up his suspicions about Helen, he would be at ease. He thought Mia and Rick deserved peace. After Helen died, they both blamed themselves, and with what happened to Janelle, it just made things unbearable. If he could give Mia answers, he would feel like the man she deserved. He needed to be that man.

  After getting dressed, he grabbed his phone, looking for some sort of proof that Mia was thinking of him, and she didn’t disappoint. He loved how she used to always surprise him with some text or voicemail, showering her love all over him. It was the little things that made being with her so much more special. As he read the text, he felt like a teenage boy all over again, drowning in her mystery.

  Mia: Last night was wonderful. I never knew I could feel this way again. Handle your business and get home to me and our son. I love you.

  Tyree kissed the phone and leaned against the dresser, replying without hesitation.

  Tyree: Last night was spectacular and you, my little sex kitten, kept me up all night and then slept like a log when I had to make the walk of shame. I love you, but you owe me big.

  Tyree walked downstairs, holding his phone and briefcase, waiting for her response. He was making a pot of coffee when he heard his phone vibrate. He almost dropped the coffee pot when he saw what she wrote.

  Mia: I love owing you, and speaking of big, um, I could really use something big inside me right now. My legs are shaking, my breathing is shallow, and my mouth is watering. I need you, I want you, I ache for you.

  Tyree heard the coffee percolating and felt himself breaking into a light sweat. He loosened his tie and ran his hand over his head. Now, he wished he could skip work. He had so much time to make up for with her, and with Kyan being home tonight, they couldn’t get as crazy as they had last night. Picking the phone up, his palms were sweating as he typed his response.

  Tyree: Slow down, kitten. Our son will be in the house, and you know I have work. I don’t want to be thinking about touching you while I’m sitting behind a desk, and I have news I don’t think you will like.

  Mia: What news?

  Tyree: Renee is out of town, so I haven’t been able to break things off.

  Tyree placed the phone on the countertop and poured a cup of steaming coffee into his favorite mug. He knew the next portion of the conversation wouldn’t be the most pleasant. He actually hated having to tell her. He knew she was going to flip.

  Mia: So, I’m still the side chick? Wow, I’m sharing my man with some money-grubbing, slick-faced whore? Kinda turns me on. I kinda like the sneaking around.

  Tyree: If you like it, then we could make it an everyday thing.

  Mia: Not on your life. The first chance you get, you better ditch that ho.

  Tyree laughed at her response. Now, this was the Mia he knew and loved: jealous and fiercely possessive. Her intensity always led to insane nights. He knew she was right, but he had to be sure she knew what his demands were, too.

  Tyree: I’ll do just that when she’s back, but you know I’m not the only one with something to handle. You still have that little Jake problem, and you better handle it because if I have to see him, I’ll bash his head in.

  Mia: Babe, I’m sorry. I know I hurt you, but I’ll handle it. You won’t have to see him, and I’ll make it up to you. You’re my everything.

  Tyree: You’re my everything as well, kitten. Now let me get to work. I’ll see you tonight.

  Mia: Unless . . .

  Tyree: Unless what?

  Mia: You want lunch?

  Tyree: I would love lunch. You cooking?

  Mia: Sure.

  Tyree gulped down the rest of his coffee and darted out the door. He was really looking forward to whatever Mia brought over. For a woman who grew up privileged with maids and cooks, she still knew how to throw down in the kitchen. She was always on top of things as far as taking care of him and Kyan. She always worked but, amazingly, she was always home before him with a hot meal on the table. She was really something. He couldn’t break his thoughts away from her the whole drive over to work. His every moment was filled with memories of her.

  Tyree arrived at work. His feet seemed to glide off the elevator. His mind was clouded with emotions he thought were unattainable. Images of her beauty danced through his mind; the smell of her hair burned through his nostrils. He was intoxicated with joy, drunk off love, lost in a fantasy, until he walked into two pairs of distracted eyes, greeting him in his office.

