Trapped Between Heaven and Hell

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Trapped Between Heaven and Hell Page 16

by M. Skye

  “Is that why you told your mom you don’t like my house?” Tyree held his breath, anticipating the answer. He had no idea what he would do if his son were to admit the woman he was living with had something to do with taking away the most important parts of his life.

  “Yes, but if you want me to, I can try to like your house if you stay with me and Mama.”

  Sighing, he offered his son a subtle smile, trying not to alert him to the thoughts racing through his head. “No one is going to hurt your mama,” he said and touched Kyan’s nose. “I’ll make sure she is always fine. Listen, even if I’m not with you all the time, just know that I love you. Nothing I do is ever your fault.”

  “I know. Are you going to be here when I wake up?”

  Tyree grinned and ran his hand down Kyan’s cheek. “I’ll try, but if I’m not, just know I’ll see you soon. Is that okay with you?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  Kyan turned over, closing his eyes as Tyree snuck out of the room and pulled the door shut. He continued to search the rooms for Mia, and then instantly he knew where she would be. Walking down the long hallway all the way over to the west wing of the house, he stopped right outside the door to his favorite room in the house: Mia’s old room. They had spent so much time there when they were younger. It was the room they first made love in. It was special.

  Twisting the knob and pushing the door open, he found her lying down with a fleece draped over her legs. She was dressed in a short silver negligee that left nothing to the imagination. She was clearly waiting for him. He ran his hand over her smooth skin, and her eyes popped open, locking with his, holding them both in the moment.

  “Hey, handsome. How was dinner?”

  “Hello, kitten. I really don’t want to discuss dinner when you’re lying here in my favorite room wearing this sexy little thing.”

  “You like it?” She sat up, and he ran his hand down her side.

  “You know I do.” He leaned in to kiss her, and she lay back on the bed. He ran his hands through her hair and smiled against her lips.

  “Anything I can do to make you forget your troubles?”

  “You’re here. You’re already doing it. Just being you makes me forget the world, babe. God, I just need you. Let’s make tonight perfect.”

  Still kissing his lips gently, she wrapped her arms around his neck. “What’s so special about tonight? We have so many more to look forward to. I know it must have been hard sitting across from John, but I know you did your best.”

  Feeling guilt washing through him, Tyree pulled back, stopping the indulgent kisses that were drawing him in.

  Looking at him with confusion in her eyes, Mia huffed. “Why are you being weird? Did something happen?”

  Not wanting to lie to her, Tyree ran his hands over her face and sighed. “Kitten, I didn’t want to tell you this way, but Miguel is in the hospital. Someone broke into the office and laid him out on the floor. I was with him earlier, and it doesn’t look good. He was hit pretty hard, and he hasn’t come to.”

  “Aw, baby, why didn’t you call me? I would have been there with you. I would have stayed right by your side.”

  Feeling the pressure build in him, Tyree forced himself to smile at her. “I know. I just needed this time with him, and I needed for you to enjoy your cousin. I know how you’ve missed her, and I wanted you to have that. You deserve it. You deserve the best.”

  “Tyree,” she said, scooting closer to him, “why do I feel like you’re keeping something else from me? We promised to be honest; now, level with me. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “Mia.” He kissed her hand. “Right now, tonight, just let me enjoy being with you, loving you. I swear as long as I live I will never forget this night if you just grant me this one thing.”

  Looking at his flustered expression, she nodded and pulled his head to hers. “If what you need is me, then it’s what you will have.”

  Pulling her head to rest in the hollow of his neck and holding it there, he let the tears he had been holding back wash down his cheek. Tonight would be the beginning of so many things, the beginning of the end of life as he knew it. Running his hands up and down her back, he held her as tight as he could until she leaned back to look at him. Without saying a word, she leaned in, kissing the tears from his cheeks.

  Tyree allowed himself to enjoy her lips on him and he reached down to tug at the silver material. Once he had it firmly in his grasp, he pulled it off and tossed it across the room. Revealing her body to his hungry eyes sent him into overdrive. Pushing her back and snatching at his shirt, he tore the material trying to get to her by any means necessary. Moving his hands down to pop the button on his pants and slide his zipper down, Tyree threw his pants and boxers, sending them to the same fate as her nightgown.

  Feeling the need to give her everything, Tyree ran his hand down her stomach with his mouth starting at her neck. Trailing his tongue down her chest and flicking around her breasts, he dug his fingers inside her vibrating flesh, and she eased herself farther down the bed, pushing him deeper. He moved his lips back to her neck and kissed the spot he knew drove her crazy, and he flicked his tongue over her sweet-smelling skin. She intoxicated him to the point where he blocked out everything but the smell of her skin, the feel of her warm flesh and, when he looked at her, the love in her eyes. He loved the understanding he got from them, and the trust he didn’t deserve.

  Tyree found himself with a burst of energy he didn’t think he was capable of and he bit down on the pulse point on her neck throbbing beneath his lips. Becoming overwhelmed with emotion, he added another finger, causing her breath to still in her chest. Sinking farther inside her, he felt her body trembling. Placing himself between her legs and removing his fingers, he took her mouth leaving her breathless. Gazing into her eyes, he loved the look she was giving him. Although she was in control of her senses, he knew that she needed him.

  Drawing back, reaching for a condom, Tyree grinned, admiring her beauty. He returned once he had what he needed and he ran his hand over her. She had her legs spread out around him while he fiddled with the wrapper in his hand. Before he could gather his thoughts on the situation, Mia rolled him over, knocking the condom from his grasp. He wanted to reach for it. He wanted to so bad, but he was frozen looking at her. The woman was everything he always wanted, everything he needed. Sitting up and wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her down, submerging himself within her warm center.

  Smiling as she crossed her arms around his neck, Tyree grabbed her hips, rocking her into him. He didn’t have to do much because she was set in a rhythm that was driving him crazy. She still had her hands latched around his neck and was lifting herself and dropping back down on him with such precision his eyes began to roll backward. She continued this, watching him and feeling his nails dig into her sides. Tyree was lost in her and needed to regain his restraint before he snapped.

  As if sensing his need, Mia released his neck and lay back on the bed throwing her legs over his shoulders in the process. Still in his seated position, Tyree clutched her thighs and began to roll himself into her. Pulling her farther to him, he felt her legs tensing. He knew what this meant, but he was still unrelenting in his attack on her body. Instead of letting up, he drove into her harder and faster, allowing himself to enjoy the tiny tremors her body exhibited.

  Stilling his movements inside her, Tyree moved her legs down, disconnecting them momentarily. Resuming his position between her legs, he once again took her mouth into a steamy kiss. Just before releasing her, he slipped back inside, causing a shock to her sensitive flesh. Feeling him enter her again, Mia tensed and dug her nails into his back causing a light chuckle to break from his mouth. Although it stung, he loved the reaction he could get from her when she was all in. It made the experience so much more worth it.

  Taking her legs and wrapping them around his waist, he began to move inside her. This time, it wasn’t the hungry, erratic strokes he was accustomed to. This time, he took his tim
e planting kisses everywhere as he moved in and out. Running his hands down her sides, he found a stopping spot on her hips and drove himself in as deep as possible and stopped. Her eyes that were previously closed flew open, and they shared a moment.

  “Tyree,” she whispered. “Why—”

  “Kitten, I love you. I love you so much, and to think that this . . . I just love you. Always know that.”

  “I know you love me, but why—”

  She was cut off when he grabbed her hands, sliding them above her head as he pushed himself against her. Her soft cries filled the room as he worked to rid her of all the questions he knew were clouding her brain. Kissing her neck, running his tongue all over her, he blocked them out of his mind too. He couldn’t tell her the truth: that he wanted her to leave because he was afraid. She would never go for it, so he knew to save her, he would have to break her heart. If he only had one night, he was going to spend it making love to the woman he needed more than life. He would spend the rest of his life in misery if he could save hers.