  The vibe was undeniable, and Tyree tried hard to spread his exuberance, but neither Asha nor Miguel shared his mood. They both looked extremely stressed and, when he sat down at the table, Miguel handed him a couple of papers. Glancing over the documents, Tyree sighed and slammed them on the table. “What is this? What’s going on here?”

  “There is a problem with Janelle’s and Helen’s shares. Their estates are being challenged by Richmond.” Miguel seethed with anger. His tone was flat and snappy. “Rick did his best to squash it, but it’s now a very real problem.”

  Tyree could tell it was eating away at him that Richmond would use his dead daughter’s will to inch his way back into the company. “So, what does this mean?”

  “It means that the shared business is suspended until we can figure everything out. Mixing the money could get dicey, and we don’t want any added stress.”

  “This is bullshit! I thought Rick assured us he had this handled. Was that just a lie? We can’t deal with a cutoff like this. We could lose contracts.”

  “I know,” Miguel snapped. “Rick did have it under control, but it’s out of his hands. He and Mia are both blocked from all business acquisitions until this is resolved. They are just as screwed as we are, if not more. At least we still have the hotel chains. We will be fine, but it could really hurt them. Their whole business is in disarray until they can reach an agreement.”

  “Mia is going to go off. She doesn’t need this, not with all the drama concerning Helen on her mind. I swear she woke up like ten times last night.” Tyree was rattling so quickly he completely missed the smiles appearing on his siblings’ faces.

  “So, you and Mia, is this a thing? You back home?” Miguel smirked, and so did Tyree, completely forgetting their dilemma momentarily. “What’d you do?”

  Tyree lowered his head, hiding the blush spreading over his cheeks. For a brief period in time, nothing else mattered except the fact that he had the woman of his dreams back. “Look, you guys. I was so stupid to think I could ever want anyone else. I love that girl, and I can’t be anywhere but with her and my son.”

  “Thank goodness!” Asha chimed in. “So how did Renee take the news when you sent her packing?”

  Tyree chuckled at her excitement, and he laid a hand on the table. “I wish I could tell you about it, but she wasn’t around when I got home.”

  Asha’s eyes bucked just as her palm slapped the table. “What are you waiting on? Get rid of the ho.”

  “You have been
spending too much time with Mia.” Tyree snickered. “She just said the same thing; but not to worry, sis. I’ll take care of it as soon as she comes back from out of town.”

  Staring at Tyree blankly, Asha became really quiet, and Tyree could tell she had something heavy on her mind. Never voicing her thoughts, she just sat with both her brothers looking on curiously. Neither Miguel nor Tyree knew what was going on, and they were completely thrown off.

  Tyree and Miguel both looked on as they saw something click with Asha. She looked deep in her feelings when she stood and exited the room without speaking. Asha’s strange behavior did nothing but raise the suspicion of both brothers.

  After a few moments, Miguel sat up, looking uncomfortable in the silence. “What’s up with baby sis? She’s usually more—”

  “Reserved?” Tyree butted in. “Man, I don’t know, but ever since dinner last night she has been a little out of it. I always thought she liked Renee, but last night she dumped my drunk ass in Mia’s yard. She has been strictly anti-Renee ever since.”

  “You know Asha. She’s the one who pretty much always keeps it together. We’re the screwups, and she fixes things. She probably saw you going down the wrong road again, and now she’s fixing it.”

  “She is always fixing me, huh?” His voice dropped low. “She’s awesome. The best little sister we could have ever asked for. It’s because of her I have Mia back.”

  Miguel’s sneaky smirk reappeared, and Tyree knew what was coming next. “So, what exactly did you do last night? When you walked in here, you looked like a man who had a good night. A really good night.”

  “I had a great night.”

  “So, what now? Now that you’ve gotten the awkward sex thing out of the way, where do you go from there? I mean, because she still has a life elsewhere, and so do you.”

  “I know all that and, yeah, I’ve thought about what’s next. I know things aren’t easy between us. They probably never will be, but I love her. We can get through anything as long as we trust in each other this time. I have faith in her, and she said she is here for the long haul, but I have a concern.”


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