  After what seemed like an eternity together, Tyree ran his hands under Mia, taking her soft flesh under his fingertips, and he pushed himself as deep as he could, spilling himself inside her. He felt her flutter and witnessed her beautiful orgasm as she clung to him breathlessly. Tyree was so connected he didn’t want to move. He wanted to stay like this with her forever even though he knew it was an impossibility. He never wanted to leave her side even though he knew he had to.

  Rolling off her, he lay back on the soft pillow, and her head found his chest. No words were spoken. He just ran his hand up and down her back, relaxing her into a deep slumber he knew she needed. Listening to her even breathing was how he fell asleep, but not before setting his plan in motion. Tonight really would be one to remember. It would be one that shaped the rest of his memories.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  “Asha,” Terence sighed. “Maybe you should consider leaving this room. I’m sure he will be fine the rest of the night. The guards are standing outside the door and won’t let anyone in.”

  They both had been stationed at Miguel’s bedside, with Asha refusing to move an inch. Tyree had left hours earlier to check on Mia and Kyan, leaving the two of them alone with him. Terence had been pleading with her for over thirty minutes with no luck.

  “Terence, someone tried to kill my brother,” she hissed. “I’m not leaving him here alone. Whoever did this may come back.”

  “They can’t get by Rock, you know that.”

  Rock was the head of security for their family. He was only brought in when there was a severe situation. Rock had been with them for over twenty years on and off and had just recently come to work for them full time. He was a no-nonsense ex-marine who got the name Rock because he was solid muscle standing at six feet five. Rock had an intimidating demeanor that frightened most in his path, but all three of the Johnston kids knew he was as genuine as they came. He was always a big part of their lives, much to John’s disdain. All three of them seemed to be closer to Rock than they were to John.

  “I know, but I don’t want him to be alone. If it were one of us, you know he would be sitting right where we are. Since Tyree has something to take care of, I’m all he has.”

  “We’re all he has. If you’re staying, then so am I. I had the babysitter take Meelah to your parents’ house. I’m sure she will be fine.”

  “No, Terence. You have to go and get her,” she snapped. “I don’t want my daughter in the house with that man.”

  “Your mom is there too, honey.”

  “I don’t care. I don’t trust him. Go and get her now!”

  “Fine, I’ll go, but I’m coming back here tonight.”

  Asha sighed and held her hand up to object. “I don’t want to argue with you. Just take Meelah home and let her sleep in her own bed. She doesn’t need to see her uncle Miguel this way, and I would just feel better if she was home with you.”

  Nodding, Terence stood and leaned over to place a kiss on her lips. Holding her forehead to his, he looked into her eyes. She knew he hated not seeing the confidence he usually saw. There was a mixture of things replacing it, fear being one of them. “Baby, you get some sleep. I know it’s hard to believe right now, but things will be fine. I promise you that.”

  “I’m scared.”

  “Don’t be.” He pulled her closer and squeezed her tight. “Just trust us. We have this under control.”

  “You might, but what about Tyree? I don’t agree with what he wants to do.”

  Shaking his head slowly, Terence knelt before her. “He has to deal with everything his own way. He has to do what’s best for him. We can’t interfere.”

  “It’s a mistake.”

  He stood, walked over to the door, placed his hand on the doorknob, and turned back to her. “Well, it’s his mistake to make. Stay out of it, baby.”

  “Sure,” she voiced unconvincingly. She knew he saw through her fake answer but was too drained to keep up this back and forth with her.

  “Fine.” He smiled, pulling the door open and walking out.

  Looking back down at Miguel, Asha grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. After a few moments of silence, she resumed a conversation with him. “In just a little while, I promise you, we will be fine. Just trust me, little brother. I’m watching out for you. No one will ever hurt you again. Not Richmond, and not Dad. You know, I feel stupid. I used to look to Dad with such admiration only to find out he is as rotten as Richmond, if not worse.” She continued to rub his hand and lifted it to her lips.

  Dropping Miguel’s hand, Asha got up and walked over to the door, and it creaked as she opened it. She found Rock standing with two other guards, and she waved him closer. “Rock, I need it to be just you here right now. No one gets in here,” she stated firmly.

  “Sure thing, Miss Asha.” Waving his hand, he cleared the hallway and nodded back to her. “Anything else I can do for you?”

  “Just make sure you have some trusted men at my house. Terence will be arriving with Meelah shortly.”

  “Already covered, Miss Asha.” He got closer to her ear and whispered, “And that other thing you asked for, I’m working on it.”

  “Thank you.” She nodded and turned to walk back in the room.

  “Miss Asha,” he called out before the door closed.


  “Things are not always as they seem. They are also not always as bad as you think. You all will be fine, I can assure you.”

  “Thank you, Rock. You always know what to say.”

  “No problem.” He nodded and turned to his cell phone.

  Watching him as she entered the room, Asha saw the text he fired off. She could see the words clearly, but she was a little thrown off by what it meant.

  Things are going just as we planned. Make sure you have it handled on your end. No more loose ends.

  * * *

  Seeing the sun break through the dark panels, Mia felt when Tyree sat up, pulling himself out of her embrace. As soon as he was on his feet getting dressed, she was up looking at him. Wiping the sleep from her eyes, she yawned, getting his attention.

  “Good morning.” He grinned.

  “Good morning. Where are you going? I thought we could spend the day with Milan and Jackson.”

  “I wish I could, but I really have somewhere I need to be. Maybe next time,” he replied quickly.

  Not knowing why he was in such a snippy mood, Mia got up and went to the dresser, slipping on a shirt and sweats. They both left the room without speaking a word again until they made it to the other end of the house. She watched as he went inside Kyan’s room, closing the door behind him. She was lost as to what was going on until she heard Cassandra’s and Milan’s raised voices downstairs. Kicking into overdrive, she raced down to find Renee standing in the foyer, contending with both Milan and Cassandra.

  “Just who in the hell are you?” Renee snapped.

  “I’ll be the one kicking your ass if
you don’t get out of here.” Milan moved toward her only to be cut off by Jackson. “Get off me.” She threw her hands out, trying to make contact. “Tyree is upstairs with my cousin. He doesn’t want you. Get over it.”

  “You need to go, ragamuffin, it’s true. Tyree is with Mia now,” Cassandra hissed.

  “Like hell he is.” She reached and pulled her phone out, shoving it in Cassandra’s face. “He asked me to meet him here. He said we needed to talk.”

  Making her way to the forefront, Mia pushed past a fuming Milan and Cassandra, standing before Renee with a look of determination on her face. “I think you should leave my house before I have to get physical.”

  “Not a chance, princess,” Renee snapped. “I’m willing to ignore the fact that you’ve been fucking my man while I was away and keep myself from ripping you limb from limb. You better get out of my face before that changes.”

  With a surge of built-up frustration, Mia drew back and slapped Renee so hard it sounded through the entire foyer.

  Renee stood holding her face, looking at her blankly before responding, “You bitch, you’re going to regret that.”

  Renee stepped forward, swinging at Mia and connected one hit before Mia tackled her to the floor, pinning her body down. Once on top of her, Mia swung ferociously, attacking Renee with everything she had. Mia was just about to throw another round of hits when she felt herself being lifted from Renee’s prone body.

  “Get off me!” She swung at the person restraining her. It only took her a second to realize it was Tyree and, without a thought, she reached back, slapping him so hard her hand began to throb. After the initial shock had worn off, Tyree slid her feet to the floor, holding his jaw.

  “What is going on down here?” He sounded angry and annoyed.

  “You let her come in here insulting my family and me. You were supposed to handle this,” Mia yelled.


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